Chapter 62

She asked herself, no matter what she had done, she had never hurt Wang Nian or any of her parents. Why was she so ashamed and ashamed when facing them?Maybe the soft armor in her heart can protect against the venomous hands of strangers, but it can't prevent the chills from relatives.

In the fabric shop, Ju Nian has always been conscientious in her work, not only because this job maintains her and Feiming's life, but also because she has a sense of gratitude to the shop owner, who was the one who helped her when she was in a difficult situation. The owner of the store gave her a chance, and appointed her as the store manager more than two years ago, without mentioning her criminal record at all.

Ju Nian was not born to like handcrafts. In her pure white girlhood, she left all her time to Wu Yu and her inner world of reverie. She really started to touch sewing in prison.From clumsy to proficient, stepping on the sewing machine day after day is extremely boring and depressing.At some point, she learned to get used to the job and tried to like it, or at least not hate it so much.Only in this way, those long labor hours will not be so difficult to pass.Maybe it's because of her heart, the same mechanical operation on the assembly line, the things that come out of her hands are actually more delicate than those of others.Speaking of which, is it just like some people in the world who may not have love at the beginning, and have no choice for a long time, so they also have a bit of helplessness in their lives, so that they can talk about this life, but they don’t love each other? Not so lonely?
Ju Nian didn't think so much, but when she was still in prison, she learned to piece together the remaining cloth with needles and threads to make a small doll or something.There was no master to teach her, let alone any books and tutorials, so she made and dismantled, dismantled and remade for her own amusement. Later, everyone said that the gadgets she made were so exquisite that they seemed to have souls.She was also happy to give these finished products to Pingfeng, other inmates, and even acquainted prison guards. Everyone who got the dolls praised Ju Nian for his dexterity.

After living with Feiming, Ju Nian occasionally sews a doll for the child.Feiming liked it very much when she was young, but after going to elementary school, she began to love the toy puppets, Barbie dolls, and Winnie the Pooh bought by her classmates. As for the little things made by her aunt, she never took them out of the house anymore .

Ju Nian somehow knows the child's careful thinking, and she is not annoyed. She rarely forces Feiming to do or not to do something. Since she doesn't like it, she will never do it again.When she can, she will also meet some small demands of the children. Although life is not rich, one or two small toys are still affordable.

Feiming would collect the doll bears and dolls he bought, arrange them neatly on the head of the bed, and give them names in a serious manner, and also know their characteristics very well. For example, this little bear is the most Especially the buttons on the clothes, the hair of that doll is different from others, every piece is like a treasure.This habit always makes Ju Nian think of someone inadvertently. In this little hobby, Feiming is quite similar to him, and they can be regarded as like-minded.It's no wonder that the child feels closer to him, and he also absurdly insists that Feiming is his own flesh and blood.Whether it is fate or not, Ju Nian seldom thinks about it.Not embarrassing herself is one of her great strengths.

On this day, Ju Nian rushed to make a set of custom-made fabric pillows for a customer, which slightly delayed the time to get off work.After becoming a store manager, she basically no longer needs to do many manual tasks by herself, but she will also do it herself if there is a request from a customer.When it was finished, the sky was already dark, and Ju Nian handed over the work to the succeeding colleague, but before he packed up his things, he made a phone call.

"Ju Nian, where are the store? Quick, come here quickly." Ping Feng's voice was on the other end of the phone.

Pingfeng is impatient, but she rarely finds Ju Nian in such a hurry. Her voice on the phone is anxious and the background is noisy.Ju Nian asked a few words, but the other party just gave an address, and before he could explain what happened, the call was cut off midway.

Ju Nian was worried, and he didn't care about the money, so he went out and hailed a taxi and rushed to the address Pingfeng said.That place is a well-known bar street in G City, where many PUBs, nightclubs, entertainment centers and bathing places gather.Just at night, the hustle and bustle here has just begun, and many vehicles and people are gradually converging to this section.

According to Pingfeng's reminder, it didn't take much time for Ju Nian to find that nightclub.She walked around the main entrance, and sure enough, she saw a small alley, which was the path leading to the back of the bar street.

It's just a road away, and it took less than 10 minutes to walk. The darkness here and the night-night neon before are two worlds, like two poles.In Ju Nian, I heard Pingfeng say this kind of place in the past. It is the same street, with two roads, the front and the back.

At this time, the night was completely shrouded, and the silence in the alley made Ju Nian, who was walking, a little uneasy. She was about to make another phone call to confirm Pingfeng's location, when a pair of hands stretched out from behind, unexpectedly holding her pull.

Ju Nian's exclamation almost blurted out, but fortunately he turned around in time and found that it was Pingfeng.Being dragged into the dark by Ping Feng, Ju Nian couldn't let go of the hand covering his chest.

"It's good to have a little future, I think it scares you." Pingfeng complained, but she knew it in her heart. No matter how safe and timid Ju Nian was, she was in a situation where she didn't know the details just because of her own phone call. If you rush to an appointment, you are not a good sister, and you will definitely not do this.

After a long sigh of relief, Ju Nian took a closer look, only to find that Pingfeng was in a mess, her hair was disheveled, and she wore a pretty short skirt specially for "work", with one shoulder strap broken on her upper body, which was half hidden Yes, more spring has been leaked now, and there are many red, swollen and bruised marks on Bai Shengsheng's thighs under the short skirt.

"You..." Ju Nian was too anxious to speak.

Pingfeng turned her face to the side and waved her hand, "Hey, who dares to take advantage of me, I am not easy to bully. Speaking of which, I was lucky today. I picked up a fat sheep and made a small fortune. Who knows what happened just now? When I came out, I met those bastards, and I was almost beaten by them."

"They? Who are they?" Ju Nian asked in a low voice.

Pingfeng explained hastily: "They are the people who originally came here."

Ju Nian is not stupid, he suddenly realized after a brief start.It turns out that people in Pingfeng's business also have a "regional concept", just like taxi drivers carrying passengers. Everyone has their own location, so they all know each other tacitly and rarely compete for jobs.Compared with taxi drivers, Pingfeng's business has a stronger sense of place, because they usually make a living in a familiar area, and they need to be divided by the "chicken heads" in this area from time to time, and "chicken heads" in After getting the money, they often act as intermediaries or invisible protectors.

Pingfeng didn't hang out in this area often in the past. According to her, if she made a fortune, it would naturally mean that she robbed some people's "business" and was discovered by others, so she suffered a loss.

"You too, why are you so reckless all by yourself?" Ju Nian parted the hair from Pingfeng's wound and frowned.

Pingfeng said: "I didn't do it on purpose. The last guest brought me here. As soon as he left, I met an old fat sheep. I don't want to fish for nothing."

"Old Sheep? I think you are the Little Sheep Hot Pot. You don't know if you've been boiled or rinsed."

Pingfeng laughed, not daring to be presumptuous with the wound on the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "I was also forced to do nothing, the gang of debt collectors at home pressed hard, and the third child had to pay school fees."

Ju Nian stopped talking immediately, sighed slowly, shrank into a darker place, and then asked: "Then what are you going to do now?"

Pingfeng took out the thinly rolled banknotes from her close-fitting clothes, and stuffed them into Ju Nian's hands.

"They recognize me, I'm afraid I'll run into them again later, the money is gone, isn't that a waste of money? You're a stranger, hurry up, wait for me to get away, and I'll look for you tomorrow."

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more.Ju Nian looked back at the alley that was darkened by the dim street lights.In the distance, in another backlit corner, a car was faintly seen, with a pair of entangled figures beside the car.Whether it's a cheating couple, or a deal, who knows.

After saying "be careful" to Pingfeng, Ju Nian didn't dare to stay for long, and carefully collected the money Pingfeng entrusted to her for safekeeping.Pingfeng said, it's best not to walk the way you came here, so Ju Nian bowed his head and walked away quickly in the opposite direction.

Probably before the time when business is booming here, there are not many people coming and going, and one or two cars pass by silently from time to time.Ju Nian walked all the way and could only hear her own heartbeat, but she still couldn't strengthen her courage.When the car parked at the corner and the pair of figures inevitably passed by, she lowered her footsteps and buried her head deeper, wishing she could turn into a puff of smoke in the dark night.

Before she could pass by safely, there was a muffled bang, which made Ju Nian tremble secretly.Out of the corner of his sight, he glanced at the figure not far away, wishing that the two of them would become a shadow and separate, but what was shocking was that the pair that made the movement was not him and her, but him and him.

They lowered their voices to argue, Ju Nian couldn't hear clearly, only felt that the two people in the dark were well-dressed.She is not a nosy person, although she was surprised in her heart, but after a quick glance, she quickly turned her eyes away, hoping to leave the place of right and wrong quickly.

Maybe she thought things were going too smoothly, and at the intersection, suddenly, a woman's exclamation startled Ju Nian again, but this time she couldn't stay out of it, because she could tell that the voice came from Pingfeng.

Looking back at Ju Nian, Pingfeng was fighting with two women and a man with both hands and feet, obviously losing the wind, her hair was pulled by others, and she screamed between crying and anger, but no one responded, no one cared, Those fists and feet landed on Pingfeng's body, as if there was no sound at all.

Ju Nian has grown up since he was a child, how can he be a person who can fight?She just felt that a heart was hanging in her throat, and she was about to come out in the next second.Who will help her, anyone?In a panic, she cast her eyes on the man and woman, no, the man, and what responded to her was unsurprisingly indifference.Pingfeng's scream pierced the eardrums, Ju Nian gritted his teeth, and had no choice but to rush over.

She didn't know what she could do, her hands were empty, and she didn't even have anything to rely on. When she came to the person who beat Pingfeng, she just shouted out of desperation: "Aren't you afraid of the police?"

Poor her, she didn't even have the confidence to say this ridiculous warning, her voice was still trembling, and her face was as hot as if it was scalded by boiling water.As soon as the words fell, Ju Nian seemed to hear the sneer of laughter, and there were more than one place, even Pingfeng who was in the melee laughed bitterly.

Just when I didn't know how to end, there were car lights on the small road perpendicular to the alley, from far to near.Probably the people who fought with Pingfeng were guilty in the first place, they couldn't find the money, and they were taught a lesson. When they saw the light, their subordinates suddenly hesitated.The two women were the first to let go, and when they saw it, they stopped and wanted to leave. Only the little man who was described as wretched was left, grabbing Pingfeng's arm, and pushing her hard to the front of the approaching car.



Ju Nian rushed forward, but it was too late, the driver of the narrow T-junction did not expect that there would be a person rushing towards the front of his car out of nowhere, the car had no time to dodge, and collided with Pingfeng.In an instant, Ju Nian's mind went blank, she closed her eyes tightly and refused to open them again, the bloody smell in her memory made it difficult for her to even breathe.She trembled uncontrollably until she heard a vague moan.

The groan made Ju Nian startled, and hurriedly approached Pingfeng. The bloody scene did not appear. Pingfeng fell to the ground, curled up in pain, except for scratches and bruises, there was no extensive bleeding Mark of.I think the black car was also passing by, because the road was narrow, dark, and there was an intersection, so the speed of the car was not fast, and the brakes were timely, so Pingfeng did not become a ghost under the car under the momentary grievances of the villain.Even so, the force of the impact was not light, as soon as Ju Nian touched Pingfeng's calf, she groaned even more tragically.

In the black car, the window of the driver's seat seemed to be lowered. Someone poked his head out to take a look, opened the door, stepped out of the car door, and quickly put it back, followed by the sound of the engine.The owner of the car wanted to take advantage of the chaos and reverse the car to leave.

Ju Nian couldn't think too much, so he chased after him and slammed on the car window, "You can't go...don't least take her to the hospital!"

The power of the car slowly took her back, back, and forward again, and her obstruction was like a mantis holding a car.However, Ju Nian could clearly see the young face of the driver through the window that was not closed in time during the panic.

Her voice became hoarse like a bewilderment, and the hand that was holding onto the rearview mirror became light and lost its strength.That face was no longer what it looked like when she was a child, but it was still somewhat similar to hers.

Wangnian, her younger brother from the same mother.

Ju Nian never thought that he and Wang Nian would meet at such a narrow road.This younger brother who took away her original life at birth, Ju Nian still remembers the way he clinged to her when he was young and called "sister" in a childlike voice.The last time the siblings met was last year, the first and only time they tried to bring Feiming back to their parents.

That time, Wangnian didn't call Ju Nian "sister" again.From his younger brother's eyes, Ju Nian saw an expression similar to that of his parents when they faced her. There was clearly a sentence written on that expression: I feel ashamed because of you.

Ju Nian still cannot calmly recall the embarrassment and indescribable shame when her relatives' eyes fell on her. That feeling still makes her face hot and her ears flush.So at this moment, she was at a loss in front of Wang Nian.She asked herself, no matter what she had done, she had never hurt Mangnian or any of her parents, why she was so ashamed and ashamed when facing them.Maybe the soft armor in her heart can protect against the venomous hands of strangers, but it can't prevent the chills from relatives.

"The car is owned by the leader, do you want to kill me?" Wang Nian recovered from the unexpected shock faster than his sister, and squeezed out the words between his teeth.

Ju Nian immediately let go, the car slid past her, and disappeared at the end of the path like a ghost.

"Bastard! Ju Nian, have you...written down the license plate? My money..." Pingfeng didn't understand the relationship, and her voice gradually lowered due to the pain.

"The money is with me, don't talk, I'll take you to the hospital." Ju Nian came back to his senses, and comforted Pingfeng while supporting him. Whether 120 can find this place, whether Pingfeng can support her and walk to the intersection with her, she can't comfort herself.

The harsh xenon headlights blinded her eyes.Ju Nian squatted beside Ping Feng, half covering his eyes with one hand, watching the car that had been lurking in the dark slowly driving towards them.

"Get in the car and go to the hospital first."

"Is this your solution? Would you rather send two whores to the hospital than face my problems?"

Ju Nian kept her eyes open and her heart in check, trying to stay out of the matter, except for the injured Pingfeng, who couldn't see or hear.

With the help of the man, Ping Feng, who was gradually losing consciousness, was quickly placed in the car. Ju Nian hesitated, and got into the car, while the other man stayed where he was.

When the car started, Ju Nian saw the standing man lightly adjusted his glasses.

"Very good... Tang Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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