Chapter 135

Lost on the way, looking at the sea surface of the East China Sea in ecstasy, the bright moon is in the sky, and the moonlight is just right.

The sea surface at night is different from that during the day, it is more noisy and lively, and the waves are getting higher and higher, beating against the coast.

Under the bright moonlight, the beach is silvery white, making it extraordinarily peaceful.

A cluster of flame-like crown feathers floated in mid-air, lost in front of God's eyes.

Guan Yu is very beautiful, just like her master.

Lost for some reason, a figure suddenly popped into God's mind, that person was all fiery red, like a blooming weed, full of enthusiasm, with a bright and charming profile, but in front of him he looked like a child who couldn't grow up.

The person in front of her gradually became clear, but what appeared was Ming Qing's immature face, ignorant, like a child who didn't know much about the world.She has always regarded herself as the person she relies on the most, sometimes acting coquettishly to please, sometimes being weird, with a bright smile, innocent and cute.

He couldn't even remember what she looked like.

The Lost God quietly stared at the sea. He has always shown others with a rude and rude image, but few people know that the former Lost God also had a smile like a spring breeze. It is just that the lonely time of thousands of years has worn away a person's temper , making people become extreme, even the high God is no exception.

It is precisely because they are gods, immortal, former friends and lovers, with the passage of time, gradually grow old and die, only they are left, reincarnated for a lifetime, forgetting everything.Only they still remember the former friendship.

Ming Qing ran to the surface of the sea in one breath, and found the lost god on the beach, alone, only the shadow on the ground accompanied him.

Ming Qing's heart suddenly ached, and she reached out to cover her chest, where a heart was beating irregularly.

When Ming Qing came, God Mitu already knew about it, but the person who came didn't open his mouth, and he didn't say anything.

Both of them were silent, and no one spoke first.

Mitu Shangshen suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, felt that it was too quiet, all along, places with Ming Qing were very lively, and he was also used to this kind of excitement, and the feeling of Ming Qing being around.

Simple, happy and warm, I do it from time to time, watching her become angry from embarrassment, she is very cute.

When did it start? It seems that it has been like this since Ming Qing appeared.

All the time, silently penetrate into your world.

But, can he really enjoy this kind of time wantonly?
In the end, it was Ming Qing who couldn't stand the relative silence between the two of them first, and broke the silence first.

"Shen Zun." Ming Qing bit her lower lip lightly, and spoke cautiously.

Lost God was still immersed in his own thoughts and did not answer her.

Ming Qing thought that Mitu God was angry with her. Although he thought it was not his fault, she still decided to admit her mistake first and then explain clearly: "God, I was wrong. I am not Cang Lan's fiancee, I have nothing to do with him, really, you have to trust me."

The sincerity on Ming Qing's face almost swears to God.

Once she got excited, she couldn't care about anything else, and hugged Lost God directly from behind.

Ming Qing gave a serious explanation, but got no response.

Tears began to flow out again unstoppably, she buried her head on the back of God of Lost Way, the tears wet the skirt of her clothes, forming a small water stain.

There was a wet feeling coming from behind, and the clearer feeling was the shrugging and crying shoulders of Xiao Huang'er behind her.

Regardless of the ups and downs in his heart, the expression on Mitu's face remained calm.

He put away the crown feather in front of him, broke away Ming Qing's hand holding his waist, and pushed it away forcefully.

Ming Qing didn't notice for a while, without any precautions, he fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Ming Qing, I brought you back to the God Realm because I thought you had nowhere to go. Now that your clansmen are looking for you, you should go back with him." Mitu God said expressionlessly.

Ming Qing sat on the ground blankly, thinking that she had heard wrong, and asked in disbelief: "God..."

But before she could say it, God Mitu's next sentence proved that she heard correctly, what God God Mitu said was true.

He only heard him say: "Because of you, this deity has stayed in the world for a long time, and will return to the God Realm soon, so you should go back as soon as possible!"

"You want to go back to the God Realm?" Ming Qing murmured, asking the Lost God, but the latter didn't answer.

Ming Qing didn't care whether he answered or not, and then asked: "Will you take me?"

"I've said it all, I'm not Canglan's fiancée, I'm not, why don't you believe me? You still want to leave me alone and go back to the God Realm." Ming Qing burst into tears suddenly, tears like a landslide, The turmoil came, "Even if there is a marriage contract, I don't know anything, I won't admit it, why did you abandon me for this reason, not to mention, I admitted it wrong." Although, she didn't think she What's wrong.

The more Ming Qing cried, the more sad she became. Looking up, the person in front of her had long since disappeared.

"Are you still abandoning me?" The thing she was most worried about really happened. During this period of time, she thought that there were different changes between them, and she thought that the lost God...

Unexpectedly, it was still the same in the end.

She didn't want to leave the God Realm at first, but she was afraid that God would leave her here if she lost her way, but she didn't expect it to end like this.

Ming Qing's head was deeply buried in her knees, and she was immersed in sadness, feeling extremely depressed.

The moon was in the middle of the sky, the sky was as cold as water, Ming Qing shivered, curled herself up into a small ball, and tightened her hands hugging her knees more and more.

Suddenly, the back warmed up, and a cloak was put on Ming Qing's back to resist the humid sea breeze by the sea.

Before she even raised her head, she heard a voice that made her teeth itch with anger: "This prince is not dead yet, you are crying so sadly."

Ming Qing suddenly raised her head, looked directly at Cang Lan, and said angrily, "Don't worry, you're dead, I'll definitely go and mourn for you!"

"That's what it should be! You are my wife, who will cry if you don't?" Cang Lan was not angry, and said with a smile.

"You're talking nonsense, I'll cut off your tongue, believe it or not?" Ming Qing pretended to be vicious, and then she curled her mouth and was about to cry again, but she sniffed her nose hard and held back, but still I couldn't help scolding the other party: "If it weren't for your stinky mouth talking nonsense, why would I cry like this? It's all your fault!"

"Okay, blame me." Cang Lan didn't comment on Ming Qing's accusation, and didn't refute it, and took it directly. He knew that now he had to follow her.

When Cang Lan said that, it's not easy for Ming to blame him. In fact, she also knew that Cang Lan couldn't be blamed for this matter.

She knew that this matter was just a trigger, and no one and nothing could influence the decision of Lost God. If he could say that, he must have made a decision long ago.

The more she thought about it, the more guilty she felt. After a while, she opened her mouth, and the moment she opened her mouth, she apologized.

(End of this chapter)

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