Unruly Xiaohuangxian: God asks for a hug

Chapter 136 The Nameless Trench

Chapter 136 The Nameless Trench
He apologized as soon as he opened his mouth: "I'm sorry, it's my fault, it's not your fault, I shouldn't lose my temper with you."

Ming Qing, who knew she was wrong, lowered her eyebrows and looked at the ground from the beginning to the end, staring at her toes.

Cang Lan was a little surprised, he thought that Ming Qing would make trouble for no reason and had a big fight with him, but he didn't expect to figure it out so quickly.

In an extremely good mood, he stretched out his hand towards Mingqing, and said in a brisk tone: "Let's go, your god has abandoned you, and this prince will pick you up."

Ming Qing gave him a gouged look, and said in a harsh tone, "Get lost."

Instead, he put his hand in Cang Lan's and let him pull him to stand up.

After the two left, a phantom gradually became clear, and this person was the Lost High God who had just disappeared.

In order not to give Ming Qing any hope, he left, but in fact he hid his body and kept looking at her by Ming Qing's side.Seeing her howling and crying, she was so sad that she still refused to show up, just watching with cold eyes.

"Shen Zun." Qing Ming appeared at some unknown time, and called him from behind the Lost God, and Meng Zhang also came with Qing Ming.

"Qing Ming, go find Mo Shu's whereabouts and tell him that the deity will be waiting for him in the God Realm." Lost God ordered him.

"Yes." Qing Ming replied, and left without further ado.

"Lost God, why did you treat Miss Mingqing like this?" Meng Zhang wanted to ask from just now, and he held back until now before opening his mouth.

"Troubleshooting." Mitu Shangshen was obviously displeased and snapped sharply.

Meng Zhang trembled all over, cupped his hands and said: "This subordinate has surpassed."

Mitu Shangshen gave him a cold look, and left first.

Meng Zhang wiped the sweat off his forehead and followed.

Compared to the lost High God who was in a rage, his cruelty was even more frightening.

Although Mitu Shangshen reprimanded Meng Zhang for being troublesome, he couldn't ignore his problems. Why did he treat Ming like this?Seeing her sad appearance obviously felt like a small stone had been thrown into her heart, it looked inconspicuous, but in fact it made people feel uncomfortable.

As for the reason:

One is the Cracked Sky Valley and even the fiercest places. Although Ming Qing is not physically weak, but with half of her spiritual consciousness, she cannot resist the evil spirit there. If Ming Qing follows her, she will inevitably not be infected by the evil spirit.

Secondly, he always had a premonition that things would get out of control.He is a high god in charge of one side, and he can predict the changes in the lower realm, although he is not proficient.He ordered Qingming to find Moshu Shangshen, just to prove it.

The third is that he doesn't want Ming Qing to be her, he rejects this matter from the bottom of his heart, maybe pushing Ming Qing away is the best way to prevent this from happening.

The colorful seabed, colorful coral trees, colorful deep-sea fish, and even the seaweed are not a single green color. It is really a colorful world.

But Ming Qing didn't feel that way at all, there was a sense of suspension under her feet, as if she was about to fall, and she screamed loudly in fright: "What are you bringing me to the cliff for?"

Cang Lan helped her to stand up straight, and corrected: "Wrong, this is not a cliff, this is a trench."

Just as Ming Qing was about to say something, a vortex suddenly appeared on the bottom of her feet. An unknown huge suction made Ming Qing nowhere to focus, and she began to feel weightless. She hadn't recovered from the blow from the cliff. , the assassin’s voice could not even come out.

Cang Lan patted Ming Qing's shoulder with a teasing tone, as if mocking Ming Qing's timidity, and said, "What are you afraid of?"

Ming Qing couldn't care less, she was in an inexplicable place, she instinctively grasped everything around her, such as Cang Lan's arm.

The two were sucked into the trench by the vortex on the bottom of the sea, and the vortex kept spinning, making Ming Qing dizzy and almost fainted.

After a long time, the two stopped. At this time, Ming Qing hugged Cang Lan's waist tightly, buried her head in Cang Lan's chest, closed her eyes tightly, and instinctively rejected the terrible things.

Cang Lan enjoyed this feeling very much, he didn't want to let go of the warm and soft jade in his arms.

Cang Lan pulled her lips helplessly until she felt the gradually steady breathing of the person in her arms.

I really don't know what to say.Should he be happy that he made Ming Qing feel safe, or should he be disappointed in Ming Qing?
Cang Lan shook off the years in his mind, patted Ming Qing's arm, and shouted: "Qingqing, wake up."

Ming Qing did not sleep deeply, when Cang Lan called her softly, she was already awake.

He shook his head to wake himself up, and then he could clearly see the unique scenery in front of him.

"Here, here..." Ming Qing was so excited that she couldn't speak, the beautiful scenery in front of her made her temporarily forget the unhappy things that happened just now.

It extends from top to bottom in a ladder shape. The most amazing thing is that the surface is covered with a layer of blue, which is shining. There are no plants here, only jagged rocks, which are placed randomly, but there is a mess beautiful.

She turned around excitedly, and was afraid of Cang Lan's chest. Probably because she was too excited, Cang Lan took a big step back after being photographed by her.

Ming Qing scratched her head in embarrassment, and whispered: "I'm sorry! I'm so excited."

Cang Lan looked at her and smiled, feeling a little absent-minded for a while.

The charming person in front of her, with smiles on her eyes and brows, is bright and charming. She has just woken up, and her face is still a little hazy, which makes the originally seductive person even more cute.

Perhaps Canglan's gaze was too eager, and Ming Qing was a little embarrassed to see it, so she pulled Canglan back with all her strength, and said angrily, "Hey! What are you looking at?"

Only then did Cang Lan come back to his senses, realizing his gaffe, in order to cover up the embarrassment, he coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and retorted: "Why, you are standing in front of me, and you don't let anyone see ?”

"You..." Ming Qing was irrefutable by his rascal's words, pointed at him for a while, and withdrew her hand bitterly.

Then her eyes turned red, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

Cang Lan saw that it was almost the same, and if the trouble continued, she would probably cry, so she stopped, took her hand, and coaxed: "My husband will take you to catch jellyfish."

"Don't talk nonsense." Ming Qing warned heavily, and followed Cang Lan to the depths of the trench.

Cang Lan turned a deaf ear to Ming Qing's warning.

The further you go in, the darker and darker it becomes, until there is no light at all.

Ming Qing subconsciously clenched Cang Lan's hand, always afraid of unknown people.

Cang Lan pointed to the bright place farther behind, and explained: "Those are blue stones, because of them, that side is so bright."

The light behind him was no longer visible, and the two of them were in extreme darkness. After Ming Qing followed Cang Lan for an unknown distance, his eyes suddenly opened up.

It is not appropriate to say that they have opened up, because they have been in the dark all the time, and they don't know how the surrounding situation is, but their eyes are brightened.

Many beautiful umbrella-shaped bodies shine with faint light green or blue-purple light, and some have rainbow-like halos, making the deep and dark seabed beautiful.

The slender tentacles spread out in all directions, and the color and posture were extremely beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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