Chapter 39 Next Step

Li Jin choked.

She has such a bad temper, she has been assimilated into this just after staying with Mitu for a long time.

Ming and Qing hurried back to Mitu Palace.

Here, High God Mo Shu left once, and High God Lost was still thinking quietly in the water and clouds. He sensed Ming Qing's breath approaching, and suddenly panicked.

It's one thing to think it through in your heart, but it's another thing to do it.

Therefore, on the lost road, panicked and reckless, he hid his body and lost his breath.

On the other hand, Ming Qing, when she returned to Lost Palace, she was not in a hurry to find someone, but returned to her residence, waiting for the next move.

On the way back, she thought for a long time, because the opponent was too powerful, it would adopt a roundabout policy——wait for the rabbit.

Therefore, she decided to go back to her room to sleep first, and then go to guard the gate of Tianji Temple in the morning.

According to the schedule of God Lost, he would watch the world in Tianji Temple every morning, even if the Tianji mirror was broken, he would still go back.

Besides, even if God Lost has been hiding, it doesn't matter, she is so exhausted, unless God God Lost throws him down with his own hands, otherwise she will not take the initiative to leave.

With such thoughts in mind, Ming Qing fell into a drowsy sleep.

Early in the morning, Ming Qing came to Tianji Hall on time.

Although it was difficult for Ming Qing to get up from the bed at this time, she still got up with difficulty.

It's just that she was yawning, leaning crookedly on the door of the palace, and fell asleep again hazily.

She didn't even know that the person she was waiting for, Yin Jing, had arrived.

When Mitu Shangshen came over, what he saw was this scene. His little Huang'er was standing there with his head resting on the door, arms wrapped around his arms, and there was a faint snoring sound.

There was a slight struggle between his brows, and finally, he gently picked up Ming Qing and sent her back to her own room.

When Ming Qing woke up completely, the sun was already high, and then she found herself on the bed in the room.At this time, she was a little confused, didn't she go to Tianji Temple for a short stay?Why are you still here?Could it be that what just happened was a dream?

But this dream was so beautiful, the god actually hugged him tenderly, and sent him back to the room.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, obviously she hadn't recovered from the "beautiful dream" just now, she thought, since the dream was so beautiful, she should sleep a little longer, anyway, it's so late now, and it's too late to implement it her plan.

For several days in a row, Ming Qing spent such repetitions, and God Lost was also used to her falling asleep in front of the Tianji Hall every day.

However, today, when he came to the gate of the palace, he didn't find Ming Qing's figure, and he couldn't help being a little puzzled, maybe he didn't get up today, so he didn't come over.

Mitu Shangshen pushed open the door and walked into the hall.I can't help but think while walking.

However, she sleeps here every day and can come here on weekdays, why not today?Could something have happened?

This thought, once it appeared in my mind, never disappeared.

He walked to the table, picked up a piece of the Tianji mirror, and began to repair it. This is his recent work. If the Tianji mirror is repaired as soon as possible, she will also go to the lower world as soon as possible.

However, today, because Ming Qing failed to show up on time, he felt a little uneasy, the more uneasy, the more irritable, after tossing for a long time, the fragments in his hand have not yet melted into the Tianji mirror.

He put down the Tianji mirror abruptly, turned around and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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