Chapter 40
Ming Qing held a big package in his left hand, and stuffed a red dress into the package with his right hand. The package was already full, so Ming Qing struggled to stuff it.

She was sweating profusely, but she didn't mean to stop at all.

Then she casually picked up the two books placed at her feet, put them into a package, and picked and picked two small and exquisite jade and bronze tripods from the ground not far from herself. He hesitated, obviously not Know which one to choose.

She raised her head, looked at Lost High God hesitantly, blinked her long eyelashes, and asked him silently.

Mitu Shangshen said lightly: "That jade one."

Ming Qing heard the words, without asking why, she just stuffed it into the bag.

Although the package was big, Ming Qing couldn't help packing it in. Therefore, even though the Jade Cauldron was small, she couldn't fit it in because of it.

Lost God looked at Ming Qing who was busy, and really didn't know what to say, so he had to ask helplessly: "Little Huang'er, what are you doing?"

"Pack things up." Ming tilted his head and replied incomprehensibly, "These are all good things, maybe they can be used in the lower world."

Being silent on the way, and having a good eye, these are all good things.

The red ball she stuffed in just now is the top ten Yanfeng Chixiayi on the list of artifacts;

And the jade tripod she is holding in her hand is the famous Dongguang tripod;
There was another bronze tripod she hesitated about, which was the Shennong tripod, but it was useless to her, so he let Ming Qing choose the Dongguang tripod;
And the shiny things thrown on the ground over there are fixed water belts...

These were the things he picked up for fun when he traveled around the Six Realms in his early years. After a long time, even he himself didn't know where to throw them.

He is supernaturally powerful, so it's useless for him to keep these things, and it's just right for Ming Qing to use them.

But where did Ming Qing come from?
Thinking about it, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he shouted sharply: "Where did you find these things?"

With a subconscious flick, Ming Qing quickly stopped the package in her arms, pouted, and looked at Lost God, a little confused, as if she couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

Mitu Shangshen watched her move with his eyes, and watched her act innocently. Instead of softening his heart, he was even more furious. Some things could not allow her to be presumptuous, so he asked again with a more severe tone, with a touch of disappointment : "How the hell do these things come from?"

Ming Qing didn't speak, lowered her head, stepped forward and lightly tugged on the sleeve of Mitu Shangshen, as if acting coquettishly.

However, God Mitu stared at its drooping head without compromising. At this time, why didn't she tell the truth?
Mitu Shangshen's face became even more ugly, he brushed away Ming Qing's hand that was tugging on his sleeve, pushed the person away, and said coldly: "This lord's Mitu Palace does not need people with bad conduct."

Ming Qing was pushed back a few steps by him, raised her head, and looked at God Lost in disbelief.He was in a great rage, and his actions were even more violent.

She suddenly panicked, although she didn't know why God Lost was angry, but his cold tone made her feel scared, and she hurriedly explained: "In the back, Mingcui Palace, there are many things there."

"Why did you move the things there without permission?" Lost God continued to ask.

"I didn't..." Ming Qing retorted.

"Things are right in front of you, and you're still arguing." Mitu Shangshen roared, obviously disappointed with Ming and Qing's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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