Arad's Sword

Chapter 104 The Queen Comes

Chapter 104 The Queen Comes
The adventure of the Elven King's Court is over, and Odell's level has increased to level 37.

Erin's level is low, so the effect of multiple battles is more prominent, and she is now level 27.

And the pale dude who stopped Midi's convoy was only level 25.

If you were an ordinary nobleman, seeing such a high-level adventurer, you might have to weigh whether you and the guards behind you are capable of provoking such a heavyweight opponent.

But with the surname Hamilton, everything is taken for granted, not even considered.

Because behind this dandy, there were two level 40 knights standing.

You know, the famous leader of the Red Flame Legion, the No. 1 general of the Seth family, General Red Fox, Seth Potter, is only level 40.

Of course, there is a clear difference between the level 40 before the Grand Forest fire and the level 40 after the fire.The former is accumulated over the years, while the latter is a rapid rise.At present, with the mutation of monsters, it becomes easier for humans to upgrade, and those who have already reached the end of their aptitude even show signs of loosening their ranks.In addition, the Hamilton family has never been short of drugs to help level up, so taking the opportunity to raise the two knights to level 40 is not a problem at all.

But even if this is level 40 filled with water, it's still level 40.

Not to mention the excellent magic weapons in their hands, the perfectly stitched magic armor, and the menacing hunting party of nearly a hundred people following behind.

A dandy who is not valued by the family has such a lineup, so how strong is the real army?Probably only the Hamilton family can have such a big deal.Compared to these two level 40 knights, what are those "precious" and "rare" pure-blooded cheetahs?
Level suppression, coupled with the large number of people, it is not too difficult to capture two half-elves of level 37 and level 27 alive.

Dandy felt that he had decided on this team.

As for the unspeakable things after being captured alive, there are many ways to solve them. The relatively simple and crude one is to forcefully pour the debilitating potion. After drinking this thing, the level of others will drop, and at the same time, the lifespan will be greatly shortened. It is a kind of poison.

It's just that it's just a plaything on the bed anyway, as long as one year, no, even half a year's life is enough.Anyway, half-elves have a long lifespan, and they won't die if they drink a few more bottles.

The thought of being abruptly reduced to below level 10, completely losing hope, and putting a half-elf sister at the mercy of others on his big bed, made this dandy very excited.

And the next moment, as if shocked by the lineup of the hunting team and the golden Three Lions flag, the team obediently stopped.

The side door of the ordinary black carriage opened, and a boy with black hair and black eyes came out, stopped at the door, and stretched out his right hand.This is standard aristocratic etiquette, obviously waiting for a certain lady or lady to get off.

Are there any female relatives?Could it be a half-elf lady with noble blood?
Thinking of this possibility, Wandan became excited, and he felt that he had just hit a big luck.

Of course, if it is really a nobleman, even Hamilton's surname is not convenient to grab it directly. However, since it is on his own territory, wouldn't it be easy to keep that lady?After all, how could the nobles who hired adventurers be some kind of famous family? They are probably just those little nobles who have no territory and live in a bustling city!

As a member of the Hamilton family, isn't it easy to deal with such a small nobleman?
Dandy was thinking about it, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his heartbeat started to speed up.

But then, his smile completely froze on his face, as if petrified.

A slender hand rested on the black-haired boy's hand, and then, a head of red hair as beautiful as the autumn maple of Bel Mare floated out.

For Hamilton, no one would fail to recognize the redhead.

No one would fail to recognize those azure sea-like eyes.

Nobody can fail to recognize Fina Hamilton.

"Little, little princess?" The dandy took a deep breath, and finally came back to his senses, his face suddenly turned extremely pale, and then, there was even a hint of crying, "You, why are you back!"

The person in the lead instantly changed from a high-spirited and domineering dandy to a shrunken tortoise with six gods and no master, not to mention the knights, followers, and servants behind.After a few seconds of commotion, nearly a hundred people immediately fell silent, and the whole scene became dead silent.

Immediately afterwards, they scrambled to jump off their mounts, and each of them crawled on the ground, touched their foreheads to the ground, or knelt on one knee, etc., according to their status.

The accompanying adventurers looked at the scene in front of them and were quite shocked.

Odell originally thought that at least there would be a conflict at this time. Of course, under the force of the Queen of Magic Bullets and Midi, the dandy in front of her is not afraid at all, but to deter the opponent, at least wait until she pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger What happened after the whole procedure of slapping the face went through?
But now?

Fina simply got out of the carriage, she didn't even need to fight or speak, everything was settled.This makes the adventurers who have been secretly drawing their bows and arrows, ready to go, hold their breath in their chests and almost get internal injuries.

Even Midi is a little strange at the moment.

After all, in the previous life, when he and Fina became companions, the Hamilton family had already been destroyed by the Delos Empire, and there was no chance to go there. Naturally, Midi would not know what kind of power Fina has in her own territory. influence.

But now he finally saw it with his own eyes.

This is definitely not just "genius".

Looking at the leader who didn't dare to move, and whose legs were still trembling, Midi felt emotional in his heart.

"I'm not as violent as you imagine." Fina, who had added another title of "Little Princess", glanced at Midi who was watching the fun, and snorted, "It's just that this person has a bad temper, so at the age of 12 That year, I only broke his two legs. Now it must be a psychological shadow, right?"

At the age of 12, she was still just a little girl, and she had already broken her legs?

This is not violence, what is violence?

Midi was speechless.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think of one thing. In his last life, he was also a dandy, and he was favored by Fei Na instead of being broken. This should be considered good luck, right?

But in any case, it seems that it will not take too much effort to find the instigator behind the scenes.

Looking at the shivering dandy in front of her, Midi thought so.

When the dandy was imprisoned in the carriage by Midi and Fina for interrogation like a chicken with no ability to resist, on the roof of a mansion facing the street in Rose Mountain City, two elegant and straight figures were standing in front of him. He stared intently at the most prosperous east gate in the mountain city.

"Most of the aristocratic children in the branch have been sent out by me for reasons. No matter what kind of people they are, as long as they approach this city, they will definitely expose their identities. After all, these dudes have always been rampant in doing things. Useful." A cold voice rang out, "But, will our little princess really come back?"

The owner of the voice was thin and tall, with curly short hair, and a sickly pale face. He wore a very thin long sword on his waist, as if it was a decorative prop.

But if anyone really thinks that it is a decorative weapon, he will definitely be the first to die under its sharp sword light.

Just because the owner of the sword is Martin Hamilton, No.1 of the "fencing branch" of the Hamilton family.

And standing beside him was the lover of Queen Skadi, Domingo Hamilton.

"She will definitely come back, Martin, because she is the little princess who never looks back." Domingo replied quietly, with a calm tone, but there was an extremely cold light in his eyes.

"Hmph, it's best as you said, these dandies don't have much patience, and they won't be able to hang them for a few days with reasons like hunting." Martin snorted coldly again.

In all fairness, he doesn't like Domingo. The two of them and the clans behind them are more often in a state of competition, and they may even fight to the death.Not only that, he himself always sneers at the so-called strategy that Domingo likes.

Only pure power is the kingly way to rule!
Martin had always thought so.

It's just that this opportunity for the Iron-Blooded Duke to be critically ill is really once in a hundred years.

And as the heir to the Iron-Blooded Grand Duke, Fina Hamilton's fighting power is too terrifying.

Therefore, Martin had to choose to join forces with Domingo.Otherwise, no matter who it is, it is impossible to have any room for resistance in front of the miracle of "one person, one city, one day" by the Queen of Magic Bullets.

However, I'm really looking forward to it, how far that little red-haired girl has grown now.

Martin secretly sighed in his heart, and subconsciously put his hand on the cold sword hilt.

When the time comes, try it with a sword!

Just as this fencing branch No. 1 was thinking so, suddenly, from the east gate, there was a deafening bell ringing.

Martin and Domingo looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Each gate tower of Rose Mountain City is equipped with a big bell, and the different sounds have different meanings.At this moment, the ringing bell means "the main gate is wide open".

Martin and Domingo were waiting here just to wait for the news about Fina, but at this moment, the incomparable ringing of the bell made their minds jump at the same time.

"Could it be..."

Domingo frowned.

And Martin's expression also became dignified.

The next moment, the east gate suddenly opened, and a team rushed into the ancient Rose Mountain City recklessly.

And at the forefront of the team, on a carriage with the upper half of the carriage cut off, that head of bright red hair was flying in the wind.

The once little girl has grown up and is back.

No longer the Princess of Hamilton.

But Queen of Bel Mare.

 It will be strongly pushed on next Monday, and it will be released on the 1st of next month. Please let me know first. Brothers and sisters, please support it O(∩_∩)O, do I still owe 10 chapters to update?Well, hurry up and get it up!

(End of this chapter)

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