Arad's Sword

Chapter 105

Chapter 105
The little princess is back!

On the ancient streets and alleys of Rose Mountain City, people are rushing to tell each other.Surprise, nostalgia and joy are on the face.

The first heir to the Hamilton family is back!

In the family, people with different identities such as elders, elites, knights, etc., have serious or dignified faces, and the atmosphere is like an undercurrent surging in the depths of the sea.

However, no matter what kind of mentality a person has, when that red hair went straight from the central avenue of Rose Mountain City to the castle, everyone looked sideways at it, and everyone's mood was affected by it.

Using strength to overcome cleverness, this is Fina's choice.

Now that he can no longer hide his return, he should let everyone know about it, and at the same time create a big trend, so that all attention will be focused on himself, so as to prevent those conspirators behind the scenes from doing anything sneaky.

But at this moment, when the crowd was surging, she had obviously already succeeded in half.

She didn't stop long among the welcoming crowd, and didn't go to meet those respected family elders. As soon as the convoy entered the inner city of Rose Mountain City, Fina got out of the car and went directly to the deepest part of the castle. Where the Duke is.

"Uncle Pepin, long time no see. Take me to see Grandpa." Fina said straight to the point.

The old butler named Pepin was wearing a low-key black dress, wearing a monocle of tortoiseshell glasses, and had a beard. Although he was over sixty, he still had a straight waist.But when Midi tried to check his level, he only saw a deep darkness.

With Midi's current strength, even a level 50 capped professional can sense it.

But now, he can't sense the level of the old man in front of him, which can only show one thing——

The opponent is at least once awakened strong.

Midi couldn't help laughing bitterly in her heart. The background of the Hamilton family is too scary, right?
"Master Heydrich is retreating, Miss, please follow me to the inner palace." After the decent greetings, Pepin bowed deeply, and then made a gesture of invitation.

And behind him is the real secret of the Hamilton family, a place where even the elders of the family are not qualified to set foot.That is a secret realm that only the Patriarch himself and the first heir can go to.

Midi stopped walking consciously, and nodded to Fina.

Although the relationship between the two is excellent, this is only a personal relationship, not the relationship between the Hamilton family and the Asrex family.To the No. [-] wealthy family in the Principality of Bel Mare, Midi Asrex was just an outsider, and probably a very dreaded outsider.

Having experienced rebirth once, Midi, who knows the thoughts of nobles like the palm of his hand, will certainly not commit any taboos at this time. It will only embarrass Fina, and may even cause her position as the first heir to be violated. question.

However, just as the boy and girl were about to say goodbye, the old housekeeper squinted his eyes and looked at the black-haired boy, knowingly asking, "This is Master Midi from the Asrex family, right?"

"It's next." Midi nodded.

"Master Heydrich has an order before retreating. If the eldest lady brings Midi over, please go in and meet him." The old housekeeper said with a smile.

That Iron-Blooded Duke wants to see Midi, an outsider?
Midi and Fina looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

However, the old butler didn't explain anything. On the contrary, he naturally lit a magic lamp, and then walked ahead.It was inconvenient for the two of them to say anything more, so they could only follow closely behind the shocked eyes of the family elders.

Passing through the dark corridor full of restrictions, passing through several teleportation phalanxes that lead to nowhere, the "secret realm" of the Hamilton family is finally revealed in front of Midi at this moment.

Push open the mithril gate engraved with the hexagram circle, and there is a vast lake.The calm blue water stretches as far as the eye can see, just like the flattest and smoothest mirror, reflecting the crystal dome more than 20 meters high.

Just like its name - Huguang Hall.

Midi blinked and looked at the lake, thinking for a moment that what she saw was a hallucination.

Midi had also imagined what this secret place that only belonged to the owner of Hamilton, the core of Rose Mountain City, would look like—a classical study room that reveals luxury and time in a low-key manner, with exquisite quill pens on the desk?Is it a magical meditation room that has nothing to do with the world, where all kinds of precious books and forbidden books are scattered everywhere?Or, is it an alchemy laboratory full of rigorous research atmosphere, neatly arranged with test tubes, crucibles, measuring rulers and other precision instruments?

But Midi never expected that the creativity of magic could reach this level.

He can feel the rhythm of the powerful magic vein from the ground, and he can feel the harmony between his soul and the surrounding environment.Although it is not infinite magic power, if you practice here, I am afraid that the speed will definitely not be worse than that in the villa in Qiugu City, or even better.

Because in this world, the conditions needed for a professional to "awaken" are already vaguely present!

"Miss, Mr. Midi, I will send it here. The sick bed of the master is on the pavilion in the center of the lake." When he arrived here, the old butler no longer used the excuse of "retreating" to speak, but was very direct. He made a gesture of please again.

Glancing at the crystal-clear lake, Fina stepped on it first, followed by Midi, and lastly the old butler Pepin.An invisible force caused the lake water under their feet to recede at an extremely fast speed, and the invisible transparent pedal rose at the same time, holding them firmly, and splashing crisp footsteps.

Step by step, the surface of the water kept separating in front of the boy and the girl, and then reunited behind them. The surging waves kept rippling in this separation and reunion, forming countless ripples on the mirror-like lake surface. , It was as if a group of invisible fairies were dancing.

It's like a fairyland.

And finally, when it reached the center of the lake, the surrounding light suddenly twisted.The next moment, a baroque oval pavilion showed its finely carved outline.And in this gazebo, on a huge bed, lay an old man with his eyes closed quietly.

Heydrich Hamilton, Grand Duke of Iron Blood.

The last time I met the Iron-Blooded Grand Duke face to face was before the Noble War, but just a few months have passed, and looking at it now, the Grand Duke is obviously much older.His forehead and the corners of his eyes are all over the surrounding area, age spots are also slightly raised, his skin is loose, his face is pale, and his breathing is even more breathless.

Even though Fei Na walked to the side of the bed and carefully held the old man's hand, he still didn't wake up, his eyes were still closed tightly, and he would frown from time to time, muttering a few meaningless words.

And the magic power around him was also extremely disordered, and even affected the ghost on Midi's left arm, making it slightly agitated, as if it was on fire.

"So it's the sequelae of awakening." Midi pressed her left arm and said softly as if she had suddenly realized.

The so-called awakening actually has a real meaning, which is to break through the upper limit of "level 50".

So far, professionals on the continent of Arad can only rise to level 50 at most, and if they go up, they will encounter a threshold that they cannot break through with their own strength.This is just like the initial job change, which requires the assistance of a magic circle to achieve a breakthrough leap in physique in an instant, so as to accommodate more magic power and use more powerful skills.

Awakening and job transfer are essentially the same.It's just that the magic power needed to change jobs is not much. If you have the strong support of the Nibelungen Array, you can even achieve a "perfect job change".

However, judging from the experience of Midi II as a human being, in the year 985 of the Arad calendar, there has not yet been a place that can be used for "awakening" on the continent of Arad.

The perfect "one awakening" will not be possible until the Sky Tower in Faro Bay appears.

And no matter whether it is the old housekeeper Pepin or the Iron-Blooded Grand Duke, they have all completed their awakening. This is the result of artificially creating an awakening environment.

For example, in this Huguang Hall, if Midi felt that its environment already had several "awakening" conditions at the beginning, then at this moment, after examining the unsuspecting Iron-Blooded Duke, he was almost sure that this place was The place where the strongest members of the Hamilton family are awakened!
However, it is naturally impossible to achieve real awakening in this artificial environment that one has explored by oneself, and this kind of level breakthrough will inevitably make the awakened person pay a considerable price.

Just like it is now.

"Unexpectedly, you also know the 'awakening' that breaks through the upper limit of the level." Listening to Midi's words, Fina's eyes flashed with surprise, "Yes, this Huguang Hall is the center of the Hamilton family. We call it the land of awakening, and there are very few people who can enter here, but once the awakening is successful, it will become the mainstay of the family, and this is our biggest secret."

"In that case, you should have researched the sequelae." Midi frowned slightly, "Why did this happen at such an important juncture?"

Midi didn't think that the condition of the Iron-Blooded Grand Duke was caused by a stubborn illness.

At this time in the previous life, the Iron-Blooded Duke still sat firmly in the position of Patriarch, and when the civil war broke out a few months later, he personally went to the front line and beat the Seth family back again and again.It wasn't until the Delos Empire intervened that he finally fell in the fierce offensive and defensive battle of the capital.

Even so, he took away several top knights of the Delos Empire when he died, and he can be regarded as a brave and powerful man.

But now, there is no war, and there is no turmoil. Why did the Iron-Blooded Duke fall ill?
Is this also caused by the butterfly effect?
Because of his return, the health of the Iron-Blooded Grand Duke has deteriorated, so the sequelae occurred earlier?

Midi was lost in thought.

"It's because the medicine can't keep up with it." The old butler Pepin's voice rang out slowly.There was a rare trace of anger in the old man's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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