Arad's Sword

Chapter 108 Conditions

Chapter 108 Conditions
Fina said this lightly, but she turned her hands into clouds and rain.

After all, Gu Lienin was just provocative, but Midi almost claimed his name.But now, instead, the story of the guardian knight at all costs for the object of the oath has been achieved, while Gu Lienin, who was stabbed in the shoulder, has become a dishonorable perpetrator.

For a moment, Gu Liening was so angry that he almost vomited blood. After a long time, he finally choked out such a sentence: "The wound on the shoulder is not a problem. Please allow me to continue attending the meeting. It will not cause trouble."

Of course, it was impossible for Gu Liening to "heal the wound", otherwise, it would be tantamount to being kicked out of the family meeting in disguise, and it would be tantamount to being marginalized.So he could only endure the pain, let the servant quickly bandage him, and then use the word "please" to stay in his position.

Seeing the person in charge of the fencing branch with a gloomy and bloodless face and bloodstained shoulders, the eyes of the other six branches suddenly became serious.

They knew that they underestimated the enemy before.

It's just a young girl, but a professional who hasn't even reached level 40, and has lost the most powerful backing of the Iron-Blooded Duke.These powerhouses who were truly at the pinnacle of the Principality of Bel Mare didn't take this family meeting too seriously.

They originally thought that this meeting was at best a distribution of interests and disputes among the seven major branches.But I didn't expect that Fina would take the lead when she came up, and even almost killed a person in charge, but there was no way to reason.

The afterlife is terrifying!

Several people in charge exchanged glances with each other, and soon, they have corrected their mentality.

Feeling the unscrupulous smell of gunpowder on the scene gradually faded, Midi knew that this was just the first step.As the saying goes, it is easy to hide with a sharp gun, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow. Taking advantage of the opponent's contempt and hitting with all your strength does not mean that the goal can be achieved in front of a tightly guarded iron wall.

To truly integrate the Hamilton family, starting now is the beginning of the real battle.

"Since I am holding this meeting as the acting head of the family, everyone must have noticed that Grandpa is not retreating, but is in ill health." As soon as they came up, no matter whether the seven people in front of them really didn't know or pretended not to know, Fei Na came up Straight to the point, he explained everything unabashedly, "At present, monsters and bandits are rampant everywhere in the principality, and it has reached a critical point. In this case, it is necessary for the family to carry out stronger integration to deal with the upcoming crisis. crisis."

"Then, may I ask the acting Patriarch, what are your plans?" Another voice rang out, and an old man with white beard and hair on the opposite side of the round table said so.

This is the person in charge of the "Dian Jin" branch, and he is of the same generation as the Iron-Blooded Duke. The old man has always doted on this cute red-haired "little princess" in the family.Speaking now, it is natural to take care of future generations.

Seeing someone echoing from the seven branches, Fina felt a little relaxed. She nodded and continued: "The deployment of troops and high-level professionals, the strengthening and selection of production aspects such as alchemy, magic, and planting, as well as transportation In terms of deployment, I think that a certain degree of adjustment is required. At the same time, while making strategic preparations, the factors of the Falcon Regiment must also be taken into consideration."

"For hundreds of years, the seven branches of the family have been performing their duties and doing their own thing. Whether there will be a civil war in the principality is still uncertain. Is the little princess thinking of telling me what to do now?" The person in charge of the scroll branch, a Dai Wearing glasses and a long robe, the polite-looking middle-aged man frowned and retorted sharply.

"Taking a step back, even if we cooperate with the acting Patriarch to adjust, at your current age, how much do you know about different branches?"

Seeing that Fina did not refute the person in charge of the scroll branch, the other persons in charge immediately spoke up.

This is a matter of course, everyone here is a party member, no one likes to be dictated by others, if it is a second-awakened powerhouse like the Iron-Blooded Duke, it is fine to endure it, but at this moment, the person sitting in the position of Patriarch is just A young girl whose level is not even level 40, who would be willing to bow her head?
Even if he realizes that Midi's personal strength is extremely powerful, so what?
To hold the seven major branches in one's hands at the same time requires not only personal strength, but also a large amount of technical accumulation and huge influence.

These people in charge put forward their opinions one after another. In the final analysis, it is one sentence - the water in the well does not violate the water in the river.

They had already realized Midi's power and Fina's ability, so they temporarily eliminated the idea of ​​taking the opportunity to snatch the position of Patriarch.It's just that, as the price of taking a step back, most of these people in charge don't want Fina to reach out to their domain.

The trunk belongs to Fina, and the branches remain unchanged. This is the obvious and incomparable meaning hidden in their words.

In fact, this is also the core content of bargaining at this family meeting.

Normally, Fina would definitely choose to accept it.

After all, time is always on the side of young people. With the Golden Branch Legion and the title of Grand Duke, plus this Rose Mountain City, Fina can slowly digest and gradually erode the seven branches.Pull a batch, fight a batch, eat a batch, with the charisma of the Queen of Magic Bullets, Midi conservatively estimates that the peaceful transition will be completed in at most three years, and there will be no more branches by then.

But now is not normal, it is a time of turmoil, a year of crisis, the tipping point of civil war.

So Fina and Midi couldn't compromise, they could only keep moving forward until they held all the power in their hands and twisted into one.Otherwise, when the flames of war ignite, the Hamilton family will bear the brunt of the disaster.

It stands to reason that with such a trend, the people in charge of these branches should also understand that only integration can maintain an undefeated situation in a situation where the storm is coming and the city is about to be destroyed, so that the family can win the greatest benefit.

However, in the face of personal interests, no one is willing to make sacrifices for the overall situation, so the dispute is deadlocked.

This is called human nature.

Midi and Fina looked at each other and exchanged glances.

It's almost time to cast the bait.

"Everyone seems to have misunderstood. The reason why I want to be able to participate in the affairs of the major branches is more for the inspection of talents." Fina took a sip of black tea and said slowly, "After all, after the branch integration The next step, my consideration is to open and awaken conditionally and in a targeted manner.”

The entire conference hall fell silent in an instant, extremely silent.

The people in charge still maintain an extremely calm expression. After all, their qualifications and vision are there, and they will not lose their composure.However, just the fact that no one spoke on the field and the collective silence explained everything.

Openness and awakening is what every branch dreams of.

For hundreds of years, the ownership of the Huguang Hall has been firmly held in the hands of the main body, and only the top floor of the main body and the most loyal guards are eligible to enter the hall for awakening.Although everyone knows that this will bring about strong sequelae, and many people die in awakening, the temptation to break through the 50th level cap is enough to overwhelm everything else.

Moreover, among the people in charge here, there are not a few who have reached level 50. They understand more clearly the meaning of awakening.

"It seems inappropriate to open the Huguang Hall. This is the biggest secret of the Hamilton family for hundreds of years, and it cannot be easily leaked." The person in charge of the scroll branch, a middle-aged man in a robe, spoke again, but he retorted coldly.

This is to retreat to advance, disrupting Fina's rhythm.

After all, when one party throws the bait and the other party can't help but bite the hook, it is very likely that there will be a one-sided result in the end.These big bosses who are as scheming as they are, naturally don't want to follow the train of thought of a little girl.

Therefore, at least show a nonchalant attitude to break the situation.

But how could Fina give him this chance?
"You misunderstood me, I'm not talking about the Huguang Hall, but the Eagle's Nest." The red-haired girl replied casually, "After all, the awakening environment of the family has many flaws, and I don't want a strong person at level 50 to die while awakening." In the middle, or leave too many sequelae, they are the mainstay of the future."

Does Eagle's Nest have an awakening environment?
That small and remote place of the Asrex family can awaken people?
how can that be!

This time, the people in charge couldn't hold back anymore, and finally all showed shocking eyes.

Does Eagle's Nest have an awakening environment?Of course not, Midi and Fina knew this very well.

However, after carefully observing and studying the Huguang Hall, Midi combined his experience in the previous life and felt that it should not be a problem to rebuild a better one.The profound knowledge of Alice, the Witch of Mist, the superb methods of Norton, the master alchemist, and the experience of Midi, who had awakened twice in the previous life, are enough to create a better awakening environment.

And more importantly, Midi knew that after 986 of the Arad calendar, when the city in the sky in Faroe Bay on the west coast showed its true appearance, the environment of "natural awakening" would appear.

At that time, the Huguang Hall, which is currently regarded as a treasure by the Hamilton family, will become worthless.

Adventurers will spread the awakening conditions, and the monopoly of the nobles and wealthy families on the awakening land will also be broken.

Not only that, compared to artificial awakening, as long as you choose the right time and place for natural awakening, you can even achieve "perfect awakening", just like "perfect job transfer".

Therefore, Midi didn't mind at all, and took out the "awakening environment" cherished by the people in charge as bait.

Anyway, it is something that will soon become obsolete and drop in price. It is better to take advantage of the asymmetry of information and make a fortune quickly.This is where the foresight and insurmountable advantages of the reborn have.

Looking at the people in charge who were lost in thought, a smile appeared on the corner of Midi's mouth.

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(End of this chapter)

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