Arad's Sword

Chapter 109 Monopoly and Competition

Chapter 109 Monopoly and Competition

Awakening is attractive in itself.

Awakening without sequelae is naturally more attractive.

When the temptation of power and the guarantee of safety come one after another, even the treacherous and cunning leaders of the seven branches cannot resist.What's more, the most important thing is that they are not monolithic, but have their own ghosts, wanting to gain greater benefits when the Iron-Blooded Duke falls.

Therefore, at this moment, when the opinions of the people in charge could not be unified, Fina, who threw the bait, was naturally able to dominate the family meeting.After some haggling, the people in charge finally agreed that Fina would integrate the branches to prepare for the upcoming civil war.Correspondingly, the Falcon Group must provide an awakening environment as soon as possible.

It seems that the Magic Research Department of the Falcon Group will need to be busy for a while.

Thinking this way in her heart, Midi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

So far, it can be said that the meeting has been half successful. Although it is not yet a final decision, at least it has the upper hand.

It looks simple, but in fact, Midi and Fina did not know how many calculations and how much effort they spent on preparation.

The earth-shattering extreme sword, coupled with speculation on the different positions of the seven branches, private temptations and alliances, and backed by the inheritance of the Elf King's Court and Alice's magical level, all of these come together. Together, coupled with the tacit understanding and affectionate performances of the boys and girls, this finally forced the seven branches to make some concessions.

Moreover, it is only a verbal concession at present. In actual implementation, whether it is in place in one step, or whether it is obedient and obedient, Midi has not yet decided.

Therefore, he and Fina could not breathe a sigh of relief, and had to conduct further explorations.

"Now that everyone has agreed to the integration, let's move on to the next issue, which is also something that the Hamilton family must solve." In Fina's blue eyes, the icy light flashed away, "Find out what caused Grandpa's illness. traitor, kill without mercy!"

The atmosphere that had been relaxed just now because of the agreement, became cold again because of this sentence.No one answered, or in other words, everyone wanted to wait and see how serious the pair of boys and girls in front of them wanted to be.

However, Midi knew very well that for the Queen of Magic Bullet, who regards the Iron-Blooded Duke as an opponent and grandpa as a relative, and has two diametrically opposite feelings, this matter must be revealed.

It's not an excuse for temptation, nor is it a means of containment, it's just for the Iron-Blooded Duke himself.

"Since you all don't have any ideas, or you don't want to cause any trouble, then I, the granddaughter, will start first." Fina turned her gaze to the person in front of her, "Uncle Guliening, please Answer me a question first, why, as the person in charge of the fencing branch, would you deliberately incite the family members and try to intercept me at this time?"

Without any foreshadowing or euphemism, the red-haired girl sitting in the head of the house raised questions straightforwardly and straight to the point.

Gu Liening's face instantly became a little ugly.

As one of the leaders of the seven branches of the majestic Hamilton family, and also a martial "fencing" branch, even if he hides his identity and proud surname, just by standing there, the powerful power capped at level 50 will be enough Enough to make most people look sideways and in awe.

However, at this moment, in the oldest meeting hall in Rose Mountain City, in the eyes of everyone, this innocent girl in front of her questioned herself in this tone?

No matter how deep the city is, Gu Liening, who is used to being condescending, still can't help but feel angry.

However, the situation is stronger than others. The seven major branches have just reached an agreement with the main branch where Fina is. Now is the time to enjoy the results. If you suddenly attack yourself now, it will only cause everyone to rebound.In addition, the wound on the shoulder was still painful, as if to remind Gu Liening, the black-haired and black-eyed boy next to the girl, of the powerful power.

endure!These two brats are in the limelight now, there is no need to confront them head-on, sooner or later, they will show their flaws, and then it will be time for a real comeback!
Gu Liening was thinking in his heart, and it was also a kind of self-comfort.

After a long while, he finally calmed down, and snorted indifferently: "It's nothing special, people from my fencing branch saw and recognized you by chance in Hutton Mar, and found that you were coming to the family territory , so I reported it to me. At this time, there happened to be another intelligence pointing out that several major assassin organizations in the principality were about to move. I couldn't contact you, but I was afraid that something might happen to the future family's first heir, so I made a big fanfare , so that those mice dare not move, that's all."

Gu Liening's reply was extremely smooth, and it was completely in the position of "I am all for your sake". Not only that, this testimony left a lot of room for maneuver, without flaws, it can be said to be impeccable.

Of course, this is not the result of quick wit, but the rhetoric that has been prepared long ago.This is the cunning of the veteran nobles-before determining victory, first consider the retreat of failure.

However, now that he was really forced to this retreat, he opened his mouth and uttered these lines. In the eyes of discerning people, this can already be regarded as the failure of Gu Liening, and even the entire fencing branch.

However, when Gu Liening chose to bow her head, Fina didn't seem to have the intention of accepting it as soon as she was good.

Instead, the girl once again launched a verbal onslaught.

"Where is the evidence?" Fina asked coldly, her voice sounded like the eternal ice on the snow-capped mountains of the Northland, "Who saw us? Where is the information about the Assassin's actions? Just relying on personal speculation to inspire so many people , I doubt if you are qualified to be the person in charge of an important branch of fencing!"

"What did you say!" Gu Liening's face was flushed with anger, and his beard was shaking, obviously angry.

He had already chosen to give in, but unexpectedly, Fina's purpose was not to suppress herself at all, but to knock herself down as the head of the branch with one stick!

"Gulie Ning is also out of good intentions, and I hope the acting Patriarch will understand." The person in charge of the Scroll branch pushed his glasses and first supported him from the side.

"Hahaha, Gulie Ning, don't be angry, young people are always full of enthusiasm." The other person also laughed, "Besides, little princess, since you have already sat in that position, everything is fine. Please think twice, after all, everyone makes mistakes, right?"

One person eased the atmosphere, the other smoothed things over, and threatened again by the way.

Perhaps at the beginning they had acquiesced in Fina's strength, and decided to use Gu Lienin as a sacrifice to vent their anger on Fina, but if they would just watch Fina pull the person in charge of the fencing branch down, then It is absolutely impossible.

If there is one, there are two. If other people do not support when they are pulled down, who will support themselves when they are pulled down?
These people in charge are not fools, their interests are not consistent, and they are not monolithic. However, after all, they will not be easily isolated.

However, facing the changing direction of the wind, Fina just kept a cold face and said without compromise: "Nowadays is a turbulent age, and only strength can explain everything. How can I be in charge of a person in charge who is not stable like Gu Liening?" Dare to use it? If you are still immersed in the glory of the past, then I have nothing to say, I am afraid that you will regret it when you fall behind."

"Behind others?" Immediately, the person in charge asked sensitively, "Does acting Patriarch mean awakening?"

The Queen of Magic Bullets was waiting for these words, she suddenly smiled, and the whole hall suddenly glowed.

When everyone felt the beauty of Fina again, the girl explained unhurriedly: "I plan to open the Awakening Hall of the Eagle's Nest to all members of the Falcon Group. As long as the contribution points reach a certain level, they can get The reward for awakening. People like Gu Liening may not be able to compete with adventurers, and they are more likely to drag down the entire fencing branch."

The Hall of Awakening will be open to the Falcon Group, not exclusive to the Hamilton Family!

In an instant, this sentence exploded in the hall like a thunderbolt, shocking everyone.

If the people in charge were still thinking about how to get awakened a moment ago, what they have to think about now is the scene of being climbed on the head by a group of civilian adventurers.

Not afraid of monopoly, but afraid of competition.

This is also called human nature.

Immediately, except Midi and Fina, the expressions of everyone present at the meeting became extremely ugly.

In the army of nobles, there are not many high-level professionals, and the army relies more on numbers, equipment, and strict training to improve its overall strength.Because of this, these people in charge originally thought that those who could compete for awakening should be the only ones who had already reached their peak or were close to their peak.

Take the Asrex family as an example. Although Eagle's Nest is on their territory, they can't come up with anyone who can awaken, including Midi.

So the people in charge are very sure.

Even if Fina controls the awakening environment, she can only negotiate with them. They can be said to be the only buyers, the only market, and the only group interested in awakening.

Of course, other giants also have a few 50-level caps, but the number is too small to be successful.

But it is different now. If those civilians are added, the variables will increase greatly. Although the proportion of high-level adventurers is not large, the absolute number is quite a lot. Take those first-class mercenary groups as an example. But all of them have reached level 40. In the current turbulent environment, it is not difficult to upgrade. If some upgrade potions are added, it will be even faster.

Moreover, Fina's Falcon Group just happened to gather a large number of adventurers. It can be said that they can cultivate a capped level 50 adventurer in a short period of time!
Comparing the two, the people in charge found sadly that it seemed that Fina had a choice, but they did not.And they can even be sure that, compared to their own rebellious family branches with their own ulterior motives, Fina might give priority to her to create them by herself. Members of the Falcon Group with high loyalty will be awakened first!

Sellers still maintain a monopoly.

But buyers, they can no longer cover the market.

It was just a word from the girl, and the atmosphere in the entire hall changed again.

(End of this chapter)

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