Arad's Sword

Chapter 110 For Honor

Chapter 110 For Honor
Seeing that everyone had calculated similarly, and understood the difference in chips between the two sides, Fina finally showed a strategic and satisfied smile, like a queen who ruled the world, high-spirited, majestic and unbearable.

"In the name of acting head of the family, I announce that the head of the fencing branch, Gulenin Hamilton, will now be recalled." The red-haired girl announced loudly.

At a time like this, one can imagine with one's knees what choices these veteran nobles, who are accustomed to pushing their teammates to death, will make.

He actually wants to become the first person in charge to be ousted directly at a family meeting in the past 50 years?Even in the period of the Iron-Blooded Grand Duke, there was no such thing!

Thinking of this, Gu Liening's face turned pale.

At this moment, the person in charge, who was still invincible just now, clenched his fists tightly, and the bones all over his body creaked. In an instant, the air was no longer filled with the smell of gunpowder, but strong hostility and anger!

Just at the moment when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, an old man's cough sounded just right.

The sound was not loud, but at that moment, it was as if an invisible breeze had blown through the entire hall, blowing away all the noise and chaos without a trace.

At some point, the old butler Pepin had already arrived behind Fina, standing opposite Midi, like another guardian knight.

A butler is just a butler. However, how could a strong man who awakened once and his strength was second only to the Grand Duke of Jagged Blood be an ordinary butler?

He just stood there quietly, and Fina and Midie immediately felt a lot less pressure.

Finally, it is not necessary to resist the power of fourteen high-level and even capped professionals so hard.

It was only at this moment that Midi finally took a breath in her heart.Now, he could assert that the old housekeeper was really on his and Fina's side - not only because of his actions, but also because of the timing of his appearance.

If they appeared too early, the majesty of Midi and Fina would not be able to be established at all. The people in charge would only feel that the two were not successful enough, and they were just relying on the last remaining prestige of the Iron-Blooded Duke.

However, now that the dust has basically settled, when the old butler appears on the stage in order to avoid accidents such as fish death and net breakage, it highlights his identity as a warrior and downplays the background of the Iron-Blooded Duke.The protagonists are still Midi and Fina, it's just that there is an extra big card in the hands of the young girl, which is extremely dreadful.

Such a thoughtful and detail-oriented way of appearing on the stage is the biggest factor that really reassures Midi, a reborn person with a lot of thoughts.

Midi, who possesses the strange power of one-hit killing and also serves as a guardian knight; Fina, who holds the power of awakening and is justifiable as the acting head of the house; plus this old housekeeper whose level exceeds 50 after one awakening, with unprecedented strength.With these three elements, the conclusion of the family meeting will no longer change.

The branches were integrated, dissidents were eradicated, and some clues of traitors were also caught.

Next, how quickly the real conspirators can be traced out depends on how well the fencing branch cooperates.However, after losing the person in charge, no matter how many masters there are in this branch, isn't it just random?
It can be said that the overall situation is settled.

"Slow down, please wait a moment, everyone."

At this moment, the pale young man behind Gu Liening stood up calmly.

Martin? Hamilton, fencing branch No.1!
In Midi's mind, the personal information that he checked before the meeting immediately popped up.The young man who served as the deputy of the fencing branch kept a low profile throughout the meeting. Compared to the others, he even lacked a sense of presence.However, Midi did not dare to belittle her.

Because, precisely because of the seemingly fragile rapier of this person, Midi pushed away Midi's extreme intention that had been raised for three whole days.Let the originally killing blow become a deterrent performance.

Although this "Fencing No. 1" is not the top fighter, that sword alone is enough to make Midi put its threat above Gu Liening.

Now that the overall situation is settled, what is he going to do again?
Not only did Midi speculate, but her expression remained calm on the surface, but she was secretly vigilant in her heart.

"Master Gu Liening's actions, whether it is good or bad, and what should be the most important thing between wishes and results, I don't think it can be decided by voting alone." Martin glanced at the audience, calmly but firmly He said in an iron tone, "I propose to use the oldest and simplest method of our Hamilton family to decide whether Lord Gulenin will stay or not. In short, let us fight for honor."

To fight for honor, to put it more simply, whoever has the biggest fist will listen to him.

Its form is to resolve controversial issues in a one-on-one battle in the arena of Rose Mountain City.Turn verbal negotiations, bargaining and political wrestling into the most direct competition of strength.

A long time ago, when the backbone and branches had not yet been formed, and the strength gap between the two sides was not large, internal friction often occurred within the Hamilton family. If the internal friction was large, it would easily lead to a decline in overall strength.For this reason, the Patriarchs created such a method to turn large-scale internal friction into a single-handed fight.

However, now that the trunk and branches are clearly defined, and the Golden Branch Legion is dominating, coupled with the unparalleled strength of the Iron-Blooded Duke, if anyone wants to "fight for honor" again, the result will be to lose both honor and profit .

As for now, it's not that the other branches haven't thought of restarting "Battle of Honor", it's just that they don't have suitable candidates.

After all, it is absolutely impossible for these responsible people to end themselves.As a capped professional who has already become famous and is in charge of a party, he should win, but if he loses, even the seat below his buttocks will not be stable.

And the deputies behind them are mostly civil servants, most of them are level 30 to 40, facing Midi who has the power to kill the capper with one blow, most of them have no resistance.

The benefits are out of proportion to the risks. Moreover, the general trend is set, so everyone simply forgets this method selectively.

But I didn't expect that someone from the fencing branch that was suppressed the most would come out.

Should it be said that it is the most martial of the Hamilton family?

Or is it that young people can't swallow this breath?
Everyone looked at the calm Martin Hamilton.Many people even showed appreciative smiles and applauded lightly.

"My Hamilton family really produced bloody youths in large numbers."

"As expected of No.1 fencing, a genius among geniuses."

The bosses all expressed their praise.Since someone wanted to cause trouble for Fina, they would of course welcome it. Anyway, there would be no price, and on the contrary, they might be able to benefit from it, so why not do it?

As for the side of the trunk, Fina just snorted coldly, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth as well.

This is not a hypocritical smile, but a sincere pleasure, because, for the Queen of Magic Bullet, who never compromises and does not want to play tricks behind her back, compared to the intrigue at the family meeting, the "Battle of Honor" is more important. This form may be the most acceptable to her.

"No problem?" Fina turned her head and looked at Midi with a questioning gaze.

Fina, who is acting as the head of the family, is no longer suitable for a direct duel, so since she wants to accept the challenge, the one who will really fight is of course Midi, who is the guardian knight.

Looking at the red-haired girl's eager but worried eyes, Midi couldn't help but smile: "As long as you don't keep thinking about taking my prey by yourself, you'll be fine. Besides, it's rare to have a chance to let people see me." Seeing the power of our Falcon Group, we might as well make it bigger."

"Don't underestimate Hamilton. The arena in Rose Mountain City is much bigger than that in Eagle's Nest, and I guarantee that everyone who should come will definitely be there." Fina curled her lips and snorted proudly replied.

The casual conversation between the two reached everyone's ears.

Intimate, with a touch of ridicule, moreover, the odds of victory are in their hands, it seems that what they are going to face is not fencing No.1, but an unknown person with weak strength.

Looking at the girl's smile, Martin Hamilton's eyes flashed an imperceptible trace of anger and jealousy.

That is the jewel in the palm of the Hamilton family, the most beloved and kindest little princess of the people of the entire Rose Mountain City, and also the perfect marriage partner that Martin has always wanted to pursue.

But now, the little girl has grown up, and not only has she become stronger than she imagined, but she also casually brought such a guy who came out of nowhere and has humble blood flowing in her body!

It is said that the guy named Midi? Asrex's performance in the academy was mediocre, and he was a playboy with many bad deeds. For some reason, his luck changed, and he got in touch with the little princess, and Became a partner ever since.

A genius like himself with a strong blood in his body has never seen Fina's smile, but now, the little princess just smiled at that Midi in public.

He couldn't stand it.

So, no longer bear it.

For a swordsman, what he wants doesn't need the gift of others, he just needs to grab it with the sword in his hand!
"It's a little too impulsive for you to propose a battle of reputation." After the meeting, Domingo looked at his companion who was calm on the surface but full of anger, and sighed deeply.

"Hmph, Domingo, do you think I will lose to that lowly kid?" Martin snorted coldly.

"I didn't say that, it's not easy for fencing No.1 to deal with the kind of dandies who have become monks halfway." Domingo smiled, patted his companion on the shoulder, then shook his head and said, "It's just, So what if you win? For you, this is a matter of course, and it will not bring any benefits at all, unless..."

"Unless?" Martin interjected.

"You can kill that kid Midi on the spot, so that this battle of reputation can really change the current disadvantage. By the way, let our little princess think about who is the strong one worth relying on .” There was a demonic allure in Domingo’s voice.

"Kill Midi?" Martin frowned.

The battle of reputation is not a battle of life and death.Moreover, Midi is not just a guardian knight, he is also the first heir of the Asrex family and a member of the queen's faction. Many nobles believe that Midi has greatly weakened the power of the Seth family before. contributed to the struggle.

For such a true nobleman, if he died in the battle of the Hamilton family's reputation like this, it would do more harm than good.

Although he is full of hatred for Midi, Martin is definitely not a short-sighted person. He has a yardstick in his heart for how far he should go.

Therefore, he just shook his head slightly, and then killed the thought.

"Hmph, I didn't get dazzled by anger..." Looking at Martin's back, Domingo muttered to himself with a little disappointment, but the next moment, the corner of his mouth curved into a sneer again, "It doesn't matter, even if you don't want a battle of life and death, I will still make it a battle of life and death!"

 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, the ball is the first to order!

(End of this chapter)

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