Arad's Sword

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Three days later, when the agreed day arrived, the arena in Rose Mountain City was already full of people.

Although there are more or less competitive activities in this arena almost every month as a common entertainment for nobles and commoners, but compared with the "battle of honor" at this time, they are nothing, even child's play. Not really.

You know, there are two real nobles who will be standing on this yellow sand field today, and one of them is a member of the Hamilton family.Whether it's Midi or Martin, both of them bear great achievements and great names, and the result of this battle of reputation will determine the fate of a high-ranking and incomparably high-ranking branch leader !

Noble status, powerful strength, and unimaginable heavy bets, this is the real exciting battle.

In fact, the Colosseum was originally designed for honor battles, not for entertainment.But how many years have passed since the Iron-Blooded Duke came to power?

It wasn't until this moment that it re-bloomed its own light.

When he learned that the two were about to have a battle of honor, the person in charge of the arena, a nominal baron, was so excited that he couldn't even sleep. He immediately recruited people to carry out the arena that he had managed for decades. overhauled.The pillars, porch, stands, and decorations everywhere have all changed from the rough style that is close to the civilians to the real resplendent feeling of the Hamilton family.

Even the yellow sand in the arena was replaced with the most expensive and most suitable beach white gravel.

At this moment, looking down from the VIP seats, the entire arena looks like a huge and silent lake.

But soon, presumably this calm and tidy lake will be turned upside down by two duelists, right?
When Martin Hamilton slowly stepped into the white sand arena from the southernmost gate carved with a wolf's head, he was immediately greeted with overwhelming cheers.

As the most martial branch of the family, the fencing branch has a high influence in Rose Mountain City, and Martin, who owns "Fencing No.1", can be said to be a celebrity that everyone in Rose Mountain City knows.His fame was not obtained through simple competitions or rankings, but through actual fighting.

The Hamilton family has a vast territory, from the southernmost seaport to the northernmost border, frictions and collisions of various forces occur almost every day.

Martin, on the other hand, devoted himself to these battles, from pirates, bandits, and bandits, to the regular troops sent by the parliamentarians, and even had a confrontation with the Red Flame Legion.In all these battles he ultimately came out victorious, always at the head of the pack.

On the surface, Martin's behavior is almost the same as that of Midi after his rebirth, and it is only natural that he will accumulate a huge reputation and popularity.

In fact, if there is a difference, it is that Midi has no choice but to win, otherwise it will be a total collapse.As for Martin, he can choose an advantageous battlefield, and find ways to get the generals to cooperate, and then seize the opportunity to perform well.

Therefore, Martin's reputation rose much faster than Midi's.

After all, well-prepared drama is always more attractive than bloody reality.

Facing the fanatical supporters, this "Fencing Branch No. 1" just waved his hand lightly, still maintaining his usual indifferent expression, one person, one sword, slowly walked into the arena elegantly and chicly middle.

At the same time, when Midi entered the arena from the north gate carved with a leopard head, the audience on the field became entangled.

The nobles have nothing to worry about, the ass decides the head.

Or to put it more elegantly, common positions and values ​​are what people want.

Therefore, the members of the "Golden Branch", as soon as they saw Midi entering the arena as Fina's guardian knight, they immediately began to support and build momentum in a very dignified manner.

As members of the Golden Branch, they are used to running amok under the protection of the Iron-Blooded Duke, and they sometimes have conflicts with the seven branches in terms of profit distribution.Now that the Iron-Blooded Duke is critically ill, these people naturally hope that the new Fina can be equally strong and continue to maintain the various interests that the backbone should have.

Now that the Queen of Magic Bullet came up and made a strong attack, it was natural for them to abolish the person in charge of the strongest fencing branch.Under the love of the house and the black, Midi, as the guardian knight, is of course also sought after.

Many caring people have even started to create public opinion during these three days. They kept publicizing Midi's achievements, not hoping to be compared with the "Fencing No. impression.

When the Golden Branch was cheering, the people from the fencing branch immediately booed. After all, Midi Asrex was not from the Hamilton family, and they had no need for any scruples. The reasons are endless.

But the nobles are a minority after all, even with the addition of servants who are making moves.

It is the people who have lived on this land for generations that really occupy the mainstream.

As subjects of the Hamilton family, they are naturally very familiar with "Fencing No. 1", and they also quite support this outstanding genius.But to say that the one who is really popular, compared to nobles and geniuses, is the little red-haired girl.

The title "little princess" did not come from within the family, but was gradually formed during the days when Fina thought she was upholding justice in Rose Mountain City, but in fact she was tyrannical.

People watched the little red-haired girl beat up the dudes one by one, advocating justice for the common people.And watched her boldly challenge the Grand Duke of Iron Blood from time to time, and even fight hard.I also watched her grow up gradually, become slim, beautiful, and powerful, until she became the jewel in the palm of everyone.

If fencing No.1 gave everyone the impression of a "genius and capable noble young master", then Fina gave the impression of "the most suitable person to be a lord".

The former is nothing more than looking up and awe, while the latter is what the true heart desires.

Even though Fina has been far away from the political center of Rose Mountain City these years, people have never forgotten her, but just buried her deeply in their hearts.

A few days ago, when Fina entered the city, people spontaneously lined the road to welcome her, which already explained everything.

And at this moment, when everyone is ready, it will be easier to see the popularity of the Queen of Magic Bullets here.

The only problem is that it is not the little princess in their hearts who is playing now, but a stranger, a complete outsider who stepped into the territory of the Hamilton family and Rose Mountain City for the first time.

Do you want to support such an outsider?

People suddenly lost their minds.

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded and reached everyone's ears.

"Midi, come on! Win the battle of honor!"

On the high stands, in the VIP seat, Fina Hamilton ignored the reserve and image of the acting head, just stood up and leaned against the railing, surrounded her hands into horns, and shouted loudly.There was a hint of blush on the girl's fair face, and she didn't know if it was because of the force, or because of shyness.

Although I have long been used to this little princess's personality of playing cards out of common sense, but at this moment, there was still an uproar among the people.

She actually supported her guardian knight in person?
This guy……

Midi felt a gentle warmth in her heart, and the last bit of solemnity against a strong enemy melted away like melting snow in Fina's voice, leaving only unprecedented high emotions.

By the way, in this life, with her by his side, how could he fail?

Thinking of this, Midi suddenly drew out the dark and dull long sword, the sharp blade pointed straight to the sky, splitting the golden sunlight into thousands of slender rays of light.

"For Fina Hamilton!"

When this natural sentence came out of Midi's mouth naturally, people no longer need to struggle.

Yes, although he is an outsider, although there is no blood of the Hamilton family in his body, but speaking of Midi, this is a rising star recently, and he is Fina's guardian knight, who was appointed by the little princess.If you don't support him, who should you support?

"For our little princess!"

"For Fina!"

People shouted one after another, joined with the support from the main branch "Golden Branch", and instantly overwhelmed the booing of the fencing branch, forming the only chorus in the entire arena.

"Miss Fina, in my opinion, it seems a bit condescending to only let Mr. Meady be the guardian knight." Hearing the one-sided shouts on the field, the old housekeeper Pepin said with a smile.

"Midi's focus is on the Falcon Group, and the guardian knights are just incidental." Fina replied, and then muttered in a low voice, "And it's not my exclusive guardian knight..."

In the heart of the red-haired girl, she couldn't help thinking of the black-haired girl who was still guarding the Eagle's Nest—Midi probably didn't know that his "ownership" had actually been divided up by these two, and she thought it was the guardian of the knight. The idea was specially proposed in response to the family meeting.

I don't know what expression this guy will have when he knows the truth?
Looking at the calm back of the black-haired man on the white gravel, Fina thought secretly.

And at a time when the invisible forces are constantly clashing and people's hearts are tilted, Midi and Martin, the real protagonists of the battle of honor, finally came to face each other.

"Do you think there is a chance of winning if you shout louder?" Martin sneered.

In his opinion, Midi's doing so was simply a bluff.During these three days, he thought carefully about the earth-shattering sword at the family meeting, and finally came to the conclusion that Midi must have spent a lot of effort on this sword, so it was impossible to repeat it in the battle of reputation. now.

Even if it reappears, as long as you are prepared, you will be able to avoid it.

At that time, if the full-strength attack fails, Midi will definitely be greatly weakened in both momentum and physical strength.

And if he didn't use ultimate moves, he wouldn't believe that a rookie who was once a dandy, who had been practicing for many years, and only relied on the recent rapid upgrade, could be his opponent.You know, what Martin is most proud of is that solid foundation.

However, facing Martin's aggressiveness, Midi just shrugged his shoulders.

"You are indeed strong, but you lacked one very important thing during your growth." The black-haired boy said quietly, "That is failure."

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(End of this chapter)

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