Arad's Sword

Chapter 115 The Sword of Infamy

Chapter 115 The Sword of Infamy

Martin looked up.

His eyes, which were originally filled with arrogance, contempt, disdain, and self-confidence, became gray at this moment, as if they had been ironed out, without any emotional ups and downs, and what was left was only empty anger and hatred!

His eyeballs sunk deeply into their sockets, like the eyes of a wolf.That head of hair, which was originally combed extremely neatly and smoothly, was also stimulated by some kind of force, and the roots stood up backwards, like an enraged lion.At some point, the wound cut by Midi had stopped bleeding, and the surface of the wound was lumpy with flesh and blood, as if it had been hardened by high temperature, making it extremely ugly.

And everywhere on Martin's body surface, bluish-white blood vessels and meridians were slightly raised, which was a sign of the continuous expansion of muscle strength.

Sensing the earth-shaking changes in the opponent's body, even the ghost on Midi's left arm, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly vibrated at this moment, as if reminding the host of the coming danger.


Midi's pupils shrank instantly.

The scene in front of me was almost exactly the same as what the sword soul who acted as an assassin did at the end of the academy trial last year. If there is a difference, it is that this time the movement is louder and the condensed power is stronger!
This guy is dying?
Even Midi, who is good at calculating, couldn't help being stunned at this moment.

He couldn't imagine why the promising "Fencing No. 1" had to take such a near-suicidal behavior.Just because he lost once in public?No, no matter how much you want to save face, it's impossible to choose this completely shameless way of dying together, right?
But the current situation does not allow Midi to find out what happened, because the berserk Martin has already rushed forward.

He roared like a wild beast, and he took a step forward, and with the violent way of using an epee, he directly chopped the slender long sword towards Midi's head.

With a "huh", Hei Tianjian went up to meet him.

There was only a muffled thud, and sparks burst out from where the two swords intersected, illuminating the faces of Midi and Martin.

With Jiyi's support, this time the sword fight was evenly matched.Facing an opponent who was able to withstand his own blow in terms of arm strength, Mad Martin's movements paused for a while, but this was not a retreat, and the Berserker didn't know how to retreat, but was accumulating strength for further attacks.

Soon, Mad Martin pushed his body forward desperately, oppressing Midi's sword.

The ultimate intention in Midi's body was flowing crazily, but even so, he was still powerless in the face of a berserk enemy whose level was higher than his own.The slender long sword contained power unimaginable to ordinary people, rushing towards Midi like a tide. It seems that the power of the berserker has indeed surpassed the limit of human beings. Pushing away, his feet began to slide on the dirt, dragging two furrows on the ground.

Now Midi's only breakthrough is to weaken Martin's strength by suppressing the breath of mysterious ghosts and gods.

It's just that there are many ghosts and gods residing in Martin's body, and they are obviously not something that ordinary ghost swordsmen can get.Although Midi has released the coercion of ghosts and gods, it cannot achieve immediate results as usual.

Before the real suppressive effect, Midi must use her own strength to survive under the sword of the berserker.

Just as Midi was forced back step by step, there was the sound of neat steps, followed by the sound of metal armor colliding.

The big arena made a correct response at the first time. The iron gates in the four directions of east, west, north and south were all opened at this moment, and the four centurions responsible for maintaining order entered the arena at the fastest speed, trying to control the scene.

But it didn't work.

Hearing a roar from Mad Martin, he continued to fight Midi with one hand, while the other hand twitched the Thunder Whip.

The air instantly became extremely hot due to friction, and the sharp piercing sound raged across the entire arena.

In the hands of a berserker with an unbelievably high physical fitness, this whip of thunder really displayed its frightening and terrifying power.The whip shadow instantly covered a distance of nearly [-] meters, interweaving into a giant net of lightning and death. The four centurions didn't even have time to defend, and they were all torn apart.

In the big arena, blood mist filled the air, pieces of flesh splattered, and fragments of destroyed armor and swords shot everywhere. Against the white gravel, the blood looked shocking. In people's eyes, it was a scene of hell on earth.

This wasn't a "battle of honor" anymore, it was a horrific massacre.

Looking at this terrifying scene, the large arena with tens of thousands of people unexpectedly became extremely silent in an instant, as if time had stood still, and as if thoughts had been frozen.Everyone could only stare dumbfounded, but didn't know what to say.

Except for one person.

"Midi, suppress him!" Fina's calm and clear voice rang out.

Accompanied by the voice of the red-haired girl, one after another powerful magic bullets were shot down from the central stand, forming a powerful fire support and containment.

Facing the overwhelming attack of magic bullets, Mad Martin did not dodge or dodge, and immediately waved the Thunder Whip in his hand, smashing the magic bullets one by one, and countless rays of light exploded in the air, piercing people's eyes. Do not open your eyes.

This is the first time that the Magic Bullet Queen's attack has been completely blocked.

However, in order to be able to defend against this terrible attack, Mad Martin's attention was also removed from Midi.

Although it was only for a short moment, it was enough for Midi who cooperated perfectly with Fina.

Taking advantage of the moment when the oppression from the opponent eased, the Heitian sword in Midi's hand shook violently, swinging away the slender long sword that was pressing on him like a mountain.

The next moment, his figure was like a shadow, and he avoided the long sword that was slashing head-on in an instant. At the moment when the opponent's attack was lost, he went around directly from the side, with the inner body flowing, the black sword in his hand A semicircular light trail was cut in the air, sweeping across Martin's body with incomparable accuracy!
This sword cut off the opponent's left arm directly.

The left arm that hosts multiple powerful ghosts and gods.

Although when the berserker transforms, ghosts and gods will flood into the host's body, but their foundation is still in the left arm.This arm was removed by Midi, and the ghost's control over the host was greatly reduced immediately, and Midi's ghost took the opportunity to show its power, and immediately suppressed the remaining ghost power in Martin's body.

The boiling blood in the Berserker's body gushed out like a spring again, and at the same time, Martin's eyes finally returned to clarity.

His lips twitched for a moment, then he let out a loud roar, and then fell into a coma.

But Midi still didn't dare to relax, and with another sword, he flew the thunder whip, and at the same time, he didn't let go of Martin's every move until another centurion entered and completely restrained Martin. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

So far, this dangerous battle has finally come to an end.

There is no doubt that Midi is the undisputed victor.However, if you look at the overall situation, there is no winner in this extremely bloody "battle of reputation".

After all, in Rose Hill City, the core of the Hamilton family, such an accident happened, and the person who went berserk was a strong man with the reputation of "Fencing No. 1". A scandal that the nobles, especially the MPs, can mock.

Not only that, since Fina Hamilton was the acting head of the family at that time, there is no doubt that the newly appointed queen of magic bullets will also receive a lot of criticism.

That being the case, as Fina's guardian knight, how can Midi win?

If it must be said, there is no winner in the whole family, all losers, it's just that the bets lost vary in size.

"This must be a conspiracy against our Hamilton family!" A fist slammed heavily on the solid mahogany table, causing a heavy muffled sound that echoed in the empty conference hall.

The face of the person in charge of the branch who said this was extremely gloomy, while the expressions of the rest of them were not much better.

"Every detail must be thoroughly investigated. No matter who it is, no matter what force it is, we must find a way to find out!" Another branch leader said.

"Martin Hamilton is simply a disgrace to the family. He even made such a thing in the arena. When will he regain consciousness?" the third person asked.

The newly appointed temporary head of the fencing branch has a bitter face, but he can only repeat the answer that has been repeated many times-Martin is receiving treatment under strict surveillance. Once he wakes up, he will immediately notify all parties involved. The investigation has also been completed. It started, it's all cliché.

However, to be honest, no one would really use Martin as a breakthrough, let alone how much he knows, so many ghosts and gods go berserk at the same time, whether they can recover their IQ is a problem.

The only thing Midi did was to order the fencing branch to hand over the inheritance of "Breaking the Army and Raising the Dragon Whip".

That is a good thing. Once it is sent to the contribution point exchange system of Eagle's Nest, it will greatly enhance the strength of the entire Falcon Group.And at this moment, there is a copy of the Whip of Breaking the Army and Rising the Dragon, hidden in Midi's arms, and he plans to read it slowly after the meeting.

Everyone has different thoughts, Midi and Fina are looking at the overall situation of the future, and the branch leaders are looking at the current distribution of power, and beside the chair of the scroll branch leader, the real culprit who caused Martin to go crazy, how many Mingo Hamilton was pretending to be dignified, with his head down, humble and low-key.

However, feeling the impetuous atmosphere around him, and seeing the gloomy expressions of those who were originally in charge, his heart was filled with joy and refreshment.

Yes, to personally subvert a wealthy family that has existed for hundreds of years, and then to win a new ruler in this land, what else can make people feel more fulfilled than this?

This is just the beginning, and the best is yet to come!

Domingo laughed in his heart, feeling unprecedented carefree.

And at this moment, the main entrance of the conference hall suddenly opened.

Usually, no one dares to interrupt the family head and high-status leaders giving advice, unless it is an urgent emergency.

But now, the door opened without permission, and three people walked in at once.

The person in the front is a leader of the "Qianfan" branch in charge of transportation. "Thousand Sails", as the manager of the transportation industry of the Principality of Belle Mare, has also placed countless scouts all over the country. Most of the time, "Thousand Sails" is synonymous with intelligence.

Followed closely by the "Golden Branch", the herald directly under the Patriarch's command.

The third person was not a member of the Hamilton family, but the half-elf Odile. What she brought could only be a message from the Eagle's Nest and Alice.

One walked to the person in charge of the "Qianfan" branch, one walked to Fina, and the other walked to Midi.

The three of them took the note and read it, then raised their heads at the same time.From each other's eyes, they saw the same surprise and emotional fluctuations.

The content of these three pieces of information is different in emphasis and level of detail, but they all say the same thing.

The Seth family finally launched a brazen attack, targeting the Grand Duchy of Hamilton!
 The second is coming!
(End of this chapter)

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