Arad's Sword

Chapter 116

Chapter 116
Flowing Water County, this is an important town on the border of the Grand Duchy of Hamilton.

It is located on the side of the "Dame River", a canal that runs through the entire north and south of the Principality of Belle Mare. It has a complete wharf and shipping mechanism, and it is also located at the junction of the territory of the Hamilton family and several Queen's nobles, more than 50 kilometers to the north It is also the border of the Seth family. Many smugglers will come here to rest. It can be said that the transportation is very convenient and it is a typical commercial city.

The permanent force of the Hamilton family here is also much higher than that of ordinary counties and towns, but it has reached the standard of a small town, with a full garrison of 2000 people.

One must know that ordinary nobles with the title of earl only have [-] troops garrisoned in the main city.Two thousand is already a very impressive number.

With such a garrison army, ordinary nobles would not dare to take Liushui County's idea at all.

However, when Fina and Midi returned to Rose Mountain City to wrestle and negotiate openly and secretly with the seven branches, the Seth family brazenly dispatched troops, using both land and water routes. The Hamilton family territory, and within a day, took down this important town!

In the past, the two families often had conflicts on the border, and there were even confrontations and battles involving thousands of people.

But this time, it was an attack of tens of thousands of people, and it went deep into the territory of the Hamilton family.

It can be said that this is no longer a level of friction, but a war in the true sense.

At the same time as they saw the secret report, almost everyone could tell that the civil war in the Principality of Bel Mare broke out without warning.

As for the loss of the Scarlet Flame Legion, the reason why the Seth family, which has always been at a disadvantage, dared to ignite the flames of war at this time is also very simple.

Because the Iron-Blooded Duke has fallen.

The response of the Hamilton family, which has lost its backbone, will inevitably become sluggish, and may even cause high-level turmoil. If it does not attack at this time, when will it attack?
And with the outbreak of the war, all the conspiracies and tricks seemed to be revealed——

It was the Seth family who sniped the transportation of the Datura human face grass, which made the Iron-Blooded Duke fall ill.

It was the Seth family who secretly murdered Martin and turned him into a berserker in the "Battle of Fame", hoping to kill both Midi and Martin in the first battle.

All the evidence and motives point to the old enemies of the Queen's faction, the Seth family.This is also very logical. It is precisely because everything is manipulated by the Seth family behind the scenes that they were able to pinch the time when Hamilton was leaderless so accurately and launch an attack at the most appropriate time.

All explanations are logical, but Midi always feels that something is wrong.

The conspiracy is so obvious that it can hardly be called a conspiracy.

And more importantly, if the Seth family really has such great energy, they can make the Grand Duke critically ill through secret operations, and at the same time intervene in the battle of honor in the rose mountain city thousands of miles away, then it has long been the leader of the Principality of Belle Mare. The number one nobleman, why has he been at a disadvantage in the struggle for a hundred years?
Faintly, Midi felt that there seemed to be a pair of gloomy and indifferent eyes watching the vast land of the Principality. They sat by and even provoked the civil war, just to sit back and watch when the Queen's faction and the Congressman's faction were both defeated. Reap the benefits of the fisherman.

who can that be?

Delos Empire?
Or some other force hidden in the dark?
Midi scanned through several possible factors in her mind, but she still couldn't draw a definite conclusion.

After all, who wouldn't want to take advantage of the civil war in the Principality of Belle Mare?But how much ambition, how much ability, how far the previous layout, how much energy, these factors, even Midi can't judge.

Although it is good to be a reborn person, Midi was just an unknown little character in the civil war in the previous life. Many high-level intelligence was out of reach, and he just drifted with the flow.So what he can do in this life is to reverse the ending of that year.

But now, after being reborn, I strive to become stronger and constantly change my destiny, and the butterfly effect has become more and more influential. The future is like a lighthouse in the fog, and the light can be seen dimly, but it is always difficult to capture it. correct position.

It seems that in the coming war, it is necessary to find a way to let those behind-the-scenes black hands show their feet!
Midi secretly decided on a strategy in her heart.

However, this strategy also faces a problem—is the strongest elite soldier of the Hamilton family, the "Golden Branch" Legion named the First Legion of the Principality of Bel Mare, willing to obey the orders of an outsider like himself?
Thinking this way, a fortress as huge as a dormant dragon appeared in the sight of Midi and his party.

Fortress of Fulong, stationed with [-] elite soldiers, deterred the first fortress of the Principality in the northern part of the Principality of Bel Mare.

The headquarters of the Golden Branch Army.

As the name says, even if a giant dragon comes, you have to lie down here!

This is the confidence and arrogance of the Golden Branch Army.

In the magnificent battle hall supported by giant pillars that neither of them could surround, the generals of the Golden Branch Legion with a length of more than 5000 were lined up.Some of them are young talents with outstanding talents, and some are well-known veterans who have experienced many battles. They are of different ages, but what they have in common is the decisive and iron-blooded taste that emanates from their bones.

Standing in this hall, looking at the countless swords and flags adorning the walls, looking at these generals with serious expressions, fully armed, holding their sword hilts, and standing tall and straight like javelins, no matter who they are, there will be a feeling of The illusion of being on the battlefield of gunpowder at this moment.

All the generals were present. In the past, this was the situation when the Golden Branch Army was mobilizing.

Without any fancy etiquette, without any nonsense and pleasantries, the only thing the generals need to know is who they need to crush in this war.

This time, the rules remained the same, but the person sitting in the commander-in-chief position was changed.

It is no longer the iron-blooded Grand Duke who is awe-inspiring and looked up to, but a heroic red-haired girl.

The generals have nothing against Fina Hamilton.

Then it reached the incredible level 36, one person conquered one city in one day, and became the famous "Magic Bullet Queen".These qualifications, achievements, talents, and the identity of the orthodox Hamilton's first heir, coupled with his hearty and strong personality, are enough to make these generals who are good at war and have no interest in politics feel extremely satisfied.

They believed that they would usher in a brighter future by offering allegiance to such a lord.Many of them even privately believed that in the near future, this girl would eventually become the number one figure in the duchy not inferior to the Iron-Blooded Grand Duke, a veritable "queen" ruling the dukedom.

It's just that the black-haired boy next to Fina made the generals murmur a little.

Midi Asrex, who was originally the son of an earl, was inconspicuous, and could even be said to be the most scumbag dude. The meeting with Fina was forced by the councilors to slow him down. It was a complete joke.

However, such an unknown person at the level of a miscellaneous fish has also reached level 36 now, and his qualifications and record are not inferior to Fina's.As far as the speed of the rise is concerned, it can even be said to far exceed the already well-known Queen of Magic Bullets, which is completely rocket-level.

Not only that, but his performance in the battle of reputation in the Grand Arena a few days ago was even more astonishing.

He actually defeated the "Fencing No. 1" Martin, and still played the Thunder Whip card, and then turned mad Martin!What kind of combat power level is this?I'm afraid he can already compete with those cappers at level 50, right?
Not to mention, a lot of gossip and gossip pointed out that the identity of Midi's guardian knight was just a cover, and the relationship between him and Fina was not a loyalty relationship between a lady and a knight, nor a simple comrade-in-arms relationship, but an intimate relationship. lover relationship!
Forget about these, the most important thing is the aura of "genius commander" possessed by Midi.

The generals are not very interested in power struggles in the political arena or romantic gossip - let you intrigue, and when the real swords and guns are finally on the battlefield, don't you have to rely on the soldiers?
Military power, however, is another matter.This is the most sensitive thing for generals, and the last thing they want others to touch.They accept the existence of the lord, and are willing to fight for the lord at all costs and even their lives, but the fight itself does not allow others to intervene.

Now that this "genius commander" who is young but already on the rise is here, what is he going to do?

There is such a question in the general's mind.

Looking at these generals who stood like cast iron statues, feeling the heavy and substantive aura of war, Midi had a calm expression, and even had a subtle smile on the corner of his mouth.

He has seen too many scenes like this.

In the previous life, with the continuous emergence of huge ruins and dungeons, and the rise of more and more forces, the scale of the war became larger and larger.In many cases, what is required is a joint operation.

As a well-known coalition commander, Midi has long been familiar with how to integrate these generals who are extremely sensitive to military power.

In fact, the method is very simple - as long as you win, keep winning!

Generals guarding military power is like guarding a piece of cake. If someone comes to share it, they will naturally encounter resistance.

However, what if the cake is made bigger, far larger than the original scale?
It's not about dividing the cake, but providing a bigger cake, a wider stage, and achievements and reputations praised by everyone.To achieve this level, not to mention meddling in military power, I am afraid that the generals will fight under Midi's command if they break their heads.

In the final analysis, everything stems from strength.

"The current battle situation is grim. Seth's Black Flame Legion has occupied Liushui County, and we must start a counterattack as soon as possible." Fina began with calm words, and then turned her attention to the black-haired boy she trusted and even relied on. , "Midi, what do you think we should do?"

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(End of this chapter)

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