Arad's Sword

Chapter 117 Give Them a Lesson

Chapter 117 Teach them a lesson

"What do you think we should do?" This was a negotiating tone, an equal tone, not the attitude of a great nobleman speaking to a knight.

However, whether it was intentional or intentional, Fina's words had already clearly expressed her attitude.Faced with the statement of the powerful acting Patriarch, even if the generals were dissatisfied in their hearts, they could only pretend to be listening.

Glancing at the soldiers with haughty eyes, Midi smiled slightly and took up the conversation.

"It's very simple. Since it's a war, of course it's better to fight on other people's territory. Hamilton's golden lion is more suitable for aggression, not defense." He talked eloquently. He and Fina have long been familiar with this kind of double reed. "At present, I think the first step is to expel Seth's people from the territory as quickly as possible."

Isn't this nonsense!

Can you please stop being so empty!
Is this guy really a genius commander?
The generals who pricked up their ears and listened carefully began to curse in their hearts.In an instant, in the minds of the generals, Midi had already confirmed his status as a soft-boiled jerk.

"What do you think?" Fina finally turned to the generals who had been preparing for a long time.

This is what the generals have been waiting for.

The leader, the heavily armed white-haired man, the leader of the Golden Branch Legion, Viscount Clark Hamilton, a heavy knight with a level of 48, immediately came out.

He first performed a standard knight salute to the acting head of the family, glanced coldly at Midi, and then said: "The moment he learned of the enemy's invasion, the Golden Branch Army has already mobilized and notified everyone The local garrison. At present, as long as you give the order, Miss Fina, there will be 3 elites marching to the battlefield. At the same time, [-] local troops will also join up on the march, a total of [-] troops!"

This Viscount Clark is worthy of being the commander of the strongest army in Bel Mare. The whole report was in an orderly manner. Combined with the demonstration of the magic sand table, he showed the whole situation clearly in just ten minutes.

In the end, Clark concluded in a confident tone: "One week, just one week, the [-] elite of the Golden Branch Army can arrive in Liushui County in a safe manner, and then kill all the bastards of Seth. Keep!"

The generals all applauded in their hearts for this powerful and confident ending.

This is the real military demeanor, which is much more realistic than Midi's false declaration. Every detail has been perfected, and it has indeed been implemented.

For this sake, in comparison between the two, even Fina, the acting head of the family, would not have a reason to let that brat come over and point fingers.

"How?" Fina was noncommittal, but turned to Midi again.

"It's too slow. Give me a cavalry formation, and within two days, I can take Liushui County." Midi said succinctly.

In an instant, the battle hall became extremely silent. The generals thought they had heard it wrong, but when they realized that it was not hallucinations but reality, they immediately caused an uproar.

In two days, cavalry formations and siege battles.

Any word is unbelievable. In the eyes of these generals who are proficient in military knowledge, this is complete nonsense.This little boy is simply a model of sensationalism and endless talk.

However, since this so-called nonsense is supported by the acting Patriarch, even if it is opposed by all the generals, even Clark, the head of the Golden Branch Legion, it will definitely be implemented.After all, in the final analysis, the Golden Branch Legion is Fei Na's property, not the general's. Taking out a cavalry team is not a big deal. It cannot shake the foundation of the Hamilton family, and naturally it cannot cause too many interest disputes.

In fact, Fina didn't bother at all, she just shut up all the generals with just one sentence——

"Back then, Midi and I raided Yorkshire, where there were 300 Scarlet Flame Legion, with [-] people, and finally succeeded. This time, there must be no problem." Fina said.

This is a real achievement, and it happened to hit the weakness of the generals who have been living peacefully for the past ten years. Therefore, after objecting for a long time, their only choice in the end was to shut up.

It's just that all the generals couldn't help but look forward to this brash so-called "genius commander" in their hearts, and then fell hard.

Two days later, a cavalry unit quietly appeared in the hills near Liushui County.

This cavalry team split from the Golden Branch Army has drawn many different types of troops, including 2000 heavy cavalry, [-] light cavalry, [-] bow cavalry, and [-] scouts. Together, it is a cavalry of [-] men. formation.

In addition, there are nearly [-] adventurers, including Odile, Irene, and Kelvin, who were originally serving as followers, and some were urgently transferred directly from Eagle's Nest.

Adventurers on horseback, pure cavalry, together constitute this task force of Midi.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. With Midi's combination, this army has many functions from scouting to field combat, and then to attacking the enemy's formation.

It's just that cavalry is cavalry after all, and siege is not within their combat range.The adventurers are obviously not familiar with the war itself.

Not only that, Liushui County is not an ordinary county town, but a harbor-like county town adjacent to the canal.The Daim River, which is hundreds of meters wide, is its natural barrier. Not only that, this canal not only requires only three city walls in Flowing Water County, but also becomes a convenient channel for transporting supplies.

The incomparably wide canal cannot be blocked at all, and the possibility of so-called man-made floods is basically zero. On the contrary, as long as the wharf is mastered, it becomes easy to transport various materials.

This is also the most important reason why the Seth family chose this place as the first point of attack.

Although Flowing Water County is not a castle with strong defenses, it is the most suitable as a springboard for attack and a channel for transporting supplies.

Now, the flag of the Hamilton family embroidered with three golden lions has long since fallen, replaced by a flag with pale flames burning on a black background.

Stationed here are [-] elite members of the Black Flame Legion of the Seth Family.

This is Midi's current enemy.

At night, this 2000-man task force composed of various cavalry and adventurers quietly gathered on the east bank of the Daim River under the order of the newly appointed commander.

The east side is the only side of Flowing Water County that does not have a city wall, because there is the fast-flowing and extremely deep-drafted Daim River as a natural barrier.

Thick clouds floated in the sky, blocking out the last ray of moonlight. In the stagnant darkness as calm as water, only the sound of the rushing river floated in the cold night air.

The [-] well-trained war horses were all fed the dumb lotus in advance, and within the next eight hours, they couldn't even snort, let alone neigh.The hard horse's hooves were also carefully wrapped in thick flannel, and they walked like the paws of a cheetah, soundlessly.

And all the cavalry were dressed in thick and non-reflective black coats, as if they had been merged into the darkness.

Therefore, although there are many turrets in Liushui County on the other side of the river, and there are three steps for one post and five steps for one post, the group of enemies hiding in the shadows from the other side of the Daim River were not found at all.

The ghost on Midi's left arm vibrated slightly, and under the fluctuation of magic power, a silent order was formed.

As a result, dozens of adventurers left the queue at the same time.They carefully controlled the speed of their mounts, and slowly ran across the river bank, stepping into the rushing water until the water submerged the horse's legs, and then stopped the horse.

These adventurers are of different levels. From the perspective of skin color, appearance, and attire, there are also people from all over the world. Even the riding postures are different. Some people don't even use saddles, and they just ride on bareback horses like that.

But they have one thing in common - they are all ice masters.

As a magician's advanced profession, the ice master is best at casting ice magic.

And when dozens of ice masters form the resonating magic circle carefully designed by the witch of the mist, they face the same target together, recite the same mantra, and cast the same spell, its power is enough to match nature Compete.

These icicle masters were chanting, and there were weak magic fluctuations emitting from the whole body, and then connected with each other, forming a wave of magic power.Amidst the sound of this obscure and profound incantation, a gust of cold wind swept up, silently blowing their black cloaks, as if summoning the ice from the top of the northern snow peak to this land.

A layer of transparent, slender and weak cover was gradually covered above the rushing river water. Although this cover has been impacted by waves again and again, it has never been broken. On the contrary, it is like a piece of ivy that is persistent in climbing. Spreading, stretching towards the other side of the Daime River.

Laying an ice bridge and turning the moat into a thoroughfare is the first and most critical step of Midi's battle plan.

It is a very simple idea to let a group of ice masters cast ice magic.Ten years later, it can be said to be common sense in the military.

It's just that, not long after the Gran's Forest caught fire and the turbulent era began, "professional characteristics" are a blind spot in the military.

At this time, the generals pay more attention to the overall situation and strategy, as the saying goes, planning a thousand miles away and winning a decisive battle.The composition of its army is also dominated by heavy knights, great swordsmen, ferocious elemental mages, wandering gunmen, and gunners.In terms of tactics, it naturally seemed rigid and well-regulated.

But for Midi, who has the experience of the previous life and has commanded a joint army composed of tens of thousands of adventurers, the real kingly way is to refine tactics into each profession.

An elemental mage's centurion is used completely differently from a freezer's centurion.And even if it is the same team of two ice masters, if the adventurers focus on different talents, the usage is also very different.

Utilizing each profession and giving full play to the innate characteristics of each profession is the direction of the military development of the Arad Continent.

While most of the generals were still sticking to traditional tactics, Midi was already at the forefront.

But now, relying on the extraordinary foresight brought by his rebirth, he will teach the generals of the Golden Branch Legion a good lesson and tell them what is truly a war that brings out the full strength of the army!
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(End of this chapter)

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