Arad's Sword

Chapter 125 The Capital Conspiracy

Chapter 125 The Capital Conspiracy
Compared to the chaotic principality, Belmar's capital, Huttonmar, seemed to be outside the battlefield.

If those families with profound backgrounds and powerful lords are like reefs in huge waves, then Hutton Marr is an even more detached place, like a floating island suspended above the sea.

Although there were not many troops stationed here, and the palace guard was only 3000 people, the existence of the Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation itself was enough to give it an unusually neutral status.

The root system of the Tree of Life stretches for hundreds of kilometers, and the magic veins it occupies cover the entire territory of the Principality, and there is no possibility of being cut off. Therefore, once this large formation is fully activated, it will have an overall impact on Belle Mare. Influence.

No matter how much the nobles fight for power and profit, even if the fish dies and the net is broken, it still needs to be profitable.It is not in anyone's interest to open the Dragon Sealing Formation, so no one dares to invade the capital until now.

Even if there are a few who don't open their eyes occasionally, they will be eradicated tacitly by the noble armies of both sides.

However, although the Dragon Sealing Formation can act as a deterrent to the two major forces, it is meaningless in front of the common people.Therefore, since the start of the war, more and more refugees have flocked to the capital, causing the place to become extremely crowded. Various disputes, frictions, and even gang fights have emerged endlessly, and the law and order is getting worse day by day.

To make matters worse, due to different trade routes, the supply of food and daily necessities in the capital has become increasingly scarce.

"How long will this situation last?" Celia Krumin whispered to herself and sighed softly.

Overlooking the chaotic streets from the tall tree pavilion, the elder of the Garden of Dawn had a lingering sadness on his pretty face.

In the eyes of others, the Garden of Dawn is probably the force in the principality that does not have to worry about its own safety the least.

Originally famous for being neutral, he also specialized in the maintenance of the Tree of Life, plus controlling the Nibelung root to seal the dragon formation.Whether it is the Queen's faction, the Congressman's faction, or even other intruders, they will not easily attack them.

However, only Celia, who is an elder, knows how powerless she and the Garden of Dawn under her leadership are.It looks detached and refined, but in fact, it is just that it has no ability to change and can only hide under the shadow of the tree of life.

Perhaps, the Hamilton family or the Seth family can only be polite to her, but now, she can't even help these poor refugees.

Does the Garden of Dawn exist just to be its servant?
Celia sighed secretly in her heart, and looked helplessly at the emerald green tree crown above her head that covered the sky and the sun.

However, at this moment, a gardener hurried over.As soon as he saw Celia, he immediately bowed respectfully, and then respectfully presented a gold-plated invitation with both hands, saying: "Master Elder, this is an invitation from the palace, please have a look."

"Imperial Palace? Could it be that Queen Skadi?" Celia also had a slight surprise in her eyes, and quickly took the invitation and opened it, and hurriedly scanned it.

Then, an innocent smile appeared on her face.

"Since Queen Skadi also hopes to do something for the refugees in this civil war, then we, Garden of Dawn, should lend a helping hand. This has nothing to do with neutrality, but everyone's responsibility." Celia said so, put away the invitation card solemnly, and turned her gaze back to the gardener, "Please tell the envoy that Dawn Garden will definitely attend Queen Skadi's fundraising party!"

At the same time, in Hutton Mar's magnificent palace, Domingo, who was supposed to join the Golden Branch Army, is sitting comfortably on a huge and soft sofa, drinking a cup of steaming black tea.

"Garden of Dawn has always remained neutral, and that Seria is also reticent. Most of the nobles who tried to get close to her in the past were rebuffed. Even for the Iron-Blooded Duke, that little girl is neither humble nor overbearing. This time, she really Will you accept our invitation?" Queen Skadi frowned and couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, as long as you pretend to be stalwart and only for the people, that kind of soft-hearted woman will be hooked immediately." Domingo said confidently, and then sneered again, "As long as she enters After leaving the palace, with the many restrictions set up over the years, isn't it just up to us?"

As the most outstanding young generation in the scroll branch, Domingo is not putting on airs.In fact, from planning to start sniping the Iron-Blooded Duke, he has already considered every other link.

Queen Skadi is just a puppet, without strength or power. If she wants to rise, she has to grasp every detail and gradually accumulate strength.

And Domingo certainly won't let go of an artifact like the Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation that can ascend to the sky in one step.

Over the years, he has been observing and even researching the Garden of Dawn, and finally concluded that Celia Krummin would be the best entry point.

The other nobles were treated coldly by Celia, but it was because the bait was not right.

But in Domingo's view, as long as the right medicine is prescribed and the handle is taken, this seemingly staunch young female elder will soon succumb.And when the time comes, the Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation will become a sharp weapon in his hands.

By then, whatever the outcome of the civil war, he was already invincible.

Seeing that her lover was so confident, Queen Skadi felt at ease, but when she thought of the battle reports these days, she couldn't help frowning again.

After the Grand Forest fire, at first, the Seth family was at a disadvantage.

That's why this pair of men and women conspired, and with decades of preparations, the Iron-Blooded Duke fell into a critical condition in one fell swoop, and then took advantage of the situation to get rid of "Fencing No. 1" Martin, the formidable enemy, with the help of Midi.In this way, the Queen's faction and the Congressman's faction will fall into a state of even power again, and then, in the civil war, most of the strength will be wiped out by each other.

Only when the two giants and families suffer from both losses is the time when the real queen whose foundation is like duckweed rises.

But now?

With Midi, a talented commander, the Golden Branch Army advanced all the way and won a complete victory, with an astonishingly low battle loss ratio.

And with Fina, the "Magic Bullet Queen", even the most difficult siege battle in the routine became much easier.It doesn't matter whether your city wall is ten meters high or 20 meters high, the bed crossbow you erect can shoot 200 meters or [-] meters, and the magic bullets with a range of more than one kilometer can be destroyed casually.

In this way, with the existence of these two people, the Golden Branch Legion is absolutely invincible.

Queen Skadi couldn't help but wonder, maybe even the iron-blooded Grand Duke Heydrich Hamilton didn't have such a great achievement, right?
Could it be that the years of planning by myself and Domingo turned out to be self-defeating and released two killing gods?
Seeing the unyielding look on Queen Skadi's face, Domingo immediately guessed what she was thinking, and then comforted him: "Don't worry, don't look at the two brats, Midi and Fina. , In fact, the foundation is not solid, if they don't try their best to achieve this level, how can they make the seven branches of the Hamilton family obey? How can they make the Golden Branch Legion obey?"

"What do you mean?" Queen Skadi didn't know much about military affairs, so she asked hastily.

"They're just taking risks!" Domingo snorted coldly, and said viciously, "It's completely a gamble, but luck can win."

Thinking of Midi's appearance, he couldn't help feeling a wave of anger and unspeakable jealousy.

Originally, "Fencing No.1" and "Book No.1" were the two most outstanding members of the younger generation of the Hamilton family.

But at that time, people always put Martin, the "fencing No.1", before Domingo, and it has been so for many years, even when Domingo's rank is higher than Martin's.People always say that Martin is more suitable to be a leader, while Domingo is only suitable to stand behind the scenes.

Therefore, Domingo made a move in the battle of reputation, borrowing the power of an outsider, Midi, to cut off Martin's arm, completely shattering his future.

He originally thought that in this way, as "Scroll No. 1", he would be able to become the common focus of the seven branches, and maybe even attract Fina's attention.

In this way, not only can he get in touch with the core of the Hamilton family more easily, but he can also fully satisfy his own vanity.

However, it is counterproductive.

Martin is gone, but Midi, who defeated Martin, stayed, and kept silent, making a big hit.

Now, instead of being the center of attention, he, Domingo, has become a forgotten man.

There is no "Book No. 1" anymore. Now, from Rose Mountain City to the border castle, from the elders of the family to the street vendors, everyone is talking about Midi Asrex, who even has the blood of the Hamilton family No outsider, son of a lowly earl!
Therefore, he would never allow Midi to continue winning like this.

He also didn't believe at all that Midi's victory in Liushui County was a strategy commanded by a genius, and it was just luck!

But now, as "Scroll No. 1", he thinks that his strategy is the first, and he will take action himself to crush that kind of luck!

"A good swimmer drowns in water. Since they like this kind of crushing and complete victory, they must resort to dangerous tactics and use various blindfold methods to deceive their opponents. But unfortunately, blindfold methods can only target one opponent. What if there are two enemies on the battlefield at the same time?" Domingo sneered, then looked at Queen Skadi fixedly, and said softly, "It's time to release the destructive cavalry we have been preparing for many years Already!"

His voice was very soft, however, with a kind of creepy coldness.

 Cough cough, ball point recommendation ticket...


(End of this chapter)

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