Arad's Sword

Chapter 126 Under the Flickering Light

Chapter 126 Under the Flickering Light

Another siege is over.

Under the bombardment of Fina's ultra-long-distance magic bomb, the local garrison of the Seth family had no resistance at all.

After a simple round of attack, all the barriers and obstacles in this resource-heavy town were cleared away, and the [-] defenders surrendered without even having time to escape.The heraldic banner of House Seth was ripped off and burned, and instead flew Hamilton's three golden lions.

The main force in the middle of the [-] Golden Branch Army was crushed all the way, and it was like this in almost every battle.

Flawless command, far-sighted strategy, tyrannical fire suppression, and loyal charisma.Now, the various traits of Midi and Fina are constantly showing, and the partners of the boys and girls have formed a greater effect of mutual influence.

With one victory after another, the generals believed that it was just around the corner to plant Hamilton's golden lion banner on the Seth family castle.

Even Clark, the head of the regiment who has always been serious, has been full of vigor and energy these days, as if he was ten years younger.

For soldiers, victory is everything, and now, they are constantly winning one victory after another, so naturally it is like a sword drawn out of its sheath that has been full of blood, becoming sharper and colder intimidating.

However, as the actual commander of this army, Midi is very clear that it is far from the time to decide the outcome.

Not to mention anything else, Fina's magic bullet is probably about to be cracked or restrained.

After all, nothing is set in stone and lasts forever.

During the 20 years of adventures and battles in the previous life, Midi had already come to such a conclusion.As long as you don't make progress and change, even the second-awakened strong, or even the apostles and gods above the strong, will eventually be analyzed to find out their weaknesses, and then be targeted.

Even if the powerhouse at the top is like this, how can Fina, who is currently only level 36, be invulnerable?One day, the seemingly powerful magic bullet will lose its effect, and before that, mastering new spells and powers is the most important thing.

In fact, Midi has already sensed that the Seth family is now making various preparations for Fina's characteristics.

Its performance is the result of a series of recent victories.

It seems that the Seth family seems to have lost a large area of ​​territory and resource centers, and was defeated along the way.In practice, however, their strength was hardly lost.

Except for the fierce battle of [-] against [-] on the border, after experiencing Fina's magic bullet offensive, the Seth family has always adopted a strategic retreat method, avoiding the mainstream of the Golden Branch Army, especially the Midi and Fina were killed, so since the battle so far, what Midi has cut off is only these local garrison troops who are seriously insufficient in combat effectiveness, and many of them are even superfluous.

The real main force of the Seth family, such as the Black Flame Legion, Flame Guards, Blue Flame Iron Cavalry, etc., have been kept silent so far, so it can be said that there is no loss.

Not only that, the famous dark flame scouts of the Seth family have always followed the main force of Jinzhi. Even though they have been wiped out many times and suffered heavy losses, they still continue to dispatch a large number of people. Obviously, they are determined to keep Fina's every move in their eyes.

There is no doubt that they are observing, evaluating, and looking for flaws in Fina's magic bullet.

And once the Seth family finds a way to restrain this attack, it will be the day of the decisive battle.

Of course, there is also a way, which is to find ways to defeat Seth directly with lightning speed before he finds a solution.

However, how could one or two geniuses defeat a wealthy giant that has stood firm for hundreds of years and apparently has not fallen into decline in a short period of time?On the contrary, if the Golden Branch Army advances impatiently because of this, once it penetrates into the enemy's territory, it may be cut off from the back, become a lone army, and finally be destroyed due to its own mistakes.

Therefore, Midi can only advance slowly, and the Seth family, after exchanging space for time, will eventually find a way to fight against the queen of magic bullets.

That is, the day when the two sides will really fight.

With the background of the Seth family, if they try their best to deal with Fina alone, it won't take long at all.Midi calculated based on the complexity of the similar defensive circle in the previous life, and estimated that Seth would probably make some moves within this week.

In order to deal with this situation, he also needs to constantly synthesize various information and perform calculations.

At this moment, it was already the climax of the moon, and Midi was reading one battle report after another in the temporary camp occupying the county town.

What the spies saw and heard in the main city of the Seth family, the battle reports of the frontline scouts, the movement of the enemy's various troops, the battle reports of the two flanking legions with 1 people each, the battle reports of the main force of the Central Golden Branch Legion, the generals' proposals and extrapolate wait...

Ideas from people with different identities, arms, positions and positions are now filling the entire desk, and what Midi has to do is to use these different information to outline a picture overlooking Seth. The entire map of the family territory, and even the Principality of Bel Mare, and then make a decision.

Just as Midi was thinking hard, a cup of hot tea was placed on his table at some point.

"Take a break." Fina's melodious voice rang in Midi's ears.

Midi wasn't too polite, just smiled, groaned softly, and then sighed contentedly: "Good tea."

Although Alice, who is obsessed with black tea, tastes better, there is no doubt that it is impossible for him to say such stupid things here.After all, compared to the tea itself, the girl's heart is more truly intoxicating.

Seeing Midi with her eyes closed and relaxed, Fina suddenly felt ripples in her heart for some reason.

Since leaving Eagle's Nest, she has been watching Midi.

Therefore, the girl is very clear about the effort the boy has put in.

If it is said that Midi's original purpose was to try to suppress the seven branches and make Fina the leader.Then, after confirming the existence of the third-party force, what Midi did was to find out the whereabouts of the black hand hidden behind the scenes.

The Battle of Liushui County seems to be beautiful, but how many dangers are hidden in it?

The ice bridge breaks and dies.Unable to break out, die.The harassment effect is not enough, and the previous adventures are in vain.What's more, Ben has many other, safer ways to attack.Although raiding with [-] cavalry is the one with the lowest cost and the highest results, taking a step back and finding a suboptimal solution can also make Hamilton invincible.

The reason why Midi chose the best but also the hardest and most dangerous surprise attack is to allow Fina to have more initiative when defending against third-party enemies.

As for the present, although it seems that the situation is overwhelming, when facing the Seth family, Midi is still thinking hard, personally arranging a lot of backhands that are unknown to others - without knowing who the traitor is Under such circumstances, even Clark, the leader of the Golden Branch Legion, was excluded by Midi.

It can be said that this march was loose on the outside and tight on the inside, and Midi spent countless energy.

Sure enough, a little too hard, right?
Fina secretly glanced at the young man beside her, and couldn't help thinking, since he has achieved this level, should he be rewarded?

No, it should be said that rewards must be given.

Although in the eyes of others, Fina's trust in Midi is already extraordinary, and even the most important Golden Branch Corps has been entrusted to Midi to command.However, those things that are rewards to the outside world, in fact, have already been shared between boys and girls, and now they are just pretending.

Now that the real "reward" is to be given, the key question comes——

Midi, what do you want?

Fina suddenly fell into deep thought.

After a long time, a faint blush appeared on the girl's fair cheeks. She coughed lightly and said softly, "Midi?"

However, Fina obviously plucked up her courage to call, but did not receive a response.She was stunned for a while, and after a closer look, she realized that the black-haired boy who was drinking tea had actually fallen asleep at this moment.

Looking at the pure and innocent sleeping face of this genius with many titles, Fina had mixed feelings for a moment.

She couldn't help but looked around at first, then she was still worried, and released a wave of magic power. After confirming that the door was locked and no one would disturb her, she bent down cautiously like a cat, While blushing, she approached Midi's cheek.

But the next moment, there was a hint of hesitation in Fina's eyes.

Then, as if she had made up her mind, she stood up straight, and then gently shook Midi to wake her up.

"Huh? I actually fell asleep?" Midi blinked, and then couldn't help laughing bitterly. He didn't want to show his tired side in front of Fina. Doing so would more or less make the girl worry. and uneasy.

"Sorry for waking you up, but that's because there is one thing I have to tell you." Fina cleared her throat and looked at the other party with serious eyes.

Seeing Fina's serious expression, Midi straightened her expression immediately: "What's wrong?"

But the girl didn't answer.

The girl's action is the answer.

She gently lifted up her long bright red hair like a waterfall, shook her lips, looked at Midi steadfastly, then bent down and lowered her head.

Under the flickering light, for such a short moment, the figures of the two overlapped.

Not really a kiss.

The girl just pecked Midi's cheek like a bird.

But even though it was just such a small and ambiguous reward, Fina was unwilling to come here secretly.Because, if it's a stealing kiss, what kind of reward is that?

So, even if it was just a kiss on the face, Fina decided to do it openly.

Although it seems a bit willful and excessive to wake up Midi who is sleeping soundly like this, but if you kiss Midi quietly because Midi is asleep, it is a complete escape.

Although it is not clear exactly what the emotion is stirring in the chest at this moment, but the girl can be sure of one thing.

She wanted to let him know how she felt.

(End of this chapter)

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