Arad's Sword

Chapter 136 The Power of Sealing the Dragon

Chapter 136 The Power of Sealing the Dragon
However, when Midi rushed over like a killing god, Domingo had no time to think at all.

The only thing he could do was to grit his teeth and crush a carefully carved diamond in his hand, then turn his horse's head around and run away without looking back under the cover of his personal guards.

When the diamond treasured in Domingo's arms was crushed, some changes took place immediately in the tree pavilion of the tree of life that soared into the sky in the center of Hutton Mar, thousands of miles away.

In the hall, a mirror that was originally clear and transparent turned blood red in an instant, and kept buzzing warning sounds.

Looking at the mirror, Queen Skadi's face lost all color in an instant. The proud queen looked to the center of the hall as if asking for help: "No, Domingo...he is in danger! Elder ,Please……"

"Hmph, what's useless, holding ten thousand destroying iron cavalry in your hand, can something go wrong?" A cold snort directly interrupted the high-ranking queen's voice.

Looking at the reputation, in the center of the hall of the tree pavilion, a huge, complicated and obscure esoteric magic circle has erected at some point.It is like a crater in the demon world, continuously gushing black evil spirits from the magic lines.

And amidst the soul-destroying evil spirit, there stood an old man in black robe impressively.

The old man looked very old, his skin was wrinkled like an orange that had lost moisture, dry and ugly, but his eyes were piercing and frighteningly bright.

A few days ago, Queen Skadi and the scroll branch secretly set up an ambush in the palace, and then invited Celia Krumin from the Garden of Dawn to join in, and quickly took down this girl with lightning speed. young elder.

Then, they immediately sent troops to the Tree of Life to snatch the Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation.

After losing their leader and having not had any struggles for many years, the gardeners of the Garden of Dawn suddenly lost their leaders, and they were defeated without even having time to borrow the power of the Tree of Life, and they were all taken down.

And now, Queen Skadi is looking for this old man to replace the gardeners in controlling the Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation.

In other words, it was precisely because of the old man's ten years of secret guidance that the powerless and powerless Queen Skadi was able to hook up with the scroll branch, and then established a powerful army like the Destroyer Cavalry, and even had the ability to control the Great Array of Protecting the Country. ability.

Therefore, at this moment, even if the old man in black robe reprimanded Domingo, Queen Skadi did not dare to refute, so she could only lower her head.

Fortunately, after the old man got angry, he finally nodded his head: "Although it is a useless thing, the only one who can take care of the outside is Domingo. Come and destroy the Golden Branch Army yourself, old man."

The next moment, with his hoarse and dark singing, the evil spirit in the magic circle began to surge wildly.

Then, the evil spirit overflowed the magic circle like a tide, rushed out of the tree pavilion, and began to wrap around the huge tree of life.From a distance, it looks like one after another extremely thin strands of hair are trying to completely wrap around this verdant giant that has guarded the Principality of Belle Mare for hundreds of years.

Of course Midi knew nothing about the changes thousands of miles away.

In the previous life, even when the Delos Empire invaded, there was no attack on the Garden of Dawn, let alone the Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation being controlled by others.So he didn't think about it.

However, as an extremely sensitive commander, Midi still felt something was wrong.

Because although Domingo was extremely embarrassed and his eyes were full of fear, he didn't seem to be in a state of despair.

But the fact right now is that he should have been driven into a desperate situation by himself.

The center formation was broken through, the command system was destroyed, and the order was completely obeyed, but there was no order to obey at the moment, which made those destroying cavalry mess up.

In addition, the effect of the blood rage is further consuming the vitality of the hosts, and with the obvious lack of energy of the iron cavalry, the Falcon Group has gradually turned from defense to offense, and they just need to seize the opportunity to launch a counterattack in one go.

As for Domingo himself, the thousand cavalry guards around him have already been massacred by the magic whirling blades of the night saber cavalry. Think you can escape the battlefield?
And what will happen to a family traitor after being caught, Midi believes that Domingo must be very, very clear.That is definitely far more terrifying than the responsibility for the defeat of Duke Ferdinand of the Sess Family.

However, at this level, why did the other party's emotions not fluctuate as much as I imagined?Could it be that this so-called "Book No. 1" really has great concentration?

Midi thought in her heart, then shook her head.

He would never pin his victory on his opponent, but if every detail appeared, there must be a reason for it.

"Alice, be careful, the other party may still be able to get rid of the Feast of the Night." Midi said to the crow on her shoulder, and then immediately issued an order to ask the troops of the Falcon Regiment to fight back Be as careful as possible.

And just a few minutes after his order was issued, the magic power around him suddenly stagnated without warning.

Then, the foggy field of vision on the battlefield suddenly became clear.In the ear, there was even a suppressed cry of surprise from Alice.

The extremely powerful fog demon "Feast of the Night" is actually running away.

For a moment, a warning flashed in Midi's heart.

He frowned slightly, subconsciously looked up at the sky, and saw a leaden gray cloud.

This piece of dark cloud is not big, but it reveals a strange thickness, motionless in the wind, like a landscape oil painting painted in the air.

When Midi looked over, there was a flash of light in it, and dozens of purple-gold lightnings fell from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the whole world turned into an overexposed black and white, with countless zigzagging dark marks piercing through the sky and the earth, like a big net full of death and fear woven by thunder and lightning.

Under this big net, no matter what kind of creature it is, from the mysterious fog demon "Feast of the Night", to the death-defying cavalry of destruction, or experienced high-level adventurers, or even the reborn rice Di, Alice, who is always calm, has an unstoppable turmoil surging in her heart!

The speed of the lightning was so fast that Midi didn't even have time to think, so he could only dodge around with his instinctive reaction, and when he managed to catch his breath, the lightning had disappeared without a trace, leaving only dozens of trails. The faint afterimage is still in the air.

Where did this strategic-level large-scale magic attack come from?

Midi stopped chasing and looked around coldly.

Looking into the eyes, what comes into sight is endless gray, like the haze of death.

There are scorched human bodies, hot metal fragments, molten weapons and so on.The earth is covered with cracks like spider webs, and the tiny electric light licks the black soil, hissing; countless plants and trees have been completely carbonized, turning into countless charcoal flakes and flying in the air, looking from a distance, it seems that there is an explosion gray snow.

Domingo had disappeared without a sound, and Midi watched him being wrapped in a halo and then hurried away.

Most of the Destroyer Cavalry were wiped out in this terrible thunderstorm. They were already exhausted by several blood-consuming strategic spells. Under the sudden attack, they had almost no strength to resist.

Many adventurers of the Falcon Group also died from lightning strikes. Although they had made preparations, the power of these purple-gold lightnings was too great. If they were hit head-on, they could not be resisted by human power.

But these are not the focus of Midi's concern.

As a commander, he may be very concerned about the gains and losses of troops, but at this moment, for the reborn Midi Asrex, there are only two people he really cares about.

"Alice, are you there?" Midi licked her chapped lips, suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, glanced at the crow on her shoulder, and asked slowly.

There was a coughing sound from the opposite side, and then, the slightly tired and familiar voice of the Mist Witch rang out: "Finally still alive, Fina..."

"Protect yourself, leave it to me." Midi replied succinctly, casually threw an order to Klasti to annihilate the remaining enemies, and immediately steered his mount towards Hongguang City.

The battlefield of Hongguang City, which was several kilometers away, was also baptized by this terrible thunder and lightning rain.

The magic communication failed, the magic circle was destroyed, and because Midi didn't expect the range of this attack to be so large, he only reminded the Falcon Group, but did not remind Fina. Therefore, when the thunder and lightning came, the Golden Branch Army still He continued to entangle with the last force of the Seth family without any defense.

And after that terrible baptism, the last troops of the Seth family also completely disappeared, and the Golden Branch Army also suffered heavy losses.

It's just that Midi didn't have time to take care of these messed up generals and knights.

The Bloodfang Cheetah was advancing rapidly through the scorched city ruins, and finally, in a piece of broken rubble, Midi saw the familiar red hair.

However, this time, the red hair was not as bright as before, but rather dark red.

When she saw Midi, Fina reluctantly waved her hand as a gesture, but her beautiful face was bloodless at the moment, showing a sickly paleness.

"Don't worry, I just blocked a bolt of lightning, and the mana consumption is a little too much." Looking at Midi's worried expression, Fina smiled first, then she coughed a few times, and asked again, "How about the black hair?"

Alice refers to Fina with red hair, and the "black hair" in Fina's mouth naturally refers to Alice.

Midi didn't answer, but hurried forward and held Fina's hand, carefully feeling the flow of magic power in her body, and after confirming that there was nothing serious, she replied: "Alice is fine."

"That's good." Fina nodded, showing a reassuring expression.

But the next moment, her face became serious, and her blue eyes showed a rare trace of uneasiness. Then, she looked to the far east, where the capital of the Principality of Belmar was located.

"When I came into contact with the lightning, I felt a tremendous vitality." Fina said, "This extremely powerful lightning attack seems to come from the capital."

"Could it be... the tree of life?" Alice's voice was uncertain for the first time.

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(End of this chapter)

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