Arad's Sword

Chapter 137 The Pretender

Chapter 137 The Pretender

The tree of life, the branch of Uktrasir.

For the people of the principality, this towering tree, which has been seen since the day of birth, grows on the dragon's veins, and its root system stretches for hundreds of kilometers.According to legend, it has endless magic power, providing the most perfect conditions for professionals to change jobs. At the same time, the root system forms the Nibelungen Root Sealing Dragon Array. Once its defense is activated, it is enough to cover the entire land of the capital, Hutton Mar.

This is the tree of life, occupying it is equivalent to being invincible.

Now, however, the tree is not only the property of Midi's enemies, but worse, its nature has been altered.

If it's just pure defense, even the indestructible Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation can always be cracked, but now, the National Defense Formation can not only defend, but also attack, and its effect is even more terrifying unimaginable.

Under the might of the sky brought by the purple-gold lightning, the Battle of Hongguang City hastily came to an end amidst the smoke.

Originally, the biggest winner of this battle was undoubtedly Midi——

Defeat the Seth family, seize the important portal in the southern part of its territory, Hongguang City, and at the same time deliberately show weakness and uncover the coveted third-party forces to destroy the iron cavalry, and also defeated it with the Falcon Regiment. While training troops, it also made the new army famous. It even dug up the true face of the traitor and so on.

More than half of the [-] destroying cavalry were lost, and the three major armies of the Seth family were defeated. Originally, this should be a brilliant victory, even enough to establish the invincibility of the Hamilton family in the principality's civil war.

But now, with the baptism of those terrible thunder and lightning, the various advantages accumulated bit by bit since the beginning of the civil war were burned away in an instant.

Since they didn't receive any reminders and didn't notice any signs, the Golden Branch Army was almost hit by lightning without any precautions. The number of soldiers who were directly hit by lightning alone exceeded [-]. , plus the previous consumption, the loss of the Golden Branch Army's combat strength now exceeds [-]%, which can be described as a collapsed army.

The Falcon Group is relatively better. After all, adventurers are particularly good at self-protection, and they have been reminded.But even so, the loss exceeded 1000 people.

Not only that, the fog demon "Night's Feast", the demon vines, and the flowers of the demon world, these summoned beasts that were originally extremely powerful and could not be harmed by humans, were also severely injured.Alice had to send them back to their respective domains to recuperate. It is estimated that they will not be able to summon them again in the short term.

It can be said that under the attack of just tens of seconds, Midi's losses exceeded the previous sum, and his vitality was completely damaged.

And this is just the first wave of offensive.

A week later, after the Golden Branch Army and the Falcon Group hastily retreated, thunder and lightning fell again.

This time, it was not aimed at the soldiers hiding in the forest, but at the cities of the major families.

The first to bear the brunt was the territory of Hamilton. The famous Rose Mountain City was bathed in countless bolts of lightning, and a raging fire was ignited. Although the family castle still stood, half of the city and countless houses were reduced to ashes. The wives were scattered and their families were destroyed, and more people lost their homes and could only live on the streets.

Next, of course, is the Eagle's Nest of the Asrex family.Fortunately, with the lessons learned from Rose Mountain City, most of the adventurers and residents have been evacuated.Even so, after the looting by lightning, the ruins of the city are still shocking.

Seeing the city built with so much painstaking efforts turn into ashes in the sea of ​​flames, not to mention the impulsive type like Alice, even Fina, who has always been confident and cheerful, has eyes full of monstrous anger.

But in the third week, it was the main city of the Seth family that was attacked.Originally, the councilor faction thought they could benefit from it, so they had been on the sidelines, but now, the thunder that fell from the sky completely wiped them out.

Fortunately, when the entire Principality of Belle Mare was in a state of constant panic, there was still such a clean place in the territory of the Asrex family.

That is Qiugucheng Villa.

Due to Midi's long-term secrecy measures, the outside world did not know that this deserted small town turned out to be the largest important place of the Asrex family, so they didn't pay attention at all.

Besides, even if he noticed, Qiu Gucheng still had a certain amount of resistance.

After all, the underground of this city has gathered the magic veins of the two earldoms and has a protective magic circle. Even if the thunder really falls, it will not be turned into ruins.

Today, Midi and the others, as well as the Falcon Group, are cultivating and recuperating in this city.

"If this continues, maybe it won't be long before all the castles and palaces of the nobles in the entire Principality of Bel Mare will be reduced to ruins?" Fina said to herself.

The red-haired girl stood on the balcony, subconsciously grasping the railing with both hands, and looked at the horizon in the southwest direction motionlessly. There was a rare trace of anxiety in her blue eyes.

Midi knew that she was not anxious about the current situation, not even about the Hamilton family, but about the current Belle Mare Principality that was battered by lightning.

"It's very simple, as long as we attack first." Another cold voice rang out, and the expression of the Mist Witch was still as indifferent as usual, only the black eyes revealed uncontrollable anger, "That Fenglong The big formation accumulates energy once a week, and we can launch an attack after the next attack is over."

"Before turning defense into offense, there is still some information that needs to be known." Midi cut in. He looked at the two girls who were equally beautiful and powerful, and then pointed at the old butler Lautrand who was waiting. Nodded, "Bring those guys up."

"Please wait, young master." The old butler bowed respectfully.

Soon, several pale elves in robes were brought into the villa.

When exploring in the Elf King's Court, Midi had subdued these elf gardeners who were also members of the Garden of Dawn, and sealed them together with the seeds of the King's Court's Tree of Life for future use.

But Midi didn't expect that it would be time to wake them up after only a short time since they came back.

However, this is also the only choice. After all, the one who knows the tree of life best is the Garden of Dawn. Even Midi, who has rebirth experience, has little contact with this kind of artifact that determines the destiny of a country.If you really want to seriously confront and find a chance of winning, you can only start with these gardeners.

"The current general situation, I think everyone has already understood." Midi glanced at the elves, and finally settled on the elf elder, and said straight to the point, "Now, what's the matter?" How can we turn things around?"

The elf elder had expected this question a long time ago, so he had already started to think about it when he first learned about the situation. He also knew very well that this was a great opportunity to show his worth, whether he would be sent back to the star chrysalis to be frozen, or would he be the one from now on? The gifted young man in front of him is highly favored, and I am afraid it depends on his answer.

Therefore, he coughed lightly, and did not give up, and quickly replied: "From the old man's point of view, the tree of life itself is not the enemy, the key is the problem of the controller. As long as the controller can be defeated, it can be reversed." The situation is over. Based on the analysis of the current situation, the other party is likely to be a 'Degenerate Gardener'."

"Degenerate gardener?" Midi frowned. In his previous life, he had never heard of such a concept.

While digging into the memory, Midi turned around and exchanged glances with Fina and Alice, and found that the two girls also had a slightly dazed look on their faces.

"Perhaps you haven't heard of the fallen gardeners, but you always know about the curse of blood?" the elf elder continued, "People who have been cursed by blood will become demons in human skin, and among them Some people even have the ability to change the power of the tree of life, this is the fallen gardener!"

Listening to Elder Elf's words, Midi was enlightened for a moment.

Isn't that what you mean by "pretender"?

In the previous life, Midi also encountered many humans who were cursed by the blood curse. They were mixed among the crowd, but their hearts had already been occupied by demons, and they were the enemies that adventurers needed to beware of the most.

As for its source, the curse of blood originated from the God of Chaos.

Reminiscent of the Destruction Cavalry confronting the Falcon Group, the Kazan curse on them comes from the God of Destruction.

And there has always been a certain connection between the God of Chaos and the God of Destruction, and they are both great masters of the demon world.

Speaking of this, Midi can almost conclude that the shocking conspiracy behind the Belmare civil war must have the shadow of the demon world.Otherwise, the shadows of the Curse of Kazan and the Curse of Blood would not appear at the same time.

As for the scroll branch and Queen Skadi, I am afraid that they were only tempted by these demons and thus became marionettes.

Now, now that this information is known, in future battles, various weapons and armor can be equipped in a targeted manner, thereby greatly improving combat effectiveness.According to Midi's experience, if silver weapons and anti-magic armor are used in the battle against demons, the combat power can be increased by at least 40%. The original 50-level high-level adventurer can bring the [-]-level captor. Combat power!

However, before that, there was a more important issue that had to be resolved, otherwise all the battle plans would be nothing.

"Second question." Midi sorted out her thoughts, and said again, "At present, we have found out that the entire capital, Huttonmar, has been blocked by the Dragon Sealing Formation, and not even a bird can enter. Go. In this case, how do we take back the Tree of Life?"

Elder Elf said: "The national defense formation built by the tree of life cannot be broken by manpower, but, Mr. Midi, have you forgotten? We also have something that can fight against the other side! "

"You mean, the seed of the tree of life in the Elven King's Court?" Midi's eyes lit up.

"That's right." Elder Elder nodded deeply, "There is a saying in the Garden of Dawn that the only thing that can fight against the tree of life is the tree of life itself."

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(End of this chapter)

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