Arad's Sword

Chapter 140 Iron Blood Returns

Chapter 140 Iron Blood Returns
Time flies, the confrontation between the Golden Branch Legion and the Destroying Iron Cavalry has lasted for nearly half a month.

According to Domingo's estimation, this former army of hundreds of battles can no longer keep up with the changes in the situation. It cannot be an opponent to destroy the iron cavalry, and at most it can only serve as cannon fodder.After a few onslaughts, these low-level soldiers will be unable to support them, and then they can only be replaced by the Falcon Regiment.

Only then will he play all his cards and fight with Midi Asrex with all his strength.

However, Domingo took it for granted, but the fact is not the case.Fifteen days have passed, and the Golden Branch Army has not only not retreated, but has become more resilient and even a little aggressive.

With the passage of time, the generals of the Golden Branch Army not only grasped the characteristics of the halo of blood and blood rage, but also gradually understood the law of thunder and lightning falling from the sky. How much time is needed, how to avoid the lightning attack, and other details, they have become more and more familiar with it.

In this way, the lack of stamina is the destruction of the cavalry.Just relying on a higher level and seemingly powerful skills, they can no longer suppress the Golden Branch Army.

Instead, Domingo found himself gradually being dragged on tome-branch territory and mired in daily scrambles.From morning to night, almost without end.

After learning from the pain, he couldn't wait any longer, and finally decided to give it a go, first playing his hole card and directly destroying the Golden Branch Army.

Another dawn has come.

This time, Domingo did not advance slowly as usual, and he did not wait for the Golden Branches to harass him.Instead, as soon as it came up, it drove the speed of the whole army, and rushed directly to the opponent's camp!
He no longer extravagantly hoped to lure the Golden Branch Army into the encirclement and then wipe it out with the power of sealing the dragon. Instead, he sent out a message for help as soon as he came up, so that the cloud of thunder and lightning would condense directly, and the target was the camp of the Golden Branch Army.

And the Destroying Iron Cavalry also sacrificed the halo of blood and the blood rage as soon as they came up, and at the same time, the powerful recovery ability obtained by relying on the tree of life also began to operate to maintain the continuity of the blood rage.Five thousand riders presented a tight formation of sharp arrows, like a sharp sword unsheathed and cut down, with an indomitable momentum, as if to crush all obstacles in front of them.

Domingo finally figured it out - no matter what tactics you use, I will use the most tyrannical force to break it directly!

However, at the next moment, when the high-level and violent Destroyer Cavalry collided with those low-level Golden Branch soldiers, Domingo found in disbelief that even though he had finally played his trump card, the one he was proud of Destroying the iron cavalry, they still couldn't move an inch!
How can this be?

Could it be that the Golden Branch Legion also retained their strength during the half-month-long struggle ahead?
Facing the destructive iron cavalry, and being baptized by the terrifying thunder and lightning formed by the power of sealing the dragon at any time, how could they retain their strength?

Domingo was puzzled.

And the next moment, in the opposite battle formation, an extremely familiar figure came into his eyes, making his brain go blank.

That figure was extremely tall, with a terrifying vigor and aura all over his body. He held a huge and heavy flail in one hand, and a shield that looked like the Great Wall in the other. Once he stood there, he was like a towering and insurmountable wall. High mountains, people can only look up.

Every attack he made brought forth surging magic power. As soon as the fully armed and heavily armored Destroyer Cavalry was hit by the swinging flail, it would immediately be thrown flying tens of meters like a pebble.There seemed to be a terrible wind around him, which made it impossible to get close, but left a large open space. From a distance, it looked like a huge gap, which was particularly dazzling.

And behind that person, everyone in the Golden Branch Legion, no matter if they were only soldiers at level 10 or 20, or experienced knights, centurions, or even high-ranking generals, their morale was greatly boosted. Fight bravely.

Because that man is Heydrich Hamilton.

Iron-Blooded Grand Duke!
"This, how is this's not true..." Domingo muttered to himself, feeling bitter and dry in his mouth.For a moment, he even wished that his battle for half a month was a vain dream, and he could start all over again.

The Iron-Blooded Duke, the second awakened powerhouse, estimated level, above level 75!
Level 75.

Just relying on this level of numbers, it is enough to crush anyone present, and it is enough to block a thousand-man team by one person.In the entire Principality of Bel Mare and even the continent of Arad, this level is something that people should look up to!

What's more, the Golden Branch Legion with the Iron-Blooded Duke sitting in command, and the ordinary Golden Branch Legion are completely different concepts.

With a series of victories and tyrannical strength, Midi and Fina finally won the recognition of the Golden Branch Army.But in the final analysis, what these two young people can do is to "order" the Golden Branch Army.In their hands, the Golden Branch Legion is nothing more than an elite with better equipment, a higher average level, and faster execution of orders.

However, in the hands of the Iron-Blooded Duke, this legion seems to be a whole, like a commanding arm.

You know, the Golden Branch Legion has grown from scratch, but the Iron-Blooded Duke spent 20 years building it single-handedly.Each of these knights was bestowed by him with a sword, each of these generals was personally promoted and instructed by him, and each of these formations was created and named by him!
What kind of characteristics each person has, what they are good at and what they are not good at, whether their personality is calm or hot, whether they are inclined to attack or defend, the Iron-Blooded Duke knows everything well.Therefore, commanding is naturally more effective.

Not to mention that the presence of the Iron-Blooded Duke was the biggest boost to the morale of the Golden Branch Legion.

He didn't even need to open his mouth, as long as he sat in the formation of the Chinese army, everyone from the commander to the general, from the knights to the soldiers, would rush forward desperately, just to realize the myth of the Iron-Blooded Duke's invincibility once again!
How could such an army with the "soul of the army" that even Midi dreamed of be defeated by the destroying iron cavalry who only had three axes and relied on their rank and the power of sealing the dragon?

The moment he saw the Iron-Blooded Duke, Domingo was ashamed.

Because he himself was once a member of Hamilton, he naturally understood what the outcome of this battle would be.

However, before giving the order to run away recklessly, Domingo couldn't help but have a question in his mind——

If it was the Iron-Blooded Duke himself who fought against him for the past half month, where is Midi?

In a hill next to the affiliated camp of the Royal Academy of Magic, 5000 members of the Falcon Group have assembled.

The great battle in Hongguang City, the catastrophic baptism of the power of sealing the dragon, after half a month of rest and further training, at this moment, this army composed entirely of adventurers has faded away from the initial immaturity, After absorbing the smoke and blood of the battlefield, he gradually became an elite in all battles.

After learning that the real behind-the-scenes enemy is the "Pretender", the Magic Research Department of the Falcon Group also ran at full capacity. Master Norton took the lead in the production. "Soul Rescue" series of weapons are specially designed to target these demons in human skin.

Not only Midi's side, but Fina and Alice also made their own preparations.

The red-haired girl learned a lot of magic skills about dealing with demons from the exorcist and mastered them.

And Alice also tried her best to find the summoned beast that restrained the demon, and concluded a soul contract.

It can be said that everything has been fully prepared, from the legion to the high-end combat power.Because this is a battle fought on their own land, the outcome will affect the fate of the entire Belle Mare, so everyone takes it very seriously.

Not for profit, nor for victory or glory, just to be able to protect this piece of land that belongs to them.

Now, the only key is the tree of life.

After careful care by a group of gardeners, this seed, which is rooted in the root system of Belmar's tree of life and directly absorbs the magic power from the dragon's veins, has already grown.

Now, it is no longer a seedling, not even a twig, but has grown into a real big tree with a height of more than ten meters and luxuriant branches.Its leafy canopy has even reached the top of this underground space, flush with the dome high above. If it wants to continue to grow, the only choice is to break out of the ground.

And now, that moment is upon us.

"Master Midi, if the new tree of life is allowed to break out of the ground, the old tree of life a hundred kilometers away will immediately find it, and it will be useless to hide it at that time. Are you sure you are ready?" Elder Elf Still a little worried, so I couldn't help asking one more question.

Midi nodded slightly, feeling the affirmation from the two girls behind him, he showed a calm smile: "Let's start, we are all ready."

The entire underground space immediately began to clear.

Midi and the others returned to the hill where the Falcon Group was hiding, and the rest of the lurking personnel also withdrew underground, but began to undisguisedly deploy defenses around the camp. Only the Elf Elder and his gardeners remained.

In the ups and downs of the Elder Elder's ancient language, this new tree of life seemed to understand the human language, and shook its green crown slightly like a nod.One of the branches suddenly grew longer and stretched out like a vine, engulfing a group of gardeners and hiding them in the trunk.

The next moment, the crown of the tree like a blooming flower suddenly shrank and closed, and the whole thing twisted into a strand. From a distance, this tree of life looked like an extremely sharp long sword!

The incomparably verdant sharp sword paused for a moment, and then stabbed upwards, easily piercing through the dome of the rock and piercing directly into the soil layer.

The entire underground space began to tremble.

The roots that originally belonged to the Belmare tree of life have been completely torn, crushed, and swallowed at this moment.

The newly born tree of life is like a cloth bag filled with water, constantly expanding, its root system stretches wildly like a spider web, and soon fills the entire underground space, then breaks through the soil layer, and drills deeper underground until The dragon vein itself is entwined in it.

And its branches and torso, which turned into sharp swords, continued to grow upwards, and even directly penetrated hundreds of meters of soil!
Soon, the entire affiliated camp trembled like a terrible earthquake.

During the shaking, the ground bulged, the rocks cracked, and huge cracks appeared continuously. All the buildings within a radius of nearly one kilometer collapsed.

Amidst the roaring noise and flying dust, a towering tree is slowly rising, like a giant waking up from a deep sleep.

The new tree of life finally took root on the land of Bel Mare, and then it was just born.

(End of this chapter)

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