Arad's Sword

Chapter 141 Infected City

Chapter 141 Infected City
The whole of Belle Mare was trembling at the moment.

Under the traction of the new tree of life, the direction of the dragon's veins was changed instantly.The change in the direction of the magic flow immediately reversely affected the major branches, and then caused changes in the large and small magic veins in the entire Bel Mare territory.

In some places, suddenly the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the flowers are blooming.

In some places, it was suddenly icy and snowy, and the wind was strong.

In other places, magic power gushes out and becomes a resort for leveling and practicing.In some places, the magic power dries up immediately, becoming a magic forbidden area where even skills are difficult to display.

Everything is due to the influence of the tree of life.

The capital, Hutton Marr, which is less than a hundred kilometers away, bears the brunt. The tree of native life that has guarded this country and this vast land for hundreds of years began to tremble angrily. Then, it entangled countless roots from the ground, from the All directions surrounded the newborn tree of life.

The wrestling between these two behemoths, which mortals cannot reach and can only look up to, began.

Their thousands of roots entwine, attack, and devour each other underground.

They use their incomparably powerful vitality to continuously pull the flow of dragon veins back and forth, competing for the magic power in the whole country.

The various magic circles all over their bodies attacked each other, causing purple-gold lightning like a long snake to spread across the entire sky.The emerald green leaves are reduced to ashes in the lightning, and then reborn again, and the cycle repeats endlessly.

Midi, the tree of life, was a newborn after all, with an unstable foundation and a young age. He was soon overwhelmed and could only defend passively.As for Hutton Mar's tree of life, he began to pursue it fiercely, obviously wanting to take advantage of the victory and pursue it and uproot it.

However, for Midi, such a battle situation is enough.

After all, the battle between the two trees of life is extremely long. Even if it is just a seedling on your side, if you try your best to support it, you can fight for at least a month or even half a year.But now, all he needs is a chance, a chance to make the Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation unable to play its role.

Now, Bel Mare's tree of life has focused all its attention on suppressing its own descendants. It is difficult for the pretender to mobilize its power, and it has no time to take care of the war between mortals. Therefore, the road to Hutton Mare is open. .

The only thing Midi has to do now is to find out the real mastermind behind the scenes.

Then end this civil war!

Midi, Fina, and Alice looked at each other, then nodded slightly.

"In the name of the head of the Falcon Regiment, I am here to announce the latest mission." The clear and sassy voice of the red-haired girl rang out, "Liberate Hutton Mar!"

Regardless of past and present lives, in Midi's memory, Hutton Mar is a peaceful and peaceful city.

There are always people coming and going here, and it is extremely lively.Hard-working civilian students, noisy noble children, hurried businessmen, serious and responsible knights, and all kinds of adventurers, etc., will come and go on the streets.At [-]:[-] am, [-]:[-] noon, [-]:[-] pm and [-]:[-] pm, the majestic bell tower in the central square will ring with melodious bells to remind people of their day's work and rest.

This is Hutton Mare, a place full of security and a sense of belonging.

However, now, when the Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation has changed from defense to attack, and when the people who control the Tree of Life have changed from the gardeners of the Garden of Dawn to those pretenders, this place has changed beyond recognition.

Pieces of damp and cold mist floated in the city, as if Alice's fog demon had descended, not only blocking people's sight, but also the moist air blowing on people's skin, there was a kind of desire to tear The feeling of being corrupted.

The streets were extremely deserted. In this populous city, there was not a single pedestrian walking on the streets at this moment.

However, when the Falcon Group stepped into the city, they could clearly feel that there were countless pairs of hostile gazes peeping at everything from the dark alleys, alleys, or windows with a gap in the building. .

The terrain in many places has also changed.

The water fountain square in the center has now collapsed and turned into a swamp.The green sewage was churning in it, constantly bubbling with a fishy smell, making it creepy and not daring to move forward.

Many streets and buildings have changed, as if they are no longer human residences, but rather like cold lairs hiding monster groups.

This is Hutton Marr today.

"The whole army is attacking, the goal is the Garden of Dawn." Looking at the tree of life towering into the clouds in the distance, Midi issued an order with his usual calm voice.

The adventurers of the Falcon Group immediately formed countless small teams tacitly, and spread out from each other, with the central road as the core, spreading out to both sides.

This is a new way of street fighting.

For an ordinary army, even if it is transformed into a ten-man team, it is difficult to exert its power in various combat environments. After all, the biggest reliance of a traditional army is numbers and coordination.After being divided into parts, it is difficult for low-level soldiers to gain any advantage in battle.

But the Falcon Group is different. These adventurers are already very familiar with team exploration. Not only are they far higher than ordinary soldiers in level, but they also have innate intuition in professional matching and skill coordination. The city of the dead, it can be said that it is very familiar.

If you want to talk about the only difference, it is that at this moment, each team is not exploring alone. When they are scattered like pearls, there is an invisible net that connects all adventurers. And point to the only target.

Garden of Dawn, at the foot of the tree of life "Branches of Uktrassil".

Sensing the direction of the countless arrows of the Falcon Group, under the fog and in the shadows, the creatures under the command of countless pretenders finally took action.

A party of adventurers dashed across the broad street.

The level of this vanguard is very high, and the head of the former iron-blooded mercenary regiment is the level 40 paladin Dixon.

This big man's bald head is very conspicuous, coupled with his naturally ferocious face, it is easy for people who are not familiar with him to feel intimidated.And the heavy armor and the tower shield, which is huge enough to cover the whole body, will make all the enemies weigh whether they want to confront him head-on.

And following behind him is a team of melee elites, mainly ghost swordsmen, assisted by boxers and priests.

In short, it's a hard bone.That's why Midi wedged him in as a pioneer.

However, soon, a group of tall shadows appeared from the mist, blocking Dixon's team from the front.

It was a pack of werewolves.

The average height of this group of werewolves was more than two meters, and the leader of the werewolves was a head taller than the other companions.His hair was as black as the night, his white fangs were like daggers, his muscles were knotted and full of strength, and his eyes were emitting a faint blue light.

"Kill!" The werewolf let out a deep growl.

The adventurers went forward without fear, and the two sides immediately fought into a ball.

The Falcon Regiment has excellent equipment and tacit cooperation. The ten members each stand in a position to cover each other, adopting defensive and counterattack tactics, which is difficult to break through.

The werewolves, on the other hand, possessed extraordinary strength and speed, and acted like afterimages. They wandered around the periphery, and from time to time they suddenly focused their fire on one person, forming an area advantage strike.

Both sides are in close combat, fighting like lightning and flint.In just a few short breaths, you have already attacked me for several rounds.And finally, when the werewolf leader at the head had an arm cut off by Dixon, the battle was finally suspended.

The werewolf leader didn't say a word, let alone get angry. Instead, he rolled up the severed arm with a sweep of his tail and put it back on his shoulder. Then he sneered and led the team back without hesitation.

"Inexplicable..." A ghost swordsman couldn't help complaining just now, when he suddenly felt extremely painful!

In the battle just now, although the werewolves suffered more damage, both sides will inevitably suffer some wounds in the close combat.

But now, several small scratches on the ghost swordsman's body suddenly flared up.

Not only him, but the other bloodied adventurers also bent down one by one, their faces even paler.Even Dixon, who has always been regarded as the tough guy among the tough guys, was dripping with cold sweat on his forehead.

The paladin reluctantly performed a healing technique. However, although the wound healed, the pain still existed, and it became more and more intense.

No one was killed, not even seriously injured, and the enemy was repelled.

However, it was such an elite team that had achieved great results from the start, but after this weird battle ended, they were unable to take another step forward.

The same situation happened in various places in Hutton Mar.

The troops with long-range firepower encountered a large group of bats led by vampires.They shot and killed countless people. However, the corpses of these bats turned into rain of blood and fell down, and all adventurers who were contaminated with the blood also fell into severe pain.

Some troops encountered hundreds of giant rats, and some had to face crazy wild dogs. In some dark alleys and buildings, the original residents had disappeared, replaced by countless stinky zombies .

Without exception, all adventurers who were injured after fighting with these weird enemies, or who were stained with the body fluids of the enemies, all fell into the pain of being unable to fight.

"Stupid mortals, dare to fight against the chosen ones who are favored by the God of Destruction and the God of Chaos." In the towering tree pavilion, the black-robed old man quietly overlooked the city under his feet and the battlefield on the street, revealing He sneered with confidence, "Look, your well-built troops, your trustworthy companions, and your companions who you care about so much will all become my slaves under the curse of blood and the plague of Kazan!"

The old man laughed loudly as he spoke, his voice was like jagged teeth, extremely unpleasant, but it resounded throughout the tree hall.

(End of this chapter)

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