Arad's Sword

Chapter 142 Constant Infection

Chapter 142 Constant Infection

This is the pretender's most powerful ability, and also the most terrifying.

In fact, the race of Pretenders was born from the infection of the God of Destruction and the God of Chaos.They originally had an astonishing number, but after the ancient dark jihad ended, most of the pretenders were expelled from the continent of Arad.

Today, they are not only rare in number, but also have to hide their identities, and their power and strength are far inferior to those in ancient times.

But it is precisely because of this kind of restraint and suppression that while carefully surviving in the cracks of human society, the pretender has also reached a level of proficiency in how to use the ability of "infection".

It's not hard to imagine a situation where your true enemy is hidden in the deepest shadows, out of reach.

However, your companions, your comrades-in-arms, and even your relatives and lovers, one after another, are constantly mutating due to unavoidable tiny wounds or various pervasive infection routes, so that they become pretenders slave.

Those with better physiques can still retain their minds and become servants of the pretender, with strong combat effectiveness.

Those with poor physique, unlucky, seriously injured, etc., will be directly infected by the double curse and become monsters like zombies. Even if they are ignored, they will die in just a few weeks. Within a short period of time, it completely rotted and turned into a pile of rotten meat.

What is even more frightening is that neither the holy light of the paladin nor the superb medical skills can stop this infection process.

Because this is not a germ, nor a poison, but a "curse".

Not only is it a curse, but it is not cast by mere mortals, and it is also mixed with the resentment of the two gods of "Destruction" and "Chaos".

Therefore, most of the time, people can only watch their companions become enemies.

Not only that, although the infected cannot become a real "pretender", they also have the ability to infect others.In this way, as long as the infection starts, it will continue to spread geometrically like a plague. In many cases, it only takes one night or even a few hours for the pretender's army to expand to an incredible number .

To deal with such an enemy, it seems that the only way is to cut off your own arm and at the same time eliminate all sources of infection as quickly as possible.

Soon, the latest battle report from the front reached the generals of the Falcon Regiment.

"Over [-]% of the [-] squads that were thrown out were attacked and lost their fighting power." Looking at the numbers on the battle report, Fina frowned slightly.

It's not that the Queen of Magic Bullet is very happy. You know, in the second half of the battle report, not only the situation of one's own side is mentioned, but also the forward of the Falcon Regiment failed to take down any of the Pretender troops.In other words, while 700 men were out of combat, the Pretenders didn't even lose a single man.

"There are no dead people." Alice was thoughtful.

"The appetites of these pretenders are not small. They don't kill any of them, do they want to infect all of our people and turn them into their troops?" Midi raised her head and sneered, "Since you like infection so much, I Let's see how far we can do it!"

The new order was issued soon, and the second wave of forwards pressed on!
Nearly a hundred brand-new squads surpassed those comrades who had lost their combat effectiveness, and once again began to push the front line.Not only that, but the speed and attack of this attack are even more rapid, it seems that there is no concern about the infection that everyone fears.

"Hmph, do you want to suppress the impact of the infection in a short time, and then make a quick decision?" Sensing the fierce offensive of the Falcon regiment, the huge black werewolf sneered, shrugged his shoulders, and suddenly burst into tears. The sound of bones exploding.

"These stupid mortals don't understand the power of our pretenders at all. It seems that they must be educated on how to be in awe of the curse of God." On the side, the vampire duke in black exquisite clothes sighed, with an elegant gesture He raised the goblet full of blood, shook it and drank it down.

Werewolves and vampires, these two legendary monsters, are the largest variants of the pretenders.And the dark wolf king and the vampire duke who thinks he is elegant are the leaders of the two major groups.

In the battle just now, they, who hadn't tasted blood for a long time, couldn't wait to take action, which naturally cursed a large number of adventurers.

However, these two top pretenders did not expect that Midi Asrex, the commander who is said to be a genius, would launch another attack without hesitation.

In the face of infection, this method of strengthening the offensive is the most stupid trick.

"It will take a certain amount of time to completely transform humans into our servants. That little guy, Midi, is probably trying to beat the time lag. Before the infection completely breaks out, he will directly attack the Garden of Dawn and hit the Tree of Life." After a long while, the pretender The highest leader, the black-robed old man finally spoke, and then a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Unfortunately, what we pretenders are least afraid of is this kind of impatient opponent."

Facing the brand-new offensive of the Falcon Group, the Pretenders remained unchanged to respond to all changes, and the Wolf King and the Vampire Duke once again led the direct troops to attack.On the streets, in dark alleys, and inside buildings, many areas of Hutton Mar became battlefields again. Fierce battles erupted from time to time, with occasional flames and explosions soaring into the sky.

And after this round of confrontation, the battle line of the Falcon Regiment finally advanced to one-third of Hutton Marr.

The Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation is not far away.

But for this, Midi also paid a heavy price. Nearly a hundred teams, nearly a thousand adventurers from the Falcon Group, were infected again, and immediately lost their combat effectiveness, and could only be removed and transported to the rear.

But with the experience of the first battle, at least this time when they were infected, the adventurers also took down a lot of the pretender's direct line troops.These direct descendants are different from the infected servants. They are all elite troops carefully cultivated by the pretenders, and every death will result in one less.

When the loss was reported, even the old man in black frowned slightly.However, he believed that in this way, at least the Falcon Group would be unable to launch an attack.

But the reality is completely opposite to what the old man in black robe expected!
After nearly 500 adventurers were infected, Midi launched a third wave of offensive once again. This time, he even sent a total of [-] people!

In desperation, the wolf king and the vampire duke had to fight again.

And when the third wave of fierce confrontation ended, the battle line of the Falcon Regiment had directly advanced to an area that was only three streets away from the Garden of Dawn. It could be said that it was only one step away.

And under such circumstances, Midi sent another 500 people to press on without hesitation.

The old man in black robe was shocked, and the wolf king and the vampire duke were also lost in confusion.

You know, the Falcon Group has a total of only 5000 people.Under the first three waves of attacks, 500 people have been infected. Under normal circumstances, it is equivalent to nearly [-]% of the battle damage, which is enough to collapse the entire army.

And this is an infection, which means that these 500 people will soon become slaves of the Pretenders and enemies of the Falcon Group.At such a critical juncture, how could that so-called genius commander, Midi Asrex, dare to overwhelm the last 500 people?
Isn't he afraid that the whole army will be wiped out?
Isn't he afraid that even his personal guards will be lost, and he will become a servant of the pretender in the end?

A trace of obvious doubts flashed in the eyes of the old man in black robe.

As a pretender who has lived in the shadows for many years and seen all kinds of tricks, he smells conspiracy, and it is a huge conspiracy.However, with his wisdom, he couldn't see through the traps hidden in the situation set by Midibu.This made the black-robed old man extra vigilant.

After thinking for a long time, the black-robed old man finally made a decision—to suppress directly with powerful strength!
"Start the transformation ceremony, first transform [-] Hutton Mar citizens into combat slaves, and then directly suppress them with troops, infecting all the adventurers of the Falcon Group! As for Midi Asrex, this person It's hard to control, no need to infect, just kill it and bring me the head!" The old man in black robe issued an extremely cautious order, so to speak, leaving no room for Midi.

The wolf king and the vampire duke respectfully accepted the order, and they were about to lead their troops into battle again.

However, at this moment, the two groaned at the same time, and then both lost control of their bodies, kneeling half-kneeling on the ground in unison!

"No, there is something wrong with the flesh and blood of those adventurers..." The wolf king let out a deep growl.After three consecutive fierce battles, in order to infect the enemy, he bit the flesh and blood of those humans, and many of them were swallowed directly into his stomach.

But now, he only felt a dull pain in his abdomen, and his whole body was constantly losing strength, as if the flesh and blood were filled with some kind of deadly toxin to the pretender!
"It's... the power of life, damn it, how could they have such a way of confrontation." The bloodless face of the Vampire Duke was even paler now, almost like marble.He sensed the nature of the raging toxicity in his body, and a rare panic suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Seeing his two powerful generals fell to the ground like soft-legged shrimps, the old man in black robe felt even more turbulent waves in his heart.

The scene in front of him was as if the pretender had been poisoned in reverse.

How can this be?

"The first batch of infected adventurers have basically recovered. The second batch is almost there. According to the physical examination, it can be confirmed that a vaccine to fight the infection has been produced in their bodies!" A person who specializes in medical skills And the female master craftsman of the potion said with a smile on her face.

"The location of the infection cauldron has also been found out. Those pretenders really planned to turn all the citizens of Huttonmar into zombies at a critical moment, so as to increase the number of troops in one go to suppress them." Another A high-level adventurer who specializes in hiding and exploring also made a voice.

"Very good." Midi nodded, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes, "My holy medicine, the enemy's poison. I'm afraid many of those pretenders have lost their combat effectiveness now, right? The best time for the garden! Send the order, all fighters who produce vaccines in their bodies, get ready, the whole army, attack!"

With a loud horn, the Falcon Group started moving again.

It's just that this time, it's no longer the kind of wave after wave of attacks, but like an unstoppable huge wave, swarming in with overwhelming momentum!

(End of this chapter)

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