Arad's Sword

Chapter 154 The Flying Sail Controversy

Chapter 154 The Flying Sail Controversy
A contract of sale?
As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became a little weird and a little ambiguous.

Paladin Dixon, who had never cared about etiquette, couldn't help but whistled, and looked at Wells with a playful expression that only a man could have.

At the beginning, this bald man over two meters tall was taken aback by Wells' beauty and delicacy that surpassed that of a half-elf.Even if Midi explained it carefully, he still refused to believe that Wells was a man, and he believed that this was a young lady who disguised herself as a man.

Unexpectedly, this beautiful young man now revealed himself that the iron-clad ship with such fierce firepower and two three-masted schooners were dispatched just to capture a woman and come back to sign a contract of sale?
Although this is definitely not a glorious thing, but this handwriting is big enough, extravagant enough, and extravagant enough.

Hearing this, Kanina, who was regarded as a "prey", and Socia, who was almost caught, naturally turned extremely ugly, and there was even more in the eyes of the beautiful man Wells. A bit of contempt, disgust and hatred.

Even Midi couldn't help frowning.

The reason why he broke into the ship alone, captured Wells, and then took the trouble to let the two parties sit down to negotiate, in the final analysis, was because of the quality that Wells showed in the previous naval battle and the technology used by this ironclad ship. , aroused his interest and thought it could be used for himself.

But now, if this beautiful man in front of him is really such a hateful dude who spends money and prostitutes, then his thinking will naturally be completely overthrown.

No matter how high the talent and IQ are, if the personality is bad, then everything is meaningless. Not only will it not be a help, but it will even become a scourge.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire hall dropped to freezing point.

Seeing the flickering eyes of everyone and the flash of light in Midi's eyes, Wells was a little confused at first.But soon, Dixon's evil gaze made him understand what was going on.

Wells' face, which was fairer than women's, suddenly showed two blushes, and he didn't know whether it was shame or anger, and his voice immediately raised an octave: "The deed of sale I said refers to maritime affairs! It's not the one you imagined, don't get it wrong! These two women are not as good as me, so how can I be interested?"

"Maritime?" Kanina and Socia both looked suspicious.

Seeing that the other party didn't believe that he was going to fight for "maritime affairs", Wells didn't take it seriously, just sneered, and said in a slightly self-deprecating tone: "You think, as the young master of the Feifan family, life is easy Is it?"

As the saying goes, everyone has their own difficulties. Although Wells, as the sixth heir of the Feifan family, looks majestic to outsiders, but from within the family, he is only the "sixth" successor. An heir.There are four elder brothers in the front row alone, and there is also a talented and imposing elder sister.

As one of the few large families on the west coast, the Feifan family not only owns a large number of caravans and fleets, but also controls multiple trade routes with other countries, and has extremely close business contacts with the Hamilton family. , it can be said that it is a behemoth entrenched on the west coast.

In a family like this, internal competition is naturally extremely fierce.

Wells ranked sixth, is in an embarrassing position.

He himself is a level 36 mechanic, which is already a relatively low level in this turbulent age when monsters mutate and upgrades are easy.To make matters worse, his mother came from a family of small merchants with no background at all. It was only because her mother was born beautiful that she was favored by the head of the family.

Normally, if the mother is favored, the son will naturally benefit as well.However, Wells' mother was a confidante who had passed away eight years ago. As a result, Wells himself could be said to have faded out of the Patriarch's sight for a long time, and without his mother's strong backing, it could be said that he was single-handedly, with the ranking The few brothers and sisters at the front couldn't resist at all.

It might be a good thing to completely withdraw from the succession competition like this.

However, the succession of the Feifan family is based on age, so Wells couldn't get out at all.

Unless he died, he could only stay in the sixth position.

And sixth is a position that is very likely to threaten the top few.Once the few people at the front tear themselves apart and start shopping, maybe the fifth and sixth people will benefit from it.

Naturally, because of this reason, Wells will receive a lot of "care" from the former elder brothers and sisters in normal times.

The strength is weak, but he can't get out, so he can only struggle helplessly in the vortex of power.

This is Wells' greatest tragedy over the years.

Now, after learning from the painful experience, he is finally determined to give it a try. So in recent years, he has spent countless efforts to secretly research an iron-clad ship driven by a magic circle, which greatly surpasses the ships currently owned by the Feifan family in terms of various performances.

Wells was naturally ecstatic after the research was successful.In this way, whether it is to increase his strength or to get rid of the vortex of family inheritance rights, he has a certain bargaining chip. He can use the iron armored ship to directly negotiate with the Patriarch, or become a professional talent from now on. There is no need to look at anyone's face.

It's a pity that the opportunity has not yet come. The family's first successor, Shalan Feifan, the elder brother that Wells fears the most, has already got the wind. "True power" as an excuse, intending to monopolize the results of Wells' research.

At this point, Wells has no room for turning around.

Unless he builds a fleet by himself, the ships and blueprints, and even the technicians he brought along will all be swallowed up by Brother Shalan.

However, as a weak heir, how can there be any mature sailors in his hands?

In desperation, he could only find ways to borrow some ordinary crew members from his mother's family, and then tried to use the newly launched "Conqueror" to capture some real famous captains to serve him.

The strategic thinking is very clear, the tactics are very clever, and the ironclad ship is also very powerful, but it is a pity that Wells met Midi in the first battle.

So, it became what it is now.

Regarding Wells' remarks, the two female captains still held a dubious attitude.

However, Midi didn't doubt it.

At his level, the power of intelligence in his hands far exceeds that of an individual. Go ashore to inquire, and then verify it with Belle Mare, and you will naturally know the situation of the Feifan family in recent years.

Wells is a smart guy, he shouldn't lie about it, it doesn't make sense.

And if there wasn't too much exaggeration in what he said, Midi suddenly felt that his chance had come.

Midi's ultimate goal is to find Sky City before everyone else.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to form sufficient influence and control over the entire west coast region in the shortest possible time.

How to start?It's nothing more than four words——



As for the dojo, Midi has her own conclusions.

As for maritime affairs, isn't Wells in front of you the best entry point?

For Midi, who has just arrived, this is undoubtedly the best opportunity to get in touch with those big maritime families on the west coast.

Besides, he really didn't expect that this man, who is more beautiful than women, is actually a genius mechanic, and he personally designed the iron-clad ship!

In Midi's heart, although this person cannot be equated with Master Norton, the importance has risen to a higher level.

In the previous life, although Midi had never heard of the name Wells Feifan, it did not mean that he had no talent, but it was very possible that he was unfortunately killed in family disputes.

But in this life, since he was met by a commander who valued technology like Midi, how could he stand by and do nothing?

Taking a step back, even if Wells is just a commoner, as long as he has this kind of talent, Midi is willing to fight for him!
After Wells spoke, countless thoughts had already turned in Midi's mind, and now, he had a conclusion in his mind.

"I have roughly understood the situation." Midillo groaned, and finally spoke, with a tone of authority in his tone, and the whole hall became silent because of this, "Don't think about selling the contract, but if it is normal What do the two captains think about the employment contract?"


Socia and Kanina looked at each other, unable to react for a moment.

Why did this hidden Mr. Faye suddenly become that Wells lobbyist?

Even Wells, who has always been extremely flexible, was stunned at the moment.

He was the attacker, the perpetrator, and now the loser of this battle, Midi's prisoner.Under Wells' best expectations, the next result is nothing more than being taught a lesson by Midi, and then he bleeds again, using his hard-earned private money to redeem himself. To board this ironclad ship.

But now, Midi wants to help him recruit the captain?
Wells couldn't figure it out.

But he also wisely kept his cool, and waited without saying a word.

On the other hand, Kanina, after recovering from her senses, immediately stood up abruptly, glanced at Wells who was calm and composed with eyes full of anger, and finally stopped her eyes like nails. on Midi's face.

"Okay, I knew it, you must be in the same group! You smashed my boat on purpose, and then came out to save me on purpose. One made red faces, the other played bad faces, and in the end it was to force me to submit. You treat others as Are you a fool?" Kanina said angrily.

This passage of hers is naturally full of empty conjectures and full of loopholes.

However, Midi didn't take it seriously, and didn't even bother to refute. Instead, she turned her attention to another person, the red-haired female captain of the Southern Star.

"I already understand the attitude of the Albatross. How about you?" Midi asked firmly.

"Mr. Faai, Kanina's ship suffered a lot of losses in the previous battle, and many siblings died, so the attitude is unavoidable. Please forgive me if you don't remember the mistakes of villains." Socia stood up, bowed slightly, and then looked at Midi seriously from the front, "However, I hope you can give me a better reason for hiring the Feifan family, a reason that is beneficial to everyone , otherwise, I cannot make a decision."

(End of this chapter)

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