Arad's Sword

Chapter 155

Chapter 155
"Is there a reason?" Midi smiled slightly, then pointed at Wells, "In this turbulent era, even the children of the Feifan family have to fight hard to protect themselves, if you don't find a How to survive in a safe haven?"

Midi is not scaremongering, let alone a lobbyist.

In the final analysis, the entire west coast is just a group of loose business alliances. Although it is controlled by several big families, it is not a country in the true sense after all. It can only be regarded as a business alliance headed by Faroe Bay.

But now, with the igniting of the Grand Forest fire, several major forces have begun to wake up from dormancy and have begun to take action.

Fortunately, in the previous life, the Delos Empire was busy invading the Principality of Belle Mare, and there was no time to deal with the West Coast.But what about this life?Since the iron wall of Bel Mare can't be gnawed, the focus of penetration of the Delos Empire has shifted here in advance. Presumably there is an undercurrent surging in the Faro Bay at this moment?

Not only the empire, but when he came here, it meant that the Kingdom of Belle Mare had also joined the fray.

Moreover, faced with the enormous temptation of "awakening", Midi believed that the Xu Zu in the west and the Bantu in the north could not bear to sit back and watch the city of the sky be obtained by others.

When the few giants on the mainland of Arad gather on the stage of the west coast, even a little shock is enough to crush any family here, let alone the captain of an independent sailboat like Socia ?
As the saying goes, under the overturned nest, how can there be any eggs.

Midi also believed that with Socia's sensitivity and vision, she must have noticed some abnormalities this year, but with her vision, way of thinking, and channels for obtaining information, she couldn't understand what happened of.

Now, since I have figured it out to this extent, I believe this smart woman will understand the truth.

Sure enough, after listening to Midi's words, Socia first looked contemplative, then seemed to have suddenly realized, with a slight fright in her eyes, and then a look of unwillingness.

It seems that there is another fire to be added.

Midi thought about it, and then said: "Captain Socia, I know you yearn for a free life at sea. However, in troubled times, how can there be absolute freedom at all? Even if it is an overlord with absolute power, After all, in order to maintain that 'absolute power', one has to pay a high price."

These words directly hit Socia's vital point, her delicate body trembled slightly, and finally sighed with a wry smile: "It seems that's all there is to it."

The captain of the Southern Star nodded, and Wells, who was beside him, also heaved a sigh of relief.As for Kanina, although she still has a hint of hostility towards Midi, she is not a very assertive person. After Socia whispered, the blond female captain fell silent, although there was still a smile on her face. Somewhat reluctantly, he signed the employment contract honestly.

After some processing, at this moment, the two female captains have returned to their own sailboats, while Midi stayed on the ironclad ship.

However, Wells Feifan wasn't surprised at all.

In fact, this young master Feifan has already understood that when the mysterious strong man in front of him is determined to intervene, issues such as the crew and the captain are no longer a problem.

At this moment, when only you and the other party are left, the real negotiation begins.

"Mr. Wells, please tell me, how many ironclad ships do you have now?" Midi asked straightforwardly without any temptation.

"There is only this Conqueror, but if it takes another half a month, the other Destroyer will be built. My trip was originally intended to find the captain and crew for the Destroyer." Wells was very pleased. He answered straightforwardly, without hiding anything.In his opinion, although the ironclad ship is his biggest bargaining chip, it is probably nothing to the person in front of him, so why hide it?
"There are only two, it's a little less." Midi frowned slightly.

Although the ironclad ship looks very strong, in Midi's view, this kind of warship also has many weaknesses. If armor-piercing bullets and magic interference facilities are used for targeted confrontation, and then water ghosts are sent to attack from the water, even the ironclad ship will be weak. It will also sink.

According to his estimation, its effective combat power is roughly equivalent to five five-masted galleons of the same tonnage.

Of course, this is also a very great combat power ratio, but if there are only two ironclad ships, it will not be a big deal in a real battle.

Hearing Midi's evaluation, Wells smiled wryly: "This is the result of all my wealth over the years, and I also used many resources of my mother's family to open up a secret. The port. Otherwise, I’m afraid my elder brother will snatch the blueprints and so on before it’s built.”

"Oh? You actually have a secret port, so that's easy." Midi nodded and asked again, "Tell me, how much does an ironclad ship cost?"

Wells sighed and said, "At least, 100 million gold coins."

"Money is not a problem." Midi said with a smile, and then put five black diamonds on the table.

When seeing these five precious stones, even a child from a big family like Wells felt suffocated for a moment.

Those are five soul crystals.

This kind of spar is extremely rare, and the market value of each piece is around 200 million gold coins, and it has been in a state of price but no market for a long time.Put it on the west coast, as long as it is taken out, it will be snapped up by big families immediately.

But now, Midi casually took out five pieces, which was 1000 million gold coins, and ten ironclad ships!

However, at this time, Wells' delicate and charming face turned pale.

Originally, in his opinion, although Midi's personal force is extremely strong, since he tried to support him, the forces behind Midi may have limited capabilities. Otherwise, why bother to find a weak heir like himself? The head of the Feifan family had a conversation.

But now, he found that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

Because even if it is the owner of Feifan, it is absolutely impossible to casually take out 1000 million gold coins without any preparation and just on a whim!
How big is the power behind this person?

Wells deduced repeatedly in his heart, but there was no answer.

As if aware of the other party's shock, Midi smiled slightly and said, "I have nothing to hide about my identity. I am the envoy of the Kingdom of Bel Mare."

Along with these words, Kelvin also handed over a document in due course.This is an identity certificate signed by Fina herself. The entire document is made of high-quality white gauze paper, with several magic circles drawn inside and gold-plated fonts. Even if it is thrown into a raging fire, this document will not be damaged at all. It can be regarded as a real treasure in itself.

Not only that, but the content on it even showed that this "Mr. Fay" possessed unbelievable power. It could be said that he directly represented Belle Mare, as if Queen Fina Hamilton had visited her in person.

What kind of ordinary envoy is this? This is ten times better than an imperial envoy!

Wells secretly sighed in his heart, and suddenly, a thunderous name involuntarily appeared in his mind——

Midi Asrex.

The strongest ghost swordsman, the genius commander, the commander of the Falcon Group, the lover and comrade-in-arms of the Queen of Magic Bullets, the founding father of the Kingdom of Belle Mare, and the "Sword of Victory and Protection"...

The title of this legendary figure can be said to be countless. Even on the west coast, which doesn't care much about the situation of Bel Mare, when the Twin Tree of Life was born last year, there were many stories about Midi.

And the black-haired and black-eyed young man in front of him who called himself "Faiai" had too many details, which coincided with that Midi Asrex!
Could it be that he was talking to that Midi?
Thinking of this, even Wells, who has always been calm, couldn't help but tremble a little at this moment.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Midi has shown a lot at this moment, so even if Wells deduces something, he is not surprised.However, at present, he will absolutely not reveal his true identity, because doing so will definitely attract the attention of the empire, which will cause the west coast to enter a situation of direct confrontation in advance.

And Wells quickly realized this after the initial excitement, so naturally he would not really ask anything, but now his eyes swept away the previous confusion, full of excitement and passion, Even a certain kind of fanaticism.

After being suppressed for so many years, this beautiful young man who has been depressed has finally found a strong enough backer. Next, he can soar from now on. How can he not be excited?
"Ten ironclad ships, no problem?" Midi asked to confirm.

"Of course! I will personally supervise and build these ten ironclad ships in the fastest time!" Wells nodded confidently, and then said, "Only the crew..."

"I will recruit people from Belle Mare. The specific matters will be arranged by you." Midi answered every question.

If possible, he would actually like to move the entire Falcon Group here, but the result of doing so would be the same as revealing his identity. It would only force the empire to send troops in advance, turning the west coast into a new place of war.

But now, since Wells is the internal response, it is not a problem to find a few reasons and mobilize a group of seamen.At that time, when this armored fleet paid by the people of Belmar and the people of Belmar take important positions is completed, it will be a brand new fleet that is loyal to Belmar.

And Wells naturally understood Midi's thoughts, and immediately agreed.

Just imagine, with the support of the Kingdom of Belle Mare, not to mention surviving the battle for the heir, even the position of Patriarch may not be impossible to fight for!

Thinking of this, Wells suddenly thought of something, so he added: "Mr. Faye, when you arrive on the west coast, you must be entering the upper-level social circle. At that time, how about letting me be your referrer?"

"There is no need to do this for the time being." Midi shook her head, "However, if you say so, you should first determine a title in case you need it."

When the two sides were talking, there happened to be a towering rocky island on the side of the ship, emerging from the end of the horizon.

"What's the name of that island?" Midi cast her eyes on the island, her heart skipped a beat.

Wells replied without thinking: "This island is also quite famous on the west coast, because it looks like a lighthouse, so we usually call it 'Santa Island'."

"Then, let's use 'Earl of Santa Island' as my title."

(End of this chapter)

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