Arad's Sword

Chapter 158

Chapter 158
"Die!" Sanda master grinned ferociously, like a tiger descending a mountain, or like a vulture swooping down from mid-air, he unscrupulously pounced on Midi.

At the same time, those disciples around level 30 in the Shinra Dojo also showed expressions of watching the show, and began to spread out, standing in various directions, and a few of them stepped back to hold the dojo The entrance clearly does not intend to let Midi escape.

No, more precisely, no intention of letting anyone in here escape.

"Stop!" Randall yelled.He couldn't just watch a young man who came to sign up die so tragically in front of him.

The disciples of the Lionheart Dojo were already furious. Seeing that the other party seemed to be about to kill, how could they catch him without a fight?They immediately showed their weapons and rushed up one after another.This is the Lionheart Dojo, they can't watch the black-haired young man who spoke their heart fall in front of them, otherwise, what's the point of practicing martial arts and improving the level all these years?
In an instant, roaring, clamoring, scolding, all kinds of voices mixed together.

Everyone rushed towards their goal.

In the midst of this chaos, the black-haired young man who stirred up this chaos still stood firmly, like an unshakable iron statue, just quietly looking at the 40th-level man in the Shinra Dojo. The Sanda master attacked head-on.

For a moment, the Sanda master's heart sank.

But the next moment, he directly suppressed the uneasiness that surged from the bottom of his heart—the other party was just a rookie in his 20s, maybe there was indeed someone behind him, but so what?Jinluo Dojo now has a big backer, looking at the entire Faroe Bay, who can resist?

No matter who you are, kill first!
Having made up his mind, the Sanda master concentrated all his strength on his legs, and swept out with one blow.

Sanda skills, whirlwind legs!
This leg is not only the power of muscle and speed, but also contains something called internal force, just like a weapon with magic power added, the body of a Sanda master is a sharp weapon that can cut gold and iron.Once this whirlwind kick is done, let alone the flesh and blood of a small level 20 rookie, even a door made of fine steel will be kicked open on the spot.

The Sanda master's feet had already arrived in front of Midi with the sound of whirring wind.

Seeing that Midi was about to be kicked to death by this kick, all the disciples of the Lionheart Dojo let out an exclamation.

In the blink of an eye, Midi suddenly put her hand on the hilt of the inconspicuous black long sword at her waist.

In the next moment, only a gleam of light flashed.

At the moment when Sanda master's iron leg was about to touch Midi, Midi drew out his long sword, and did not stab or cut, but slapped lightly.

This blow seemed to be slow, but in fact it was so fast that no one could see it clearly, so it hit the Sanda master's chest accurately and easily.

In an instant, the majestic and incomparably powerful force on the sword surged out like mountains and seas, and with a bang, it directly sank the chest like foam!
There was a dull loud noise like a heavy blow!

A scream that stopped abruptly!
The Sanda master, who was about to start a killing spree, was shot upside down like a kite with a broken string in an instant. He spun in mid-air like a top, passed over the heads of everyone, and finally hit the ground heavily. On the wall of the dojo.

The hard wall made of bricks and stones actually left a faint figure because of this impact, and the originally incomparable Sanda master fell to the ground, his bones were broken all over his body, and his mouth, nose, eyes and ears were all shattered. There is even a slender stream of blood flowing out, obviously dying and unable to live.

The entire Lionheart Dojo suddenly fell silent.

The chaotic situation that was about to turn into a chaotic war instantly froze into a piece of dead silence as if it had been blown by ice and snow for thousands of years.

Everyone's eyes, no matter whether it was from the Lionheart Dojo or the Shinra Dojo, followed the arc that the flying Sanda master drew in the air, and finally landed on Midi. , which is full of incredible stormy waves.

How can this be?

That's not a rookie or a rookie, but a level 40 high-level professional!
Put it anywhere, whether it's Faroe Bay, Belle Mare, or even an empire that advocates force, a professional who has reached level 40 has enough weight and voice to be valued by everyone.What's more, this Sanda master is not the type who just tries his best to level up, but a seasoned veteran who has accumulated countless experiences through actual battles and finally advanced!

But now?

In front of him, this young man who looked like he was only in his 20th level, unexpectedly hit him so badly that he couldn't even save him.They couldn't imagine that a thin long sword could knock a heavy person so far away. The terrifying power contained in the thin sword was like a sledgehammer in the hands of a god. With one move, the world moved !

This is a complete spike.

However, this was an encounter so bizarre that even those who witnessed it could not believe it.

Glancing at the reactions of the people around her, Midi nodded in satisfaction.

Originally, it was impossible for even Midi to completely crush and crush a level 40 high-level professional so casually.

Although he now possesses that mighty little sword in his body, after all, he is only level 41, so he doesn't have any advantage in terms of absolute power. How can he shatter his opponent into pieces with just a single strike?It is possible to hit the vital point and kill with one blow, but it is not powerful enough in terms of visual effects.

However, if it is not "casual", but prepared in advance, a shocking spike can be formed.

You know, Midi has a secret trick called "Yangyi".

During the Belmare Civil War last year, when he accompanied Fina to Rose Mountain City, he spent three days raising Ultimate Mind, and then at the family meeting in Hamilton, he made a shocking sword, almost hitting the fencing branch with the top level 50. All the people in charge were killed in seconds, and then the sword intent penetrated the big magic circle in the castle.

Now, the ultimate intention in Midi's body and the divine sword manifested by ghosts and gods are combined into one. Once he is warm and nurturing, the speed of growth far exceeds that of the past, and the sharpness is even more unimaginable.

And the current opponent is not a level 50 capper, but a mere level 40 opponent, who is already lower than Midi in terms of level.In addition, the Sanda master underestimated the enemy, completely attacking with no defense but only offense.

Therefore, Midi only needs to develop his sword intent for a short while, and coupled with grasping the opponent's open door, he can naturally achieve this incredible "second kill".

However, for ordinary people, although this kind of instant kill is terrifying, it is also too weird, so Midi has to do one more thing.

He let go of his breath.

So, in the incredible eyes of the crowd, they saw that the aura and magic power of this rookie who was only about 20 levels in front of him began to skyrocket and blow out in a very clear and incomparable way.Its speed is so fast that the gushing magic power can't even dissipate in the air. Instead, it sways like ripples on the surface of the water, forming gusts of wind and cutting away, causing pain all over the body!

Midina's level of more than 20 levels climbed to level 30 in an instant.

Without any slowdown, he continued to climb all the way, reaching level 35, then level 38, and then level 40.

Go up further, to level 41!
Originally, some daring desperadoes guessed in their hearts whether the scene just now was an illusion, or whether it was some special weapon or treasure in Midi's hands, which was able to instantly kill the 40-level Shinra dojo master.

But at this moment, watching Midi's level climb up all the way until he became the highest level person in the field, no one doubted it anymore.

This black-haired young man just instantly killed his opponent, and he did it straight from the front!

Midi didn't make any explanation, just spit out such a word coldly.

Everyone in the Shinra Dojo, including the remaining two level 40 masters, felt as if they were being pardoned when they heard this word. They hurriedly picked up the seriously injured Sanda master who was limp in a ball, and then fucked A swarm of bees rushed out of the Lionheart Dojo, as if this place was hell.

However, it is not an exaggeration to call it hell for the place where Midi, the God of Death, is located.

Watching the kickers go away, Midi didn't move.

His purpose from the outset was to deter, not eliminate.

If he really wanted to kill, then Midi wouldn't use the method of "raising the intention" first and then killing him instantly. Although it looks extremely powerful, it is actually quite troublesome, and it is equivalent to going around a big circle.If he wants to eliminate his opponent, he won't even say hello when he comes up, he will rush in to kill, and at the same time, Dixon and Kelvin, two experienced elites, will attack from both sides. People can get out alive.

However, Midi has already judged that the power of this Shinra dojo seems to be extremely large, and obviously these three level 40 masters are not the only ones. If they really do this, it will easily turn into an endless fight.

At present, Midi is not planning to do this, so he let the rest of the people go and let them do the publicity for him.

In this way, Shinra Dojo must have some scruples because of his own force, and even if he takes any action, he will have to wait until he has carefully considered it, and Midi has won time.

After all, he is starting from nothing now, and what he lacks most is time.

As long as it takes time to gain a firm foothold in the disputed land of Faro Bay, it will not be the Shinra Dojo who will deal with him, but he will take the initiative to find the Shinra Dojo!

However, the speed of gaining a foothold still depends on the Lionheart Dojo in front of him and this Randall.

In an instant, countless thoughts turned in Midi's mind, and then his piercing eyes fell on the middle-aged man opposite.

"Mr. Randall, are you the host of this Lionheart Dojo?" Midi asked, and then showed a relaxed smile, "Now, we can return to the original topic of recruiting students. Is it?"

 On Monday, please recommend, subscribe, and reward O(∩_∩)O. In addition, thank you book friend C for rewarding the rudder ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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