Arad's Sword

Chapter 159 Old Rival

Chapter 159 Old Rival

"Mr. Feiai, thank you very much for your generous help."

In the Lionheart Dojo, in the tea room belonging to the host, Randall sat upright with his head upright, then lowered his head and bowed deeply.

This thanks comes from the bottom of my heart, because if there is no Midi, in today's situation, the Lionheart Dojo will probably not have any good results.However, in addition to being grateful, Randall's eyes were also full of guard.

After all, Midi's strength is too tyrannical. As long as he is willing, it is only a matter of thought to sweep this dojo now. Before that, he deliberately concealed his level, and with the help of the opponent's mentality of underestimating the enemy, he shot a sword that killed the enemy, giving people His shock was really a bit big, or Li Wei Li was too much.Therefore, even a kind-hearted person like Randall couldn't help being vigilant.

It seems that this standing up is a bit too much.

Aware of Randall's reaction, Midi smiled wryly in her heart.

However, the other party will be vigilant. In the final analysis, it is because of his unknown identity and unknown purpose.

Thinking of this, Midi reached into her bosom, and took out a black tablet from her close pocket.

This tablet is not big in size, only the length of the palm, and the width is no more than two fingers. It looks like a rectangular and inconspicuous iron block.However, in fact, it is made of void star iron, which is the same material as Midi's Black Sky Sword, and it is hard to damage even Jiyi, and some other rare materials are mixed in it, so although it is small in size, it is very heavy , heavy in hand.

And on the tablet, with a knife and an axe, there is such a line of words engraved——

Enemies never die, the lion's heart never dies.

"I don't know if Mr. Randall approves of this tablet?" Midi said calmly, placing the Star Iron Tablet on the small table in front of him.

Randall didn't pay attention at first, just glanced at it casually.However, soon after he recited the words on the tablet several times, he seemed to remember something, his breathing became heavy, his eyes became sharper, and in the end, even his body trembled slightly.

"This tablet is...Mr. Faai, please tell me, where did you get it from?" Randall stood up abruptly regardless of etiquette, his tone full of uncontrollable excitement .

"It seems that Mr. Randall really knows it." Midi smiled and was not in a hurry to explain.

Randall looked at Midi with a very natural expression. It didn't seem like he got the tablet by accident, or snatched it by force, but it was like an orthodox inheritance.

He changed his mind and thought again, although this person in front of him has a mysterious identity, but his ability is much higher than his own, and there are two more than 40-level companions beside him. Why does this small lion heart ashram have to go through so many detours?Simply, there is no need to test it myself, it is better to get straight to the point and tell everything frankly.

So he pondered for a while, and then said seriously: "To tell you the truth, this tablet was made by the master of the Lion Heart Dojo, and the person who holds this tablet should be the host of the Lion Heart Dojo. Fei Mr. Ai, if you have the heart, I, Randall, will immediately give up the host position."

Randall's statement was expected by Midi, otherwise, Midi would not have chosen that way to appear in the first place, but his purpose was not for such a host position, but to The Lionheart Dojo became a suitable chess piece in his hand.

Regarding Randall's proposal, Midi skipped over it directly, and then continued: "Then, the second question, do you know where the master of the Lionheart Dojo came from?"

Randall thought that Midi was waiting for him to give up the host position, but he didn't expect the other party to ignore what he made up his mind to say. Instead, he asked a completely irrelevant question, and his thoughts paused for a moment.Then, he came back to his senses and thought about it carefully for a long time, but an embarrassing expression appeared on his face involuntarily.

Speaking of it, although during the establishment of the Lionheart Dojo, the Iron-Blooded Duke also used the sword in his hand to conquer this world in Faroe Bay, but because it was a dark game, he didn't know when it would be used, so it was simply He never revealed his true identity.

Therefore, in the Lionheart Dojo, there are many legendary deeds about the ancestors, but the origins of their identities are very few.

Seeing Randall's attitude, Midi basically guessed what the Iron-Blooded Duke did back then.

But now, since this chess piece buried 30 years ago is finally about to come into play, it is naturally impossible to hide it any longer, so he cleared his throat, glanced at the other party, and said, "Mr. Randall, Do you know Heydrich Hamilton, the Iron-Blooded Grand Duke of the Kingdom of Bel Mare?"

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, an afternoon has passed.

Originally, Randall's training in the Lionheart Dojo was extremely strict, and the progress of the school's disciples was checked every afternoon, even the day before the arrival of the people from the Shinra Dojo, there was no exception.

However, at this moment, Randall did not take the school exam for the first time, but discussed with the mysterious young man in the tea room for a whole afternoon, and did not even come out even once.

The disciples in the dojo couldn't help whispering to each other, while guessing the content of the discussion inside, they were more guessing about Midi's identity.

Among them, there are also those who are bold, and directly want to talk to the two people brought by Midi.However, both Dixon and Kelvin are leaders of first-class mercenary regiments, so how could they be given some information by a few inexperienced brats? Dojo information, and the recent situation in Faroe Bay.

The secret talks between the leaders of the two sides continued until dusk, when the dojo disciples saw that Randall came out of the tea room, his face was full of joy, obviously he had received some good news.

Peter, the eldest disciple of the dojo, Matthew, the second disciple, and Janet, the youngest and most talented female disciple, are the three who have the closest relationship with Randall, and they are not afraid of his reprimand, so they immediately surrounded them and asked questions.However, Randall didn't say much, just smiled and encouraged a few words, and emphasized that the level and combat power must be continuously improved in the future, so that the future must be limitless.

Although he didn't ask about the specific situation, Randall's expression and demeanor all indicate that the haze that has been pressing on his heart these days has been exhausted, and it seems that the retaliation that may be carried out by the Shinra Dojo is connected. He didn't take it to heart either.The disciples couldn't help being secretly surprised, who is that black-haired and black-eyed young man who completely convinced their always stubborn master in just one afternoon?

In fact, even Randall himself felt incredible, as if he was in a dream.

It turns out that this is the Lionheart Dojo, which was built by the legendary Bel Mare?

Not only that, this dojo not only had an incomparably powerful founder when it was established, but more importantly, the young man who came here with the tablet turned out to be the envoy of the Kingdom of Belle Mare!
Doesn't this mean that the Lionheart Dojo now has a real country as its backing!

With infinite financial and material support, and a strong man like Midi sitting in the town, what can be done for a Shinra dojo, no matter how hard the background is?
And now, as the host of the Lionheart Dojo, facing such a rare opportunity in a century, he should naturally use all his strength to revitalize the dojo, so that he can be worthy of the power of the Iron-Blooded Duke!

Thinking of this, Randall couldn't help feeling hot in his heart.

However, after the conversation in the afternoon, Midi was far less optimistic than Randall.

While he pointed out his identity and the future path of the Lionheart Dojo, he naturally asked the host a lot about the situation of Faroe Bay, especially the situation of the Shinra Dojo.And from some details, Midi noticed a huge behind-the-scenes black hand.

You know, around the end of last year, when the Belmar Civil War just ended, the Shinra Dojo was just a third-rate dojo with a very small number of people, and there were not even 40-level masters among them.

However, in just a few months, a large number of senior professionals above level 40 have sprung up like mushrooms after rain in this small dojo, and there are countless disciples above level 30. In just a few minutes, the strength of Jinluo Dojo soared to the top position in the entire Faroe Bay.

Moreover, after acquiring a powerful professional, Shinra Dojo did not indulge in any false fame and status, but immediately began to expand like a locust like a locust.

They kept kicking gyms, or buying and selling a small dojo by force. After a few months, the territory of Zhenluo Dojo expanded dozens of times.

Of course, this kind of unscrupulous and destructive rise will naturally attract the resentment and hostility of many people.Many small and medium-sized dojos even form alliances with each other and use them as a helping hand to resist Jinra's annexation.

However, what is strange is that these opponents mysteriously disappeared one by one, and they do not know whether they are dead or alive.Although everyone knows that Shinra Dojo is behind it, there is no evidence at all.

As a result, all the remaining opponents felt that they could not protect themselves, and the alliance against Shinra was stillborn. Coupled with the silence of the big forces, it seems that no one in Faro Bay can stop the attack of Shinra Dojo. rose up.

And the scene that happened in the Lionheart Dojo was just the tip of the iceberg of Zhenluo Dojo's domineering behavior.

Is there anyone who can turn a third-rate dojo into a powerful force filled with 40-level masters in an instant?
And who, at this time, can't wait to invade the territory of the west coast?
As soon as these two questions were raised, Midi felt that the answer was ready.

Unexpectedly, he had only been on the west coast for a few days, and he had already made love with his old enemy, the Delos Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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