Arad's Sword

Chapter 160

Chapter 160
When Midi was carefully understanding the current situation on the west coast, in the wealthy gathering area of ​​Faroe Bay, on the top floor of the Jinra Dojo, which covers an area of ​​[-] acres, a slender man with silver-white hair The women are also meticulously listening to the reports from several mages.

"How is that Sanda master?" the silver-haired woman asked expressionlessly.

A mage sighed, and then replied: "The whole body's bones are shattered, and the internal organs have also been hurt, and it can't be saved."

"Even with the technology of our Imperial Alchemist Guild, can't it be saved?" The silver-haired woman frowned slightly, "Then what about pouring the secret medicine? Bring him back to life once, and win people's hearts by the way."

"This, I'm sorry, my lord, I'm afraid we can't do it..." Another mage smiled wryly and shook his head, "The flow of magic power in that Sanda master's body has been completely cut off, even if the body is replenished with medicine, it can't be done." Unable to fight."

"How could this happen?" The silver-haired woman's face became darker and darker.

She wasn't worried about this Sanda master whose name she didn't even know. However, most of the masters in the Shinra Dojo were forcibly promoted by the Imperial Alchemist Guild using secret methods.

Without knowing it, all of these people paid more than 40 years of lifespan as a price, forcibly raising the level by more than 10 levels, and giving the body a response and resilience several times higher than the same level.

It can be said that they can be regarded as a weakened version of the female ghost sword.Moreover, like the female ghost sword, when dying, it can also be further transformed by secret techniques, completely transformed into an undead creature, or return to the light again.

Is it this kind of terrifying body like a war machine that was slapped with a sword by a mysterious young man, and then couldn't get up again, and couldn't even accept the transformation of the secret technique?

The silver-haired woman could not accept this result.

Black hair and black eyes, about 20 years old, level 40, full of murderous aura.

Who is this young man?Why did he go to the Lionheart Dojo?

Is it because he deliberately wanted to target Shinra Dojo, so he specially participated in that kick, or is there any connection between him and Lionheart Dojo?

The silver-haired woman is constantly arranging and combining various possibilities, but the information at hand is too little, so no matter how good she is at guessing, she really can't draw a conclusion.

It appears that further intelligence gathering is needed.

The silver-haired woman thought so in her heart.

"My lord, we should launch a counterattack immediately!" A rough voice suddenly sounded in the room.The person who spoke was an extremely tall, giant-like knight. He was wearing the standard heavy armor of the Delos Empire, his hair was disheveled, and his eyes radiated light like a beast, which was extremely frightening. Come down, the prestige that has been established with great difficulty must not be ruined in such a small place like this!"

"Oh?" The silver-haired woman gave him a cold look.

Although there was a huge gap between the two sides in terms of height and body shape, at this moment, the giant felt a bone-chilling chill in front of the petite woman, and even made him feel suffocated after being killed from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

"Are you planning to fight in person?" The silver-haired woman paused, then asked calmly.

"If this is the expectation of adults!" The giant knight replied without hesitation.

"So, if you lose, or even die, what should you do next? Let me take care of the aftermath for you?" The silver-haired woman looked at the other party with a half-smile.

The giant was speechless for a moment, he never thought that he would lose to his opponent.

"If you die, who will sit in the Zhenluo dojo? Is it possible that I will go from behind the scenes to the front? And if I come out, I will be beheaded by the other party. Isn't the situation on the entire west coast about to collapse? The empire invested After spending so much, the Alchemist Guild has spent a lot of energy, not for you to show off your strength, understand?" the silver-haired woman reprimanded.

"How could an adult lose to such a small character?" The giant knight didn't dare to refute, but couldn't help but muttered.

"No matter which side is stronger, you and I are too important to take action easily. If we can't get back to the game this time, we will have to fight hard. It's just that we admit defeat, but it doesn't mean we have to Just stop here." The silver-haired woman said coldly, "Go and call those assassins, it's their job."

When the Shinra dojo began to slowly promote a new wave of surging undercurrents, Midi's side was also making intensive preparations.

In the previous life plus this life, he has dealt with the Delos Empire countless times, and he knows that the other party looks wild, but in fact he is extremely patient.They will take a tyrannical crushing attitude towards the weak who don't have any hole cards. However, if they encounter a strong person like themselves who can't figure out the details, the general practice of the empire is to make decisions before making moves.

So Midi is not worried, and Shinra Dojo will come to find trouble next time.

At least on the surface, they will not act rashly.As for the secret actions, such as the previous assassinations and accidents without evidence, with Midi's current strength, how could he take it to heart?
However, although Midi is fearless, she is not without restraint and can act recklessly.

You must know that this battle is different from the confrontation of soldiers on the battlefield in the past, and it is also different from the tit-for-tat in the earliest noble wars.In this land, whether it is Midi or the Delos Empire, it is obvious that there is no intention of direct confrontation, but to drive chess pieces, using the entire west coast as a chessboard, to play games with each other.

Although Midi's personal force is very strong, but if he really goes to the headquarters of the Shinra Dojo to fight the gymnasium, he believes that the Delos Empire will definitely not let it go, and will also send out characters who are strong enough to fight against him.

For example, the famous "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman Newton.

Or, a lightsaber clan with royal blood.

Taking down the entire west coast by one person, Midi is not so arrogant.

Although at the most critical time, he must be required to go to the battle in person to knock the pass, but more daily, it is necessary to cultivate a force.This force will continue to affect the entire west coast in a subtle way, and then form an invisible network, which will become a tool to convey Midi's will and implement Midi's goals.

This is the most important thing for Midi right now.

After all, without a sword is absolutely impossible, but a sword alone cannot play a ruling role.

In terms of maritime affairs, Wells is secretly gaining momentum, and it is not appropriate for Midi to intervene now.When the heir I support has no right to speak, if Midi jumps out, it is easy to be vigilant and targeted by the Feifan family, and it will only get twice the result with half the effort.Therefore, Midi just asked Kelvin to keep in touch with Wells at any time and wait on the sidelines.

However, in terms of the dojo, based on the Lionheart Dojo, Midi can completely intervene in a fair and justifiable way.

What he has to do is very simple, there is only one sentence——

Increase strength.

Improve the strength of everyone in Lionheart Dojo.

Early the next morning, Midi summoned everyone to the dojo.

He sat on the main seat as the elder of the dojo, Dixon and Kelvin stood behind him, and Randall, the master of the dojo, was at the bottom.The more than 30 disciples in the dojo were all sitting opposite, and the atmosphere was very serious.

Since they witnessed Midi's shocking blow yesterday, these disciples naturally admire Midi endlessly. However, because Midi's identity has not yet been clarified, they are also quite uneasy.

Has this mysterious and young master become the leader of the Lionheart Dojo from now on?

Where will he take the Lionheart Dojo next?
What will you do to yourself?
Question marks one after another kept rising in the hearts of the disciples, and they couldn't be eliminated no matter what.

"The reason why yesterday's incident happened, in the final analysis, is because you are too weak." Midi glanced around the crowd, and said straight to the point without mercy, "Therefore, from now on, I will be the elder of the dojo. , teach you to learn this "Lion Sword Art". From then on, this sword art is the basic sword art of the Lion Heart Dojo. Only those who have learned this sword art can be called the disciples of the Lion Heart Dojo. And it will also become the cornerstone for everyone to embark on the road of being strong."

As Midi spoke, with a shake of his hand, he threw more than 30 bamboo slips engraved with the basic parts of "Lion Sword Art" that had been prepared by the side of the seat, and lightly threw them in front of each disciple.

This "Lion Swordsmanship" was modified based on the basic swordsmanship of the Hamilton family. It discarded the moves that only geniuses could perform, and became simpler and clearer.Not only that, Midi also personally added notes to the sword technique and the way of practice, it can be said that it is a very thoughtful textbook.

Because of this, after just reading the beginning of a few sentences, all of these disciples' eyes lit up, and their expressions were full of excitement and excitement.

They may not all have extraordinary talents, and even some of them are still below the average level of the West Coast.

However, no one can't see the value of this "Lion Sword Art"!
You know, this is a real swordsmanship book!
Not to mention the West Coast, in the continent of Arad, most dojos and academies have only "skill books", which allow professionals to learn how to use the magic power, internal power or holy light in their bodies , thus displaying professional-specific skills.

However, these skills are independent and cannot be used in one go, but how to make yourself learn skills faster, use skills better, improve your level more quickly, and cooperate with skills is not in the skill book at all. mentioned.

For the parts other than the skill book, you can only rely on the experience of your predecessors, and then combine your own situation to explore step by step.

Before Midi came, the Lionheart Dojo was like this.

Send out the skill book for the disciples to practice, and then Randall will teach the disciples how to display the skills.

However, although Randall has reached level 40, he is already considered a master, but a master may not be a good teacher. Moreover, even if he is a good teacher, what he can teach is based on his own experience. Not necessarily suitable for every student.

However, this "Lion Sword Art" is different. It is a complete book that systematically connects upgrades, skills, combos, and battles, and the experience in it combines the experience of previous masters of the Hamilton family. Circumstances are mentioned.

With such an orthodox swordsmanship book in hand, the speed of leveling will be at least three times faster!
(End of this chapter)

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