Arad's Sword

Chapter 161 Teaching

Chapter 161 Teaching
When the disciples of the Lionheart Dojo were overjoyed by the distribution of the "Lion Sword Art", Midi was quietly observing from above.

Back then, the Iron-Blooded Duke just laid out a random game without spending much thought. Therefore, the follow-up development of this dojo was also decided by the hosts themselves. There are insufficient resources and contacts, so it is still stumbling along the way.

You can tell just by looking at these disciples, the oldest of these disciples is 27 or 10 years old, the youngest is only 26 or [-] years old, and their levels range from more than [-] to the highest level of [-]. "Qi" to describe the current situation of the Lionheart Dojo is perfect.

This kind of unevenness is obviously not suitable for teaching with one brain.

Therefore, Midi intends to divide the disciples into one division.

However, this kind of division is by no means a one-size-fits-all basis.

A 25-year-old, level 25 disciple, or a 15-year-old, level 20 disciple, who is stronger?There is no standard answer to this question.Similarly, for a 28-year-old disciple who is only level 15, whether it is because of poor talent or because he can't learn the law, there is no answer.

These data that can be seen on the surface are too affected by uncertain factors, so they cannot be used as a reference when teaching disciples.

Midi's standard of division, four words——



Under the premise of having the right opportunity, only those with high savvy can upgrade the most levels at the fastest speed.

And only those with a firm heart can move forward on this adventurous road that is destined to face countless failures and tribulations.

Only those who have both can become the backbone of this lion heart dojo, and it is worth Midi's time and energy to cultivate it by himself.

Of course, Midi doesn't expect to be able to pick any real genius who hasn't been seen in a century from the thirty or so people in front of him, but at least, he wants to make his teaching more effective with half the effort.

"You all go down and study this "Lion Sword Art" carefully. The time limit is one month, and then there will be an assessment. I hope you will work harder. If you have any questions, you can ask Dixon and Randall. The one-month assessment is over. Finally, I will personally teach the top five who have mastered this sword skill." Midi glanced at the disciples again and said.

At first, the disciples were very disappointed when they heard that Midi would not guide him personally.But at the end, when they learned that only those who ranked high in the assessment could get the personal guidance of this master, everyone's eyes suddenly filled with excitement.

This mysterious elder is not an ordinary strong man, but a super strong man who can instantly kill a 40-level master with a single strike!If I can get the guidance of such a strong person, then I will surely succeed in the end!

And more importantly, this "Lion Sword Art" can be learned by everyone, regardless of age or level. Midi has already stated that the assessment depends on who can learn this sword art best in the shortest time, and It's not just about who wins and who loses in the duel, it can be said that the door of opportunity has been opened to everyone.

Therefore, naturally every disciple is eager to try.

"It's still Elder Fei Ai who is amazing, and he mobilized all the disciples' enthusiasm." After the show ended, Randall said in a tone of sincere admiration, but there was a hint of bitterness mixed with his tone unconsciously. lonely.

He has been the host for eight years, and along the way, he is also a teacher respected by all the disciples, but, he has never been worshiped like this.And Midi has only been here for two days, with an amazing sword on the first day and excellent swordsmanship on the second day, he has already won the dreams of these disciples, which is naturally a bit uncomfortable.

However, Midi smiled slightly and shook her head: "People always yearn for beautiful things, especially young people. It's just that when you want to do it yourself, how far you can go is another matter. I Now it's just to whet their appetites deliberately, the long-term development of the dojo will ultimately depend on the steady flow of water."

After hearing Midi's words, Randall's heart relaxed, and he was immediately relieved.

Then, he thought of another thing, so he asked: "Then what will Elder Faai plan to do after one month? Do you want to provide higher-end swordsmanship for outstanding people?"

"The so-called high-end and low-end, in the final analysis, depends on the actual combat." Midi shook his head and turned his attention to the host beside him, "Mr. Randall, you should have some connections in Faroe Bay. This month Among them, we can just do some preparatory work.”

A month is fleeting.

During this month, the Shinra Dojo died down, as if nothing had happened.

On the other side, Wells was working hard, quietly forging the keel of another ironclad ship.

Randall and Kelvin teamed up and ran around the streets of Faroe Bay.Dixon became an acting instructor, and began to use the method of the masters of the iron-blooded mercenary group to train the dojo disciples, which made everyone exhausted.

As for Midi himself, he concentrates on sitting in the lion heart dojo, constantly strengthening the little golden sword in Wen Yang's body.

Soon, it was time for the assessment.

The test method is very simple, everyone can accept Dixon's three moves.And Midi was on the sidelines, evaluating the swordsmanship level of these disciples.

Under pressure, it is easiest to reveal flaws, and it is easier to expose bad habits.When practicing swords, you may be able to achieve perfection. However, in the face of Dixon's terrifying offensive like a mountain top, most of the disciples will not be able to resist, so they will soon reveal their true nature and will resist. Leave it to instinct.

In this way, it is easy to judge the progress of each person in "Lion Sword Art".

In the end, these five people were selected——

Randall's big disciple Peter, level 26.Second disciple Matthew, level 23, third disciple, female, Janet, level 22.These three people were originally favored by Randall, and now they have steadily stood out under Midi's selection, which shows that Randall's vision and means are not bad.

As for the other two, one of them is 24 years old and has been languishing below level 20. After getting this "Lion Sword Art", their level suddenly began to soar, and the level of swordsmanship also improved by leaps and bounds.The other person is a 13-year-old childish boy. Although he does not seem to be very talented at the moment, he is extremely calm when facing Dixon. This kind of character is valued by Midi, so he was selected.

The five disciples, under the envious eyes of everyone, pointed out for Midi one by one, walked to the front of the stage, and lined up.

"In a month, I have initially mastered the "Lion Sword Art". You have done well." Midi glanced at the five disciples, and then, with a flick of his wrist, he had already thrown a new booklet at the five disciples.

In this book, more advanced swordsmanship, as well as the experience of different schools of masters are recorded.Upon seeing it, the five disciples were naturally overjoyed.

However, next, Midi changed the subject: "You can't become a real master just by training step by step. Whether it's practice, competition, or even a life-and-death duel, in the end, these are just full preparations." It's just a performance under the premise. If you want to become a real strong man, you must be fully prepared anytime, anywhere, all the time, and at any time, you can use the greatest power of the sword in your hand with a calm mind. In other words, you What is needed is actual combat!"

The five disciples looked at each other, their hearts trembled.

"Now, I order the five of you to form a team, led by Peter, and go out to carry out the mission." Midi said, and handed Peter an envelope that had been prepared earlier, "Bring this letter of introduction Go, next, you will become the guards of the Jinlan caravan and escort them to the neighboring county town!"

The actual combat mission, this is the second lesson Midi gave these disciples, a real experience.

Now after the Grand Forest fire, the mutated monsters are getting stronger and stronger. Although it is nothing to the big family, it is becoming more and more difficult for small chambers of commerce to transport goods because of this, and they have to reduce business routes, or It is to spend a lot of money to hire adventurers.

For an area as dependent on commerce as the West Coast for its survival, small chambers like this abound.

But now, Midi has taken a fancy to this opportunity, so he asked the disciples of the Lionheart Dojo to serve as guards, and hone their sword skills in real battles with monsters, robbers, and gangsters, and then gain insights and growth .

Not only that, but this is also a path chosen by Midi to expand the influence of the Lionheart Dojo.

In the past, if you want to make a dojo brand famous, the main way is nothing less than various arenas and competitive competitions.If they can win in these competitions, it means that the dojo is strong and there are many masters, which will attract more people to come to learn from teachers, and naturally the dojo will also prosper.

But if they do this now, it means they have to face the Shinra Dojo that is also rising, and there will definitely be a bloodbath ahead.

Midi is naturally fearless in such a battle. However, if such a fight is really fought, the speed of the rise of the Lionheart Dojo will be greatly affected.

To rise up and not be held back by Jinra Dojo, the one who meets these two conditions at the same time is the path chosen by Midi now——

With the excuse of sharpening their disciples, help those small and medium-sized forces that have money but lack military power, broaden their contacts, and quickly form a large network with sufficient energy and influence in Faroe Bay!

"Student obeys!" Peter put the secret book newly issued by Midi into his arms, bowed solemnly, and then hurried away with four fellow disciples.

"The rest of the people continue to train, and the assessment is still once a month. Next month, the top five will also have the opportunity to experience. Not only will I distribute a higher level of swordsmanship cheats before the experience, but if the task is successfully completed , and more rewards. Now, let’s end.”

Midi's faint voice caused hope to shine again in the eyes of all the disciples.

However, seeing that the disciples he valued were going out to fight the mutated monsters like this, and might even encounter various hostile forces, Randall inevitably still had a look of worry on his face.

Aware of Randall's thoughts, Midi smiled slightly, turned to Dixon and said, "I will trouble you next time."

"No problem, leave it to me." The bald man grinned confidently.

Since Midi intends to expand the influence of the Lionheart Dojo, how can accidents be allowed to happen?Although on the surface it was the five disciples of the Lionheart Dojo who were carrying out the task, in fact, there was still this master sitting in the dark. Once there was any situation, he would immediately suppress it with thunder.

For the disciples, the actual combat full of dangers was an out-and-out performance from the perspective of Midi.

(End of this chapter)

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