Arad's Sword

Chapter 162

Chapter 162
"Have you heard of the Lion Heart Trial?"

"Ah, I know, it's the incident where the disciples of the Lionheart Dojo went out to practice, right? By the way, what's the evaluation?"

"Courteous, well-trained, with a teacher from a famous family, and his strength is outstanding!"

"It's much more trustworthy than those adventurers out there whose backgrounds are unknown! Even in dangerous situations, they will never abandon the caravan, and they can always save the day."

"It is said that it is still free, as long as you are responsible for board and lodging?"

"Money is a trivial matter. If you can hire such a guard, it is worth paying twice as much!"

"You don't know yet, do you? The most important thing is that they are here to practice, so they will need comments. Not only that, the Lion Heart Dojo will also send people to inspect it, so when inviting Lion Heart disciples to come, you must Pay close attention, lest you end up speechless, then there will be no next time!"

Soon, following Midi's actions, a "lion's heart whirlwind" quickly blew up in Faroe Bay.

Originally, on the west coast, although there was a close relationship between maritime affairs and the dojo, the force of the dojo was mostly used in competition among peers, not in public services such as escort missions and monster cleaning missions. .

You must know that the dojo is not a charity, nor is it a vigilante group that relies on taxes to make a living, nor is it a mercenary that takes money to do things.The dojo's first concern is its own status, and this status needs to be obtained through constant sparring, arenas, and competitions.

Because of this, most of the dojo's martial power will be put on the struggle with other dojos. Those powerful disciples in the dojo usually train hard, and when they need it, they will come out to fight in the competition to make a name for themselves.

In the eyes of ordinary dojo disciples, the task of guarding is a waste of time. There is not much benefit, and it also requires hard work, and it will delay their own cultivation and upgrade, so no one will do it at all.

Unless those big maritime families designate a special trip, it is possible to invite the masters in the dojo, otherwise, in normal times, who would care about the trade of these small and medium-sized business families?

But by the way, Midi is doing this now, not only did it, but also for free.

The quality of dojo disciples, no matter in terms of level or character, is much better than those of ordinary adventurers. It can be said that they have both credibility and strength.Naturally, as soon as this "experience" measure was launched, it immediately attracted the attention of small and medium-sized business families, and the reputation of the Lionheart Dojo spread throughout the Faro Bay in a very short period of time.

After the first few wait-and-sees, because the effect was really good, many small and medium-sized chambers of commerce flocked to it and wanted to form an alliance with the Lionheart Dojo.

In addition, because the disciples of the Lion Heart Dojo often go out to kill those mutated monsters, many villages and towns in the west coast area that lack maritime families or the Daochang will also come to ask the disciples of the Lion Heart Dojo to clear the monsters, and even more It is for this reason that a favorable treatment is proposed.

As a result, the Lionheart Dojo, which only had more than 30 disciples, was naturally overwhelmed.

However, at the same time, rumors spread that the Lionheart Dojo had orthodox swordsmanship teaching and that several unfathomable masters were sitting there.Those who had close contacts with disciples of Lion Heart, such as Peter and Matthew, were even more surprised to find that the level of these people had improved greatly in a short period of time, and it could even be said that they looked like three days, while Lion Heart The other disciples in the dojo also changed their usual attitude of not having any disputes, and began to conduct various public discussions and competitions under Midi's instruction.

The inheritance of orthodox swordsmanship, the presence of masters, and the obvious improvement in the level of disciples, these three factors superimposed on each other, made the number of people who wanted to join the Lionheart Dojo as disciples also increase suddenly.In just one month, hundreds of people came to sign up.

However, Midi did not recruit outsiders.

After all, when there is such a rumor, there must be many spies among the people who come to sign up who are trying to spy on the secrets of the Lionheart Dojo, so how can they easily eat it?

For the problem of manpower shortage, he had expected it long ago, and he had already prepared countermeasures——

Direct dispatch of personnel from Belle Mare!
Just like letting Wells use the Belmare as the manipulator of the ironclad ship, the Lionheart Dojo has now become a channel for Belmare's troop transmission.Soon, nearly a hundred young girls from the Hatchling Battalion of the Falcon Group, who were personally selected by the Queen of Magic Bullets, Fina, arrived at the Lionheart Dojo.

With the addition of this batch of new blood, the strength of the Lionheart Dojo suddenly expanded greatly.

The guard invitations that were too late to accept can now be honored one by one, and the monster clearing missions that were not dispatched in time can now be easily completed.

Not only that, Midi also provided a certain degree of military training to these hundreds of disciples, allowing them to understand how to cooperate with each other in combat. The style was taught.

To some extent, the Lionheart Dojo is no longer a simple dojo, but a cohesive military force that can be used by Midi.

It's just that this rapid expansion of power naturally becomes a great threat in the eyes of those with a heart.

In the third month of the "Disciple Training" in the Lionheart Dojo, an elegantly dressed man with a handsome appearance came to the door of the dojo, and handed over a gold-plated letter of introduction, begging to see the current elder of the dojo, Mi Dee Ashrex.

"Representative of the Faroe Bay Dojo United Association?" Midi smiled lightly after glancing at the letter of introduction.

Is it really here?
Midi thought so in her heart.

The forces on the entire west coast are intricate and intertwined with each other, which is completely different from the square pattern of one lord and one territory in Belle Mare.Since the Lionheart Dojo wants to rise, grow stronger, have a better reputation, and form alliances with small and medium-sized business families, it will naturally encroach on the interests of others. Midi knows this very well.

But now, since the Dojo United Association has appeared, there must be no good things.

However, for Midi, he had been waiting for this time for a long time.

Let's see, who are the people who didn't say a word when Jinluo Dojo kicked the gymnasium, but now suddenly popped up to take advantage of it!
Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Midi's eyes, he crumpled it up without hesitation, and then said: "Call the disciples and welcome guests in the main hall of the dojo!"

In today's Lionheart Dojo, Midi's majesty is very great. With an order, in just a few ten minutes, all the disciples, big and small, have gathered in the huge dojo, and they are seated in their respective positions. superior.The dojo was crowded with people, but it was extremely quiet, as if the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard, and the whole aura gave people a feeling of oppression.

The handsome man originally thought that he would be taken to Midi's study room, but he did not expect to meet him in public. When he entered the dojo and was stared at by nearly a hundred pairs of eyes, he suddenly became a little nervous.

Fortunately, when he thinks of the Dojo United Association behind him, he is certain in his heart-even if the Lionheart Dojo has accumulated some reputation now, it is just a false name, how can it be compared with the forces he represents?
"Elder Feiai, host Randall, late introduction, I am the agent of the Faroe Bay Dojo United Association, the two can be called..." The agent who had a high self-esteem coughed and cleared his throat on purpose , and then slowly began to introduce myself.

But the next moment, before he could give his name, he was interrupted by Midi's voice.

"Don't talk nonsense, it doesn't matter what your name is, and it doesn't make sense to me, just explain why you're here, but I'm very busy." Midi said coldly, and immediately gave the other party a blow.

The agent's face turned red all of a sudden.

As the agent of the Dojo United Association, where is he not regarded as a guest of honor?Not only the middle and small dojos often have to look at his face and give him heavy gifts, even the Daochang has always been polite when receiving him.

After all, the United Association is the union of many prestigious ashrams in Faroe Bay, and he is someone who can speak in front of the president of the United Association. Once he tells the truth, no one can bear it, so he can only look at his face act.

But now, the black-haired young man in front of him doesn't even bother to hear his name?
It's insulting, downright insulting!

"Elder Fei Ai is so arrogant! Do you know who you are talking to?" The agent snorted coldly, his face immediately sank, "I am representing all the ashrams in Faroe Bay, even if you The Lionheart Dojo seems to have improved a bit recently, but how can it be compared with the United Association! And I am here this time to tell you that the Lionheart Dojo has done a lot of things wrong, and it is a big mistake. Misfortune is imminent!"

"Oh? Why don't you tell me?" Midi looked at the other party calmly, without any wavering in his expression.

Believing that Midi was bluffing in his heart, the agent sneered, unfolded a very formal "Notice", and read it aloud in the dojo in front of all the disciples of the dojo.

As for its content, it is basically not much different from Midi's expectation.

Basically, it is to ask the Lionheart Dojo to immediately stop this kind of disciple training that is completely unsuitable in the eyes of the association, not to sign a contract with any business family, and not to recruit too many disciples.At the same time, since the origin of the "Lion Sword Art" is unknown, it must be opened to the association, and it will be handed over to the association to judge whether it is a skill that can be taught.

In short, this is an aggressive announcement to restrain the development of Lionheart Dojo from all aspects.

Of course, such a tough announcement naturally does not only include demands, it must also include a large number of punitive measures.It's nothing more than that if the Lionheart Dojo insists on going its own way, it will be boycotted by all the dojos in Faroe Bay, and may even be disqualified from the Lionheart Dojo through the arbitration of the city council!
After reading this threatening announcement eloquently, the agent immediately felt very relieved.However, he didn't realize that the atmosphere in the dojo was boiling rapidly, as if it was a crater about to erupt.

Not to mention those disciples who took great pains to raise their eyebrows, even Randall, who was sitting on the top and always had a good temper, gradually showed anger in his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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