Arad's Sword

Chapter 165

Chapter 165 Let's Go Together

Although the opponent used the rogue tactic of many against few, Midi did not look down on the red lotus host.

He is a commander, what he pursues is victory, and what he values ​​is the result. As for the process, that is not important.

The Red Lotus host in front of him is obviously the same.

More importantly, when everyone underestimated the Lionheart Dojo and believed that the Lionheart Dojo would be defeated, the host was still cautious, and immediately noticed the abnormality after Midi defeated four Dojos in a row.

Not only did he respond in a timely manner to unite the remaining five families, but he also formulated a set of tactics that you can't avoid even if you know it, based on your own characteristics.To be able to achieve this level, the vision and mind of this host has obviously surpassed that of a dojo host.

In the 985th year of the Arad calendar, the Great Fire in Grand Forest, the beginning of the turbulent year, what is the most expensive?Nature is talent.

Now, in 986 of the Arad calendar?

Talent is more expensive!
Doesn't the red lotus host who looks like a tiger with a smiling face in front of me just happen to be a talent?

Thinking of this, an interesting idea suddenly turned in Midi's heart, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc because of this.

He misunderstood Midi's smile as a sarcasm, but the host of Honglian was not angry, he just laughed and said: "I made Elder Feiai laugh, but the situation of my Honglian Dojo is well known. , is also two-on-one, with an invited master in charge of the main attack, and the disciples of Honglian Dojo are in charge of assisting from the side. This practice, I ask Elder Feiai to understand. Of course, even if the battle is a draw, it is still It can be regarded as the victory of the Lionheart Dojo, how about it?"

The idea of ​​the Red Lotus host, just as Midi speculated, is the idea of ​​fighting a war of attrition.

Although Honglian disciples don't know how to attack in battle, but with two against one, the magic power is doubled. If the master who is in charge of attack is also good at defense, with the support of the ghost formation, it can definitely be said to be impenetrable .

In the host's opinion, Midi is an absolute offensive ghost swordsman, and it is difficult to make a breakthrough when encountering this kind of double defense lineup.Taking ten thousand steps back, even if a breakthrough is made, the consumption of magic power and the power of ghosts and gods will definitely be huge!

And more importantly, the other three hosts were also present.

You must know that the biggest key difference between the five hosts in the same dojo and the five dojos separately is, time!

In the previous challenges, Midi took the initiative to choose the time. The black carriage can be fast or slow. The time on the road, according to the deduction of the chairperson of Honglian, must be used for rest.Maybe, there are still a lot of rare potions hidden in the carriage, which are used for recovery.

But this time, the host of Red Lotus made up his mind that he would never give Midi any time to rest. The time to use the potion should let him fight four consecutive battles under the watchful eyes of the public. At that time, see if he still has the ability Support it.

This is an upright conspiracy. The host is confident. Even if the mysterious and powerful black-haired young man in front of him guesses his intentions, he has no choice but to retreat. The world is falling apart!
However, although the strategy has been accomplished now, he did not take it lightly.

In his opinion, the black-haired young man in front of him is very deep in the city. If he encounters this kind of trap, he might have a good excuse.

Because of this, he was already ready for some verbal confrontation, and he even did not hesitate to come up with some conditions that were enough to make the opponent's heart beat as bait.

However, Midi didn't have any rebuttals or accusations of unfairness as the host thought.

On the contrary, the black-haired young man just glanced at everyone on the field, and said indifferently: "Why is the Red Lotus host so modest? In fact, I have to thank you for saving me the time to rush to the field. However, since the remaining five The family is here, so I also have a proposal."

"What proposal?" Honglian host asked cautiously, and the eyes of the other four hosts also fell on Midi.

Midi smiled slightly: "How about you go up together?"

Go together?

Go together.

Go together!

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of the five hosts, the masters of the various ashrams, and even the disciples all became extremely exciting.

Some people feel angry - this is clearly a naked provocation and insult!

There were also some people who were secretly delighted - if the masters from the Five Great Dao Fields joined together, the victory would definitely be a certainty.

Some people feel contemptuous—the elder of the Lionheart Dojo looks quite imposing, but after all, he is just a self-inflated idiot!
Different people, different angles, different thoughts, different conclusions.But no matter what, Midi's words were like a gust of wind and waves, which immediately shook the entire Red Lotus Dojo to the ground. Even if the five abbots were in charge, the disciples couldn't help but make noise all of a sudden.

As for the host, Honglian, the scheming smiling tiger, couldn't help showing surprise for the first time.

He had done thousands of calculations, but he didn't figure out that Midi would play this card.

The masters of the five avenues will fight together, so that there will be no wheel wars or wars of attrition, and everything will be resolved in one battle.

It's just that what the Red Lotus host couldn't understand was that the black-haired young man in front of him didn't know that, compared to a battle of wheels or a war of attrition, facing four masters who were assisted by Devil May Cry in the Red Lotus Dojo at the same time, that It's really no chance of winning!
What is this guy's plan?
Host Honglian's brain was running fast, but he couldn't find an answer.

At this time, Midi's voice sounded again: "Of course, it's obviously not fair to me to play one against five, so I still have one condition here."

Sure enough, is there anyone behind!

There was a flash of light in Honglian's host's eyes.He didn't believe that this black-haired young man would dig his own grave. Obviously, the other party's one-to-five reliance should be based on this condition.

"I don't know what conditions Elder Fei Ai has? Could it be that he wants to find some helpers? In this way, it will become a group battle. In my opinion, it may not be regarded as kicking the gym, right? If this is your condition , then we can only say no, and please continue the battle step by step." Honglian host smiled, and quickly opened his mouth, while trying to block all the possibilities he guessed.

Midi shook her head, and said slowly: "The host thinks too much, my condition is very simple, if you lose in a one-to-five match, then the Red Lotus Dojo will become a branch of the Lionheart Dojo from now on. Dojo Association, turn to work for me! Of course, if I lose, Lionheart Dojo will be disbanded, how?"

Host Honglian didn't expect that her speculation would come to nothing again.

He didn't even think that Midi would propose such a condition that was close to gambling, and the bet was the future of the two dojos!

The host, who thought he had no plans to spare, suddenly fell into deep thought.

Losing the kicking hall, although it is also ugly, is just a one-month closure, at most it will lose some face and lose some influence.But if he agrees to this condition, he will even lose the entire Red Lotus Dojo. He has to be cautious, and has to think about what kind of trap lies in the opponent's entrustment.

But at this moment, another host beside him, the current president of the Taoist Association, suddenly came over and whispered: "Vice president, don't be intimidated by him, this kid is bluffing!"

After hearing this, the Honglian host suddenly felt "suddenly enlightened".

It turned out that the opponent knew that the cost of victory was very small, so he deliberately proposed a shocking one-on-five, and then added a condition that made him worry about gains and losses.Once he shows hesitation on his side, it means that the Lionheart Dojo has won without a fight, and he can declare to the outside world that "with one-to-five, the Dojo Association dare not go up".

This is bluffing, using advance as retreat!

I almost got caught by you!
Host Honglian thought about it, and gave Midi a vicious look, and had already made a decision in her heart.He said coldly: "We accept this condition. Since Elder Fei Ai is so confident, let us witness it with the style of a one-on-five master!"

After the words fell, the Honglian host originally thought that he could see Midi's stunned and flustered expression.

However, Midi showed a confident smile.

Because he never thought about it so much.

What kind of bluff, what kind of advance as retreat, or to avoid a war of attrition so that they propose a one-on-five, these, Midi didn't think about it at all.

The reason why he proposed a one-to-five match was because he liked the Red Lotus Dojo itself!

Although the Lionheart Dojo is booming now, Midi also clearly feels that the dojo supported by himself alone has a history of only 30 years, and the small dojo that was arranged by the Iron-Blooded Duke at that time still has limitations after all. .

If the time is too short and the background is not enough, it is easy to be questioned and challenged.This time the Dojo Association bullied the head, which is the best example.

The Red Lotus Dojo happens to have a long history and a good reputation. More importantly, the auxiliary Devil May Cry can also become a great help for the national army of Bel Mare and the Falcon Group. Played a huge role in the war!

Therefore, Midi intends to eat the Red Lotus Dojo. In doing so, he can form an alliance with the Lion Heart Dojo in the short term and help each other. In the long run, it can be used as the cornerstone of his grand strategy, a wing of the Falcon Group .

Originally, Midi thought that if he proposed such a condition that the lion opened his mouth, the scheming Honglian host would definitely hesitate to shirk, so he also thought about a few moves.

Unexpectedly, the president of the dojo association whispered a few words, and the host readily agreed to his condition.

Obviously, they obviously want to be crooked.

But isn't it better?He also saved his tongue.

What needs to be done next is nothing more than a battle.

Thinking of this, an incomparably sharp light flashed across Midi's star-black eyes.

The next moment, there was a crisp sound of metal collisions, and the cold and dull Heitian sword was unsheathed.

"Come to fight!"

Along with the unsheathed sword, Midi's calm voice slowly rang out in the ears of everyone in Honglian Dojo.

 On Monday, recommend balls, reward balls, subscribe balls, collect all kinds of requests O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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