Arad's Sword

Chapter 166 The Dance on the Ghost Array

Chapter 166 The Dance on the Ghost Array

The five powerful dojo hosts nodded at the same time.

Five masters jumped out of the crowd in an instant, like five furious rhinos, and charged towards Midi.

The one who rushed to the front was a 46-level Sanda master.

This Sanda master was extremely tall and burly, and he was wearing a set of heavy chain mail that ordinary Sanda masters would never touch. From a distance, it looked like an iron mountain.And on his fists, there are also a pair of three-pronged fist blades shining with cold light!
This is specially used to break the sword weapon.

You must know that although the long sword is sharp, all the power is concentrated on the edge, but the blade itself is extremely fragile. The three-pronged fist blade has three interlaced cutting edges, which can easily clamp the swordsman's slash, Then directly destroy the sword body from the side.

Wearing chain mail, using a three-pronged fist blade, and good at close-to-body short combat, the Sanda master can be said to be the nemesis of ghost swordsmen.

If it weren't for Midi's arrogant challenge of one-on-five, the host of Honglian planned to make this person the first in the war of attrition.

But now, after turning into a group attack, the tall Sanda master didn't have any worries or temptations, and directly attacked without hesitation.

And behind the Sanda master, a short 45-level sword soul followed like a shadow, and the extremely sharp lightsaber in his hand radiated brilliant brilliance, like a cold moonlight.

If the Sanda Master is located in the open, it is a shield used to defend against Midi's attack, and an iron pincer used to wring Midi's sword, then there is no doubt that this sword soul is a fatal move with one blow.Two high-level professionals jointly formed a serial attack routine, which made it impossible for people to resist.

Not only that, another level 45 qigong master and a level 44 judo master also forced them up from the two wings with a tacit understanding.

Qigong masters are a medium-range attack profession. They can use mind waves to launch attacks without getting close, and the coverage is huge. Among them, veterans can use their thoughts to change the direction of mind waves in the middle of hitting them. , making people hard to guard against.Although the power of telekinesis is relatively not fatal, it is surprisingly effective in restraining and interfering.

As for Judo, since they basically don't have any heavy equipment, they can be said to be the fastest profession, and their grappling moves can make many parry and dodge skills completely ineffective. With a series of combos, it can be said that if you are not careful, you will be easily killed in seconds.

There is such a profession staring at the side, even if it does not step forward to attack, it is a lot of psychological pressure and deterrence.

And most importantly, behind these four masters who cooperated tacitly and seamlessly, there was a level 43 Devil May Cry who was extremely good at assisting and defending!

I saw the thin Devil May Cry hanging on the tail of the team like this without showing any signs of mountain and dew. He didn't do anything at first, he was just on the sidelines, as if he was watching a play.However, at the moment when the four companions in front were about to launch an attack, a strong light erupted from his eyes, and on the liberated left arm, the power of ghosts and gods spewed out instantly.

In an instant, the temperature in the entire dojo seemed to drop several degrees.

And four huge shadows appeared at the feet of the four association masters at the same time.

The Sanda Master's tower-like body shook violently and accelerated suddenly. Then he let out a loud shout, turned into a ferocious afterimage, and rushed towards Midi.

Devil May Cry Skill, Array of Speed!
The sword soul was still silent, but the outline of the whole body gradually became blurred, as if it was about to melt into the air.

Devil May Cry Skill, Array of Afterimages!

The qigong masters and judo masters on both sides suddenly surged in momentum in vain, and the thought energy waves contained in the hands of the qigong masters burst out with strong rays of light.

Devil May Cry Skill, Force Array!
Two formations of strength, one formation of afterimage, one formation of speed, four formations in a row!

Not only that, the positions of these four ghost formations are even more ingenious, not only allowing the four masters of the association to obtain the blessing of ghosts and gods, but also predicting the areas where they may attack, and paving the way in advance.Seen from a distance, the four shadows looked like four blooming black roses, while protecting their companions, they locked Midi in the center.

In an instant, there was a sound of exclamation in the entire dojo.

This series of four formations without any sloppiness, and the extremely obvious strength improvement shown by the four masters after the rise of the four formations, made everyone unable to help but look at the background of the Red Lotus Dojo again with admiration.

However, in Midi's eyes, the four in front of him were aided by the ghost array, and they looked like menacing masters, but they still couldn't get on the stage.

Compared with the few female ghost swords who would never die under the control of "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman Newton, the degree of cooperation of the people in front of them is not tacit understanding at all.

Compared with the stormy two-gun attack of the dark elf gunman encountered in the adventure of the elf king's court, the aura of these people is nothing at all, it can only be said to be gentle and drizzle.

And if compared with the army of vampire bats under the 50-level capped pretender, and the pervasive Hongmang, who can't even defend against magic power, such a battle is nothing at all.

Those three strong men, Mi Di had already defeated, even beheaded, and it was still when he was not strong enough.

But now, in Midi's body, the extreme intent and the mysterious ghosts and gods are fused with each other, turning into a golden sword. The power of ghosts and gods, magic power, extreme intent and even sword intent have been integrated into one, like a piece of iron, as long as the will moves, It was a thunder strike, and his strength increased by leaps and bounds. It was even more impossible to be touched by the offensive in front of him.

Although the opponent's attack power and speed have been increased, and the four of them teamed up to attack from four directions, and there is a Devil May Cry behind him waiting for an opportunity, but with Midi's current strength, as long as he launches an offensive forcefully, he can break them in an instant The Sanda master with the strongest defense among them drove straight in, and then killed Devil May Cry who was hiding behind in seconds, which completely collapsed the offensive of the five people.

However, Midi didn't intend to do this.

After all, he also saw the "serial formation" of Honglian Dojo.

Although in front of him, this kind of skill does not seem to be strong enough, but if it is placed on the battlefield, the commander Midi is very clear about its value.

This made him want to subdue Honglian Dojo even more.

If at this moment, it is a coincidence to force the Red Lotus Dojo to fulfill the agreement of "becoming a branch of the Lion Heart Dojo", although it seems that the scenery is boundless for a while, it is absolutely impossible to convince the Red Lotus Dojo, let alone have any enthusiasm up.If one is not careful, it may plant the seeds of hatred and the hidden danger of revenge.

Conquest, this is not what Midi wants, because in the previous life, he had experienced the anger and sorrow in the hearts of the conquered.

Win-win, this is the best way to subdue the opponent.

And to do this, to convince the Red Lotus Dojo, then you can't break the skill with strength, but you can break the skill with cleverness.

How to do it?
In Midi's mind, countless thoughts turned in an instant.

The most orthodox and most convincing method is, of course, Devil May Cry versus Devil May Cry, and Ghost Array versus Ghost Array.

Although the chain of four formations in the Red Lotus Dojo is indeed impressive, but who is Midi?In his previous life, he was an out-and-out second-awakened Devil May Cry, and he was very familiar with the skills of his own profession. With the level of the Red Lotus Dojo alone, it could be said that he was playing tricks in front of him. up.

In addition, all of Midi's moves today are evolved from the pure power extracted from the golden sword, and their power is also very different from the general ghost array condensed by the power of ghosts and gods.

It can be said that as long as Midi makes a move, he can immediately use his own ghost formation to "swipe" the opponent's ghost formation, and instantly turn his hands into clouds and rain.

If you just do this, once it gets out, I'm afraid the situation in the entire Faroe Bay will be bad.

You know, Midi's biggest opponent is not the Dojo Association, nor the Maritime Family, but the Shinra Dojo, and the subsequent Delos Empire!
Less than 20 years old, above 40 high-level, got off the Nantian Xing, a sailing ship running the Belle Mare route, with black hair, black eyes, a ghost swordsman, and also mastered multiple ghost swordsman skills at the same time.

With all these factors together, it would be hell if Midi could still hide her identity.

He can even be sure that just now, Shinra Dojo should have begun to investigate his identity in depth, and doubt the purpose of his appearance. If the other party really confirms that he is Midi Asrex, then the next step What is waiting for him is not a dojo dispute, I am afraid, there is only a real war left.

So, now Midi has only another choice - to break the formation!
Without revealing his hole cards, he used a pure sword spirit to break through the ghost formations filled with black energy in front of him, and completely dispel them!

Compared to forcibly defeating the five people, the only way to truly convince the arrogant Devil May Cry people in the Red Lotus Dojo is to do so.

Midi, who used to be Devil May Cry, knows this best.

At the moment when the strategy was decided, the five menacing masters of the association had already arrived.

The body of the Sanda master, who was engulfed in the power of ghosts and gods, shook, and his whole body instantly became like a solid piece of iron, impenetrable to the wind and rain.Then, with a loud roar, he mobilized all his strength, and with a fist wrapped in a strong wind, he slammed into Midi's face!

Sanda master skills, domineering body.Then came the inch punch.

Without any temptation, without any hold back, go forward bravely, punch to the end!
Because there is no need to hold back, behind him, the sword soul is also ready to go.Regardless of whether Midi resisted or dodged, or was able to subtly defuse the Sanda master's overwhelming offensive, the second blow launched by this sword soul would hit him with incomparable accuracy.

But at this moment, Midi turned into an afterimage, avoiding the Sanda master's attack lightly, and then raised the Heitian sword in his hand flatly, only to hear the crisp sound of "clang", and the sword soul's attack The attack, as if he had already interpreted it, hit the Heitian sword directly.

The combination of the two masters coordinated with great tacit understanding was easily broken by Midi.

In the next instant, the long sword in Midi's hand radiated an incomparably sharp brilliance, like a shooting star piercing the night sky, and precisely landed on the ghostly formation surging with eerie aura!
(End of this chapter)

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