Arad's Sword

Chapter 167 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 167 Breaking the Formation
The Heitian sword in Midi's hand passed by.

In an instant, the eerie ghost formation with turbulent momentum and surging waves began to tremble.Then, it let out a mournful cry, like a leaking balloon, continuously spraying out the power of ghosts and gods, shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a small point, which exploded directly.

In an instant, a gust of wind filled with the power of ghosts and gods stirred up the entire dojo, which shocked everyone.

And the carefully selected Red Lotus Devil May Cry, who has experienced countless actual battles, was even more shocked than the faces of these audiences.

It is precisely because it is Devil May Cry that he understands how terrible what Midi has done.

This is breaking the formation from the front!
How can this be?

Any magic formation, as large as the Nibelungen Dragon Sealing Formation, as small as a protective cover formed by magic runes, has the existence of a formation pivot.To break through the formation hub is to break the formation from the front, and the same is true for the ghost formation.

However, the hinge of the ghost formation is not an ordinary formation hinge. It is not as defenseless as a rune, and it is not as obvious as those formation eyes of the national protection formation. The magic core.

The formation hub formed by this demonic core is thrown out by Devil May Cry with a special technique, and then it will unfold to form a ghost array. The formation hub itself is hidden in the power of ghosts and gods, and there will be no signs of it.In addition, even if it is the same "Formation of Power" and "Formation of Speed", since each Devil May Cry has different habits, the positions of the pivots are also different. Even if the area can be determined, if you want to strike Even the small dot in it is impossible.

However, the black-haired young man in front of him did it.

With just one sword, he hit the center of the formation and broke the ghost formation. It was like cleaning the table with a rag. Do not stay!

And when the ghost formation was broken, the power of ghosts and gods attached to the Sanda master suddenly and unnaturally disappeared, and the body like an iron tower stalled instantly like a horse that was strangled by the rein.

Even without Midi doing anything, the Sanda master almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the sword soul had to give up the state of being ready to go, and instead took the initiative to attack in order to cover his partner's flaws.

Sword Soul stepped forward, and the lightsaber in his hand pierced Midi like raindrops.The speed of this continuous slashing is so fast that behind every sharp light, there is a faint shadow. For a moment, the entire space seems to be occupied by the shadow of the sword, which is dazzling. Unable to distinguish reality from reality.

Sword soul skills, phantom sword dance.

This is one of the signature skills of the sword soul profession. The number of sword shadows that can be danced will continue to increase with the improvement of strength, and there is no upper limit.

This association master can dance a full 24 sword shadows.Coupled with the blessing of the afterimage formation, his own figure is even more erratic, making all attack judgments further difficult to recognize.Under such power and influence, he believed that even Midi could only temporarily avoid the edge under this wave of offensive.

At that time, it will be convenient for him to take the opportunity to regain the rhythm of the stall.

However, Midi did not retreat.

The Heitian sword in his hand was just a few simple blocking movements, and it easily blocked all the mighty phantom sword dance. It was as if there was an invisible invisible iron wall lying between the two of them. between.

Then, Midi stabbed out with a sword, with a cold shadow in the sword, and instantly devoured all the phantoms of the opponent.

The sword soul's face immediately turned pale, and at the same time his body retreated sharply.

Midi didn't pursue it either, but just turned the long sword in his hand upside down, and went down a little bit again.

There was another mournful cry, and the formation of afterimages was broken!
And with this mournful cry, the outline of the sword soul that was originally hidden in the air suddenly became clear.Fortunately, this time, with the lessons learned from the Sanda master, the sword soul finally did not have any flaws due to the sudden disappearance of the power of ghosts and gods.

It's just that Midi didn't intend to get entangled with him at all, but moved towards the judo master with a flick of his body.

Although the judo master's grappling skills are extremely powerful, and he is not afraid of parrying and dismantling, but how can he find an opportunity to attack in front of Midi?Although the blessing effect of the "Formation of Power" is obvious, if you don't even have a chance to make a move, it will naturally be of no use.

There was an arm's length between the two of them, which was the best attacking distance for a sword, but it was a distance where a grappling hand could not be shot at all.

This arm is like a deep ravine that reaches ten thousand zhang, and it lies between the two of them from the beginning to the end.

The judo master had no choice. In the face of Midi's seemingly random but fierce offensive, the only thing he could do was to retreat.

Another sword was pointed out, and in an instant, the third ghost formation was broken.

At this time, the host of the Red Lotus Dojo, the masters of the association on the field, and even the disciples of the dojo who came to cheer, suddenly realized that Midi was going to destroy all the ghost formations.

The young elder of the little-known Lionheart Dojo in front of him actually tried to defeat the Red Lotus Dojo from the best, most proud, and top-notch field in a one-to-five situation!
And judging from the situation on the court, he seems to be close to success.

At the same time when she realized this, the face of the chairperson of Honglian was immediately covered with a layer of frost that could not be erased.

Do you still have to play your cards after all?

The host thought this way, and then, he couldn't help but sighed heavily in his heart.

Every dojo has its own signboard and hole card. The signboard is for viewing, but the hole card is a method that will never be used at non-critical moments. Even if it is used, it is not willing to let others know.

Now under the eyes of everyone, it is another battle that many ashrams in Faroe Bay are paying attention to. The key is that it is impossible to kill people and silence them.

But if Midi continues to attack like this, not to mention losing the face of Honglian Dojo, there may even be a possibility of losing the kicking hall. At that time, the entire Honglian Dojo will have to pay for it!
So, he has no other choice.

Thinking of this, the Red Lotus host couldn't help but gritted his teeth, and then he finally nodded slightly to the Devil May Cry master on the field.

The Devil May Cry in the Red Lotus Dojo received the instruction, and two bright lights shot out of his eyes, and at the same time, the ghost on his left arm, who was not bound by chains, also let out a deep roar!
The next moment, with the gushing power of ghosts and gods, the three ghost formations destroyed by Midi were repaired at the same time, and appeared at the feet of the three association masters again. This time, the power of blessing was even stronger than before.

"Come on!" the Devil May Cry shouted, and even started to provoke Midi.

In an instant, a one-on-five kick-off seemed to turn into a duel of standing and breaking.

Midi glanced at the three newly formed ghost formations, but a light of astonishment flashed slightly in his eyes.

Although it seems that there are still the original three ghost formations in front of me, in fact, there is actually a ghost formation hidden among them!Not only that, even in the last ghost formation that has not been destroyed by Midi, at some point, another ghost formation was added!
Hidden in the array, double superposition.

In the previous life, this was a skill that Midi learned after awakening once. Unexpectedly, the Red Lotus Dojo had already mastered this skill when it was capped at level 50. It seems that it can compete in Faro Bay. A fierce place can stand for a hundred years, and it does not depend on personal connections alone.


Thinking of this, the corners of Midi's mouth could not help but rise slightly.The next moment, his figure flickered again, and he had already turned into an afterimage, and directly attacked the judoist who was closest to him again.

Although the blessing of the "Strength Formation" was greater this time, Naihe still couldn't break through the offensive of the Black Sky Sword. The judo master could only retreat back with a bitter face. The Heavenly Sword once again pointed at the hub of this "Formation of Power".

But this time, at the moment when the formation of power dispersed with a mournful cry, suddenly, a piece of blood red bloomed at Midi's feet like a blooming rose!

Devil May Cry skill, Underworld Flame Formation.

How could Devil May Cry in Red Lotus Dojo only be defense and support?Of course they know how to attack.It's just that, before the critical moment, Honglian Dojo will not take out this hole card easily, but once it is taken out, it will be a thunderous blow, leaving the opponent with no room to fight back, so the final decision is made!
At this very moment, it is such a moment that one needs to take down the opponent in one fell swoop!

In an instant, the dark fire wrapped in the power of ghosts and gods and endlessly scorching in the cold, like a giant beast with its bloody mouth wide open, swallowed Midi's whole body.In the entire dojo, the temperature also rose suddenly, and the members of the association who were relatively close could even feel the burning sensation on the skin. down, feeling suffocated.

As for the judoist who was only one step away from the Ming Yan Formation, the expression on his face was even more wonderful——

In the "Formation of Power" under his feet that can bless his strength, there is such a terrifying beast hidden?If he didn't retreat fast enough, or the distance was not far enough, wouldn't he also be involved when Midi broke the formation?

Thinking of this, the judo master's face suddenly became very ugly, and he looked a little more vigilant in the eyes of the Devil May Cry in Honglian Dojo.

Seeing the reactions of the people around, and the seemingly calm appearance of the other four dojo hosts, but the surprise and vigilance that flashed in their eyes, the red lotus host also smiled wryly.

However, he has no other choice, as long as he can overwhelm Midi, even if he reveals his cards, he will not hesitate!

Seeing that the strengthened flames of the erupting Mingyan formation seemed to have successfully defeated the opponent, the red lotus host finally felt at ease.

However, the next moment, the violent flame swayed, as if attracted by some invisible force, the entire sea of ​​flames continued to shrink and condense towards the center, and then turned into a crimson tornado, rising from the ground and soaring upwards In an instant, he broke through the roof of the main hall of the Red Lotus Dojo, and rushed directly into the sky!
Just like a blooming red lotus.

And among the flying sparks, scorching heat waves, and the ruined dojo, a young man with black hair and black eyes slowly walked out.

"Double ghost formation, a good method, as a branch of the Lion Heart Dojo, it will not lose its weight." Midi said with a smile, and lightly waved the long sword in his hand, an invisible wind rolled up, and immediately All the flames on the field were extinguished.

He stood there like an undefeated God of War. Whether it was a proud and arrogant disciple of the dojo, a seasoned master of the association, or the hosts with high-sighted eyes and heavy hands, everyone was in front of him. At this moment, I couldn't help being in awe.

(End of this chapter)

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