Arad's Sword

Chapter 168 1 sword conclusion

Chapter 168 One Sword Concludes

Midi's evaluation was very natural, as if the Red Lotus Dojo had become his possession.

The fact is almost the same. Since it is possible to easily break the biggest trump card of Honglian Dojo, "Hidden Formation in the Formation", in a one-to-five situation, the gap in strength between the two sides is self-evident.

The host of the Red Lotus Dojo stared at Midi, as if he wanted to see through his soul. In the end, the host let out a long sigh and was about to announce the result.

However, before the Honglian host spoke, the president beside him couldn't sit still. The president held down the Honglian host, and then shouted hoarsely at the field: "You guys! What are you doing there, let's go together!"

Hearing the president's hoarse roar, a sharp cold light flashed in Midi's eyes.

In this kick-off, he has shown enough strength and sincerity. If he wants to let go, he has intentionally let go of countless opportunities to defeat his opponent.To achieve this level, it can basically be said that there is enough leeway, but there are still people who are stubborn and try to fight back?
"Since the president of the association is so serious, it seems that I can only accompany him to the end." Midi sneered.

Accompanied by these bone-chilling words, the little golden sword in his body began to circulate slowly, transmitting a spirit condensed with extreme intention and power of ghosts and gods to every part of the limbs and bones.

Then, Midi took a step forward.

No one saw the action clearly.

There will be no one.

From the beginning to the completion of this action, even time is too late.

In just a split second, Midi had already arrived in front of the Sanda master.This Sanda master came from the dojo where the president of the association was, and therefore, Midi wanted to take this man into surgery.

Sanda Master's eyes were almost bursting, and then he met Midi's gaze.Midi's eyes, which were originally as black as stars, now glowed with a faint golden color, almost like the sun that can pierce the body and soul.

Under the gaze of these golden eyes, the Sanda master instinctively felt fear, and he tried to defend himself.However, before he had time to raise his arms and take a defensive posture, the dark and dull sword in Midi's hand had already arrived.

The Heitian sword wrapped in ten thousand jun's strength roared and ran over the Sanda master's body.

The carefully crafted chain mail with extremely high defensive power was smashed to pieces like paper.Except for the head, all the bones of the Sanda master's body were crushed and shattered into powder.The domineering power of this sword made his limp body fly straight up, flying a distance of tens of meters, and directly hit the wall at the end of the dojo!
This is a sword that brings death and destruction. No flesh and blood can resist its power, and naturally this hapless Sanda master cannot.

He didn't even have the strength to groan and shout, so he could only look at Midi with his cloudy eyes full of resentment, then at the president, and then he kept vomiting blood while gradually losing his vitality.

In an instant, a bloody smell permeated the entire dojo.

In this pungent smell, all voices fell silent, and all that could be heard were the intense heartbeat and heavy breathing.Whether it's the disciples of the dojo, the masters on the field, or even the five hosts sitting in the high positions, all of them just watched all this happen, but didn't know what to say.

In the face of the shock of death, no one can maintain normality.

Only Midi stood quietly in the center of the Red Lotus Dojo, like an insurmountable mountain.The expression of the black-haired young man was the same as before, neither aggressive nor condescending, but at this moment, he was no longer just a mysterious master, a young kicker, but a A terrifying demon crawling out of hell!
After all, the Faroe Bay and even the West Coast have been too peaceful over the years. Even the so-called seasoned masters have not experienced too many bloody scenes.

They may have witnessed death, and even killed people with their own hands. However, they have never seen such a domineering instant kill like Midi, such a head-on collision.

Compared with those fighters who really came out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood, the masters in Faroe Bay are like flowers in the greenhouse.

It was precisely because of this that at this moment, when Midi finally showed the thunder method, no one could resist, not even refute.

"Is there anyone else who wants to continue to resist me?" Midi asked in a flat tone.

However, this question sounded like the roar of death in the ears of the members of the Daoist Association, making them dare not answer at all.

"Since this is the case, let's conclude that all the ashrams under the Farrow Bay Dojo Association will be closed for one month and their plaques will be broken. Is there anyone who disagrees with this decision?" Midi asked for the second time.

Still no one answered, the field was still dead silent.

"The last thing, Red Lotus Dojo, please fulfill the previous agreement, even though the formalities are completed, and become a branch of my Lionheart Dojo." Midi spoke for the third time, and turned his attention to the Red Lotus host.

At this moment, the expression on the face of this scheming, strategizing, smiling tiger-like host had already become extremely stiff.Facing the gaze of Midi's pale golden eyes, he felt like a rabbit in front of a tiger, and he had no power to refute at all.

The only thing the host could do was to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying, and then nodded quickly.

"Very good, since everyone has no objection to what I said, then we will proceed accordingly." Midi nodded in satisfaction, and finally scanned the entire dojo, then her words suddenly sank, "However, if anyone wants to If you are playing any tricks, don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword!"

After speaking, Midi turned around, and without looking at the five hosts, she strode out.

With Midi's departure, soon, a series of shocking news spread throughout Faroe Bay - the elders of the Lionheart Dojo kicked the Ninth Daochang in succession, the Faroe Bay Association suffered a disastrous defeat, and the Red Lotus Dojo changed hands!

For Lionheart Dojo, this is a moment of real elation.Although the previous Lionheart Trials also gained a lot of popularity for the dojo, it was not a result of a head-to-head fight, but now, this kick against the Dojo Association has positively proved the strength of the Lionheart Dojo , proved the level of "Lion Sword Art"!
After all, it wasn't just Midi who crushed their opponents, the teams brought out by Randall and Dixon also lived up to expectations and closed down the three dojos respectively.

In this attack, it can be said that from the elders to the hosts, from the disciples to the disciples, they all won a complete victory.

For those small and medium-sized business families, this is tantamount to great news. You must know that they have been supporting the Lionheart Dojo before, and they have formed a close relationship. Once the Lionheart Dojo is forced to close , they will go back to the old days of relying on hiring adventurers to do business, and they are more likely to be suppressed by the Dojo Association.

But now, these business families are leaning on a towering tree, and they are no longer afraid of wind and rain.

And for the entire dojo field in Faroe Bay and even on the west coast, this is tantamount to a brand new reshuffle of forces.Today, although the scale of the Lionheart Dojo is not large, its reputation, popularity, discourse power, and influence have risen in one fell swoop after this kick-off. It can be said that the Lionheart Dojo has already achieved It has become another rising star second only to the Shinra Dojo of the Fighting School.

Not only that, in addition to these forces related to the Lionheart Dojo and the dojo domain, many giants on the west coast have finally cast their attention.

Among them, naturally include the big maritime family and the Feifan family.

In the bay area where only the most powerful families in Faroe Bay can live, on a seaside villa with a superb view on the fjord, a middle-aged man is reading the copy in his hand carefully with his head down. Report.

This middle-aged man has gray temples, but his face has been darkened due to long-term exposure to the sun. He has a pair of rough hands and a strong and lean body. To hide the feeling of power.

Undoubtedly, when this man was young, he must have drifted on the ocean all year round, playing with the tide all the time, so when he saw this man, it was easy to think of the turbulent blue waters.

This man is the current head of the Feifan family, Syndicate? Feifan.

"Humph, the Zhenluo Dojo is already a lot of trouble. I didn't expect that such a Lionheart Dojo would pop up in a short time. However, this man named Feiai was the first to kill the master of the Dojo Association. It seems that I know a little bit about the rules." After reading the report in hand, Syndicate? Feifan commented lightly.

As the owner of Feifan and a member of the Faroe Bay City Council, he naturally has channels to know every detail of what happened on the day Midi kicked the pavilion.

And after reading the whole report, the old-eyed patriarch can naturally see that Midi not only possesses extraordinary personal force, but also his overall vision and layout methods are by no means ordinary.Otherwise, how could it be possible to recast that dying small dojo into a famous and prominent force on the west coast in just a few months with just a professional who can fight?

Originally, as a syndicate, he would not care about these.

Geniuses always exist, but they are like shooting stars. Although the Lionheart Dojo can rise for a while, how long can it last?After all, it is the big families that can really survive on the west coast for a long time, not those meteors that lack background and can only shine for a while.

But this time, it was different.

Whether it's the changes in the Delos Empire, the reforms in Belmar, or the movements from Xu Zu and Bantu, Syndicate Feifan, who is the superior, feels an unusual crisis.

So he's been paying uncharacteristic attention to recent events on the West Coast, especially in the Faroe Bay.

And what caught his attention the most was the Shinra Dojo, which seemed to have an unusual background, and the Lionheart Dojo, which had suddenly risen.

Who is this Fei Ai, who is strong in force at a young age and has a good wrist?

An ordinary genius?

Or the vanguard of a certain force?
Or, is it a powerful person who really came to the game?

Looking at the brief introduction about Midi in the report, Patriarch Feifan couldn't help frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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