Arad's Sword

Chapter 169 Feifan's Concern

Chapter 169 Feifan's Concern

"Father, if you care about the Lionheart Dojo, why don't you send someone from my side to investigate?" A young but calm voice rang out in the seaside villa.

The owner of the voice was a young man dressed in black with a wide red belt wrapped around his waist.His appearance is exactly the same as that of Feifan Patriarch, he is also dark-skinned, well-proportioned and tall, one can tell that he is a sea boy who is good at playing with tides.

This young man is Sha Lan Feifan, the first heir of the Feifan family and the eldest son of the Feifan family owner.

He looks unrestrained and unrestrained, but in fact he is a very delicate person, as soon as he sees his father's expression, he immediately recommends himself.

Only this time, very rarely, a different voice intervened.

"Brother is really active, but this time, I don't think there is any need to bother you to spy on others." Wells said tit for tat, or, this weak heir who has been suppressed has been waiting , is the opportunity for this rebuttal.

"Wells, I'm talking to my lord father, what are you interrupting!" Shalan scolded, his face suddenly darkened.

"If I don't interrupt, big brother, you might have set up an enemy for our Feifan family for no reason. It's taboo to investigate such things, let alone that powerful Elder Feiai , What can the little brother under his command do?" Wells turned his back on his weakness in the past, and even sneered at Sha Lan's scolding.

All of a sudden, the children of the other syndicates also looked sideways—when did this younger brother who was so handsome but as weak as a woman turn out to be so powerful?
"Then, what's your suggestion?" Patriarch Feifan glanced at the uncharacteristically Wells and asked indifferently.

"Father, if you want to know about that Elder Feiai, I happen to know something about it, because when he came to the west coast on the Southern Star, I happened to meet him once. At that time, he called himself ' The Earl of Santa Island'." Wells carefully narrated every word in a cautious tone.

The Earl of Santa Island, this is exactly the status that Meddy decided to join the high society on the west coast after discussing with Wells.

There is no kingdom on the west coast, no ruler, and naturally no nobles. The so-called "Count" is just a false name and has no real meaning.But it's different now. When Midi holds a thriving dojo in his hands, and his personal force has attracted everyone's attention, if he still has such a title, it is equivalent to having a place in the upper class, and then making his own voice Capital.

In this way, even if these big maritime families do not want to pay attention, it is impossible.

Therefore, after several months of forbearance, Wells will throw out such a message at this time.

Sure enough, after hearing the narration of his overly handsome youngest son, the eyes of Patriarch Feifan, who had always been extremely rich in the city, flickered slightly.

"Father, although the relationship between the son and the Earl of Santa Island is not deep, it is also possible to communicate. If you want to know more, why not authorize me to hold an afternoon black tea party, and invite the other party how about it?" ?” Will paused, and said again.

"Hmph, what are you kidding, this kind of thing affects the whole body, how can the Feifan family have a relationship with such an unknown guy?" The eldest son Sha Lan snorted coldly, and immediately began to refute.

The details are unknown?Compared with the sword of victory and protection, Midi Asrex, what is the Feifan family?
Wells sighed deeply in his heart. On the surface, he looked confident and ignored his eldest brother, but continued to say to the Feifan Patriarch: "Of course not in the name of Feifan Family, The invitation is in my own name, so if there is any problem, I will only be responsible for it, and at worst it will be said that I don’t know people well, father, what do you think?”

"Alright, let's find out the details of the other party. As for the specific arrangements, Wells, you will be in charge this time." Patriarch Feifan pondered for a while, then nodded lightly, and looked at the little girl again. The son glanced, "Make things more beautiful, and don't let me down."

"Yes!" A gleam of light flashed in Wells' beautiful eyes.

The next day, a gold-plated invitation was sent directly by Wells' confidant to the disciple on duty at the Lionheart Dojo, then to Randall, and finally, it was delivered to Midi's desk intact.

"A tea party invitation from Feifan's sixth successor?" Opening the invitation envelope, Midi glanced at it, with a knowing smile on the corner of his mouth.

As his first pawn on the west coast, this young master of the Feifan family really has peace of mind.Without Midi making any gestures, he was able to accurately grasp the opportunity, and when the Lionheart Dojo was in full swing, he directly whetted the appetite of Patriarch Feifan, and then obtained an opportunity to introduce Midi into the high society on the west coast.

Not only that, this tea party obviously Wells has also carefully prepared. Although it was just a small private gathering for the owner of Feifan to find out about Midi, in fact, Wells and Midi had already met. Di explained that he invited almost all the younger generations of the big maritime families, just to create momentum for Midi!

Of course, whether this momentum can be successfully created depends on Midi's own level after all.

However, for Midi, who has already become the actual ruler of a kingdom and has experienced countless big scenes, what is this small tea party?

"Please tell Master Wells, I accept this invitation." Midi signed her name on the receipt.

Of course it wouldn't be Midi Athlex, the real name that could cause a sensation on the entire west coast and cause the Delos Empire to brazenly send troops.But it's not "Fae", the pseudonym established for the Queen of Magic Bullets and the Witch of the Mist.

It's a brand new title of "Earl of Santa Isle".

A week later, in the private mansion belonging to Wells in the coastal area of ​​Faroe Bay, there was a lot of voices.

All the official heirs of the Feifan family have such a mansion, but Wells' ranking is relatively low, and the background is not strong, and there is not much attention from the head of the family, so the mansion that was given Although it is still in the coastal area, the location is remote, the scenery is not good, and it is usually very deserted.

But today is different.

Nowadays, due to Wells' vigorous publicity, almost everyone in the upper-class young generation knows that the Elder Lionheart who single-handedly singled out the Nine Avenues, the mysterious young man known as the "Earl of Santa Island", To participate in this afternoon black tea party.

These young people have always been proud and full of curiosity, and they don't need to be overly cautious in their actions. Most of them can act according to their own wishes, so they will naturally be interested in this afternoon black tea meeting.

Not only that, but there are also many people who, with the instruction of the elders in the family, specially took this opportunity to come and find out.After all, the rise of the Lionheart Dojo is considered a major event on the entire west coast, and Feifan’s family is definitely not the only ones who will pay attention. Now that Wells is going to volunteer to take the lead, it seems that he has something to do with the Earl of Santa Island. relationship, then other people will naturally be happy to follow him to understand some situations.

Combining these factors together, even though Wells himself has very little influence, this time the afternoon black tea party was crowded with people.

As time went by, there were more and more carriages parked in the square, and the dense wheels almost covered the entire square, so that some children of relatively low-status families could only park their cars far away. In order to avoid competing for positions with the heirs of those big families.

The shorter the distance between walking down from the carriage and walking to the gate of the mansion, the more noble the person's status can be reflected. This is also a kind of showing off and comparison invisibly.

And just as the children of various families in Faroe Bay were secretly trying to figure out what to do and competed with each other for a parking space, a carriage like a cloud of fire rushed over from the other side of the road like no one else!
The entire body of this carriage is made of expensive red sea wood, and the capable coachman in front is also dressed in red. What is even more extravagant is that the carriage is pulled by six bloody BMWs that are also red all over. The bloody horse is actually wearing expensive magic armor!
In an instant, dozens of carriages were knocked over in front of this red whirlwind, and more family children screamed and started to run away, for fear of being involved.

All of a sudden, the entire square was in chaos.

However, none of the guards of any family dared to step forward to stop the red carriage, because there was a sign of a wave on the door of the carriage.

The Yunlang family, the largest maritime family on the entire west coast, occupies the position of the chairman of the Faroe Bay City Council, and is inextricably linked with many avenues.

Among them, the Red Lotus Dojo in the Faroe Bay Dojo Association is included.

Seeing the carriage crashing all the way, and finally blocked in front of the mansion without any manners, Wells, who was the organizer of the afternoon tea party, suddenly became very ugly.

The relationship between the Yunlang family and the Feifan family was originally cold, and coupled with the problem of the Red Lotus Dojo, it was naturally impossible for Wells to invite the disciples of this family as guests.

There is no doubt that the other party either came uninvited or was encouraged by someone.

For example, the big brother who doesn't like him being the center of attention.

It's just that, at this moment, Wells has no time to curse those opponents who have made trouble secretly. The only thing he can do is to pray that the son of the Yunlang family who came this time is not the one he fears the most .

However, just as the so-called fear comes, when the door of this flaming carriage opened, the slender red-haired figure who walked out accompanied by a handsome knight suddenly made Wells' beautiful face change. Very pale.

"Miss Sylvia, why are you here?" Wells forced the words out of his throat.

"Why, Miss Ben is not welcome?" The beautiful red-haired woman said without hesitation, showing a coquettish smile, "Don't worry, Miss Ben is not interested in small tea parties like yours, but I am I really want to see, who knows what is good or bad, even dare to accept the Red Lotus Dojo that I have always liked!"

 Let's celebrate, we have 200 million clicks O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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