Arad's Sword

Chapter 173 Water Battle

Chapter 173 Water Battle

Faroe Bay, coastal area, inner waterfront.

This calm shallow sea area was originally the most famous scenery line that those big shots looked at from their villas.However, at this moment, there was a sudden atmosphere of desolation in the sea.

A single-masted schooner, no more than ten meters long, just parked on the sea, bumping constantly with the undulations of the waves, like a lonely fallen leaf constantly flying with the strong wind.

Midi was standing on the bow of this swaying sailboat, looking at each other from a distance, while the stern belonged to the young general Xu Zu.

Battle on the water.

Whoever falls into the water first loses.

This is the condition put forward by Liufeng.

According to Liu Feng's words, even though it's a game, there's no need to take it too seriously. It's just a casual exchange of ideas, and naturally there won't be any blood. Therefore, winning or losing is judged by falling into the water.And the competition on this small sailing boat is also quite enjoyable. Since there are so many children from the big maritime families watching, and even Sylvia, the pearl of the Faroe Bay, is watching the battle, it is natural to fight well. Just a little more exciting.

Naturally, Midi would not have any objections to this.

However, it is obviously impossible to say that this sharp-edged Xuzu envoy would really consider "communicating in a friendly manner" and "enjoyment of fighting".

Most of this battle on the water was aimed at his own temptation.

However, now that the golden sword is condensed in the body, Midi will no longer speculate on what kind of backhand the opponent has arranged.Originally, the battlefield is changing rapidly. No one can guarantee that he will face the battle with everything ready and [-]% sure that he will not be defeated every time. More often, he may even have to face a powerful enemy with a disadvantage. Now it is just If you still have to be so cautious in a match, you will lose your vigor and self-confidence.

No matter what tricks you have, I only need a sword in my hand. This is Midi's confidence!
Aware of Midi's confidence, the hostility in Liufeng's eyes flashed, and he said coldly: "It seems that Mr. Earl is very confident, but I really want to know, if this boat is gone, what will you do?" fighting!"

Before he could finish his words, the mind energy bomb that was ready to be fired in his palm had already been shot with a bang.

The skill of a Qigong master, Nian Qibo.

The Nian Qi wave of Xu Zu Qigong master is of course more than one grade stronger than that of the West Coast Qigong master. When this Nian Qi bomb is shot, it brings up a strong hurricane, like a huge cannonball that breaks through the air, spinning , whistling, rushed towards Midi.The surging thought power contained in it even affected the magic power and the power of ghosts and gods around it!

Midi remained motionless, and with a light dodge, avoided this mighty blow.

It's just that, at the moment when the bullet of thought energy fell through, Liu Feng not only didn't waver in any way, on the contrary, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the next moment, Liu Feng suddenly made a series of smooth gestures, and then, with his right hand pointing together into a knife, he pointed at the position where Midi was just now.

The huge Nian Qi bomb that had lost its target was suddenly shaken, and then turned around in mid-air, like a kite being pulled by an invisible but strong thin thread, and ruthlessly pointed at Liu Feng. The position of that place was smashed down!
There was a huge roar, and countless sawdust flew out in a surging air wave.

Under the power of the strong man, this small sailboat, which is only more than ten meters long, bumped up and down in the waves. Not only that, the originally calm sea under the hull also began to churn outwards. Make waves.

The power of this air bomb was so great that it directly penetrated the deck and the bottom of the ship and entered the water!

Is that so?
Seeing the smile on the corner of Liufeng's mouth, Midi suddenly understood.

The target of this attack was not Midi himself at all, but this sailboat.From the very beginning, Liufeng's purpose was to sink the ship, no, it can even be said that from the time he proposed water warfare, his purpose was to make himself lose his foothold!

Now that he succeeded in one blow, Liufeng no longer needed to hide it when he saw the damaged bow and the rising sea water, but showed a complacent expression on his face.

Before, what he was most worried about was that Midi would see through his purpose.You must know that although the mind bomb just now seemed powerful, it was actually quite fragile. If Midi took the initiative to attack and destroy it, the strategy of destroying the sailboat as soon as the wind came up would immediately go bankrupt.Next, if he, a qigong master who controls the middle distance, is approached by the high-speed moving sword soul, it will become very difficult to find ways to sink the ship in the dangerous fight.

Fortunately, the previous attack was not disturbed by any interference, and the goal was easily achieved. Now, with the influx of sea water, Liufeng is sure that he will remain invincible!
Because Xu Zu qigong masters all have a special set of lightness kung fu, as long as there is a fulcrum, they can stand on the water.

The next moment, I saw a strong white airflow emanating from Liufeng's palm. This airflow was like a white flying snake, flying around Liufeng's body continuously, causing his clothes to rattle violently and his hair to fly. It made his body gradually become lighter and lighter, and he even felt like he could fly with a single leap.

The skills of a qigong master are surrounded by thoughts and qi.

A general qigong master's Nian Qi Surrounding is just a personal attack skill, with a certain defensive ability, mainly to make up for the disadvantage of a qigong master in personal combat.However, the thought energy encircled by Xu Zu Qigong Master is obviously different, it actually has the ability to lighten the weight, it can make the original heavy body of the blessing object become extremely light, enough to float on the water with a wooden plank.

However, with this skill alone, Liu Feng still felt that it was not safe enough, so another cyan air flow spewed out from his palm.

This air flow is different from the surrounding white Nian Qi. It suddenly blooms into a faint mist and wraps around Liu Feng's body. Immediately, Liu Feng's movements become smoother, while the outline of his body becomes blurred.

Qigong master skill, breath of wind.

Although Xuzu qigong masters are the same as ordinary qigong masters in terms of this skill, they all use it to increase their own speed, however, Xuzu's breath of wind has a strong affinity, and it can be closely combined with the encirclement of thoughts and energy. Together.In this way, Liu Feng, blessed by two great thoughts and energy, is not only light, but also light and agile.

With this light and agile body, not only can he easily stand on the undulating water with a small wooden plank, but he can also move and move quickly, even more flexible than on flat ground.

After using these two skills, Liufeng felt confident and felt that he was sure of winning. When he looked at Midi again, there was a look of confidence in his eyes.

However, Midi's calm and ironic banter made his heart seem to be covered with a lingering haze.

This guy, do you have any cards?
Liu Feng couldn't help but speculate in his heart.

But what can a sword soul do to turn around this sinking ship?
Not to mention being like a qigong master, using various changes in mind power to bless oneself in different states, the sword soul has even sealed the power of ghosts and gods. What?
Of course, if the person in front of you is really Belle Mare's "Sword of Victory and Protection", the lover of the incomparably beautiful young queen, Midi Asrex, a genius commander who is proficient in the four skills of Ghost Swordsman , it is very likely to use various means of Devil May Cry to reverse the situation, such as using the ice formation to freeze the sea surface and so on.

But in this way, Liufeng and the hundreds of family members who were watching the battle on the shore could easily confirm Midi's identity.

Even if Liu Feng was defeated in the end, he could still proudly say that he had successfully forced out the hole card of Midi Asrex.

So Liufeng didn't understand why this black-haired young man who claimed to be the Earl of Santa Island in front of him was so calm?
"The layout is good, and the concept is perfect, but it's impossible to win me." On the sinking ship, Midi finally spoke, her voice was cold and calm, amidst the sound of the surging waves. , but it is very clear.And to Liu Feng's ears, these calm and calm words were even more harsh.

"Oh? Why is Mr. Earl so confident?" Liu Feng sneered, but deep fear flashed in his eyes.

"It's very simple, whether it's the point-to-point sparring, the condition of falling into the water or losing, or all the layouts, it shows one thing, Mr. Liufeng, from the very beginning, you dare not fight me head-on Last match!" Midi's star-black eyes were shining brightly at the moment, "Let me tell you, what is the real battle!"

The next moment, with Midi's cold words, the Heitian sword smashed down towards the middle of the sailboat with incomparable majesty!
Once the ultimate intention comes out, who will compete with it?

The power of the Heitian sword, which is wrapped in a trace of power in the little golden sword, is not comparable to that of Liufeng's small mind bomb. Even thick fine iron can only be crushed in front of this sword, let alone a fragile one. Distressed and already battered wooden sailboat?
As soon as the sword was cut out, the whole sailboat was broken into two in an instant, and the cut was even smoother, without any sawdust splashing out.

Not only that, even the sea water under the hull was split into two by this blow, forming a huge vortex immediately, like the bloody mouth of a giant beast, trying to swallow everything on the sea surface Exhausted.

"What!" Liufeng yelled, he couldn't believe that Midi would destroy the boat by himself.

Before Liufeng came back to his senses, Midi had already regained his posture, charged up again, and then slashed down with the long sword again.

This time, there was no hindrance from the hull, and it fell directly against the sea water.

In an instant, the entire sea surface seemed to be suppressed by a mountain falling from the sky, sinking downward.Then, the sea water that was pressed out by the extremely powerful sword immediately overflowed to the surroundings, setting off waves of turbulent waves.

At the same time, Midi's body soared into the air, and the Heitian sword in his hand rolled down in a strong wind!

The figure in mid-air pressed against Liufeng's head together with the sword light. Midi actually used the reaction force brought by the sword to leap over a distance of tens of meters, and combined the weight of the body, the power of swinging the sword and the speed of the sword. The impact is to defeat the opponent with one blow!
(End of this chapter)

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