Arad's Sword

Chapter 174 A Late Bet

Chapter 174 A Late Bet

Liufeng was completely dumbfounded.

Before coming to see the Count of Santa Island with Sylvia, he had already done countless previews in his heart.

He had a detailed understanding of every battle Midi had fought since she came to the west coast, from the first instant kill of the master at the Shinra Dojo, to the subsequent consecutive kicks at the Nine Daojo, Midi's moves, Midi's tactics, and the power of Midi's sword. , he has analyzed.

He even managed to understand Midi's actions when he was preaching and teaching in the Lionheart Dojo, so as to assess his true strength.

He was originally full of self-confidence, even if he couldn't take down Midi, at least this incomparable preparation would make him invincible.

But at this moment, looking up at the sword that was pressing down like a mountain, Liu Feng suddenly realized that his preparation and self-confidence were so ridiculous.

This is not a sword, this is simply a mountain pressing down from the head!

Under the overwhelming waves, on the sunken sea, Midi's slash from the sky at this moment is so domineering and wild, it even makes Liufeng feel suffocated to the point of being unable to breathe and move. feel.

No one's strength can resist the mountain falling from the sky, maybe a 50-level captor with special talent can, maybe Xuzu's elders who live deep in the mountains and valleys can, but Liufeng certainly can't.

After seeing this sword, Liufeng finally understood why Midi agreed to his proposal so firmly, followed him on the sailboat so firmly, and even watched him destroy the ship with a cold eye, and applied various auxiliary skills to himself .

Because there is no well-designed battle at all, only a simple sword.

It only needs such a simple sword.

It is enough to break Liufeng's seemingly ingenious but fragile glass-like conspiracy.

There was a loud noise that rolled across the sea like thunder, and a huge wave that soared tens of meters high, and then, the flowing wind was completely swallowed like a fallen leaf in the water.

"This is impossible, how is this possible! How could Mr. Liufeng lose, he is a qigong master of level 48, and he is also a direct disciple of the Xuzu National Dojo, how is this possible!" Sylvia looked palely at the man on the sea. A jet of water shot up into the sky, muttering to himself in a slightly trembling voice, and subconsciously covered his mouth.

This pearl of Faroe Bay, the most doting daughter of Patriarch Yunlang, the wayward young lady who has never lowered her noble head, this is the first time she has shown such an uncontrollable gaffe in public.

However, those family children around her didn't care about this at all.

Because at this moment, everyone's attention has been focused on the rough sea that was disturbed by Midi.

No one spoke, only the whimpering of the sea breeze and the crisp sound of the tide hitting the reef.

This time, it was really quiet.

Originally, although these children from the major families had already fully understood Midi's record in Faroe Bay, those were just hearsay after all, words on paper, and a calm analysis based on the interests of the family .And when they accepted Wells' invitation and came to this afternoon tea party, what they thought more about was definitely not Midi, but how to further consolidate their own power through Midi.

Although the word "seckill" frequently appears in every report about Midi, most people think that it is just a slightly exaggerated statement.And those who are cautious and meticulous by nature only understood from the literal meaning that Midi defeated the opponent with one blow.

It can be said that for the "Seckill", in fact, everyone present has no real feeling. After all, they have never seen a Seckill, so all they can do is imagine and speculate.

until now.

At that moment, when Mi Di smashed the sea with his sword, rose into the air, and fell down like a mountain, people understood what it means to kill with one blow!

It was only when the young qigong master who exuded terrifying thoughts at the tea party, who was a top master and had the backing of a whole nation of Xu Zu, was completely overwhelmed by Midi's domineering sword, that people understood what is meant by powerful!
Now, they have finally experienced for themselves what a "second kill" is!
Many family members who lack concentration suddenly found that they obviously wanted to say something, expressed some emotion, or at least sighed in surprise, but their squirming throats couldn't make a sound.And the slightly trembling legs and the unknowingly clenched and tangled hands clearly showed one thing, deep down in their hearts, they were feeling fear, because what they had witnessed was enough to kill them. Trembling with the power of the sea.

This is the real power, right?

Many people think so in their hearts.

I don't know how long it took, and finally, the conspicuous sunken crater on the sea surface was filled up by the seawater pouring in from around, and the turbulent waves finally gradually calmed down.Returning to the calm water, a small lifeboat sailed steadily towards the shore.

This lifeboat was not destroyed by Liufeng, and it was also deliberately left by Midi, which was specially prepared for landing.

On the narrow deck of the lifeboat, Liufeng, a Qigong master whose body was soaked in seawater, lay unconscious like that.At this moment, the loser who kicked the hall is like a lobster that has been fished out of the water, completely without the grandeur and image of Xu Zu's vanguard general.

And beside him, standing impressively was Midi who was still well-dressed.

One is like a drowned chicken, and the other is still full of gentlemanly taste. Comparing the two, the gap cannot be more obvious.

In this way, the lifeboat slowly approached under the complicated sights of everyone, and finally docked after a few 10 minutes.

There was no need for others to step forward, Midi casually reached out and grabbed Liu Feng who was in a coma like a chicken, carried him directly into the tea party, and then threw it on a leather sofa.

"Faye, Mr. Liufeng..." Wells couldn't help asking, with a trace of anxiety in his eyes.

"It's okay, I just fainted." Midi replied.

Although this person is hostile to him, it is only hostility, not malicious, nor murderous, mostly based on Xuzu's position, so he just wants to clean up all suspicious elements, and Midi will not do anything to him secretly black hands.

I saw Midi pressed Liufeng's back with his hand, and with a little force, all the sea water he drank when he fell into the water was forced out.Then, Midi took out a small bottle from her bosom, put it under Liufeng's nose and shook it, the acrid breath from the mouth of the bottle immediately woke up the qigong master.

Liu Feng coughed a few times, spit out a few mouthfuls of sea water, looked around, and suddenly woke up.

At this moment, seeing everyone's strange gazes, and Sylvia's undisguised eyes full of disappointment and anxiety, Liu Feng couldn't even speak for a while, but felt strangely bitter, as if his mouth was full of tears. Looking at the salty sea water but can't spit it out.

However, before he finished worrying about himself, a calm but powerful voice sounded.

"Since Mr. Liufeng lost, it's time to discuss the bet, right?" Midi said with a smile.

This simple sentence pierced Liu Feng's chest like a sharp sword, making him stiff.

Before the start of the game, Midi did take out the Red Lotus Dojo as a bet, and stated that as long as Liufeng can win, he will hand over the Red Lotus Dojo.

This means that this is not an ordinary match, but a bet with a lottery.

For betting against betting, both parties have to put up a bet.

But the problem is that at that time Liufeng was in the most energetic and excited state, and all he was thinking about was how to defeat the all-powerful Earl of Santa Island for a while, but he forgot this one!
He forgot to explain his bet, but he lost again!
Doesn't this mean that now Midi can raise conditions at will, but Liufeng has no way to refuse at all?

Thinking of this, Liu Feng's eyes suddenly became dark.

Of course, he also knew that Midi would not propose such impossible conditions as "suicide and apology".But the problem is that now he is not just a simple kicker, but an official envoy sent by Xuzu, a general personally appointed by Xian'an Wang Kaiyi, and his every move represents the entire country.

If Midi intentionally puts forward that kind of playful but somewhat embarrassing request, then not only he will be ridiculed, but also the Xu Zu behind him!

If he refuses to admit it, then Xu Zu's infiltration strategy on the west coast may come to an end.No one likes to be in an alliance with a bad guy.

If he accepts Midi's next conditions, I'm afraid that within a few days, Xu's motherland will have an order to remove his country's ambassador status, right?Maybe, even the position of general will be wiped out.

Thinking of this, Liu Feng, who has always been condescending, can't help but show a flustered expression.

Taking a panoramic view of the changes in the expression of the Xuzu messenger, Midi showed a satisfied smile.

The next moment, he cast his sharp eyes on the red-haired young lady of the Yunlang family who was standing aside blankly: "Although Mr. Liufeng lost, in the final analysis, this is still a gamble on Yunlang's side." , Miss Sylvia, I wonder if you are willing to pay the bill instead of Liufeng?"

"What do you want, Mr. Earl?" Sylvia was slightly startled when she was called on suddenly.After witnessing Midi's blow that split the mountain and broken the mountain, she had long since lost her willful and domineering appearance, and now she was only looking at Midi with vigilance.

"Miss Sylvia, don't worry, I don't have any requests here." Midi smiled, "I have always been very interested in sea adventures, but unfortunately there are too few ships on hand, why don't you give me twenty three How about a full-masted sailing ship, this bet will be canceled in one stroke?"

Midi spoke lightly, but there was a sound of gasping all around.

Twenty barques!
 During the double monthly ticket period, please support brothers and sisters in May O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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