Arad's Sword

Chapter 175 A Simple Divorce

Chapter 175 A Simple Divorce
Although it can't be compared with a million-dollar ironclad battleship, a three-masted full-brigade sailing ship costs at least one hundred thousand gold coins.If it is a special clipper like the Nantian Xing, the market value is at least 30 gold coins.

Twenty boats, even if estimated according to the lowest price, it is a full 200 ​​million gold coins!
Although it is not uncommon for the children of these big maritime families to have seen 200 million yuan, but the total funds they can control are only 40 to [-] yuan at most.

Disciples like Wells, who are at a disadvantage in the family, have to accumulate years of accumulation, coupled with the power support of the mother's family, to be able to build two ironclad ships. Added together, it is just that It's just money.

Now that Midi can count on this number, who among the younger generation at the tea party can bear it?
However, this is not a big opening of a lion.

After all, the price of a red lotus dojo, just counting the land, is not something that can be won by a mere 200 million gold coins.If you add the masters, disciples, and countless contacts, it can be said to be priceless.

No one dared to criticize Midi's way of willingly betting on the Red Lotus Dojo, but now only twenty three-masted full-brigade sailing ships are needed. It can even be said that this is a very lenient condition.

However, the only problem is that even such a lenient condition cannot be afforded by the younger generation of these families.

This is a gamble that only those in power can afford.

Originally, with the prudence of the children of these families, it was naturally impossible to participate in games that they could not afford.However, Midi is not even 20 years old, younger than most of them, and when you negotiate with someone younger than yourself, it is easy to assume that the other party is on the same level as yourself.

After all, under normal circumstances, age and strength, experience, money and power all match each other.

But Midi is, of course, a special case.

Although he is only 19 years old in this life, whether it is personal force or the power in his hands, it can be said that he has reached the peak.Even if the heads of these big maritime families come here, they can only bow their heads in front of Midi, let alone the children of these families?
And the result of recklessly joining Midi's game is to bear a price beyond the acceptable range.

Twenty three-masted full brigades, after hearing this condition, even this Sylvia, who had always been doted on by the owner, had a cloudy expression.

It's not like she couldn't afford twenty sailboats.

As long as he ran back and cried and begged his father, at worst, he would be reprimanded once, and the conditions could be fulfilled.The question is, why does she, a dignified young lady, have to go back crying and beg her father with a low face?

You know, this time she ran to the tea party in Wells to make trouble without telling her family, but instead of going back to the Red Lotus Dojo, she had to attach twenty sailboats upside down. This kind of shame, how can this young lady Can you bear it?

Moreover, although the friendship of the Xu motherland is extremely important to the Yunlang family, the premise is that the Xu motherland is strong enough.

Originally, Sylvia didn't have any doubts about this, but now?For a long time, Liu Feng, who brought her a master's demeanor, was directly killed by Midi this time, making her so embarrassed, which made Sylvia secretly suspect in her heart that Xu Zu was a bluffing paper tiger ?

Is it worth paying the price of twenty sailboats for such a guy who was killed in seconds?
Should I lower my own face?
Of course, if Patriarch Yunlang was here, he would definitely come up with the answer without hesitation—no matter how painful it is, he must keep this Xu Zu envoy.

However, Sylvia was different. In the final analysis, she was just a young lady who hadn't experienced any storms. She had a small structure and a low vision. How could she make a decision in an instant?
When these two questions popped up in Sylvia's mind, she immediately hesitated.

As for Midi, what she wants is this moment of hesitation.

"It seems that Miss Sylvia is a little bit reluctant." Midi didn't care whether the other party was willing or not, and immediately came to a conclusion with one sentence.Then, he looked at Liu Feng who was slumped on the chair with slightly regretful eyes, and sighed deeply.

Looking at Sylvia's hesitant expression, Liu Feng's eyes couldn't help showing a trace of anger.

Although he knew that Midi was trying to sow discord between the two parties, how could Sylvia's silence at this moment not chill him?He didn't even say a word on the scene, and he was so fussy about such trivial matters. Then, when the critical moment really came, was this ally reliable or unreliable?

Liu Feng couldn't help but began to speculate.

Looking at the suspicion and anger that flickered in Liufeng's eyes, Midi knew that her goal had been achieved.

Although the alliance between Yun Lang and Xu Zu is not so fragile that it will collapse if he provokes it, but if there is any chance of attack, Mi Di will naturally not let it go, and the accumulation will make a lot, and one day he will be able to break it up. smash.

As long as the sky city is the target, whether it is Xu Zu or the Delos Empire, they are all enemies, and they need to spare no effort to fight!
"Mr. Liufeng, it seems that you can only pay the bet yourself." Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Midi said again.

Liu Feng was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "Since the skills are not as good as others, it is right to pay the price, but, I don't know if Mr. Earl can make an exception and change the conditions? Although twenty sailboats are nothing, but I really can’t get these things at hand, so how about replacing them with equivalent gold coins, a sailboat is converted into 15 gold coins, twenty sailboats are exchanged for 300 million gold coins, do you think this is okay?”

When he said these words, he had realized in his heart that the emissary's identity would definitely be deprived, and he would definitely receive more severe punishment after returning to the country, but no matter what, at this moment, he had the responsibility to maintain To vain the honor of the motherland, even if you lose, you have to lose beautifully.

That's why Liu Feng asked for a price, 15 gold coins for a boat.

This is a deliberate overvaluation to show that the Xu motherland will definitely not be so petty in this respect.At the same time, it was Liufeng himself who set a stage for himself, showing that "defeat is glorious".

Unexpectedly, at this time, Midi shook his head and said: "300 million gold coins, just a little money, I don't want to embarrass Mr. Liufeng with this, but I have a better proposal on my side, and it can even be said that it is specially made for You made it custom-made, how would you like it?"

"What proposal?" Liu Feng raised his head and asked in surprise.

"This time, I am also very impressed by Xu Zu's qigong master's skills, so I want to invite Mr. Liufeng to come to our Lion Heart Dojo as a guest, and pass on the experience of Qigong masters. Of course, Xu Zu's unique skills are natural to me. I won’t force it, but Mr. Liufeng must have a different experience with the well-known professional skills of a qigong master, right?” Midi said with a smile, “As for the deadline, it’s not long, just three months, how about it?”

Surprise and confusion flashed across Liufeng's face. He pondered for a long time, and finally nodded his head: "Since Mr. Earl is interested in this, then respect is worse than obedience. I will teach it in Lionheart Dojo for three months!"

Midi nodded, then stretched out her hand and shook Liufeng, which was a final decision.

Then, he turned around and turned his attention to Wells who was beside him: "As for the sailboat, since the Yunlang family can't get it out, then the Feifan family may be able to provide it?"

If Midi used all kinds of containment strategies from the overall situation just now, then at this moment, this is a complete show.With Wells' IQ, how could he not understand?
This means holding yourself up too!

However, although he was happy in his heart, on the surface, Wells immediately replied very solemnly: "Of course, our Feifan family is not only a big business family, but also has unique advantages in sailboat manufacturing! As for I can be said to be an expert in this field, Fei Ai, since you have this need, you are right to find me!"

"In that case, please let the Feifan family make twenty sailboats for me!" Midi said, and put a black diamond on the table, "This, just treat it as a deposit .”

This is a soul spar worth 200 million gold coins.

Before, on the "Conqueror", Midi took out five pieces at once and handed them over to Wells as funds for building iron-clad warships.

But now, it is just a mere soul spar, and when it is taken out, it is naturally even more casual.

The whole tea party became extremely silent again.

Not to mention the children of those small families, even the elites of big families became speechless when they saw the priceless soul spar on the table.

As for Liufeng, there is only a wry smile.

By this time, everyone has come to their senses—the Earl of Santa Island, who is less than 20 years old, is probably only the patriarch of those big families, who is qualified to have an equal conversation with him, right?

Only Wells, because he knew Midi's details, and was smashed by five soul crystals and a collection of 1000 million gold coins, so now he is not surprised.In his opinion, it would be strange if the famous "Sword of Victory and Protection" of Bel Mare Kingdom couldn't even get this little money!

But now, since Midi has clarified his relationship with him in front of everyone, he is naturally even more joyful in his heart.

In this way, he can finally feel proud in the Feifan family!Not only that, with the legal income of the 200 million gold coins, he can gradually penetrate into many fields that he had no way to set foot in before!
This handsome young man suddenly showed a smile that was not inferior to Sylvia's, which made everyone fascinated. Then, he picked up the soul spar, put it carefully in his arms, and said: "Next, let's Leave it to me, in less than a month, twenty three-masted full brigades can be completed!"

 I wish you all a happy May Day holiday. By the way, ask for a monthly pass. Now it is double monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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