Arad's Sword

Chapter 176 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 176 Reaction of the Parties
Wells' afternoon tea was over.

But about the Earl of Santa Isle, it was just beginning to set off a legendary vortex in the high society of Faroe Bay.

Some people speculated that the Earl of Santa Island should have been a young adventurer before, and then he accidentally obtained a powerful inheritance from the ruins, which allowed him to become a formidable strong man at the age of less than 20 years old.Of course, there must be a lot of money, equipment, skills, etc. in the ruins, otherwise, how could he be so generous?

Some people also speculate that the Earl of Santa Island must be a descendant of a certain big family. This time he came to Faroe Bay to go out to experience under the protection of the family. As for the extremely powerful personal force, it is naturally because of this young Earl Outstanding talent and strong family heritage.

Others speculated that the Earl of Santa Island was actually from the West Coast, but his family was wiped out when he was young, so he wandered outside, and then got advice from a famous teacher and a large inheritance. After some encounters, he returned to France. Luo Wan is here.And the purpose of his return is to avenge his enemies back then!

All kinds of rumors and conjectures spread like snowflakes in the tea parties, evening parties, dance parties and even small-scale private gatherings of the wealthy people in Faroe Bay.

Some of these rumors have been approved to a certain extent, others have been denounced as nonsense, and others have been strictly prohibited, so as not to cause displeasure to the target of the rumor.

But no matter whether the rumors are positive or negative, in short, now, the young and handsome holy tower who killed Xuzu vanguard general in one blow and took out a soul spar worth 200 million at random. The Earl of the Island has become the focus of the major maritime families.

Many families have even begun to consider whether they can be listed as the Earl of Santa Island, a tree that can enjoy the shade, through marriage.

As for the arranged marriage, which has always been abhorred, this time, the ladies and ladies of the upper class gave their support, and many people even started to compete openly and secretly.

As for Miss Sylvia Yunlang, who was once known as the Pearl of Faroe Bay, she became the object of ridicule this time.

Although Patriarch Yunlang still dotes on his daughter as always, but after all, the protection from the elders cannot exist all the time.At other tea parties, dance parties, or various social activities on weekdays, this eldest lady can feel the needle-like gaze.

Originally, her waywardness and arrogance offended many people, and that red carriage caused countless disasters. Now, since they have the opportunity, people will naturally take revenge.

After a few days, the only choice for this once defiant young lady was to shut the door and grieve secretly at home after suffering countless sarcasm. Gritting teeth and cursing Midi is absolutely indispensable.

Of course, there are many people who are worse than her.

For example, the Xuzu envoy who once planned to step on Midi to the throne.

"Are you teaching for three months in the Lionheart Dojo?" A hoarse voice rang out in the silent room.

"Yes, teacher." Liufeng replied shamelessly, not daring to raise his head.

Opposite him, sat an old man with white beard and hair, wearing a practice robe.This old man is the head coach of the [-] Forbidden Army of the Xu Motherland, Liufeng's teacher, and the leader of this mission to the west coast.

Although Liu Feng is the messenger of Xu Zu, he is actually just a pawn on the surface. Since the old man has also come to Faro Bay secretly, the power of arbitrariness is naturally in his hands, so how can it be handed over to a young and sharp Little General?
Obviously, the old man was not satisfied at the moment.

Because the disciple he was proud of lost, and lost in one move.

"Fei Ai..." The Chief Instructor of the Imperial Army murmured Midi's alias, pondered for a long time, and finally raised his head and said, "Since you lost, it's also a lesson for you. Originally, Based on the leak you made, I should remove you from your position and immediately send you back to China to be punished. However, as the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. Since the Earl wants to keep you here for three months, my grandfather How can you break your promise so easily? Just take this opportunity to stay."

Hearing these words, Liu Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.Finally, in order to fulfill Midi's agreement, he was able to stay. Although it was only a short three months, he may not be unable to atone for his sins during this period of time!

It should be known that the Lionheart Dojo is a good place to observe and understand the opponent at close range. If some details can be grasped, the true identity and purpose of the Earl of Santa Island may be in his hands.

It seemed that he could see the calculation in Liu Feng's heart, but the old man sighed and said again: "Don't think about those messy things."

"But..." Liu Feng wanted to say something, but his throat was blocked by the old man's sharp eyes.

"When you go to the Lionheart Dojo, you only need to concentrate on teaching the skills of the qigong masters. Anyway, this is also a way to spread the reputation of our country, and it is upright." The old man said coldly, "As for the others, that Mr. Earl Since I can kill you in one move and send out invitations on my own initiative, wouldn’t I still be unprepared? Don’t make further troubles, otherwise even I won’t be able to save you!”

With the guidance of the teacher, Liufeng suddenly realized——

Since that person was able to destroy all his foreshadowing and preparations in one blow without any preparations, how could he possibly be his opponent in his territory after entering the Lion Heart Dojo?

Fortunately, I still want to atone for my crimes, and then go to find out what information, once found out, I am afraid that I will really be played by the other party's means to the point where I can't stand up.

Thinking of this, Liu Feng's back could not help but burst into cold sweat.

At the same time, when Xuzu's elders and children finally settled down, in the rich people's gathering area of ​​Faro Bay, in the magnificent headquarters of the Shinra Dojo, the silver-haired woman who was the host of the Shinra Dojo, In the study, he was also carefully reading the first-hand information about the young elder of the Lionheart Dojo, who is now the Earl of Santa Island.

And that giant knight in heavy armor stood in front of her as always, like a faithful hunting dog, waiting for orders from the hostess.

"This guy really has no flaws." After reading the information, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the silver-haired woman.

During this period of time, although Jinra Dojo kept a low profile and never confronted Midi head-on, the assassins under the Imperial Alchemists Guild were very active.

It can be said that, except for the few times Midi deliberately concealed, all his public trips were followed by imperial assassins. Once a flaw was found, those powerful assassins would immediately set up an ambush within a few minutes, directly Kill Midi.

However, until now, during the four months since Midi came to the west coast, these professional assassins have not even found a chance to make a move!
Not only that, Midi can even say that it made these assassins feel very "uncomfortable".

Because many times, although there are no flaws, there are many ambiguous opportunities there.

These opportunities are full of various possibilities, however, they are also full of various dangers, many opportunities that can be set up, if you think about it, they may be traps one after another. Make an arrangement, but there is a possibility of being wiped out.

Faced with this kind of opportunity where both opportunity and crisis coexist, even the assassins who have always been hard-hearted can hardly make a choice.

But in the end, the silver-haired woman finally solved the problem, and she gave an order - never make a move if you are not more than [-]% sure.

Therefore, these [-]-[-] opportunities were all given up.

Because of this, so far, these active assassins have not even touched the handle of the knife at their waist during the more than four months of tracking.

However, the target of their assassination did not seem to be hindered at all, and was still growing its own strength. Now that the afternoon tea party came to a successful conclusion, after treating the Xuzu messenger as a stepping stone, the Holy Tower The reputation of the Earl of the Island can be said to have reached the point where everyone knows it on the west coast.

It's no wonder that at this moment, looking at the report in hand, the silver-haired woman who has always been calm and cautious will also sigh unwillingly.

"This gang of assassins is too useless to count on. Let me tell you, anyway, the strength of the troops here is almost the same now. It's better to combine those maritime families who only have money in their eyes, and this pretentious Earl of Santa Island , kill them all together!" The giant-like knight finally couldn't help but said murderously again, and finally touched his fists with iron gloves, and suddenly, the antique study room burst into flames. There was a blinding spark.

This time, facing such radical remarks, the silver-white-haired woman did not reprimand this violent subordinate again.

Because now, after trying various methods, she found that she really seemed to have no other choice.

And more importantly, she now has an unimaginably powerful hole card in her hand, so even an opponent like Midi doesn't need to be afraid anymore.

That being the case, then why bother to continue, it is better to directly break the current balance in the most tyrannical way!
Thinking of this, the silver-white-haired woman finally made a decision in her heart, and said: "Send the order to prepare the keel warships we secretly built. In two months, there will be the largest prosperous 'Sea King Festival' on the west coast. The Maritime Family and even the abbot of the dojo will be present, and we will take advantage of that opportunity to win the entire west coast in one fell swoop."

"Yes, my lord!" The giant-like knight immediately gave a military salute and replied excitedly. Then he thought for a while and added, "Would it be better for all the troops in the Shinra Dojo to be dispatched as well?"

"It's not necessary, just let them block the coast. As for the sea, there is no need to use these people." The silver-haired woman shook her head, but a confident smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Could it be..." The knight suddenly thought of something.

"That's right, I will ask Mr. Wiseman Newton to attend the Neptune Festival in person! With that adult present, no matter if it is the bastards on the west coast, or the Earl of Santa Island who is jumping up and down now, there is only one way to surrender Let's go!" The silver-haired woman said in a cold voice, and her eyes became extremely sharp in an instant, like a dagger out of its sheath, shining with a frightening cold light.

Nightmare Hand, Wiseman Newton.

A senior cadre of the Imperial Alchemists Guild, an extremely powerful necromancer who once pushed Midi into a desperate situation.

That daunting but cynical powerful man is the teacher of this silver-white-haired woman.

"Anyone who defies the teacher's will and opposes the empire will die!"

 Continue to ask for monthly tickets, during the double period, you must use the ball!

(End of this chapter)

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