Arad's Sword

Chapter 178 Robbing Pirates

Chapter 178 Robbing Pirates
Exploration and exploration, since it is exploration, it is natural to find no-man's land.

And if it is within the sphere of influence of pirates, is it considered a no-man's land or a populated area?
Although Midi didn't give clear instructions, he could guess that even his tough sailors from the Hamilton family would definitely not mess with pirates if they had nothing to do, let alone go to areas where pirates were entrenched. hang around.

And it is very possible that those cracks are in the control area of ​​the pirates!
Therefore, the exploration these days has yielded nothing, because some areas have been automatically ignored by the explorers.

The areas that can be spotted by pirates must be near the more lively sea routes, and there must be many islands. The probability of cracks is probably higher than in general sea areas!

"Check first, after the Grand Forest fire, have any abnormalities occurred in these areas controlled by pirates." Midillo pondered, and then gave the order, "As for the method, I will borrow it Try the Lionheart."

Soon, those sailboats that had been plowed over and over again in the southern waters withdrew to the port.

At the same time, the Lionheart Dojo announced a new move—the direction of the Lionheart Trial, which is now tilted towards the sea route!

As soon as this move came out, it immediately caused a small shock in Faroe Bay.

You must know that with the continuous expansion of the Lionheart Dojo, the number of disciples participating in the trial will naturally increase. Their level is higher than that of ordinary adventurers, and they have little requirements for money rewards, and their origins are extremely Innocent, don't worry about being betrayed halfway, it is undoubtedly the best choice for a business family who can't afford to support private soldiers.

Not only that, with the reputation of the Earl of Santa Island soaring, if there is even one disciple of the Lionheart Dojo in a caravan, those robbers will not dare to act rashly, which can be said to be the strongest insurance.

Originally, these trials were all carried out on land. After all, this is the most suitable environment for ghost swordsmen to perform, and those sea caravans can only watch.

But this time, Midi actually said that he would let the disciples of the Lionheart Dojo participate in the sea trial, which naturally caused a lot of discussion.

Can ghost swordsmen play a role in the sea?

Will the pirates find it difficult to face the title of the Earl of Santa Island?

Many people were talking about it.

However, when these academics, analysts, and gossip parties are talking about it, the major fleets have no hesitation about this move—one word, please!

Anyway, it doesn't cost much to invite Lionheart disciples to board the boat, as long as they take care of the food, even if the guards are not effective, they can still sell the Earl of Santa Island as a favor, why not do it?
So, just a few days later, the figure of Lionheart disciple appeared in all kinds of fleets.

These fleets vary from big to small. The big ones are made up of dozens of ships, and there is no shortage of sea guards. Most of them are for friendship with the Lionheart Dojo. The squad escorts.And their waterways are also different, some lead to Belle Mare, while others go to the various islands in the south.

But what they all have in common is that the scope of the sea lion heart trial this time overlaps with the sea area that Midi searched.

Soon, all kinds of information collected by Lionheart disciples gathered in front of Midi.

Among them are the gossip and gossip of seafarers, the precautions of major ports, the rumors of chatting in bars, the high-priced information of intelligence dealers, and the interrogation records of pirate prisoners after fierce battles.

Midi carefully sorted through this mountain of materials for several days, and finally found an entry point that could break through.

Red Bearded Pirate.

This group of pirates could only be regarded as third-rate thieves, and they only had a two-masted sailing ship in their hands. They couldn't even do robbery, so they could only sneak ashore to loot some lonely houses.However, just after the Grand Forest fire, the level of this group of pirates rose at an astonishing rate, and soon broke through the level 40 master standard. Not only that, but they even had a lot more It can also be counted as a rare herb in Belle Mare.

The constantly rising level and the inexhaustible supply of precious medicinal herbs, these two factors made the power of the red bearded pirates expand at once.Not only that, but these pirates who lived on ships and would run away immediately when they saw a bad opportunity, are said to have opened up a restricted area of ​​the sea and established a base camp there, preventing anyone from approaching.

The combination of these, in Midi's view, is enough to find out.

"Send my order to mobilize the iron-clad warships." Midi said, turning his gaze to the center of the chart, the vast sea area belonging to the red beard, "before going to war with the empire, let us conduct a real exercise."

It was night, under the icy moonlight, above the shimmering South China Sea, huge water beasts reflecting metallic light quietly filed out from the secret port of Wells, one after another, a full eight An ironclad battleship, under Midi's order, is ready to go!

These eight ironclad battleships are all fully staffed. The Conqueror is directly under the command of Wells himself, the other two are under the charge of the two female captains of the Southern Star and the Albatross, and the remaining five are from Hamilton. The family's elite sailors are jointly controlled by outstanding adventurers selected from the Falcon Group.

As the commander-in-chief, Midi naturally sits on the flagship "Conqueror" and conducts overall command.

It can be said that this is a brand new navy completely belonging to Midi, a navy branded with the brand of the Falcon Regiment.

At the same time, this is also a navy composed of the most advanced warships in the Arad continent.

At this moment, this navy is about to engage in its first battle.

The eight warships gradually unfolded under the cruising state, forming a sailing formation like a sharp shuttle, heading straight for the area where the red bearded pirate was.

Originally, in such a weather where the wind speed was not fast enough, even a three-masted clipper would take half a day to reach the Red Beard Sea.However, the magic-based power system possessed by the iron-clad battleship has a driving force far greater than that of traditional sails. However, after just three hours, the battleship group had already arrived at its destination.

Deep Rock Island, this is the home of the Redbeard Pirates, a "Sea Sanctuary" in the unwritten rules of the underworld.

It was midnight at this moment, and the sea was completely silent, and the deep rock island, like a giant beast entrenched on the sea, was also silent.

After the carnival, the pirates had already gone to sleep. Although there were several sentry towers on the island, how could they pick out any sentry who really stood guard among these lazy guys?

Moreover, since the Grand Forest fire, the Redbeard Pirates have been advancing all the way, almost no opponents. Even those big maritime families, when facing these shameless pirates, they can only choose to compromise and give in. They don't mess with others Fortunately, who would dare to annoy them?
Therefore, it can be said that the Deep Rock Island in the middle of the night has not set up any defenses, and it is like a land of no man with its door wide open, waiting to be ravaged by the iron-clad giants.

Seeing this scene, Wells, who was already fully confident, felt even more confident at this moment.

"My lord?" The handsome young man turned his head and looked at Midi under Shuai's banner.

In case Midi wants to recruit or something, then of course he can't go to war directly, he has to send an envoy first.

However, Midi obviously didn't have such intentions, but simply said: "Quick battle, don't let anyone go."

Wells nodded immediately.An order was issued to the magic communication: "All warships obey the order, take their positions, and fire from all gun ports!"

Accompanied by the sound of gears gnashing, the sound of chains rubbing, and the sound of metal roulette turning, the eight battleships moved slowly, completely surrounding the entire island. Then, the upper and lower floors of these battleships consisted of [-] triple-mounted ships. The large-caliber cannons slowly protruded from their black, all-devouring muzzles.

A flare as bright as the sun rose into the night sky, and the next moment, all the armored warships fired at the same time.

Boom boom boom!
There was a roar like thunder, rolling across the sea.The scorching artillery fire, like a meteor, streaked across the black night, and exploded one after another on the quiet deep rock island.

Before most of the pirates could wake up, they were directly reduced to ashes by the artillery fire in their dreams. A few awakened pirates tried to resist, but they had no means at all. When they finally ran to the port under the artillery fire, they found that there It was already a mess.

In naval battles, the most important thing is naturally the ship, how could Wells not be aware of this?
Among the eight iron-clad warships, four were used by him to block the port. After the first round of shelling, half of the ten pirate ships of the Redbeard Pirates sank, and the remaining five were also mast broken. Stuck in the port, there is no way to get out.

After the second round of artillery bombardment, the remaining five ships also sank to the bottom.

And after the third round of bombardment, even the visible buildings on Deep Rock Island - sentry towers, bunkers, houses, etc., were all completely reduced to ruins under the bombardment of the triple artillery.

Instant kill, this is a complete instant kill.

Such a pirate group with eight three-masted full brigades and two five-masted galleons, controlling the sea for hundreds of miles, occupying an island, and building a lot of fortifications, can do so in less than a cup of tea. , completely destroyed.

Even Midi himself couldn't help being a little surprised after seeing this scene.

Until now, the range, power, and rate of fire of the armored battleship gave him the most intuitive feeling.

However, he didn't feel elated because of this, because in the previous life, Midi remembered very clearly that the warships built by the Delos Empire to block the Faroe Bay would definitely not be inferior to the iron armor in hand battleship.

In the final analysis, if you want to win this competition with the empire, the most important thing is to be the first to get Sky City.

"Ready to land." Looking at the burning island from afar, Midi stood up.

 Monthly ticket! O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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