Arad's Sword

Chapter 179 Step into Sky City

Chapter 179 Step into Sky City

Everything on Deep Rock Island has been completely leveled by the intensified triple artillery salvo.Even the red-bearded captain, who was in full swing, was smashed to pieces in the explosion, not even a piece of black beard scorched by the flames remained.

It seems that because everything was destroyed, when Midi and his party set foot on this unrecognizable island, they clearly felt an abnormal wave of magic power.

This fluctuation is only a wisp, extremely weak, but in the slenderness, there is an unbelievable toughness and purity.

Wells' level is low, less than level 40, so it doesn't feel abnormal.However, as adventurers, Dixon and Kelvin, who have always been extremely sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment, immediately felt the difference.

Feeling the extraordinary toughness in the magic power, the two looked at each other in shock, and then looked at Midi again.

Unknowingly, they have already regarded this young man who is less than 20 years old as the backbone, and therefore, when encountering such abnormalities, they will naturally seek answers from him.

And Midi, who is a reborn person, is naturally very familiar with this magic power.

"That's right, it's just like what you think, that's the breath of the crack." He said softly, with a touch of nostalgia unconsciously in his tone.

Then, Midi strode towards the depths of the island.

As it continued to deepen, the strange fluctuation of magic power became more and more obvious, and it could even be said to be huge.From the initial thread, it gradually turned into a thread, and then turned into hundreds and thousands, interweaving into a large net of magic power.

And finally, when Midi and his party finally stood at the mouth of the gusty canyon in the depths of the island, this magic power has become waves of invisible but qualitative surging water, constantly washing everyone.

At this distance, although the crack has not yet been seen, many people have been unable to move forward.

Those lower-level sailors could only stay on the edge of the island. Even the elite adventurers from Belle Mare had a hard time standing still at the mouth of the canyon. As for Wells, his face was pale and he was on the verge of falling, as if he would fall down at any time. Go down in general.If it wasn't for his extraordinary curiosity as a designer, he might not even be able to see the mouth of the canyon.

Only Midi, Dixon and Kelvin could stand firmly in front of the raging valley.

"Wells, I'll leave the outside to you. Ask the magicians to rebuild the magic circle for cover. Don't let the magical power here leak out abnormally, and eliminate the traces of the shelling. Then withdraw all the armored battleships." Midi glanced at everyone, and then said so.

"Understood." Wells replied dejectedly.

The young master Feifan who had already decided to go to Midi knew very well that in this canyon, it was the thing that the Kingdom of Belle Mare was most concerned about and wanted the most. Of course, he also wanted to take a look.

It's a pity that Midi gave him a chance, but his own strength was not enough to take that step. In the end, the only thing he could do was to guard the goal outside.

"Dixon, Kelvin, follow my sword." Patting Wells on the shoulder as comfort, Midi led the canyon without hesitation, looking from a distance, as if throwing herself into the blood of a dragon The pot is big and the mouth is average.

The two senior officials of the Falcon Regiment followed closely behind them as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They looked serious, looked around, listened to all directions, and were ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

However, when these two people followed Midi into this unnamed canyon, they found that the scene here was completely different from what they had imagined.

Green grass grows all over the ground, clear streams trickle through the cracks in the rocks, bright flowers bloom everywhere, towering trees cover the starry sky above, green vines wind around them, all kinds of rare herbs are here It can be seen everywhere, even the land itself seems to contain abundant fertility.

If you must describe it, this place is simply a paradise of birds and flowers.

The only thing that makes people feel out of place are the corpses on the ground.

Among these corpses were pirates, ordinary sailors, and even women and children.However, the corpses of those pirates seemed to have been dead for a long time, and most of them had rotted into bones, while the corpses of ordinary people were old and new, and many of them still held herbs pulled out of the ground in their hands. The painful look of death.

"These bloody pirates!" Dixon couldn't help spitting.

Obviously, no one in the Redbeard Pirates was able to withstand the wind of pure magic power and ran into this canyon.

They can only practice with the help of the magic power leaked from the canyon, so as to achieve the effect of quickly upgrading the level, but they cannot safely enter the canyon, and then take these precious medicinal herbs that have absorbed the pure magic power.

At first, these pirates were too small, so they could only send or force members of the pirate group to come in, exchange their lives for herbs, and see if they could bring out a few alive.

And later, as the strength of these pirates continued to increase, they began to plunder sailors, and even went ashore to plunder villages, and then let these ordinary people come to die for them and dig medicine for them.

This is why the early corpses were all pirates, while the new ones are sailors and ordinary people.

There is no doubt that the reason why the Redbeard Pirates were able to obtain a large amount of rare herbs was due to the sacrifice of hundreds of innocent people.

At this moment, Midi killed all these pirates at once, which can be regarded as a memorial to the victims on the west coast.

Looking at these shocking corpses, Midi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He recalled his previous life. In the previous life in 986 of the Arad calendar, he had just embarked on the road of escape. Even if he had the opportunity to come to Faroe Bay and walk in front of the crack, he was not qualified to enter. Sighing outside like Wells, or even like these ordinary people, under the abnormal concentration of magic power, the seven orifices bleed to death, right?
However, in this life, he finally has the power, so he will naturally go forward without hesitation, and then stand on the peak and take a look at the world.

Thinking of this, Midi's eyes became extremely sharp, and then he turned his gaze to the center of the canyon.

There, there is a vortex like the eye of the wind, which is making a low roar.

One after another purple-gold lightning erupted from the vortex from time to time, and then turned into pieces of purple mist and dispersed.

And whenever the mist dissipated, Midi could feel that the surrounding magic power swelled up, like the ebb and flow of the tide.

There is no doubt that the incomparably pure magic power on this island is released from this vortex.

This is the "crack".

It is a passage connecting Arad Continent and Sky City.

At the other end of the vortex is a brand new world.

A small, but much more dangerous world than Arad at this time.

"I'll go in and take a look." Midi said in a deep voice.

"Then we..." Dixon immediately took a step forward and took over the conversation, but Midi interrupted him the next moment.

"You can't, if you go in now, there is only one dead end, at least level 48 or above." Midi said bluntly.

Dixon and Kelvin looked at each other and sighed.They just expressed their feelings towards Wells who was stopped, but they didn't expect that now that they have lost their qualifications, how can they not sigh?

"Immediately report everything that happened here to Hutton Mar. Before I come back, you must guard this Deep Rock Island." Midi issued an order.

"Yes!" Kelvin and Dixon replied with serious expressions at the same time.

The next moment, Midi was already like a gray meteor, without hesitation plunged into the vortex that scattered the purple-gold lightning, and instantly disappeared completely like a stone submerged in the water.

After jumping into the vortex, Midi felt as if she had sunk into the ocean, being carried by the ocean current formed by the magic power, and kept moving forward amidst the spinning of the sky.During this process, he couldn't feel the flow of time or the change of space. The only thing he could feel was his own heartbeat and breathing, as well as the rhythm of the little golden sword in his body.

After an unknown amount of time, when Midi opened her eyes again, there was a completely different world in front of her eyes.

Here is also a sea, but it is not a sea of ​​cold water, but a sea of ​​lush trees.

The huge crowns of countless towering trees cover the sky, and the dense leaves leak a little bit of sunlight from the gaps, and the shadows are cast on the ground through the gaps in the trees, bringing out spots of light.There are dense bushes and vines everywhere, jagged rocks and steep cliffs can be seen everywhere, and from time to time, the roar of wild animals will sound in the air.

This is the lowest level of Sky City, the Three Towers and Sea of ​​Trees.

However, at this moment, Midi has no time to recall the adventure process in the three-pagoda tree sea in his previous life, nor is he in the mood to appreciate the primitive forest in front of him, because his whole body feels extremely tingling.

This kind of pain is like soaking the whole body in the ocean of mercury. Not only is it so heavy that you can't breathe, but your skin and limbs are like being stabbed by sharp knives. The pain penetrates the body and penetrates into the bone marrow. , intensifying with each breath.

Because there is an invisible substance in the air.


But it's not the thin ordinary magic power on the continent of Arad.

It's "pure magic".

How pure is the pure magic power?

To make a simple comparison, even Fina Hamilton, the queen of magic bullets who is born with high-quality magic power, can only reach about two-thirds of the purity of the pure magic power.Similarly, even in Midi's body, the concentration of the aura emitted by the little golden sword formed by the fusion of ultimate intent, magic power, and ghost power is still not as strong as the essence of magic power.

Even the magic power of Grand Duke Heydrich Hamilton was lacking in the face of pure magic power.

Compared with today's Arad continent, the essence of magic power is a higher level of power.

It is also one of the necessary conditions for awakening. Only awakening with the essence of magic can be regarded as a true awakening.

Therefore, for those who are eager to become stronger, the essence of magic power is a dream.

However, before using the essence of magic to awaken, the first thing Midi has to do is to adapt to it.

If you can't even get used to it, let alone awakening, I'm afraid that within a few minutes, Midi will be completely crushed by the strong and pure magic power in the air until it turns into flesh and blood!

 Ahem, everyone, although I started work and school yesterday, but... today is Monday!Yes, it's frustrating, allow me to make a sad face, but tickets are required!During the double period, ask for a monthly pass to reward, subscribe, recommend and collect O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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