Arad's Sword

Chapter 183 Dragon Tower

Chapter 183 Dragon Tower

Midi shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, and said with a smile: "Why don't you tell me why those humanoid masters chased you down?"

The dragon lady was stunned for a moment, and then she understood the meaning of Midi's words. She snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, it's fine if you don't want to tell me about your background, but just refuse. Why bother asking me? You humans, I just like to go around and around, not direct at all."

Although there was dissatisfaction and contempt in her eyes, the female dragonman still took out a heavy black crystal from her pocket, and handed it to Midi: "Anyway, you saved my life. We dragonmen will not I am ungrateful. I will give you this piece of ground evil stone, which is the most precious thing in me, so we will be cleared."

Disha stone, this is a crystal that can only be found in Sky City.

In essence, the Disha Stone is the crystallization of magic power, but it is different from the magic power crystallization of Arad Continent. It is produced by the accumulation of pure magic power. Such a small piece is enough to be worth a large one on Arad Continent. The full power of the magic vein.

If she holds this in her hands, Fina can directly reproduce the feat of "one person, one city a day".And a magic circle that is enough to protect the lord's castle can operate for a whole year with just such a piece.

It can be said that the Disha Stone is a portable mobile magic vein, an extremely precious strategic resource reserve.

But faced with the earth-shattering stone that cannot be obtained on the continent of Arad, Midi smiled slightly, and then shook his head: "I don't want the earth-shaking stone, I need other help."

"What is it?" The female dragon looked at Midi with vigilant eyes.

"Take me to your tribe, I want to meet your patriarch." Midi said bluntly, without hiding her purpose.

In the sea of ​​trees, intrigue is meaningless, if you have any needs, just ask them directly.

However, the premise is to have enough strength.

Obviously, the female dragon is not optimistic about Midi's request.Although Midi had always been in an advantage in the battle with the humanoid master, she did not show particularly amazing fighting power in front of the female dragon.From her point of view, Midi is just at the same level as her exhausted self.

At such a level, placed in the Three Pagodas Sea of ​​Trees, there will be no waves at all, and yet, the identity of human beings is too eye-catching, and the limelight has no strength. This is the most dangerous.

She frowned and said: "Although you saved my life, it has nothing to do with my tribe, and they don't welcome outsiders at all, especially weak humans. If you go there, I'm afraid it will only be killed by my people."

"I will protect my life myself, so you don't need to worry about it. Just ask for a recommendation, and we'll settle the matter." Midi said calmly, without any mood swings because the other party looked down on her. Not only that, but he even took out the air conditioner and said, "Or is it that the tribe of the dragon tribe is hiding in some secret place, and the location cannot be known to outsiders?"

"Humans, there is no need to use aggressive methods. How has my tribe been afraid of anyone in the Three Pagoda Tree Sea? Since you insist on doing this, then I will take you to see the elders, but what happens next, it doesn't matter. My business." The female dragon snorted coldly, agreeing.

However, before the female dragon turned around and was about to set off, Midi waved her hand and said, "After talking for a long time, we haven't introduced ourselves yet, have we? I'm Midi, Midi? Asrex, from the Falcon Group .”

"Falcon Group? Never heard of this name." The female dragon shrugged.

"You will hear this name often in the future, I promise." Midi replied with a smile, and the extremely confident eyes made the female dragonman stunned for a moment.

It's just an insignificant human being, why can he be so confident in the face of a race that can't adapt to the essence of magic?Or, does he really have a trump card?

The dragonwoman tried again to find the answer, but still found nothing.

However, those star-black eyes made her involuntarily answer: "Human beings, you can call me Xie Na. I come from the powerful Thunderfire Wings tribe."

The female dragon warrior named Xie Na and Midi began to move again, but this time, they no longer chose an untraceable route, just to get rid of the pursuers, but moved towards the location of the dragon tribe's thunder and fire wings.

The journey was not comfortable. After all, when Midi entered the crack, she didn't bring any supplies at all, while Xie Na's supplies were all exhausted in the tragic pursuit. The two didn't even have the necessary medicines. How many.

However, this is what Midi wanted.

After staying in the golden and paper-drunk Faro Bay for several months, Midi felt that her bones were about to rust. Now that she wants to gain a firm foothold in the murderous sky city, it is impossible to continue the previous state of pampering. no.

He deliberately broke into the Three Towers Sea of ​​Trees without any supplies, just to be able to adjust his state as soon as possible, get rid of the status of the Earl of Santa Island who relied on money and power to achieve his goals, and become the one who is always vigilant, alert and ready at any time Battle-ready adventurers.

But now, there is an audience with an unusual identity, and the status adjustment has suddenly turned into a performance. For Midi, it can be said to be an unexpected gain.

Along the way, Midi showed his skills. The memory and experience of the previous life, coupled with the means and abilities of this life, allowed him to easily obtain what he wanted in the sea of ​​trees——

All kinds of food, medicines with excellent effects, and many precious ingredients that even Xie Na, a native tree sea resident, didn't know were all put into his backpack.

This also made Xie Na even more confused.

Could this guy have been here before?Or, he is actually a resident of Shuhai, but he has been hiding in a corner for a long time, so he is unknown?

With such doubts in mind, three days later, Xie Na brought Midi and finally arrived at the location of the Thunderfire Wings tribe.

There were still hundreds of kilometers away from the dragon tribe, and Midi saw the destination at a glance.

It was a towering tower.

Under the clear morning light, this tall tower piercing the clouds is covered by the lingering clouds and mists, making it impossible for people to see its true face. Flocks of migratory birds circle around its waist, like flying white petals.The huge settlements of dragon people are scattered at its feet, looking from a distance, they look like scattered pearls.

Even Midi, who has seen this tower countless times, is still shocked by this magnificent scene at this moment, unable to speak for a long time.

This is one of the most important supports connecting the sea of ​​trees where the base of Sky City is located, and the central tower.

Its name is "Dragon Man Tower".

There are two other creations of heaven and earth that cannot be reached by manpower, namely the "Puppet Entrance" and the "Stone Giant Tower". The three together support this world.

This is also the origin of the name Three Pagoda Tree Sea.

Among them, the Doll Entrance is naturally the gathering place of the humanoid masters from another major force in Shuhai.

The Stone Giant Tower, as the name suggests, belongs to the third largest force in the sea of ​​trees, the elemental giants.

Humanoid masters are intelligent creatures gradually evolved from the sea of ​​trees. They have strong fecundity, cunning and cruelty, and are extremely aggressive. However, they are very chaotic inside themselves, and there are sometimes bloody fights with each other.Strictly speaking, an elemental giant is not a creature, but an elemental creation. It has no flesh and blood, does not need to breathe, and exists by directly absorbing energy from the essence of magic power. The way of thinking is completely different from that of living people.

As for the dragon people, although powerful, they are actually the least numerous of the three forces occupying the "tower".

This is not only because the dragon people are born with a long growth cycle, but also because the dragon people are also outsiders, but they came hundreds of years earlier than Midi.

The original hometown of these dragon people is in the Sky Sea, which is further up from the Sky City, and that is their world.But now the dragon tribe in the sea of ​​trees is nothing more than a branch living outside.

This is also the reason why Midi chose the Dragonman family among the three major forces in the sea of ​​trees - high civilization and order, proud personality, strong power, simple tribe, not deeply rooted in the sea of ​​trees, and natural yearning The ambition to return to a higher level world, these factors give them the opportunity to become the most powerful allies of the Falcon Group on the future road, and they can accompany themselves, Fina and Alice all the way, just like those in Grand Forest Like the elves.

However, before forming this alliance, the first thing Midi has to face is the arrogance of the dragon people.

Xie Na's return caused a small commotion among the Thunderfire Wings tribe. The sentinels on the periphery and the young dragonmen in the tribe rushed to tell each other. Then, several adult dragonmen who were well equipped and obviously of good status also came out of the building. They appeared one after another and greeted them. There were even several armed guards clearing the way among the tribe.

Just as Midi speculated, this female dragon warrior named Xie Na is indeed in a good position.

As a human, however, he was a different matter.

In the vast but closed world of Sky City, human beings are not even rare creatures, they can only be counted as a term in books.Obviously, in the inheritance of dragon people's civilization, human beings are obviously not a race worthy of attention.

Weakness, this is the only impression the dragon people have of human beings.

And many young dragon people who are not interested in knowledge and are more keen on fighting don't even know what human beings are.

Apart from surprise and curiosity, the gaze fixed on Midi was nothing but contempt.

And the dragon people's positioning of Midi is either a captive or a pet.

For this misunderstanding, Xie Na didn't intend to explain it, because she had already made an agreement with Midi, and her only obligation was to introduce him to the patriarch.

As for Midi, there was also no excuse.

As the old saying goes, in the Three Pagoda Tree Sea, words have no power, and only power itself can be respected.

In this way, under the focus of countless eyes, the two walked along the ancient stone avenue until they came to the foot of the dragon tower that was more majestic than the mountains.

Here, there is a huge palace mixed with the wildness of the tree sea and the classical atmosphere of the dragon people.Both sides are full of huge pillars chiseled from rough boulders, and in the center is a huge arch with a height of 20 meters. Above the arch, there are two long horns raised high, pointing to the sky majesticly.

This is where the patriarch of the Thunderfire Wings clan is located, the Dragon Horn Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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