Arad's Sword

Chapter 184 Fishing the Dragon

Chapter 184 Fishing the Dragon
The number of dragon people is not large. However, outside the Dragon Horn Hall, there is still a whole row of fully armed guards, which looks very imposing.

The two guards in front of the main gate are even more burly, with a height of more than three meters, and they belong to the mutant species among the dragon people.Standing there, it casts a large shadow like a towering tree, not to mention Midi, even Xie Na, who is a little taller than Midi, has to look up.

Seeing Xie Na's arrival, the leader of the Dragon Guard captain nodded slightly, and said in a low voice: "Miss Xie Na, you are back. The patriarch is waiting for you inside, please go in."

Xie Na glanced at Midi, and then said: "I want to take him in together. This human saved my life, so I have to fulfill his wish."

"Miss Xie Na, although you are the daughter of the patriarch, the Dragon Horn Hall has its own rules." The captain of the dragon guard glanced at Midi contemptuously, "If you want to help this human, that is your business, since I don't If you receive an order, you will not retreat."

Xie Na's brows frowned immediately, although she knew very well that the captain was deliberately against her, but in the dragon tribe, what he said was also true.

The honor of every dragonman needs to be defended by himself, even the daughter of the patriarch.

Just as Xie Na was considering whether to use some special authority to subdue the captain of the guard, Midi's voice sounded: "I'll just stay here for now."

"You want to stay?" Xie Na looked at Midi with a little surprise. At least she can guarantee her safety by her side. Be careful and your life will be in danger.

Xie Na didn't care about Midi's life or death, but her self-esteem and honor could not allow other dragon people to easily damage the person who saved her life.

"Miss Xie Na, don't worry, no one here should be able to drive me out." Midi didn't seem to feel the pressure from the hilly dragon captain at all, and still looked calm, "However, although I won't go in, but I want you to help me bring a gift in, as a meeting gift for the Thunderfire Wings."

As Midi spoke, she took out a delicately crafted ring from her bosom and handed it to Xie Na.

This is an energy-gathering ring made by Master Norton himself. As long as you hold the magic spar in your hand, the ring will directly absorb energy from it and launch triple magic attacks of thunder, fire, and ice.

Putting it on the continent of Arad, such a ring is not very practical, but its exquisite workmanship can be used as a good gift for those powerful people.

However, now in the sea of ​​trees of the Three Pagodas, this magic ring, which is similar to a handicraft, can produce unexpected effects.

"Please tell the patriarch, and tell him that this energy-gathering ring can use the Earth Sha stone as a power source." Midi said to Xie Na.

Disha stone?
Xie Na's heart moved slightly, seeing Midi's confident look, she seemed to understand something.She didn't say anything more, just nodded, then carefully put away the ring, strode into the magnificent gate, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the pillared corridor.

As for Midi, he randomly found a big stone at the door, sat on it, and waited quietly. Although he was stared at by many dragon guards, he didn't feel any panic or uneasiness.

Going deep into the Dragon's Nest is indeed quite a game. This is not Belle Mare, let alone the west coast that has been peaceful for many years, but the Three Towers of Trees, where the strong come forth in large numbers, or under the Dragon Tower.In the Thunderfire Wings tribe, no matter how strong Midi is, there is no possibility of retreating from the hundreds of dragon warriors who have been nourished by the essence of magic power since birth.

It's just that this is not an impulsive action in a moment of enthusiasm, let alone a desperate effort.

As a reborn person, in the previous life, not only in the three towers, not only in the sky city, but also in the higher sky and sea, Midi has dealt with the dragon tribe, and he knows very well the dragon people. cultural habits, and more clearly understand what they need.

Although Midi, who is alone now, is not considered strong at all, but he can show his own value and use it as a bargaining chip to find a place in this strong man's hunting ground.

And just as Midi expected, although the three-meter-tall dragon captain wanted to slap himself into a pulp, he didn't want to be thought of as being afraid of Xie Na by others, so he only dared to do something secretly, so , he never shot Midi who was sitting on the boulder from the beginning to the end.

However, seeing Midi's indifferent look, Captain Dragonman still couldn't help it, so he threatened in a cold voice: "Humans, don't think that you are safe with Xie Na, wait until the patriarch orders you to be expelled from the tribe." , as soon as you leave, I will show up and catch you back as a prey, and then skewer it on iron bars to make a skewer!"

Looking up at the dragon captain who was like a giant tree, Midi couldn't help squinting his eyes.

The other party's hostility was so obvious that it made him suspicious—is it necessary to target such a humble human being like himself?Does this guy really have a bad attitude because he hates humans, or does he dislike Xie Na who brought him here?

It seems that the Thunderfire Wings tribe is not monolithic.

But this is also very normal. Where there is wisdom and interests, there are disputes and intrigues, even the Three Pagoda Tree Sea is no exception.Although it is said that strength is the most important thing here, even if it is the most powerful person, it is still impossible to convince everyone.

So, what chance do I have in this?

Midi was thinking in her heart, suddenly, there was a deafening roar from the depths of the Dragon Horn Hall!
Accompanied by a sound like the roar of a giant beast, an extremely scorching gust of wind jetted out from the depths of the corridor, bringing up a burst of flying sand and rocks.

The dragon guards who were motionless like stone sculptures were all stunned.

Even though the outside is well guarded, why is there something wrong inside?
Only Midi showed a smile on the corner of her mouth, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

It seems that the dragon patriarch is still very interested in the ring he sent in, otherwise, he wouldn't have made such a fuss so soon.

And just as he expected, after a while, Xie Na, who had just gone in, walked out again.

This time, she brought her own father, the patriarch of Thunderfire Wings' personal orders.

"The patriarch asked you to go in and meet him." Xie Na said succinctly.


The captain of the Dragon Man who had uttered wild words before that he wanted to make Midi into a meat skewer suddenly became gloomy when he heard this sentence, and there was a trace of undisguised killing intent in the orange-yellow dragon pupils, but , at the gate of the Dragon Horn Hall, he did not dare to disobey the order of the patriarch, so he could only let it go.

On the dragon man's territory, Midi naturally didn't have any interest in provoking the other party. He didn't look sideways, passed by the dragon man captain, and followed Xie Na all the way into the Dragon Horn Hall.

The size of the dragon people is several circles larger than that of humans, and some alien species can also have certain flying talents like real dragons. In addition, they naturally like open environments, so the most important part of the Thunderfire Wings tribe The building of the Longjiao Hall is extraordinarily magnificent.The dome alone is a full 30 meters high. Looking up, it looks like a naturally formed hollowed-out mountain interior.

After walking briskly for nearly 10 minutes, Midi passed through the pillared corridor and came to a deep and huge hall like a cave.

In this hall, there are several stone platforms separated by dozens of meters, a total of seven, and on each stone platform, there is an elder dragonman sitting upright.And on the large platform in the center, which was carved entirely of metal, sat a blue-scale dragonman wearing an exquisite cloud-pattern robe and holding a staff made of ancient wood.

This dragon man looks a little old, with gray temples and many wrinkles under the scales. However, the horns on his forehead are shining brightly, as if they contain a powerful force.

This dragonman is Xie Na's father, the patriarch of Thunderfire Wings, Lucas.

When Midi came in, patriarch Lucas was playing with the energy-gathering ring in his hand.He raised his head and glanced at Midi lazily, but didn't make a sound, just letting the atmosphere of silence pervade.

After hanging Midi for a long time, the patriarch seemed to feel that the shelf was almost ready, and finally said: "Human, where did you get this ring?"

Upon hearing these words, a smile flashed across Midi's eyes.


Although this dragon patriarch is not stupid, and obviously intends to come up to give Midi a blow, it's just a pity that after living in the sea of ​​three towers and trees that rely on fists for hundreds of years, these dragon people have a high level of bargaining. It has long since degenerated to the level of tadpoles.

It's okay if you don't open your mouth. Once you open your mouth, the dragon patriarch directly exposed his desire for the energy-gathering ring.

If you were a human businessman, no matter how much you wanted this kind of ring, you would definitely not ask "Where did the ring come from" in the first sentence, you must first make a side note, or show your own strength, or come up with some advice. threats or something.How can it be as straightforward as the dragon man.

Obviously, the dragon man doesn't know how to hide his purpose, but in this way, Midi can easily throw out the bait, and then walk down the road at his own pace.

Looking around the hall, she nodded to Xie Na who was standing beside her. Midi cleared her throat, and then replied: "Before explaining the origin of this energy-gathering ring, please allow me to introduce myself, I am Midi Di Asrex, from the mainland of Arad, is the deputy head of the adventurer corps 'Falcon Group'. And this power-gathering ring is a product made by the Magic Research Department of the Falcon Group."

"You made it?" The dragon patriarch repeated Midi's words, narrowing his eyes slightly.

However, Midi didn't ignore the excitement that burst out from her squinted eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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