Arad's Sword

Chapter 187

Chapter 187
It's been a long time since Midi has used the Po Jun Sheng Long Whip.

This is the special inheritance of the sword soul, which is extremely conspicuous. Once it is used, it will immediately reveal its identity. If it is used on the battlefield, it will immediately become the target of public criticism. It is more conspicuous than holding a handsome flag.

Moreover, after the battle at the Tree of Life in Hutton Marr, Midi has never encountered an opponent worthy of using this terrifying move. Normally, as long as the Heitian sword is slashed out, within [-] moves, the winner can usually be determined. .

So so far, he has been practicing, but rarely has the opportunity to use it.

But at this moment, Midi unhesitatingly unleashed the Breaking Army and Rising Dragon Whip.

Because this is not the Arad Continent, but a sky city that is stronger than the Arad Continent.What he was facing was the strongest warrior among the dragon-human race, the strongest race in the Three Towers Sea of ​​Trees.

Past achievements, honors and pride have no meaning in this sea of ​​trees where strength is the most important thing.

To re-open up a piece of world, only go all out.

The Breaking Army and Rising Dragon Whip itself is extremely powerful, and among all the melee skills, its attack range is also the largest, and it is also very flexible, which can just make up for the lack of human range when facing dragonmen.Not only that, this whip technique can also allow Midi to fully exert the power contained in the breath of the little golden sword, which can be said to be multiple in one fell swoop.

And just as Midi expected, as soon as the Breaking Army and Dragon Whip was cast, Tanius's aggressive offensive immediately slowed down.

Tanius was originally accumulating strength in secret, and planned to explode instantly, shorten the distance between him and Midi in one breath, and launch a big move with a devastating force, directly piercing this weak human body on the point of his spear.

But at this moment, when Midi's Army Breaking Dragon Whip, tearing through the air like a thunderbolt, was pulled down against the front door, Tanius could no longer enter.

Not only can't advance, but also have to retreat.

Because the attack range of the whip is much farther than his long spear.

Unless he went forward against the apparently powerful whip, he would have to take many blows before meeting Midi.Although the dragon man's body is strong, he is still a body of flesh and blood. Although Tanius is arrogant, he is not stupid enough to be invulnerable.

Facing Midi's attack, he could only let out an angry but helpless roar, instinctively restrained the force of the forward rush, and then leaped back suddenly, his figure burst back!

And the next moment, the ground he was standing on burst into countless fragments with a bang, apparently shattered by the whip.

For a moment, the dragon people watching the battle couldn't help but make a noise of surprise.

The number one warrior of the Wings of Thunder and Fire, who was always going forward, actually retreated?
How could the human beings who were regarded as weak by them be able to draw such a terrible whip?
But soon, they were even more shocked, because Midi not only drew out one whip, but dozens of whips, hundreds of whips!
At this moment, the little golden sword in Midi's body has been driven by will, and it is running with all its strength, continuously emitting rings of pale golden breath.At the same time, this breath also affected the quintessential magic power of Midi's body, bringing about an incomparably surging wave.

With the double support of these two kinds of power, the long whip in Midi's hand suddenly pulled an unimaginable force, and whip after whip without stopping, even the surrounding air, under the whipping , also swayed layer after layer of ripples, as if torn apart, it boiled completely.

The light whip curled up like a long snake made of thunder and lightning, covering a radius of tens of meters.

The shadow of the whip was like weaving, a series of deafening bangs, as if the rolling thunder that was close at hand shook the entire tribe, not to mention the Feilongtai, even if it was several miles away, the crisp sound of Midi pulling out the whip could be heard.

Seen from a distance, what the waving light whip brings up is no longer a thunder net, but a dark thundercloud. This cloud covers the sky and the earth, making the whole Feilongtai dark. Let alone an attack, if you don't dodge If not, even the dust will be smashed to pieces!

In the face of this overwhelming and continuous offensive, even the strong body of the dragon man suddenly felt suffocated, and even breathing became very difficult.

Tanius had to back off again and again.

But wherever he retreated, Midi followed.

Under the effect of Devil May Cry's advanced skill "Ghost Shadow Flash", Midi keeps twisting and teleporting, following her like a shadow.No matter how fast the speed is, as long as it is within the teleportation range of the ghost flash, it is impossible to escape or dodge.

What's more, the powerful dragon people don't have any advantage in speed.

So it didn't take long to retreat all the way, Tanius was forced to the edge of Feilongtai by Midi.

Falling off the flying dragon platform is one of the criteria for determining the outcome of a game.

Although it is a game of life and death now, if someone falls, it will be considered a winner.

Will you lose?

Or lose to a human?
As soon as this thought crossed Tanius' mind, he felt anger welling up uncontrollably.

Originally, in this one-on-one cold weapon battle, he should be the one who, relying on the advantages of the dragon man's physical body and long spear weapon, directly suppressed the opponent with a wide range of attacks, and could not even hit the opponent. Under such circumstances, come to a beautiful spike.

Then, he picked up the human corpse and showed off his power in front of those dawdling moderates from the Thunder and Lightning family.

But now, he was suppressed by that tiny human being instead, unable to hit even a single blow, and even forced into a corner!He was forced to this point in front of countless spectators on Feilongtai, under the watchful eyes of everyone!

How can this be tolerated?

Thinking of this, Tanius gritted his teeth violently, and finally no longer planned to hold back, but used all the killers that were originally prepared for the real battle.

This is his only choice, because the massacre in front of him, which was completely one-sided in his opinion, has turned into a real battle, and it is still the most dangerous kind.

He has run out of room.To win, you have to do your best.

Having made up his mind, the next moment, Tanius' dragon eyes suddenly enlarged, and a red light like blood rose from it.


Seeing the opponent's appearance, Midi, who has rebirth experience, immediately judged that this dragon warrior was finally going to make a real move.

From now on, is the real battle.

A real life or death situation.

Without any hesitation, the power in Midi's hand suddenly doubled.

A sharp whistling sound was heard breaking through the air, the air was instantly torn apart, and then a whip was drawn towards Tanius domineeringly.

The first form of breaking the army and raising the dragon whip is "shaking the mountain".

This is the first trick Midi learned. When he used it for the first time, he directly defeated the long spear army that the Seth family's Black Flame Legion was proud of. A city guarded by tens of thousands of people.

But now, Midi is several times stronger than at the beginning of the civil war, and his mastery of breaking the army and raising the dragon whip is far from the initial sharpening of the gun in front of the battle. It can be said that he has touched the essence.

When the whip was pulled out, it really had the momentum to shake the mountains.

The air was compressed to the extreme, and it seemed to be pressed down from the sky like a substance.The tightly knit rocks on the Dragon Terrace trembled slightly.Even the fine dust hidden in the crevices of the stones was shaken out by this whip, jetting around like a tiny fountain!
Under such pressure, Tanius, who was a dragon warrior, actually advanced instead of retreating.

As if to fight against the heavy air, a thunderous dragon chant resounded from his mouth, shaking the entire tribe and traveling tens of kilometers away.

Accompanied by the sound of the dragon's roar, the blood flames that were originally burning in Tanius' pupils spewed out from every pore of him, making the tall dragon man look like he was on fire average.

The next moment, Tanius clenched the battle gun in his hand, and exerted force on both feet, and the rock under his feet was instantly shattered into powder.

Under the mountains and mountains, this extremely arrogant dragonman warrior rose up against the mountain in spite of everything!

The two majestic and fierce moves collided head-on, and the surrounding scene became distorted in the annihilation of this huge magic power. People with insufficient levels could not even see the instantaneous change at this moment, and could only hear a dull sound. Loud noise.

Tanius flew out like a kite with a broken string. In the air, bright red blood sprayed from his nose and mouth like rain.But in the middle of the flight, he finally managed to turn over, regained his balance in mid-air, and landed safely.

A whip that was strong enough to shake the mountains was blocked.

Not only that, Tanius wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and muttered something to Midi. The next moment, countless flying thick fire snakes swam out of the void, as if they had been ordered, flying from all directions. Pounced on Midi.

There is no need for any complicated spells, and even the magic power does not need to be consumed. The dragon people are born to be able to cast extremely powerful magic.

Just like Xie Na can attract thunder, Tanius, who is of the flame family, naturally has his own innate skills.

Under the fluttering of the fire snake, Tanius suppressed the distress in his chest, swallowed the blood in his mouth, let out another dragon cry that shook his heart, and rushed over again with his war gun.

Faced with the dragon man's strong block and counterattack, Midi's expression remained the same - if the dragon man would be defeated by his whip, then Sky City would not be considered a hunting ground for the strong.

Compared with the Arad continent, the fighting intensity here is much higher, and Midi has long been prepared for this.

The first blow "Shaking Mountain" was drawn out, and before the move was over, he was already ready for the second blow.

At the moment when countless fiery snakes rushed towards the face, the light whip in Midi's hand swung out at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye, and from the whip body, there were spurts of half-moon-shaped sword energy one after another!
The second form of breaking the army and raising the dragon whip is "gale wind".

Sword Qi is originally a powerful move unique to Sword Soul, but now it is cast with a whip that is several meters long. Just one sword Qi is nearly ten meters wide, and nearly a hundred sword Qis instantly form a cloud that covers the sky. The sword qi storm of the day.

In the blink of an eye, all the fiery snakes that Tanius summoned were swallowed up by the storm of sword energy, and then crushed to pieces!
(End of this chapter)

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