Arad's Sword

Chapter 188 The Dragonman's Gift

Chapter 188 The Dragonman's Gift

"This guy!"

Tanius cursed inwardly, stopped abruptly again, and retreated for the second time.

But the speed of Midi's "gale wind" move was extremely fast, and the speed of the sword energy above it was even faster. Even if Tanius dodged in time, he was still brushed by the edge of the storm of sword energy.

In front of the sharp sword energy, the strong magic armor of the dragon man was like a thin piece of paper, unable to resist at all.In the blink of an eye, this mighty Dragon Warrior has turned into a blood man, covered with criss-cross wounds, some of which are even deep enough to show the bones.

Seeing that Tanius was really at a disadvantage and was still in a dangerous state, the flame-type dragonmen immediately started to stir up, and many dragonmen couldn't hold back anymore, ready to rush forward to end the duel , and several hot-tempered ones even drew their weapons and pushed towards Midi.

However, at this moment, a roar sounded.

"Get the hell out of here! This is my battlefield, this is my battle, no one is allowed to intervene!"

Tanius roared desperately, and looked at the flame dragons who were about to move with sharp eyes.These dragon people originally wanted to say something, but under the gaze of this leader, their only choice was to shut up, and then retreated to the audience in embarrassment.

"A group of idiots!" Tanius spat a mouthful of blood on the ground, then stared at Midi with bloodshot eyes, "Come on! Damn humans, let us decide the winner, The winner lives, the loser dies!"

This dragon man is quite interesting.

In Midi's eyes, a hint of appreciation could not help flashing.

Originally, he thought that the scene was going to get out of control. After all, this is the territory of the dragon people, and Midi would not be so naive as to think that he could really kill the warriors of their family in front of so many dragon people and then Get out of the way.He has already made preparations to rely on the thunder and lightning for protection in the melee, and he is also prepared to withdraw from Feilongtai, and even to escape from the dragon tribe.

However, Midi calculated all the factors, but did not expect that it was Tanius himself who calmed down the scene.

It is impossible to put it on the continent of Arad, among the scheming human beings.

Who would stop his own people from coming up to protect him when he knew he was bound to lose?
However, this extremely contemptuous and extremely arrogant dragon man did so.Because he seemed less willing to be seen as a loser or a coward than to die.

That being the case, then I will fulfill you.

Midi thought so in his heart, his figure flickered, and instantly turned into an afterimage, forcing him to go up.

The wounded Tanius couldn't keep up with the ghostly flashing movements. He couldn't dodge or retreat. The only thing he could do was to raise the gun in his hand and prepare to resist.

The next moment, Midi's eyes intersected with the Dragon Warrior's. With a flick of the long whip in his hand, the surging power from his body instantly condensed into one strand, and then converged on the head of the whip, falling from the sky like a meteor!

The third form of Breaking the Army and Rising the Dragon Whip, "Chasing the Stars".

"Mountain Shaking" is an irresistible force, "Gust" is unparalleled sharpness, and "Chasing Stars" is the ultimate speed.

When the whip was pulled out, the dragon people only saw a trace of light streaking through the air.

No one could clearly see what the blow was like, or even the whip that fell like a meteor.The speed of sound, the catching of eyes, and even the consciousness itself, nothing can keep up with this whip.By the time they realized it, the whip had already hit Tanius.

This blow, as if it had ended at the moment it started.

After a few seconds, there was a sudden clear sound.

Then, the battle spear in Tanius' hand broke into several pieces in an instant, the armor of his whole body was completely shattered and cracked, and streams of blood spurted out from his tall and burly body.Even the ground under his feet cracked inch by inch, and within a radius of tens of meters, it sank visibly as if being pressed down by mountains.

"You..." Tanius was taken aback for a moment, and then, looking into Midi's sight, he showed extreme anger.

He tried to say something, but before the dragon man had time to muster up the last strength to speak, his eyes went dark and he fell straight on the ground.

It is really strong.

Midi felt so emotional in her heart, and then looked down at the whip in her hand.

After performing the three major moves in a row, the light whip in Midi's hand finally reached the end of its lifespan. With a flick of the hand, it turned into a little starburst and went away with the wind, while the light whip in the hilt Each particle produced a crystal, and the light was even more dim, until it finally turned gray.

However, even if the weapon is destroyed, it does not prevent Midi from completing the final step.

With a slightly tired pace, he approached Tanius who was lying on the ground, and then slowly drew out the Black Sky Sword from his waist.

Then cut it down with a sword.

Accompanied by this sword, the outcome of this battle quickly spread throughout the Thunderfire Wings tribe.

Humans defeated the dragon people.

And it was Tanius who won the title of "Warrior" and had a great record.

All of a sudden, the dragon tribe, which hadn't had any news for many years, suddenly exploded.

Some people were happy because Tanius was usually used to violence and oppression, so he was not very popular.

But there are also people who are worried that such a strong human being will come to the sea of ​​trees.

There is also a small group of dragon people who are gnashing their teeth and planning to take revenge on Midi.

As for the thunder and lightning series, the mood is even more complicated.Rationally speaking, Midi's victory brought them the greatest benefits, eliminated their opponents, and consolidated their dominance within the tribe, but in any case, watching a compatriot fall under the sword of a foreign race is very important to them. It's not good, either.

However, for Midi, the mentality of the dragon people is not important at all.

After finishing the life-and-death situation in Feilong Terrace, he entered a secluded recuperation place specially prepared by the patriarch and began to retreat.

And this retreat lasts for a whole week.

"Level 44!"

Finally, on the seventh day, Midi let out a long breath and stood up from the closed room.

He felt that the originally slow-moving breath in his body seemed to be stirred up by a potential dragon, spreading and spraying to the veins of the limbs, circulating and swimming, reciprocating, endlessly, like a rushing river, flowing up and down the whole body Drumming and galloping.

On his face, a layer of crystal jade color appeared, flowing non-stop on his head, his eyes were as bright as stars, more airy than usual.

And the little golden sword in the body is also shining brightly at this moment, as if it has been washed by magic power, and the lead is gone.

After the Belmare civil war ended, she stayed at level 43 for a long time. Now after a hearty confrontation, Midi's level finally loosened, and she rose to level 44 in one go.

Combat, especially life-and-death battles, is always the only way to level up.

Not only that, because this upgrade was completed in an environment of pure magic, and therefore, Midi's body has also been transformed to a certain extent.If we say that when we first entered the Three Pagoda Tree Sea, we needed to rely on Midi's own breath and the essence of magic power to balance, then after this upgrade, Midi's body has completely adapted to the essence of magic power, even, it can be said to be "Combines.

However, if one wants to truly "control" the essence of magic power until it unleashes the full power contained in it, one still has to wait until one awakening.

But even so, Midi is already very satisfied, after all, upgrading itself means becoming stronger.

And at the same time of becoming stronger, it can also further get in touch with the environment of the sea of ​​trees, which is equivalent to killing two birds with one stone.

Feeling the new breath in his body, he walked out of the room.Outside, there was already a dragon guard waiting. Seeing that Midi had finally left the customs, he immediately stepped forward and asked him to go to the Dragon Horn Hall again in a very polite tone.

There is no doubt that it is time to reach an agreement.

Obviously, the dragon patriarch didn't want to cause any more commotion. The dragon guard led the way very carefully, and moved along the remote path on the edge of the tribe. Along the way, Midi didn't meet any other dragons, and didn't even talk to him. The captain of the guard, who was obviously inclined to the flame department, met him, and then entered the side hall of the Dragon Horn Hall through the secret passage on the side.

Here, the dragon patriarch Lucas and his daughter Xie Na, together with several other dragon elders, are quietly waiting for Midi's arrival.

The eyes of these dragon people looking at Midi are very complicated, but there is something more in them that they didn't have before.


Although Midi had rescued Xie Na, it was after all when Xie Na was hunted down to the end. In normal times, this patriarch's daughter would not pay attention to a small team of humanoid masters.

Although the patriarch of the dragon people chose the posture of dialogue, what they value more is the technology and products of human beings, not their strength.

But now, after witnessing the power of breaking the army and raising the dragon whip displayed by Midi on the flying dragon platform, these dragon talents finally have to admit that the human being they can look down at in front of them is actually not simple at all. , and in that seemingly weak body, there is even more unimaginable power hidden.

This power has been proven to be enough to defeat a dragon warrior.

Therefore, they respected it as a matter of course.

This is the Three Pagodas and the Sea of ​​Trees, and this is the Sky City.

This is the hunting ground for the strong, and the only standard that can pass here is strength.

"Mr. Patriarch, I think you should hear some good news today?" Midi said with a slight smile.

The patriarch of the Dragonman coughed, showed a relaxed smile, and nodded: "Our Dragonmen of Thunderfire Wings must do what we say, and since Mr. Midi defeated the Warrior, his strength has naturally been proved, and he can compete with We are very happy to have a dialogue with a strong person like you! In addition, I have also prepared some gifts, you can take a look first."

As Lucas said, he stepped forward and opened two boxes.

In the first box, there is a box full of lumpy stones. The stone is light blue-purple, and its translucent outline is faintly visible in the air. ".

And in the other box, there was a long whip coiled impressively.

"This whip is one of the treasures of Thunderfire Wings, and its name is Xingyun." Lukas introduced with a hint of undisguised pride.

(End of this chapter)

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