Arad's Sword

Chapter 190

Chapter 190
Although it was introduced by Midi, the appearance of Xie Na and Tanius still caused quite a commotion.

Just as the dragon people have never seen a living human being, except for the reborn Midi, basically humans have never seen a living dragon man.And now, there are two dragonmen exuding a tyrannical aura, standing in front of them.Even the most seasoned adventurer will be touched in the heart.

Not only that, on the way back to the west coast by boat, Midi didn't give any instructions. The two dragonmen can go wherever they want, including going into the sea-as long as they don't slow down the return speed.

Incomparably tyrannical physical strength, innate magic skills, a much stronger magic aura than ordinary professionals, and that kind of well-honed fighting skills, not to mention the lifespan that is said to be much longer than humans.

This is the race from Sky City.

With the further understanding of Xie Na and Tanius, the degree of danger of Sky City has also been raised to the highest level among the many adventurers of the Falcon Group.

This is exactly the purpose of letting the dragon people come and go at will.

After all, the strength he saw with his own eyes was more convincing than describing it in words.

Originally, the adventurers only regarded Sky City as another place similar to the inheritance of the Elven Royal Court. In their view, the Falcon Group is omnipotent, and the only opponent is the Delos Empire. As long as they can take the lead, then It is victory.

Although this kind of mentality is not stated explicitly, however, it is unknowingly growing in the Falcon Group.

And with the discovery of the rift on Deep Rock Island, even Dixon and Kelvin felt a little more relaxed, thinking they were done.

But now, after seeing these two dragon people, they realized that this was not the case at all.

If human beings want to gain a foothold in Sky City, they must face unimaginably powerful opponents.

The real tough battle has just begun.

Also, Xena and Tanius react differently to this new world.

As the daughter of the patriarch, Xie Na values ​​the cooperation between the two races and the two major forces.Although she had already made an agreement with Midi in the sea of ​​trees in the three towers, it was only Midi's opinion at the time. What kind of force is the "Falcon Group" and can it create the dragon race's needs? The energy-gathering ring, or even better magic props, Xie Na still has some doubts in her heart.

Therefore, after following Midi to the continent of Arad, what she has to do is to observe and communicate to understand the situation of the "Falcon Group".

Ironclad warships, triple artillery, all kinds of complex heavy machinery and equipment, plus the magic props made by the alchemist Norton that adventurers exchanged for "contribution points". After seeing these with their own eyes, Xie Na finally confirmed that Midi As well as Midi's Falcon Group, they can indeed be regarded as a top-notch force.

The daughter of the patriarch of the dragon clan even thought about it in her heart. Even if such a force is directly thrown into the sea of ​​trees with three towers, it must not be underestimated. is not a problem.

She couldn't help but rejoice that being able to form an alliance with Midi was worth far more than a few power-gathering rings.

Presumably, when the trade channel is opened, this channel will inevitably become a "troop channel". The defeat of the human race.

But when Xie Na was acting as a diplomatic ambassador and communicating frequently with humans, Tanius basically only had one evaluation.

"Weak! It's too weak!"

In the view of this dragon warrior with his eyes above the top, human beings really let him down to the extreme.

Those below level 50 don't need to look at it at all. Even those who have reached the top level of 50, the magic power in their bodies is extremely thin, which is completely incomparable with the enemies in the three towers of trees.

As for war machines such as armored battleships, in his opinion, it is no big deal. They are slow to respond, unable to turn around, and require a lot of cooperation. As long as they circle around a few times and find a blind spot of firepower, he alone can drive straight into it.

"Why do you have such a weak subordinate?" In front of Dixon and Kelvin, Tanius expressed his feelings without any restraint, and there was a kind of bewildered look in Midi's eyes. deceitful resentment.

The faces of paladins and magicians became very ugly in an instant. Although their eloquence was more than ten times higher than that of dragon warriors, but in the face of the absolute power gap between the two sides, any refutation would only be regarded as pale sophistry.

These two senior cadres of the Falcon Regiment are depressed. This is the first time in history that they have to bear such contemptuous gazes from above, and they have to be evaluated as "weak" in front of the leader.

Not only "weak", but also "so weak".

It's just that the two of them haven't reached the 50-level cap yet. With their current physical strength, they can't enter Sky City to experience the cleansing of the pure magic power, so they can only shut their mouths angrily.

"Dragon people were born in the Sky City to receive the nurturing of the essence of magic power. In contrast, the magic power of the Arad continent is thin, and it is quite remarkable to be able to reach this level. After they reach the top, they will absorb the essence of magic power. The level will naturally increase. Take it to a higher level." Midi naturally had to help his subordinates at this time, and he couldn't let Tanius talk nonsense.

"Should we just go back and forget it? If there are all such weak ones here, it would be meaningless to fight." Tanius said regretfully.

"That's not necessary." Midi's eyes turned to the distant coastline, where Faroe Bay is located, "Although most humans are weaker than dragon people, there are still a few people here who are worth fighting for you. I believe we will meet soon. But..."

"What's the condition?" Tanius snorted coldly.

"If my prey appears, don't snatch it." In Midi's sight, the coldness flickered away.

All the tricks of the Shinra Dojo come from the means of the Imperial Alchemist Guild. For such a big event as the competition for the Sky City, the other party must also send a first-class strong man to sit in it, right?

At that time, maybe that person will appear in front of him.

In Midi's mind, the face of that cynical middle-aged man appeared.

At the same time, on an island hundreds of kilometers east of Faroe Bay, in the secret port of Zhenluo Dojo, an inconspicuous merchant ship happened to dock.

And on the pier, the silver-haired woman who is the host of the Shinra Dojo, her deputy, the giant knight, and even the heads of the large and small forces that the Delos Empire has placed on the west coast have all disappeared. Gathered here, and separated on both sides of the pier like soldiers undergoing a review, waiting for the arrival of the big man on board.

"Good evening, everyone."

A frivolous and relaxed voice sounded.

The owner of the voice was dressed in an ordinary gray robe and an ancient staff. He was tall and had a calm expression. He always squinted his eyes. He looked quite approachable and gentle.

However, those who really know him know that he is one of the few strong men in the Delos Empire, and he is also a frantic alchemist who regards human beings as one of the many materials for magic experiments.

This person is Midi's old enemy, "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman Newton.

Two years ago, because of underestimating the enemy, during the noble war in Bel Mare, Wiseman's body was broken by Midi's extreme intent, leaving only his soul to return to the empire.However, soon, he used the necromancer's secret method to recast a body for himself, and started leveling again from scratch.

But in just two years, the current Wiseman has become the capper.

In two years, level 50 was capped, without using any medicine, nor relying on any external force to forcibly improve the cultivation level, purely practicing step by step by myself.

Although it is cut off and retrained, the experience is still there, the body is extremely perfect, and it is specially customized, but even a reborn person like Midi is not fully sure that he can be directly promoted from level 1 to level 50 within two years.

The talent of this "Hand of Nightmare" is evident from this.

At this moment, after finally regaining his full strength, and even stronger, he is back.

"Teacher, welcome to Feijiao Island." The silver-white haired woman stepped forward and bowed respectfully, her eyes filled with joy.

And behind her, the giant-like knight, when he saw this famous empire powerhouse, had an even more respectful expression. The original lion-like aura of giving it to me is now as meek as it is. Like a cute kitten.

"Let them all disperse, anyway, it's just a pawn for containment, take me to see that thing." Wiseman said casually.These faction leaders who have already taken root on the west coast, and each of them has the ability to respond to everything, are nothing more than a group of cannon fodder to him.

Hearing what the teacher said, the silver-haired woman didn't dare to neglect her, and immediately replied: "Yes."

And just after she gave the order to disband, Wiseman raised his staff and gave it a light tap on the ground.

In the next moment, a black ray of light rose from the ground like a whirlwind, enveloping the silver-haired woman, the knight, and Wiseman himself, and disappeared instantly.

This is teleportation magic.

There is no need to chant a spell, and even the traces of magic power gathering are not obvious, and the magic has already begun.Compared with the time when he played against Midi at that time, Wiseman's attainments are now more profound.

And when the teleportation ended, the silver-white-haired woman suddenly discovered that she, the teacher, had moved to the deepest part of Feijiao Island, a heavily guarded secret place with incomparable accuracy!

"Nightmare Hand" Wiseman Newton didn't care about breaking through the heavy defenses set up by his disciples in an instant, as if he had done an ordinary thing.

His attention has been fully focused on the thing in front of him.

It was a chasm.

A crack leading to Sky City.

"Can I use it?" The middle-aged man in a gray robe, at this moment, his narrowed eyes are shining with joy, like a child who has discovered a new toy, his expression is full of happiness.

"Currently, this rift has not been completely connected, and there is a barrier of void power in it, so it is not possible to enter the Sky City for the time being." The silver-white haired woman said with a little regret, and then added, "However, we can already get through it." The essence of magic power has been absorbed."

"Essential magic power? Very good." Wiseman's eyes lit up. "Let me taste it first. The taste of this thing is not as good as the century-old Silla wine."

(End of this chapter)

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