Arad's Sword

Chapter 191 Sea King Sacrifice

Chapter 191 Sea King Sacrifice

Midi was busy sorting out information about this adventure, and had to take care of the two dragonmen.

"Hand of Nightmare" Wiseman is busy extracting the essence of magic power, while improving the strength of Shinra Dojo.

Whether it was the Lionheart Dojo, the Shinra Dojo, or the Earl of Santa Island, who was always a blockbuster, or any other big shots, they all disappeared immediately.The two largest forces dormant on the west coast are concentrating on development and have no time to take care of others. Suddenly, before the most important event on the west coast, the "Sea King Festival", the entire Faroe Bay became calm.

This kind of calm gave the big maritime families an illusion, as if the restlessness related to the west coast was gradually stabilizing.

As a result, dance parties, afternoon tea parties and various entertainment activities have become more and more abundant.

Only a few people can feel that this is the last calm before the storm.

Time flies, and a few days passed quickly.

Finally, it's time for the "Sea King Festival".

For hundreds of years, the initial tedious ceremony of praying for calm oceans and a good harvest has now become a competitive arena where major maritime families compete for strength, ranking and intrigue.However, although the essence has long changed, the location of the Sea King Festival has never changed——

Haitian Island, this is where the Sea King Festival is held.

This small island is the only one on the west coast that is not affiliated.It is managed by the Faroe Bay City Council. It is usually surrounded by a fully armed fleet of honor. Within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, any fishing operations are prohibited, and commercial ships are not allowed to sail, except for those approved by the council. , During the year, it will only be open to the public during the Neptune Festival.

To some extent, Haitian Island can be regarded as a sacred place in the hearts of people on the west coast.

But now, the only ones who are qualified to set foot on it are destined to be the largest maritime families, and the emerging forces that have attracted the most attention on the west coast this year.

In the four large deep-water ports of Neptune Island, all kinds of sailboats are already parked.

These sailing ships have different styles, but they are all five-masted galleons, because they are all ships of the heads of the big maritime families.

And around Neptune Island, there are several fleets patrolling back and forth. These are naturally the armed fleets sent by the big maritime families to ensure the safety of the Patriarch.

On the sea, they show off their might, but on the islands, everyone competes with tradition and etiquette.

The resplendent hall, beautiful music, luxurious crystal lamps hang high on the dome, and expensive wool carpets are laid on the floor.All the guests are served with Bordeaux wine aged over 40 years. On the table, there are lamprey from the North Sea, camel meat from the southern Xinjiang, and right leg of alpine goat from the snowy region of Ston.

Originally, Faroe Bay naturally had many precious specialties. However, in this feast where rare things are more expensive, they could not be put on the table.

The courteous attendants are on call, the young and beautiful maids serve wholeheartedly, and the food and wine are accompanied by meticulous care. This scene is like a court ball, and it is the social stage for the big maritime families before the Neptune Festival.

Although there are no nobles in the traditional sense on the west coast, the cost of holding such a luxurious event on a small island can even be said to exceed those of Belle Mare's previous court balls.

And at this moment, apart from the patriarchs of those big families, all those present at the Sea King Ceremony are dragons and phoenixes, young talents, and many of them are the first heirs, or the most prestigious young people. .

Ordinary playboys are not qualified to set foot here, even if they have an excellent family. After all, in terms of surnames, who can be arrogant before mastering the clouds and sails of hundreds of sailing ships?

However, the difference from ordinary balls is that here, the competition between the children of the major families, the beauty of the young lady, and the main melody of the ball and teenagers and young people are almost invisible.

Whether it is a young talent or a famous courtesan, they are all keeping a low profile at the moment.They are very clear that today, they are just a foil, and the real protagonists are those Patriarchs who have the right to speak.

Soon, with the passage of time, more and more people were at the social banquet, and the heads of big families such as Yunlang and Feifan finally arrived here.

These patriarchs were all hugging each other, and greeted others with smiles on their faces along the way. They did not stop in the dance hall, but kept moving forward along the spiraling avenue, and finally came to a place on the huge platform.

This platform is built on the highest point of the island, on top of a cliff. Standing on it, one can not only overlook the entire Neptune Island, but also can look from a distance, and have a panoramic view of the surrounding tens of kilometers of sea area, with an excellent view.

In the middle of the platform, there are ten fire altars.

The largest fire altar is located in the center, and the other nine are smaller than one, spiraling around the largest fire altar.Among them, the blue magic fire is burning.

This is the Ten Square Beacon Tower used to hold the Neptune Sacrifice.

For those who have been with the sea all year round, direction is closely related to life, and therefore, lighthouses are their best partners.

This ten-way beacon tower is a kind of lighthouse. It is built on Neptune Island, just like the gateway to the west coast, implying to guide all sailing ships on the route.

And whoever can replace the magic fire for the largest fire altar naturally means that his family is the No. [-] family on the west coast, and then go all the way, from big to small, to determine the top ten.

This is the current process of the Neptune Festival.

"It's not too late, why don't you decide the seat now, so that everyone won't be worried, and you can relax when you have a carnival later." The head of the Feifan family glanced around and said loudly.

"Hmph, is the Feifan family so anxious? But this year, we, Yunlang, are still the first to change the fire. What's the use of you being in a hurry?" Another rough voice sounded, it was Yunlang who ranked first last year. The head of the Lang family was speaking.

Although it is possible to compete every year, the forces on the west coast do not change much. Except for the last few, the top ranks rarely change.

As for the wrestling of the largest first fire altar, it has always been Feifan and Yunlang.

Therefore, when the two Patriarchs opened their mouths, the other Patriarchs naturally shut up sensibly. After the two behemoths decide the winner, they will compete for the right to change the fire of the third fire altar.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, let us, the Feifan family, be the first to pay homage to the Sea God!" The head of the Feifan family snorted coldly and snapped his fingers.

On the side, Wells, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly delivered a flare gun.

Patriarch Feifan raised the flare gun and pulled the trigger directly. Accompanied by a clear gunshot, a bright light illuminated the sky.

The next moment, a siren sounded through the sky, and came from the sky.

Then, three huge warships slowly entered people's sight.

Even though they were several kilometers away, people could still feel the volume and weight of those three behemoths, and their surfaces reflected the cold light, obviously they were not warships made of ordinary wood at all.

This is the iron-clad warship carefully designed and manufactured by Wells, and now the three ships are out together, which is so powerful that it suddenly makes everyone's heart jump.

The three ironclad battleships clearly knew they needed to put on an eye-catching show.So, the three battleships separated slowly, first they blew their whistles to pay tribute to the many patriarchs and dignitaries who were watching on Sea King Island, and then, the battleships exposed their muzzles one after another and began to fire with all their strength.

Although there were no enemies, the terrifying firepower of the iron-clad battleship still made the waves rise up. For a while, many Patriarchs who watched this scene didn't even dare to vent their anger.Those who usually have a bad relationship with the Feifan family turned pale.

Obviously, with the current technology of the west coast, it is difficult to check and balance such an iron-clad warship.

However, Patriarch Yunlang snorted coldly, took a flare gun from his son, and fired the gun as a signal.

Soon, another fleet appeared in people's sight.

There are a total of six sailing ships in this fleet, all of which are three-masted full-brigade sailing ships. It's sailing, but it's like flying close to the water.

These six sailboats came up to show their speed, and then they suddenly formed a sharp formation, and launched a fierce attack on the sea ahead.There was no sound of rumbling guns, nor dazzling flames, only extremely sharp jets of water sprayed out from the bow of the ship, as sharp as knives, directly splitting the surface of the sea!
Obviously, whether it is the kind of sailing that is close to the sea as if gliding, or the attack that is displayed at this moment, it has the power of magic.If it is said that the armored battleship uses magic as power, then this kind of sailboat uses magic as a weapon.

It's just that one is thick and strong with powerful firepower, while the other is light and agile with unparalleled firepower. It's impossible to tell which one is stronger.

After all, this is the Sea King Ceremony, a stage to show off its power, but it is by no means a real battlefield. Although the two Patriarchs do not fight each other all the year round, it is impossible for them to fight each other and do such stupid things as a snipe and a clam fighting each other for the fisherman's benefit.

Just when the two sides were at loggerheads, an old man wearing a practice robe slowly came out from the crowd.

The old man coughed, scanned the surrounding crowd with his sharp eyes, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Let me introduce myself first, I am the chief instructor of the Hundred Thousand Imperial Army of the Xu Motherland, and also the teacher of Liufeng, you guys You can call me Mintai. The principle of this flying bird warship of the Yunlang family is actually nothing special, but it uses the water control stone from my homeland to achieve such a function, that's all."

A simple introduction, a simple explanation, without any publicity, but every Patriarch present clearly understood.

Today's Yunlang family has really teamed up with Xu Zu.

(End of this chapter)

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