Arad's Sword

Chapter 192

Chapter 192
In the past few months, Liu Feng, the messenger of the false motherland, often went out with Miss Yunlang, and after being beaten by Midi, he was arrested and sent to the Lion Heart Dojo to teach, and Miss Yunlang also He was ordered to stay at home, and has since died down.

Originally, many people speculated that Midi's action completely shattered the alliance intention between Yunlang and Xu Zu that had initially taken shape.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, at the Sea King Sacrifice, the famous old man Min Tai, the head coach of the [-] forbidden army, would appear in person and stand on the side of Patriarch Yunlang.

In an instant, the situation immediately changed.

No matter how strong the iron-clad battleship is, in the final analysis, it is only the Feifan family who made it themselves. How many ships can be built with Feifan's strength?

The flying bird warship of the Yunlang family not only has excellent performance, but also has strong political significance.This is something that the Yunlang family and Xuzu jointly researched. To be an enemy of this kind of warship is not only Yunlang's enemy, but also Xuzu's enemy!
Not only that, but from a business point of view, it is not difficult to imagine how much unquantifiable profits would be generated if Xu Zu gave priority to trade with the Yunlang family.

"It seems that our Yunlang family has to replace the first fire altar. How about it, brother, do you have no objection?" Patriarch Yunlang smiled slightly. There is no feeling of a villain gaining power, on the contrary, it makes people unable to get angry at all.

Patriarch Feifan pondered for a while, finally shook his head, sighed deeply and said, "Forget it, this year, let's change the fire with you!"

Patriarch Yunlang took a step forward contentedly, and was about to start the ceremony. However, at this moment, a voice as cold as frost sounded.

"Who allowed you to rank the seats without authorization?"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a beautiful woman with a slender figure and silver-white hair, separating from the crowd and walking steadily.And behind the silver-white haired woman, followed a knight as tall as a giant.

Neptune Island has regulations that no one, even the head of the family, is allowed to bring any weapons when they come, otherwise they will become the target of public criticism.Therefore, this giant knight didn't even have the simplest saber on him.It's just that even if he is bare-handed, people have no doubt that this guy can easily tear a black bear apart with a little effort.

And the silver-white-haired woman in front of him gave people an incomparably sharp feeling, as if if she looked at it a few more times, her eyes would sting.

It's not killing intent, nor hostility, but just the sense of coercion that naturally emanates from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, which makes these patriarchs who have been pampered for a long time involuntarily get out of the way, as if The sea water that parted in front of the reef was average.

"Who am I to say so shamelessly, isn't this the host of Zhenluo Dojo?" Patriarch Yunlang glanced at the white-haired woman and frowned involuntarily, "Although you are also invited by our Faluo Bay Council this time It's just that you are not qualified to intervene in the matter of the Sea King Ceremony."

In the view of Patriarch Yunlang, although Zhenluo Dojo is not small and powerful, it is nothing more than a dojo after all.

So what if there are so many masters?Under the overwhelming artillery of battleships, what strength does flesh and blood have to resist?

On the west coast, after all, it is the maritime family that has the final say, not those powers in the ashram who do not even have a few boats!
Although the hostess of the Shinra Dojo suddenly came out and intervened, which surprised Patriarch Yunlang, but which one of the previous Sea King Festivals went smoothly?It's not all side effects.

This woman would jump out, most likely because of the instigation or promise of some low-ranking families, and deliberately came out to disrupt the situation.Of course, it is not ruled out that it may be Yunlang's old enemy, the Feifan family is behind the scenes.

But, so what?
Yunlang has now formed an alliance with Xu Zu. Although Xu Zu is far away and the land area itself is not large, it is a country after all. Its strength is far above any family or even the forces on the west coast, even Faro Bay. Adding all of them up, it can't compare to Xu Zu.

Min Tai, the well-known head coach of the [-] Imperial Army, has already expressed his position in public.So far, does anyone really think that they can change this year's ranking?
"Chairman Zhenluo, I don't know which maritime family you formed an alliance with, or what benefits you received, but in any case, I advise you not to go into this muddy water, just a group of 40-level masters, you think Can you bear the consequences of destroying the Sea King Ceremony?" Patriarch Yunlang looked at the silver-haired woman and said condescendingly, at the same time, he put on a hat skillfully.

However, the silver-haired woman shook her head, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Patriarch Yunlang, you misunderstood. The Zhenluo Dojo has no alliance with anyone, and it doesn't need to. In my opinion, everyone present has no One is qualified to ignite the beacon towers of the ten directions, and the ten fire altars should be handed over to our Zhenluo dojo for safekeeping."

As soon as this unscrupulous remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

Jinra Dojo not only wanted to interfere with the Neptune Festival, but even declared that it would take all ten fire altars under its own sect. This is simply an enemy of all members of the Faroe Bay Council, and even the entire West Coast!
Patriarch Yunlang was stunned for a moment, but then he couldn't help but laughed out loud: "Sorry, host Zhenluo, your joke is too ridiculous, you want to light the fire altar? Why?"

Before Patriarch Yunlang could speak, a group of fully armed guards had already arrived on the beacon tower.

These are dojo masters trained by the Faroe Bay Council. All of them are above level 40, and they all work in a team. They have their own specializations and cooperate closely. It is far beyond the ability of ordinary level 40 adventurers to compete.

However, seeing Patriarch Yunlang's direct use of force, the silver-white-haired woman's eyes showed no panic, on the contrary, there was an undisguised banter.

Then, the woman made a slight gesture, and the giant-like knight jumped forward without saying a word.

Without any greetings, and no need, the two sides immediately fought together.

But to everyone's surprise, the ones who were at a disadvantage were those dojo masters from the Faroe Bay Council!

These masters who were selected from the top big families and carried magic weapons after many trials were completely powerless in front of the giant knight who was unarmed but in heavy armor.This is no longer a question of advantages and disadvantages, but a naked massacre.

The giant knight was like a lion rushing into the flock, grinning grinningly while waving his mighty iron fist.Whether it's weapons or flesh and blood, there is no resistance in front of his fists. It's just that in an instant, the originally neat queue was instantly torn apart by the rampant giant knight. It was like a piece of blood-stained rag.

And the countless broken corpses and blood splashed out made many ladies and ladies present shriek and scream. Even those so-called young talents with lower ranks turned extremely ugly, rather There is a thought of running away immediately.

"This bunch of bastards!" Patriarch Yunlang gritted his teeth angrily, but secretly frightened.

He called out the bodyguards of the council, mainly because he wanted to overwhelm others, but he did not expect that Zhenluo Dojo would really dare to make a move at the Sea King Festival.What shocked him even more was that these masters in the dojo who had been cultivated through hard work couldn't even stand up to the other party alone!
If this continues, the personal safety of their patriarchs will be threatened.

After all, although these patriarchs are all above level 45, they have always been pampered and pampered, and many of them have been promoted by relying on the nourishment of medicine and other natural treasures, mainly for the purpose of prolonging life. Fighting, not many of them are good at it.

Even if it is a man of the sea who has been on the ship for a long time like the Patriarch Feifan, after more than ten years as the Patriarch, the sword has already rusted, so how can he be sure to carry out actual combat?
"It's unseemly, knowing that the envoys of our Xu motherland are also here, and you want to make trouble. Everyone, leave this place to me." The Xuzu old man who has been standing by the side without saying a word, Min Tai, the instructor of the [-] forbidden army , finally said so in a hoarse voice.

Accompanied by this sound, the old man flew into the air and, like a swooping eagle, directly rushed towards the giant knight rampaging in the formation.The two sides were tens of meters away, and the old man suddenly opened his mouth wide and let out a deafening roar. In an instant, the knight who was rampaging like a rhinoceros suddenly froze on the field as if he had been struck by lightning.

Qigong master skill, lion roar.

In the next moment, before he could recover, dozens of thought energy bombs had already slammed down like hailstones!

After just a few rounds, this superb old man has already forced the giant knight to switch from attack to defense, and those dojo masters who have recovered, together with the newly summoned council guards, are even more reunited. It formed a formation one by one, pressing forward like an iron wall, obviously trying to capture the guests of Zhenluo Dojo together.

The envoy of the Xuzu showed his might, and Zhenluo Dojo was suppressed. Not only Patriarch Yunlang heaved a sigh of relief, but the other Patriarchs around him also felt emotional—he is worthy of being a qigong master of a great country, the instructor of a hundred thousand forbidden troops, and the famous Min Tai, compared to these so-called "dojo masters" on the west coast, is really not at the same level!

It seems that this time, the Yunlang family is still the number one family on the west coast.

Not only that, but the always domineering fighting school Shinra Dojo will become another stepping stone for Yunlang.

However, just when everyone thought that this farce, which was originally nothing special, was finally coming to an end, suddenly, the surrounding magic seemed to be boiling and trembling.

Min Tai, who was in the upper hand, suddenly changed his expression, and then jumped back recklessly, as if he was running away from something.

However, before he could dodge, an incomparably sharp black light had already broken out from the ground, and in an instant, it directly pierced through this 50 Imperial Army coach, a [-]-level top-notch qigong master!

It was a black spear with barbs.

"Not bad, I caught a big fish when I came up, it seems that my luck today will be very good!"

The next moment, a cynical voice sounded slowly.The sound was not loud, but it was like the cold wind blowing from the ice peaks of the North Country, making everyone's hearts tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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