Arad's Sword

Chapter 193

Chapter 193
This joking and relaxed voice seems to have magical powers, making people involuntarily follow the reputation.

Then, an inconspicuous middle-aged man wearing an ordinary gray robe and smiling came into their sight.

As one of the top cadres of the Imperial Alchemist Guild, Nightmare Hand usually spends most of his time in the laboratory, and the rest is immersed in various conspiracies and schemes. These so-called maritime families on the west coast are completely different from him. They are not in the same world, therefore, these Patriarchs have no idea who this seemingly kind man in front of them is.

However, the pupils of Min Tai, the instructor of the Hundred Thousand Forbidden Army, suddenly shrank.

"Hand of Nightmare, Wiseman? Newton! You really came back to life!" The old man's voice was full of vigilance and vigilance, but more of it was a subconscious awe.

"I'm much younger than you, old man Mintai, how could I die before you?" Wiseman smiled slightly, pressing down the simple staff in his hand.

Driven by the surging magic power, the black spear that penetrated the opponent penetrated further until it nailed Min Tai to the ground. Then, the bricks and stones on the ground continued to shatter, and a huge, barbed spear The spider came out of the soil.

Necromancer skill, summon sword spider.

What penetrated Mintai was not a weapon at all, but a long leg of the sword spider.

How can this be?

How could there be such a big sword spider!
Min Tai's eyes were full of shock. The coach of the Hundred Thousand Imperial Guards, who had always been calm like water, finally felt a strong threat at this moment.

Originally, although he was penetrated, he had already twisted his body at the last moment, allowing the sword spider's attack to avoid the internal organs and spine, which was not considered a serious injury.As long as he can break the spider leg that runs through him with one palm, Min Tai can escape, and then heal himself on the spot with the help of Xuzu Qigong master's secret method, and return to his peak state.

But at this moment, facing this huge sword spider, he has no way to deal with it.

He summoned all the strength in his body, and hit the spider leg that pierced through him blow after blow, but his internal strength was like a stone sinking into the ocean, without any effect.

And as time passed, the injuries on the coach of the forbidden army became more and more serious, blood continued to spill out, and the viscera, organs and bones all over his body were further compressed like a mountain, and he let out a burst of mourning.

"Nightmare Hand" Wiseman pressed his cane down again.

The sword spider let out a cheerful neigh, stretched out its second leg, sent it forward, and pierced Min Tai again.Then, it split its legs, and directly tore Xu Guoguo, the famous coach of the Hundred Thousand Imperial Guards, into two halves!

Blood, bone fragments, minced meat, and various internal organs of the human body were thrown into the air under the tyrannical force of the sword spider, like a rain of blooming flowers, dazzling, but frightening.

The entire beacon tower became silent in an instant.

Kill level 50 cappers with one hit.

He is also the top qigong master in the Xu country.

It's not about shooting yourself, but letting your summoned beast attack!
What kind of strength must be achieved to be able to achieve this level?
Nobody knows the answer.

But everyone knew that as long as this person moved his finger, he would surely die.

Facing this middle-aged man who is as tall as a god of death, whether it is the so-called young talents, or the head of the family who does not change his expression before the landslide, they are all thinking of running away, even Yunlang and Feifan. The two couldn't sit still.

It's just that, looking at the calm look of the other party, and the eight compound eyes of the sword spider like a hill blinking in front of it, no one dared to act rashly, fearing that if one was not careful, it would lead to a disaster of death.

Looking at the trembling West Coast figures in front of him, "Nightmare Hand" nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "I am late for the introduction, I am Wiseman Newton, the foreign affairs executive of the Delos Empire Alchemist Guild. I am very happy I'm glad to be able to participate in the grand event of the Sea King Festival, and it seems that it is very interesting to light the ten-direction beacon tower, and everyone on the west coast should have no objections, right?"

This simple and peaceful introduction immediately made many Patriarchs present feel a chill to the bone.

Although he is not familiar with the name Wiseman Newton, the Delos Empire Alchemist Guild is a well-known and notorious term.

Big bangs, human experimentation, poison distribution, assassination and even invasion, wherever there is a guild of alchemists, there is war and inescapable death.It is like a blood-stained butcher knife in the hands of the empire, as long as it is lightly swept across the ground, it is enough to turn thousands of people into bloody corpses.

And since the man in front of him claims to be the executive officer of the Alchemist Guild, the situation at this moment is already clear.

This is a huge chess game arranged by the empire!

That huge monster probably had its eye on the west coast long ago, so it secretly established the Shinra Dojo, continuously infiltrating its own power into the Faro Bay, thereby collecting a large amount of information and gathering manpower.But now, when everything is ready, the Sea King Festival, a grand event gathering countless big figures, has become their biggest hunting ground.

What's ridiculous is that the principals of the major maritime families didn't know that they had become fat in the eyes of others, and they were still calculating with each other, but in the end, they were wiped out.

"Go, perform the ceremony immediately. Let everyone know who the current owner of this sea area is." Wiseman nodded to the silver-haired woman, and then said, "Then prepare those The magic contract is brought out, I believe that everyone in Faroe Bay should be very happy to cooperate with our empire, it is better to settle it early, and everyone can feel at ease, right?"

Looking at the condescending Wiseman, the silver-haired woman with a mocking smile on the side, the expressionless giant-like knight, and the daunting giant sword spider in front of him, in the eyes of every patriarch, involuntarily An extremely bitter feeling emerged.

The fire altar was taken away, but it was just a superficial effort, but if a magic contract was signed, not only the signer himself, but also his blood would be restrained to a certain extent.

However, if he refuses, maybe within today, the entire family will be slaughtered by the empire.

What choice is there but to submit?
However, at the next moment, without warning, a black ray of light wrapped in countless filaments of lightning suddenly descended from the sky.This brilliance broke the strange silence, the icy stalemate, like a sharp long sword piercing the sky, slashed down!

The silver-white-haired woman and the giant knight instinctively put on a defensive posture for a moment, and even Wiseman, who had been smiling all the time, had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

And that huge sword spider that was as big as a hill let out an extremely sharp neighing sound, suddenly raised its heavy body, and the four huge sword limbs in front crossed each other, obviously trying to block the blow that fell from the sky !
But it didn't work.

In front of this ray of light, the long black limbs of the sword spider that instantly killed a level 50 Xuzu qigong master were as fragile as newborn bamboo.Only an incomparable "click" sound was heard, and the limbs of the sword spider were cut off in an instant, and the light traces went all the way down without stopping, splitting it into two in an instant!
Green body fluids spewed out with a stench, and immediately formed a corrosive swamp. The huge body of the sword spider, which was divided into two halves, slowly fell on the beacon tower, and it was completely dead without even struggling.Only the remaining complete limbs were still twitching and trembling, as if conveying the fear of this terrifying summoned beast before it died.

Amidst the surprise and shock of the crowd, a figure lightly landed on the beacon tower, opposite to "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman Newton.

Black hair, black eyes, young and handsome face, a long black and dull sword on his waist.

"The Earl of Santa Island?"

"Elder Feiai of the Lionheart Dojo?"

"It turned out to be him!"

When seeing the face of the visitor clearly, many sharp-eyed people immediately exclaimed.

The Earl of Santa Island naturally also participated in the Sea King Festival.However, on this island where many patriarchs gather, Midi is only regarded as a young talent. Although he defeated the master of the Xu country with one blow, personal force cannot represent everything after all.

Therefore, when the Neptune Sacrifice ceremony is about to begin, most people did not pay attention to the rookie on the west coast.

However, at this moment, this ghost swordsman, who was not even 20 years old, unexpectedly killed the sword spider that killed Min Tai with a single sword!
The strength of force is so strong that it is enough to be on an equal footing with the executive officer of the Imperial Alchemist Guild.This is by no means a level that can be achieved through simple adventures, let alone ordinary people, even a truly big family with inheritance is far behind!

Who is he?

All of a sudden, this question kept popping up in people's minds.

"Long time no see, Mr. Wiseman." Midi greeted lightly.

Wiseman looked at the young man who had beheaded himself once, but did not answer. After a while, he smiled as if relieved, and replied, "Indeed, long time no see, Midie Asrex."

The silence and confusion on the beacon tower were instantly broken with the appearance of this name.No matter if it was a lady who liked to gossip, or a young talent with high self-esteem, or those patriarchs with deep palaces, they couldn't help making noise.

Midi Asrex.

The strongest ghost swordsman, the genius commander, the commander of the Falcon Group, the lover and comrade-in-arms of the Queen of Magic Bullets, the founding father of the Kingdom of Bel Mare, and the "Sword of Victory and Protection". The legend of the legendary figure, the strength of the limelight, even the talents of the Delos Empire are not ashamed.

It turned out to be him!

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(End of this chapter)

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