Arad's Sword

Chapter 207: Mountain of Stars

Chapter 207: Mountain of Stars

Unaware of the various changes at the top of Sky City, Midi and Wiseman are currently climbing up with their respective armies.

Originally, the interior of these three towers in the sea of ​​trees in the Three Pagodas was impassable, and they were full of evil spirits. This evil spirit could not only poison creatures to death, but also erode the magic power, making the magic power impure. No matter whether it is a humanoid master, or an elemental giant, or even other tyrannical beasts in the sea of ​​trees, they cannot enter the tower.

But with the appearance of the Sky City, the small world disappeared, and the entire area was connected to the Arad Continent, and the evil spirit dissipated immediately, thus making the tower, which was originally a decoration, become a passage.

And the top of this passage is the Hanging City.

Although it is called a "city", in fact, it is a piece of land supported by three high-rise towers, and above it is a large area of ​​ruins left by the Celestial War, among which there are many kinds of monsters, monsters, and high-level elements. Lords, and even the still-operating Celestial War Machines and so on.

Part of it, with the disappearance of the evil spirit, also began to seep down the tower.

The interior of the tower is huge. If you want to compare it, it is like the inside of a towering mountain. Going from the tower to the hanging city is like climbing a mountain.And the monsters that invaded down from the hanging city were like going down a mountain.

Therefore, when Midi and Wiseman each led their troops to climb up from the inside of the tower, they would naturally collide head-on, and a fierce battle would ensue.

Soaked in the pure magic power stronger than the sea of ​​trees for hundreds of years, the monsters in the Hanging City have basically reached the 50th level cap, and all of them are powerful.It's just that they lack organization and discipline after all, and they have formed a deadly feud with each other due to long-term fighting. Facing the orderly army, these monsters can't be a hindrance, on the contrary, they make the adventurers from the continent of Arad They have continuously increased their strength.

"This is a hollow fish. The spines are covered with poison. They can be fired. Be careful when approaching. Its weak point is the fourth spine, which is its magic power center. It can reduce speed and firepower when hit. If it is destroyed kill it.”

"That's Yadeyan. The body is actually a crystal condensed from the essence of fire elements. Don't be disturbed by the flames outside. Feel the flow of its magic power, and then kill with one blow."

"This is Bingnais, just like Yadeyan, but it is a collection of ice elemental crystals. To deal with this, you must use vibrating bullets or armor-piercing bullets. Gunners come forward!"

"Those armored enemies are called Destroyers. They are magical life forms sent from the heavens. They have no weaknesses. They must completely wipe out their magic power. Don't be careless. Fortunately, these Destroyers have no one to command them. Fight on your own, you can form a siege and familiarize yourself with their strength and attack patterns by the way, in the future, this may be our big opponent."

On the premise of not arousing suspicion and speculation, Midi conveyed the experience of the previous life to the elites under his command little by little.

This is the experience gained by thousands of adventurers at the cost of blood and lives, far exceeding the level of the so-called "Monster Illustrated Book", including many life-saving details, plus Midi personally leading the team, Every time they fight, they rush to the forefront. Therefore, the Falcon Group's progress in attacking the Dragon Tower is much faster than that of the Delos Empire's attack on the Giant Tower, but the loss is much smaller.

But to say that the biggest gain is naturally the improvement of the level.

For professionals, it is also possible to increase their level by retreating to absorb magic power, but not only is the speed extremely slow, but even if the level is improved, the real combat power will not be improved much.

In the final analysis, fighting is the best catalyst.

Now, the battle in the Dragon Tower is extremely intense. Not only are there a large number of enemies, but all of them are extremely fierce. This creates an environment full of battles. In addition, the more you go up, the stronger the essence of magic power. Therefore, almost everyone in the Falcon Group is constantly upgrading.

And when the Falcon Group finally reached the top of the Dragon Tower, Midi's level was only one step away from the top.

"Level 49!"

Walking out of the dark Dragon Tower and stepping onto the endless hanging city, Midi let out a long breath.

After this series of hard battles, although the current Midi has not yet reached level 50, but with the golden sword as his background, his real strength has already greatly surpassed the average level 50 opponent.

However, Midi is also very clear that on the other side of the Hanging City, Wiseman Newton, who is still fighting in the giant tower, may have gained a lot.Although the "Nightmare Hand" has reached level 50 and cannot go any further, necromancers do not rely solely on their own strength to fight. Once they capture the souls of those powerful monsters, they can easily multiply their strength several times .

Not only that, apart from Wiseman Newton and his imperial army, there are also truly terrifying enemies in this hanging city.

After all, this is the Holy Land of Awakening, the birthplace of Awakening Stone Crystal.

Then of course, there will be 50-level cappers who will use this condition to awaken.

Moreover, when Sky City was completely closed and there were almost no competitors, he could choose the environment that suits him best, and then wake up alone in peace.

With Midi's current strength, this kind of near-perfect Yijue powerhouse would be extremely fearful even with a small golden sword.

It is necessary to reach the 50-level cap as soon as possible, completely defeat the empire's army, and make it unable to touch Sky City for a period of time, so as to create conditions for its own awakening.

Reborn in this life, Midi has already performed a perfect job change, so naturally, he also longs for a perfect awakening.

Not only must oneself be perfectly awakened, but Fina and Alice must also be perfectly awakened!

This is Midi's goal.

But the first step now is naturally to make good use of the advantage of time to occupy the vital points of the Hanging City as soon as possible.

"Lord Midi, the scouts have already been sent out, please give an order!" Kelvin and Xie Na came to Midi's side and looked at the black-haired and black-eyed young man with eager eyes.

The establishment of the Falcon Regiment was restored, and this magician who had reached level 50 naturally stood up as a staff officer. On the other hand, there are still more than two thousand dragonmen in this area of ​​pure magic power. The main force, and Xie Na has gradually become familiar with the identity of the commander. The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, can be regarded as Midi's adjutants.

As for Tanius, it is natural to lead the stormtroopers in the front, Dixon is in charge of the paladins, and Sigmund is in charge of the long-range combat power.In the process of conquering the Dragon Tower, these professionals from different regions, with different concepts and backgrounds, and even different races, have gradually worked together.

And the vanguard of the Falcon Regiment under Midi's command finally had the appearance of a master of all battles.

Glancing at the energized troops, Midi nodded: "After a short rest, immediately break out of the camp, our goal is there!"

As he spoke, he pointed to a tall and steep mountain in the distance.

The name of this mountain is Qunxing Mountain.

Although the mountain looks extremely steep from a distance, like a Jedi, Midi, who has the memory of the previous life, is very clear. If you look down from a higher altitude, you will find that the mountain of stars is located in the center of the entire hanging city. Obtaining it is equivalent to putting the entire hanging city within the attack range.

Not only that, but there are many springs in the mountain, all of which gushes out high-purity spring water that has been washed by magic power and has a certain body-strengthening characteristic. There are countless water veins underground, so there is no need to worry about running out of ammunition and food.

And most importantly, Qunxing Mountain itself has something strange.

In the previous life, with the progress of Midi's strategy, he was naturally not a pioneer, and he didn't even have the opportunity to enter Sky City in the previous batches.By the time he, Fina, Alice, and the elite of the Falcon Group from the previous life arrived in the Hanging City, the best resources of the Hanging City had already been consumed.

Among them, the one that was plundered most cleanly was the Mountain of Stars. Almost nothing was left behind, and even the pure magic power became extremely thin, almost becoming a magic vacuum zone.

Because of this, Midi concluded that this high mountain is not only an important military location, but also that there may be a lot of resources hidden in it, for example, awakening stone crystals that can be perfectly awakened, or relics that can still function in the heavens.

Now that the Sky City has just opened, no matter who it is, who comes to the Feizhou where the Hanging City is located for the first time, they don’t know the whole picture. Even if they use flying props to scout and overlook it, it will take a considerable amount of time to draw a rough map. .

And since Midi has the foresight, he will naturally occupy the best position when he comes up.

The Hanging City is huge, but after all it is just a flying island, and its area is much smaller than the Three Pagodas Sea of ​​Trees. After just one day, the team has already arrived at Qunxing Mountain.

Without any hesitation, Midi immediately sent out a large number of scouts to survey the specific terrain, looking for suitable locations to build military fortifications, and at the same time ordered the dragon people to clean up all the surrounding monsters and magical life forms.As for the various secrets rumored in the previous life in the mountains of stars, he temporarily suppressed his thoughts and did not move.

Big secrets are bound to be accompanied by big risks. Even if you really find the perfect awakened stone crystal, there may be extremely powerful guards watching.Now Midi has just gained a foothold on the Mountain of Stars due to the time difference, and has not yet reached the level where she can face-to-face with a strong Yijue.

The most important thing now is to defeat Belle Mare's biggest competitor, the Delos Empire.

After one night, when the fortifications built by the alchemy technology that the Falcon Group is proud of are finally completed, when the flag of the Falcon Group is flying over the mountains of stars, on the distant horizon, a huge The incomparable army finally appeared in front of everyone.

That was the army of the Delos Empire, a terrifying army of undead created by the "Hand of Nightmare".

(End of this chapter)

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