Arad's Sword

Chapter 208 Battle of the Hanging City

Chapter 208 Battle of the Hanging City

When this army of undead appeared, everyone in the Falcon Group became silent.

Of course, Midi has already prepared various countermeasures, such as flame bombs, flame arrows, holy light bullets, holy light arrows, holy water, blessing crystals, etc., and the equipment used to restrain the undead is very complete.

Not only that, he also specially transferred Lilian, the general who had been fighting with Midi, Fina and Alice more than two years ago, and now personally leads an elite formation of Blue Fist Holy Envoys, which is In order to combat the offensive of the undead.

However, even so, a dignified atmosphere permeated involuntarily.

Because this army of undead is too many!
The army that attacked Sky City was mainly composed of 3000 warriors from the Dragonoid tribe, plus the elite recruited by Belle Mare, the pilots of the vanguard boats, and a few high-level alchemists. When you get up, there are only a little over [-] people.

But at this moment, the army of undead formed by the Delos Empire actually numbered more than [-]!
With three thousand against ten thousand, even with the best means of restraint in hand, it is impossible to be [-]% sure of winning. What's more, among the ten thousand undead, many of them are rough-skinned and thick-skinned. One tall undead giant puppet is worth ten.

Undoubtedly, this will be an extremely difficult battle. If the line of defense is breached accidentally, it will immediately lead to the collapse of the whole situation and the destruction of the entire army.

Not only that, behind the formation of the undead army, there are thousands of soldiers of the Delos Empire, all of them are fully armed and full of murderous aura. They are obviously elite fighters selected from a hundred, and even generals.

Looking at the densely packed undead army and the confident imperial soldiers behind him, Midi's heart suddenly sank, but what made him feel heavy was not the number of the undead army, but "Nightmare Hand" Wiseman • Newton's strategy.

Could it be that this mortal enemy, who has never played cards according to common sense, really followed the rules this time and planned to take a safe route?

Besides, even though the [-] undead army looks scary, when it comes to fighting, Midi believes that the final victor must be himself.And he is also convinced that with the IQ of "Hand of Nightmare", he can also predict this unsurprising result.

After preparing for such a long time, betting on the fate of the empire, and finally relying on a bunch of mindless undead to fight a losing battle?

The "Nightmare Hand" that Midi knows, no matter in the previous life or in this life, the terrible death manipulator who played with many dignitaries and generals in his hands, would never do such a thankless task things.

But although his heart was full of doubts and vigilance, Midi couldn't see Wiseman's real strategic intention hidden in this army of undead, which was what he was most worried about.

And within this short period of investigation, the army of undead had already been driven by the necromancers, crossed the large ruins in the Hanging City, and rushed towards the mountains of stars.

"Attack, make more breakthroughs." Midi returned to her usual calm demeanor, and then issued an order.

If the undead army is allowed to rush to the fortifications, then there is no need to worry about Wiseman's conspiracy. The 3000 people of the Falcon Regiment will be dispersed on the spot. Not sent.

While the handsome flag was being waved, under the guidance of the magic communication, the elite fighters of the Three Thousand Falcons began to attack.

The 3000 people were instantly divided into several columns, like several black sharp spearheads, piercing towards the sea of ​​undead.At the same time, heavy trebuchets and bed crossbows poured burning stone bullets and silver-branded giant arrows down like raindrops on the fortifications that had already been built.

Under the combination of long-range and melee attacks, the seemingly terrifying undead immediately revealed its fragile nature.

These puppets with poor brains, or no brains at all, can only act under the instructions of necromancers. In terms of specific details and movements, they rely entirely on instinct. Once they feel an attack with a restraint attribute, they will naturally respond. Choose dodge.In this way, facing the oncoming fire attribute and holy attribute attacks, they could easily become disorganized, and when they were attacked by the vanguard, they would become even more chaotic, and immediately lost the room to deploy. Can only be slaughtered.

Although it is difficult for the night saber group to survive in the pure magic power, and the night saber cavalry regiment that Midi is used to can't go to the hanging city, the penetrating power of the dragon people is definitely not inferior to the power of human and elf cavalry .

Under the command of Midi, from a distance, the columns of the Falcon Regiment are constantly weaving back and forth in the sea of ​​the undead army, like sharp knives with tacit cooperation with each other, cutting out a piece from the opponent's formation from time to time, and then Cooperate with the fortifications to completely eliminate it.

Soon, thousands of undead puppets, including many giant puppets, were completely killed.

Although the soldiers of the Falcon Regiment also suffered casualties, if this momentum can continue, there is no doubt that before the dragonmen and humans exhaust their energy, the first to be defeated will be the front of the undead!

Unlike the general formation of the army, the formation of the undead is always loose and unresponsive. It is much easier to penetrate through it than to break through a team of paladins holding giant shields.And as the dragon people with strong penetrating power charged and cut again and again, although the undead army was only damaged by one-tenth, the degree of looseness was far more than that.

At this level, the next charge no longer needs to target the undead, but can go a long way, directly penetrate into the depths of the undead army, and then kill those real enemies-the necromancers of the empire!

And once the necromancer is killed, the army of undead will naturally become a cluster of monsters no different from ordinary monsters, as long as a little trick is used to lure them away, they don't even need to manage them.

This is the simplest and most classic tactic against the undead, multiple breakthroughs.

It is not for the purpose of completely destroying the opponent, but only for killing the core necromancers so that the fruits of victory can be reaped.

Relying on the powerful combat power of the dragon people, the incredible destructive power of Tanius, and various targeted weapons, at this moment, Midi has brought this tactic into full play.

And with the change of the battle situation, the imperial people seemed to be shaken, and the turn of this army of undead became more and more lacking in rules. The imperial soldiers in the rear seemed to be a little bit unable to hold back, and they were ready to step forward to support.

"My lord, are we going to send the reserve team out?" Kelvin's slightly excited voice came from the magic communication.

Any qualified commander can see that, to reach this level, what is needed is no longer the destruction of the formation, but to use a strong front to penetrate directly, and to cast a deadly blow before the enemy reorganizes the formation. hit.

But, listening to Kelvin's words, Midi hesitated.

"My lord?" Kelvin didn't react for a while, and asked a few times to the magic communication.

Midi Athlex would actually hesitate. This kind of thing has never happened before.

What's more, even if it is to gather heavy troops to penetrate the center, it is actually not a military adventure-in case the penetrating power is not enough, or if the opponent uses some backhands, with the tyrannical strength of the dragon people, even if they cannot defeat them, they will always be able to defeat them. Can you go back?As long as the time comes to hide in the fortifications, there will be no danger at all.

"Let the dragon warriors in the middle gather, make a tentative charge, and immediately return to retreat when they reach the enemy's formation! Tanius and Dixon each lead a team, press the formation on the two wings, and it is forbidden to go deep!" Midi finally The order was given.

"This?" Kelvin didn't recover for a while.

This order is too cautious, too conservative, right?
"Do as I say immediately, Kelvin, and leave the overall situation to you."

"So what about you?" Kelvin asked quickly.

"It's time to prepare for the 'Falcon Wing'." Midi gritted her teeth and walked towards the rear of the fortification.

There, there is a landing field that has just been built according to the mountain.The 120 seven pilots and their vanguard boats were all there waiting for Midi's order to rain down a rain of flames from the sky that no one could resist.

Although Midi's order ran counter to everyone's expectations, under the majesty of the genius commander and the ever-victorious commander, no one dared to question this order on the battlefield, even the most rebellious Tanius. He just mumbled, "What does this guy want to do again?" He honestly led a group of dragonmen and pressed them up from the flanks.

And the team of [-] dragonmen in the middle immediately gathered as a front and began to charge.

The undead army, which had already been cut into pieces by the multi-click breaking tactics, could not stop such a sword-like team. Under a series of attacks, the defense line of these undead was quickly penetrated, and the dragon man The army has already reached a position close to the center.

After entering the formation and defeating the undead, dozens of necromancers immediately appeared in front of these dragonmen.

Seeing these formation breakers close at hand, these necromancers immediately recited long and obscure incantations, and before the dragons had time to attack, a magic formation that had already been drawn appeared under their feet. In an instant, it dissipated into the air like light smoke.

"Transfer the circle instantly?" The captain of the dragon man suddenly felt a little bad.

He originally wanted to go deeper into the enemy's formation and try to kill a few more necromancers. Even if he slightly violated Midi's order, it shouldn't be a big deal.But at this moment, the dragon man keenly felt that an unprecedented danger seemed to envelop him.

"Retreat, retreat immediately!" Captain Dragonman issued an order loudly.

However, it's too late.

The eyes of the undead who were originally slow moving suddenly became red like blood, and their movements suddenly became much sharper.

And above the sky of the Hanging City, dozens of black shadows flitted past at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye, tearing apart the white clouds, splitting the air, and projecting the shadow of death onto the battlefield.

 On Tuesday, continue to ask for tickets, all kinds of requests!
(End of this chapter)

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