Arad's Sword

Chapter 220 Extraordinary Awakening

Chapter 220 Extraordinary Awakening
Under the oppression of a huge amount of dragon blood white crystals, Midi's whole body has been invaded inside and out, and even the small golden sword in his body is unafraid. Like a rusty blunt knife, no matter how hard you try, you can't break through the barrier.

The feeling of the legs, hands, arms, and even the body itself is becoming numb little by little.There was no pain, but it was as if his body had been peeled off bit by bit, and in the end only his brain was still thinking, and only the root of his tongue was left with a bitter and cold taste of rust.

Midi had had this feeling once, and would never forget it.

This is what death feels like.

However, even at this time of life and death, Midi's consciousness is still clear, and it can even be said that it is calm to the extreme, even to the point of coldness.

It is precisely because he died once that he knows death very well.The more you are at this time, the more you can't stop thinking, just like in the ice and snow, once you lie down and sleep, you will never wake up again.

Only by insisting on resisting this kind of confinement with consciousness can there be a glimmer of hope for survival.

In this way, Midi continued to grit his teeth and persisted. Regardless of the detachment of his body and limbs, regardless of the loss of control of the magic power, he just continued to try his best to operate the magic power in his body in the usual way.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, after a long struggle of consciousness that seemed as long as centuries, in the body that had been completely imprisoned, there was something that finally responded to Midi's call.

That is Midi's ghost.

At the moment when even Jiyi lost its sharpness, this mysterious ghost and god broke free from the shackles of the white crystal of dragon blood, like a substitute for the heart, rhythmic again and again, driving the full dragon in Midi's body. The blood white crystal liquid started to circulate!
The flow rate of the dragon blood white crystal became faster and faster, driving the whole pool into a huge vortex, and Midi sat in the center of this vortex, not moving at all, or wanting to move Can't move either.

Under the double washing of the body and the outside, Midi only felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, as if a small sun was rising in his body, and countless magical powers were ejected from the seven orifices and pores.

First of all, it is the thin magic power that remains in the corner of Midi's body, the Arad Continent.

This magical power was forced out of Midi's body in an instant, and was wiped clean.

Then, the essence of magic power that was originally filled in Midi's body was pulled out in the blink of an eye, and then completely disassembled.

Then, there was the pale golden aura of the little golden sword. Although under the dual power of Jiyi and ghosts and gods, the pale golden aura was stalemate for a while, but Dragon Blood White Crystal was too domineering, and within a few seconds, They are also excluded from the body.

The little golden sword that had lost its light golden aura suddenly dimmed, sinking continuously like a piece of iron that had completely lost its vitality.

But Midi couldn't care about these anymore, because soon, his body reached an extremely high temperature, and the sweat seemed to be out of control, continuously oozing out from every pore.For a moment, Midi's body seemed to be a steam engine, continuously spraying hot steam outward.

If it is said that Midi could maintain a calm consciousness when her physical sensation was blocked before, then at this moment, the extreme dizziness caused by dehydration and the drying up of magic power is Midi's well-trained will. , all became a little slack, almost unable to resist.

No, if this continues, not only will I not be able to awaken in the end, but I will also be painted as a human being!
Aware of the new crisis, Midi's mind was running fast and she finally made a decision.He completely let go of all the restrictions in his body, regardless of the danger of his internal organs being completely destroyed, he began to absorb the dragon blood white crystal with all his strength!

Originally, although the dragon blood white crystal had penetrated into Midi's body, it hadn't penetrated into the viscera after all.

But following Midi's actions, the dragon blood white crystal began to infiltrate further, and the pressure in Midi's body suddenly increased again. The full magic power made him feel like he was about to explode, and at the same time, the circulation in his body suddenly Also accelerated dramatically.

After all, before, it was just squeezing out the magic power, the essence of magic power and water, but now, with the entry of the dragon blood white crystal, it is completely occupied by the doves, and all the impurities that cannot be integrated with themselves are all expelled.

Whether it is the residue of magic power, the essence of magic power, or the light golden breath that Midi is proud of, it has completely dried up, and as the circulation in the body accelerates, the sweat is continuously discharged, and it has gradually become mixed with it. A trace of light red, then, gradually turned into bright red!
The sweat has run out, and at this moment, Midi is bleeding.

This smell of blood and sweat was extremely smelly and extremely unpleasant, even though it was wiped away by the dragon blood white crystal in an instant, the smell still rushed into Midi's nose.


In Midi's heart, such a thought flashed like enlightenment.

The general awakening, the point is to open up and widen all the magical channels of the 50-level capper's body, so as to help the capper break through the limit and enter a higher realm.

In this process, those who can simultaneously open up, broaden, strengthen, and connect, and finally form a three-dimensional network in the body, are the best, and if they can wash the whole body with the essence of magic power, the body can be evolved once and form a dedicated network. His own "secret technique" is the "perfect awakening" that Midi once pursued.

But obviously, the awakening through the Dragon Blood White Crystal did not follow this pattern.

It does not evolve on the basis of the original human body, but directly removes all the impurities that are not strong enough, and directly replaces them with itself.

In other words, if Midi can complete such an awakening, then what flows in his body is equivalent to the blood of a real dragon, what he absorbs will be the purest white crystal magic power, and what is produced is likely to be Heguang The skills of the city master one level!
This is no longer a perfect awakening, but an extraordinary awakening.

Of course, the premise is that you can survive.

Although Midi has already grasped the rules of the Dragon Blood White Crystal Pond, after all, there are still some processes that need to be resisted.

For example, this whole body has been reborn.

Squeezed by the white crystal of dragon blood, Midi's magic power is gone now, the blood is flowing, and even the golden little sword has been completely dimmed.And the mysterious ghosts and gods who are connected with Midi can only choose to lie dormant quietly, so as not to affect such an extraordinary awakening.

It can be said that the current Midi is equivalent to a disabled person who has been deprived of all his strength.

And if he failed to regenerate blood, he would die completely in a short time.

Fortunately, after all the impurities, dirty blood and impure magic power in the body were removed, Dragon Blood White Crystal immediately washed Midi's body meticulously. After this process lasted for a few minutes, Midi suddenly felt the whole pool tremble Shock, a majestic force full of vitality, slowly poured into the limbs and bones.

The body that has been washed, under the warmth and nourishment of the vitality from the giant dragon, began to slowly create new blood from the bone marrow.

At this moment, Midi's heart was slightly settled, knowing that he had finally passed the big difficulty in this extraordinary awakening.

However, this rebirth is only a part of the awakening.

The core of this world is magic power, and whoever can use more, stronger, and purer magic power will have stronger power.

The dragon's blood body is the foundation, but on top of this foundation, a brand-new magic vein must be rebuilt with white crystals to be regarded as a true awakening. Otherwise, it is just an ordinary person with a strong body, and even skills are not needed. come out.

Midi's mind moved, and the small sword in his body, which was made of the power of ghosts and gods, slowly floated up.

The ultimate intention was suppressed, the power of ghosts and gods was dormant, and the magic power was completely stripped away. At this moment, this little sword seemed to have experienced wind and rain for thousands of years, and the surface was corroded to a bad shape.

The next moment, accompanied by a clear and crisp sound, the little sword was completely shattered with a loud bang!
The little sword that condensed all his power was destroyed, but Midi's expression did not change at all. On the contrary, he eliminated all distracting thoughts and began to guide the dragon blood white crystal to re-condense.

Soon, the white crystal of dragon blood in Midi's body began to flow crazily, and the entire pool with the dragon bone as the base also became violent as if in response, as if it was about to blow up a storm.

Feeling the white crystals of dragon blood pouring into his body, Midi's face paled and his body trembled slightly, but he still sat cross-legged firmly on the bottom of the water, not moving at all.

Just when the dragon blood white crystals completely filled every part of his body, reaching the limit he could carry, at that very brief moment, Midi used her strong will to endure the pain in her body like a thousand cuts. The pain awakened the ghosts and gods that had been dormant for a long time.

He wants to completely tame and even conquer the power that once belonged to the real ancient dragon!

As if he clearly sensed Midi's resolute intention at this time, from the previous life, accompanied by Midi's battle against Arad's mysterious ghosts and gods, he uttered an earth-shattering roar.

This roar is so huge, like thunder, it directly penetrates the world.

And under the influence of this power of ghosts and gods, the dragon blood white crystal that was about to explode Midi no longer continued to pour in. On the contrary, it seemed to be squeezed by an invisible big hand and began to shrink!
Although the contraction speed of this turbulent flow was very slow at the beginning, it accelerated very fast. In an instant, it contracted to only half of the initial area!
This is no longer shrinking, but collapsing!

Before Midi had time to react at all, the white crystal of dragon blood that was so majestic just a moment ago had all collapsed into the center, turning into a red dot.

At this moment, the entire giant dragon skeleton suddenly shot out a strong light, and then the light condensed into a bright dragon soul, which was directly thrown into the pool water, into this small spot!
There was silence in the empty space, no sound, no movement.

There is only a cold light floating in the center of the space.

It was a sword.

It has no color at all, crystal clear, pure as water.

Seeing this cold light, Midi's thoughts moved slightly.

In the transparent little sword, golden-red rays of light suddenly began to shine, and from each ray of light, Midi felt the ultimate intention contained in it, as well as the majesty of the dragon.

"Let's name this sword Fenglongjian." Midi muttered to himself, and a relieved smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The blood of the dragon flows in the body, and the soul of the dragon is stored in the sword.

The extreme intention and the power of ghosts and gods are completely integrated, and the magic power of the white crystal circulates endlessly.

After walking on the edge of life and death, the extraordinary awakening was finally completed.

(End of this chapter)

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